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Transcription by Danny Smith .

Sortes apostolite ad explanandum | An Explanation of Divination Through the Apostles

Source Information

Sortes apostolite ad explanandum | An Explanation of Divination Through the Apostles

by Anonymous

Text Source:

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, MS Ham. 390 f.26v

Responsibility Statement:
  • Transcription by Danny Smith
  • Translation by Danny Smith
  • Encoded in TEI P5 XML by Danny Smith
Editorial Principles:

Transcriptions and translations are encoded in XML conforming to TEI (P5) guidelines. The original-language text is contained within <lem> tags and translations within <rdg> tags.

Texts are translated into modern American English with maximum fidelity to the original text, except where it would impair comprehension or good style. Archaisms are preserved where they do not conflict with the aesthetic of the original text. Scribal errors and creative translation choices are marked and discussed in the critical notes.

Pilcrows, punctuation, and linebreaks follow the manuscript.

Publication Details:

Published by The Global Medieval Sourcebook.

The Global Medieval Sourcebook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Sortes apostolite ad explanandum An Explanation of Divination Through the Apostles
Si de aliqua re sire uolueris hoc modo sire poteris. If you would like to know of any thing, you will be able to in this way. Inprimis cantent
Critical note:

Rendered as cantēt

unum psalmum
Critical note:

Rendered as psalmū

Critical note:

Rendered as cū

oratione dominica.
Critical note:

Rendered as dnīca

First a psalm is to be sung as a prayer to the Lord.
deuota mente. Ut dominus
Critical note:

Dominus here is endered as ds with a macron. In a printed edition of this text Adolf Tobler transcribes this as "deus" but given that elsewhere in the MS a macron represents a missing M "dominus" seems like a more accurate transcription. See Adolf Tober, Die altvenezianische Übersetzung der Sprüche des Dionysius Cato. Abhandlungen der königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin aus dem Jahre 1883. Philosophisch-historische Classe 1, Berlin, 1883, 86

manifestet ei quod querit.
The mind having thus been dedicated, the Lord reveals what you ask.
Postea aperiat psalterium. et prima litera que tibi aparuerit
Critical note:

Abbreviated aperueīt but likely a misspelling of apparuerit.

cognosce eam. et videbis quod queris:
Afterward, open a psalter and consider the first letter that will appear to you and you will see what you seek:
¶ .A. significat uitam siue potestatem: ¶ .A. signifies alternatively life or power: ¶ .B. significat potestatem in populo: ¶ .B. signifies power over people: ¶ .C. significat mortem uiri: ¶ .C. signifies a man’s death: ¶ .D. significat conturbacionem vel mortem: ¶ .D. signifies sickness or death: ¶ .E. significat letitiam: ¶ .E. signifies joy: ¶ .F. significat nobilitatem: ¶ .F. signifies renown: ¶ .G significat unius hominis occisionis: ¶ .G. signifies the murder of a man:
Critical note:

Literally one man

¶ .H. significat femine occisionis: ¶ .H. signifies a murdered woman: ¶ .I. significat bonam
Critical note:

Rendered as bonā

¶ .I. signifies good life:
¶ K. significat iamnem
Critical note:

Likely a misspelling of inanem

¶ .K. signifies vain
Critical note:

Literally empty

¶ .L. significat gaudium: ¶ .L. signifies delight: ¶ .M. significat medio: ¶ .M. signifies division:
Critical note:

In other mantic alphabets M often signifies something “mediocrem” or moderate.

¶ .N. significat reuisitacionem: ¶ .N. signifies a reappearance: ¶ .O. significat dure potestatem: ¶ .O. signifes harsh power: ¶ .P. significat omnem salutem: ¶ .P. signifies complete health: ¶ .Q. significat vitam uel cautelam:
Critical note:

Rendered cautelā

¶ .Q. signifies life or caution.
¶ .R. significat restitutum uel uulneratum: ¶ .R. signifies recovery or injury: ¶ .S. significat anum
Critical note:

Likely a misspelling of annum.

¶ .S. signifies a healthy year:
Critical note:

Presumably this is a healthy year, as written it reads literally “.S. signifies a healthy anus:”

¶ .T. significat iracundiam uel munitionem: ¶ .T. signifies temper or defensiveness: ¶ .V. significat mortem:
Critical note:

Here readers have scratched away the word "mortem"

¶ .V. signifies death:
¶ .X. significat parentes obliuionem: ¶ .X. signifies forgiving parents:
Quicquid tibi volueris ut eunte pecunie augmentum. Thus whatever you would want, like having more money, has come about.
Sortes apostolite ad explanandum An Explanation of Divination Through the Apostles
Si de aliqua re sire uolueris hoc modo sire poteris. If you would like to know of any thing, you will be able to in this way. Inprimis cantent
Critical note:

Rendered as cantēt

unum psalmum
Critical note:

Rendered as psalmū

Critical note:

Rendered as cū

oratione dominica.
Critical note:

Rendered as dnīca

First a psalm is to be sung as a prayer to the Lord.
deuota mente. Ut dominus
Critical note:

Dominus here is endered as ds with a macron. In a printed edition of this text Adolf Tobler transcribes this as "deus" but given that elsewhere in the MS a macron represents a missing M "dominus" seems like a more accurate transcription. See Adolf Tober, Die altvenezianische Übersetzung der Sprüche des Dionysius Cato. Abhandlungen der königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin aus dem Jahre 1883. Philosophisch-historische Classe 1, Berlin, 1883, 86

manifestet ei quod querit.
The mind having thus been dedicated, the Lord reveals what you ask.
Postea aperiat psalterium. et prima litera que tibi aparuerit
Critical note:

Abbreviated aperueīt but likely a misspelling of apparuerit.

cognosce eam. et videbis quod queris:
Afterward, open a psalter and consider the first letter that will appear to you and you will see what you seek:
¶ .A. significat uitam siue potestatem: ¶ .A. signifies alternatively life or power: ¶ .B. significat potestatem in populo: ¶ .B. signifies power over people: ¶ .C. significat mortem uiri: ¶ .C. signifies a man’s death: ¶ .D. significat conturbacionem vel mortem: ¶ .D. signifies sickness or death: ¶ .E. significat letitiam: ¶ .E. signifies joy: ¶ .F. significat nobilitatem: ¶ .F. signifies renown: ¶ .G significat unius hominis occisionis: ¶ .G. signifies the murder of a man:
Critical note:

Literally one man

¶ .H. significat femine occisionis: ¶ .H. signifies a murdered woman: ¶ .I. significat bonam
Critical note:

Rendered as bonā

¶ .I. signifies good life:
¶ K. significat iamnem
Critical note:

Likely a misspelling of inanem

¶ .K. signifies vain
Critical note:

Literally empty

¶ .L. significat gaudium: ¶ .L. signifies delight: ¶ .M. significat medio: ¶ .M. signifies division:
Critical note:

In other mantic alphabets M often signifies something “mediocrem” or moderate.

¶ .N. significat reuisitacionem: ¶ .N. signifies a reappearance: ¶ .O. significat dure potestatem: ¶ .O. signifes harsh power: ¶ .P. significat omnem salutem: ¶ .P. signifies complete health: ¶ .Q. significat vitam uel cautelam:
Critical note:

Rendered cautelā

¶ .Q. signifies life or caution.
¶ .R. significat restitutum uel uulneratum: ¶ .R. signifies recovery or injury: ¶ .S. significat anum
Critical note:

Likely a misspelling of annum.

¶ .S. signifies a healthy year:
Critical note:

Presumably this is a healthy year, as written it reads literally “.S. signifies a healthy anus:”

¶ .T. significat iracundiam uel munitionem: ¶ .T. signifies temper or defensiveness: ¶ .V. significat mortem:
Critical note:

Here readers have scratched away the word "mortem"

¶ .V. signifies death:
¶ .X. significat parentes obliuionem: ¶ .X. signifies forgiving parents:
Quicquid tibi volueris ut eunte pecunie augmentum. Thus whatever you would want, like having more money, has come about.
Critical Notes
Highlight prose section
Critical note:

Rendered as cantēt

Highlight prose section
Critical note:

Rendered as psalmū

Highlight prose section
Critical note:

Rendered as cū

Highlight prose section
Critical note:

Rendered as dnīca

Highlight prose section
Critical note:

Dominus here is endered as ds with a macron. In a printed edition of this text Adolf Tobler transcribes this as "deus" but given that elsewhere in the MS a macron represents a missing M "dominus" seems like a more accurate transcription. See Adolf Tober, Die altvenezianische Übersetzung der Sprüche des Dionysius Cato. Abhandlungen der königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin aus dem Jahre 1883. Philosophisch-historische Classe 1, Berlin, 1883, 86

Highlight prose section
Critical note:

Abbreviated aperueīt but likely a misspelling of apparuerit.

Highlight prose section
Critical note:

Literally one man

Highlight prose section
Critical note:

Rendered as bonā

Highlight prose section
Critical note:

Likely a misspelling of inanem

Highlight prose section
Critical note:

Literally empty

Highlight prose section
Critical note:

In other mantic alphabets M often signifies something “mediocrem” or moderate.

Highlight prose section
Critical note:

Rendered cautelā

Highlight prose section
Critical note:

Likely a misspelling of annum.

Highlight prose section
Critical note:

Presumably this is a healthy year, as written it reads literally “.S. signifies a healthy anus:”

Highlight prose section
Critical note:

Here readers have scratched away the word "mortem"

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