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Click to printHong Mai 洪邁. "Chen Wangyou’s Daughter-in-Law." Global Medieval Sourcebook.

Transcription by Likun Yang .

陳王猷子妇 | Chen Wangyou’s Daughter-in-Law

Source Information

陳王猷子妇 | Chen Wangyou’s Daughter-in-Law

by Hong Mai 洪邁

Text Source:

Zhonghua Shuju edition: Hong, Mai. Yi Jian Zhi. Di 1 ban. ed. 4 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua shu ju : Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing. 1981.

Responsibility Statement:
  • Transcription by Likun Yang
  • Translation by Likun Yang
  • Encoded in TEI P5 XML by Jordan Rosen-Kaplan
Editorial Principles:

Transcriptions and translations are encoded in XML conforming to TEI (P5) guidelines. The original-language text is contained within <lem> tags and translations within <rdg> tags.

Texts are translated into modern American English with maximum fidelity to the original text, except where it would impair comprehension or good style. Archaisms are preserved where they do not conflict with the aesthetic of the original text. Scribal errors and creative translation choices are marked and discussed in the critical notes.

Punctuation follows the edition.

Publication Details:

Published by Global Medieval Sourcebook.

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陳王猷子妇 Chen Wangyou’s Daughter-in-Law
潮州人陳王猷為梅州守。 Chen Wangyou from Chaozhou was the magistrate of Meizhou. 子婦死焉, 葬之於郡北山之上。 When his daughter-in-law died, the Chen family buried her in the mountain north of the county. 其魂每夕歸與夫共寢。 Every evening, her spirit would come back home to sleep with her husband. 夫懼宿於母榻。 Her husband was scared and slept in his mother’s bed. 婦複來即之, 不可卻, But the woman came back again and could not be turned away. 雖家人相見無所避。 Even when she saw the [other members of the] Chen family, she would not avoid them. 一子數歲矣, 韶秀可愛, Her son was a few years old, cute and good-looking. 每欲取以去, 舉家爭而奪之。 Every time she tried to take him away, the entire Chen family would fight to get him back. 婦出入自若, However the woman went in and out of the Chen family home like there was no one around. 陳氏甚懼, 乃召道士醮設及禱於神, 皆不能遣。 The Chen family was so scared that they hired a Daoist to set up a religious ceremony and pray to God on their behalf – neither [action] could dispel the spirit. 時紹興庚午三月也。 At the time, it was the third month of the Shaoxing era. 又三月, 陳守卒於郡。 After three months, the magistrate Chen died in the county.
陳王猷子妇 Chen Wangyou’s Daughter-in-Law
潮州人陳王猷為梅州守。 Chen Wangyou from Chaozhou was the magistrate of Meizhou. 子婦死焉, 葬之於郡北山之上。 When his daughter-in-law died, the Chen family buried her in the mountain north of the county. 其魂每夕歸與夫共寢。 Every evening, her spirit would come back home to sleep with her husband. 夫懼宿於母榻。 Her husband was scared and slept in his mother’s bed. 婦複來即之, 不可卻, But the woman came back again and could not be turned away. 雖家人相見無所避。 Even when she saw the [other members of the] Chen family, she would not avoid them. 一子數歲矣, 韶秀可愛, Her son was a few years old, cute and good-looking. 每欲取以去, 舉家爭而奪之。 Every time she tried to take him away, the entire Chen family would fight to get him back. 婦出入自若, However the woman went in and out of the Chen family home like there was no one around. 陳氏甚懼, 乃召道士醮設及禱於神, 皆不能遣。 The Chen family was so scared that they hired a Daoist to set up a religious ceremony and pray to God on their behalf – neither [action] could dispel the spirit. 時紹興庚午三月也。 At the time, it was the third month of the Shaoxing era. 又三月, 陳守卒於郡。 After three months, the magistrate Chen died in the county.
Critical Notes
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