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Click to printHong Mai 洪邁. "The Concubine of Mr. Yao." Global Medieval Sourcebook.

Transcription by Likun Yang .

姚氏妾 | The Concubine of Mr. Yao

Source Information

姚氏妾 | The Concubine of Mr. Yao

by Hong Mai 洪邁

Text Source:

Zhonghua Shuju edition: Hong, Mai. Yi Jian Zhi. Di 1 ban. ed. 4 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua shu ju : Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing. 1981.

Responsibility Statement:
  • Transcription by Likun Yang
  • Translation by Likun Yang
  • Encoded in TEI P5 XML by Jordan Rosen-Kaplan
Editorial Principles:

Transcriptions and translations are encoded in XML conforming to TEI (P5) guidelines. The original-language text is contained within <lem> tags and translations within <rdg> tags.

Texts are translated into modern American English with maximum fidelity to the original text, except where it would impair comprehension or good style. Archaisms are preserved where they do not conflict with the aesthetic of the original text. Scribal errors and creative translation choices are marked and discussed in the critical notes.

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Published by Global Medieval Sourcebook.

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會稽姚宏買一妾, Yao Hong from Kuaiji bought a concubine. 善女工庖廚, She was adept at embroidery and culinary matters. 且有姿色, 又慧黠謹飭, Moreover, she was attractive, smart, perspicacious and rule-following. 能承迎人, 自主母以下皆愛之。 She had a sweet mouth, and as a result, from her mother-in-law to those under her, all liked her very much. 居數月久, 一夕, 姚氏舉家覺寒氣滿室, 切切逼人, One evening, after several months, the entire Yao family felt a cold air in the room which pressed every single one of them. 巳而聞鬼哨一聲, 從窗間出。 Suddenly they heard a shriek of a ghost which issued from the windows. 家人驚怖, The Yao family was shocked and scared. 稍定, 方舉燭相存問, When they calmed down, they held candles and checked on each other. 獨此妾不見。 Only the concubine was missing. 視其榻, 衣裘皆在焉。 They examined her bed and found her clothes on it. 窗紙上小竅如錢大, In the window paper there was a small opening the size of a coin. 不知何怪也。 We do not know what kind of monster this was. 郭堂老說。 This was reported by Guo Tanglao.
會稽姚宏買一妾, Yao Hong from Kuaiji bought a concubine. 善女工庖廚, She was adept at embroidery and culinary matters. 且有姿色, 又慧黠謹飭, Moreover, she was attractive, smart, perspicacious and rule-following. 能承迎人, 自主母以下皆愛之。 She had a sweet mouth, and as a result, from her mother-in-law to those under her, all liked her very much. 居數月久, 一夕, 姚氏舉家覺寒氣滿室, 切切逼人, One evening, after several months, the entire Yao family felt a cold air in the room which pressed every single one of them. 巳而聞鬼哨一聲, 從窗間出。 Suddenly they heard a shriek of a ghost which issued from the windows. 家人驚怖, The Yao family was shocked and scared. 稍定, 方舉燭相存問, When they calmed down, they held candles and checked on each other. 獨此妾不見。 Only the concubine was missing. 視其榻, 衣裘皆在焉。 They examined her bed and found her clothes on it. 窗紙上小竅如錢大, In the window paper there was a small opening the size of a coin. 不知何怪也。 We do not know what kind of monster this was. 郭堂老說。 This was reported by Guo Tanglao.
Critical Notes
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