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Titlesort descending Author Period Language Genre
To the tune “Spring in Wuling”—"The wind stops, the dust is fragrant, and the flowers are all gone" | 武陵春 · 風住塵香花已盡 Li Qingzhao 李清照 11th Century Chinese Ci poetry, Songs
To the tune “The Fisherman is Proud”—"The sky merged the sea of clouds with the mist of dawn" | 漁家傲 · 天接雲濤連曉霧 Li Qingzhao 李清照 11th Century Chinese Ci poetry, Songs
To the tune “The Fisherman is Proud”—“I suddenly heard the strike of two oars” | 漁家傲 · 花底忽聞敲兩槳 Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修 11th Century Chinese Ci poetry, Songs
To the tune “The Immortal by the River”—“When I wake up from the dream” | 臨江仙 · 夢後樓臺高鎖 Yan Jidao 晏幾道 11th Century Chinese Ci poetry, Songs
To the tune “The Moon Over the West River”—Pingshan Hall | 西江月 · 平山堂 Su Shi 蘇軾 11th Century Chinese Ci poetry, Songs
To the tune “The Moon Over the West River”—Plum Blossom | 西江月 · 梅花 Su Shi 蘇軾 11th Century Chinese Ci poetry, Songs
To the tune “The Moon Over the West River”—“The moon shines on the wild fields” | 西江月 · 照野瀰瀰淺浪 Su Shi 蘇軾 11th Century Chinese Ci poetry, Songs
To the tune “Treading on the Sedges”—“On the narrow path, red flowers are few now” | 踏莎行 · 小徑紅稀 Yan Shu 晏殊 11th Century Chinese Ci poetry, Songs
To the tune “Vile Charmer, Long Version”—"Who planted the banana trees in front of the window" | 添字醜奴兒 · 窗前誰種芭蕉樹 Li Qingzhao 李清照 11th Century Chinese Ci poetry, Songs
To the tune “Water Dragon Chant”—Matching the Rhymes of Zhang Zhifu’s Song about Willow Catkins | 水龍吟 · 次韻章質夫楊花詞 Su Shi 蘇軾 11th Century Chinese Ci poetry, Songs
To the tune “Waves Scour the Sand”—“I hold up the wine and toast the eastern wind” | 浪淘沙 · 把酒祝東風 Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修 11th Century Chinese Ci poetry, Songs
To the tune “Waves Scour the Sand”—“I wake from a dream” | 浪淘沙·夢覺 Liu Yong 柳永 11th Century Chinese Ci poetry, Songs
To the tune “Willows by the Mountain Pavilion”—To a singer | 山亭柳 · 贈歌者 Yan Shu 晏殊 11th Century Chinese Ci poetry, Songs
To the tune “Yearning for the Prince”—“Wind comes from the lake and the waves are misty and grand” | 怨王孫 · 湖上風來波浩渺 Li Qingzhao 李清照 11th Century Chinese Ci poetry, Songs
Vorau Plaint of Sin | Vorauer Sündenklage Anonymous 12th Century German Devotional poetry
“Can you make out twilight’s ruins?” | “هل عرفت الغداة من أطلال” al-Muhalhil 5th Century, 6th Century Arabic Elegies
“Just as the elephant” | “Atressi cum l'orifans” Rigaut de Berbezilh 12th Century Occitan Songs
“Were it not that poesy tarnished scholars” | ولو لا الشعر بالعلماء يزري Muḥammad ibn Idrīs al-Shāfiʿī 8th Century, 9th Century Arabic Poetry
