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Transcription by Jorden Rosen-Kaplan Donald Wood .

ءَالْرَاكُنْتَمِيانْتُ دَا لَذُنْزَالّ كركيسينُ | Legend of the Damsel Carcayçiyona

Source Information

ءَالْرَاكُنْتَمِيانْتُ دَا لَذُنْزَالّ كركيسينُ | Legend of the Damsel Carcayçiyona

by Anonymous

Text Source:

Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), MS Junta 57

Responsibility Statement:
  • Transcription by Jorden Rosen-Kaplan and Donald Wood
  • Translation by Jordan Rosen-Kaplan and Donald Wood
  • Encoded in TEI P5 XML by Danny Smith
Editorial Principles:

Transcriptions and translations are encoded in XML conforming to TEI (P5) guidelines. The original-language text is contained within <lem> tags and translations within <rdg> tags.

Texts are translated into modern American English with maximum fidelity to the original text, except where it would impair comprehension or good style. Archaisms are preserved where they do not conflict with the aesthetic of the original text. Scribal errors and creative translation choices are marked and discussed in the critical notes.

Publication Details:

Published by The Global Medieval Sourcebook.

The Global Medieval Sourcebook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

بِسْمِ اِللهِ اِلرًحْمَانِ اِلرًحِيمِ وَصَلًى اَللهُ عَلَى سَيِدِنَا ُمُحَمَدٍ / اِلْكَرِيمِ وَعَلَى ءَالِهِ دَا لَذُنْزَالً ءَاسْتَ ءَاشْ ءَالْرَاكُنْتَمِيانْتُ // In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate;
Critical note:

These words form the basmala, the formula with which each surah of the Qur’ān begins, except the ninth. Additionally, each tale of the manuscript (J57) begins with this formula, and the manuscript itself is closed by a variation on these words.

and God bless our generous lord Muhammad and his family.
دَا لَذُنْزَالً, كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ فِجَ دَالْرًايْ نَجْرَبْ / كُنْلَ بًلُمَ رًاكُنْتَذُ بٌرْ عَلِي اِبْنُ اَبَالْحَسَنْ / اِبْنُ جَابِرْ فِجُ دَاعَبْدُ اَللهْ اِبٌرْ سَعِيدْ فِجُ / دَا طًهِرْ اِبٌرْ عُمَرْ فِجُ دَا سَعِيذْ دِزَانْ كَا / ءَانْتَرَنْذُ ءَالَمَاسْكِدَ دَالْمَانْشَجَارُ دَا اَللهْ مُحَمَّدْ / صعم هَلًرُنْ اُنْكُرٌ ذَا جَانْتَا اِيَاشْتَبَ / ءَانَالٌشْ عُمَرْ اِبْنُ اَلْحَطَبِّ اِ عَلِي اِبْنُ اَبِي طَالِبْ / اِ كَعْبُ اَلَاخْبَارْ لَؤُرَ دِيشُ عَلِي اِبْنُ اَبِي طَالِبْ / يَا كَعْبُ اَلَاخْبَارْ كُوَانْتَنُشْ اَلْغُنَ كُشَ / مَرَبِلٌشَ دِيشُ كَعْبُ اَلَاخْبَارْ بًلَزَامَا يَا رًايْ / دَا لُشْ كَارَايَانْتَاشْ اَشْدَا شَبَارْ كَا ءَانْلُشْ / بٍرِمَارُشْ دَالْمُنْذُ اَبِيَ اُنْرًايْ دَا لُشْ رٌمَنُشْ / كَا بِبِيَ ءَانَلْهِنْدَا كَا اَذُرَبَ اَ لَشْ اِذُلَشْ / اِيَارَ رًايْ دَا مُيْ بُوَانَ كُنْدِسِيُنْ غُبَارْنَبَ / شُرًايْنُ كُنْمُجٌ اَمُرْ اِ جُشْتِسِيَ ءَاشْتَا رًايْ / نُ ءَانْجَانْذُرُ كِرِيَتُرَ فَشْتَ كَا تُبُ سِيَانْتَا / اَنٌشْ اِ بًانْشُ ءَالْرًايْكُمُ نُتَانِيَ فِجُ كَيُلَا // This is the legend of the damsel Carcayçiyona,
Critical note:

This name is appears as Carcayona in CSIC, Ms. J3 and Arcayona in BNE, Ms. 5313.

daughter of King Najrab, and the dove, retold by ᶜAli son of Abā-l-Ḥasan, son of Jābir, son of ᶜAbdu Allah, and by Saᶜīđ son of Ṭahir, and by ᶜUmar son of Saᶜīđ.
Critical note:

This chain of names forms an “isnād” or a chain of transmisión through which this tale passed orally before being preserved in written form. In Islamic texts, the isnād verifies the authenticity of the text that follows.

They say that when entering into the mosque of the messenger of God, Muhammad, may blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, they found a huddle of people, and among them was ᶜUmar son of al-Ḥaṭṭabi, and ᶜAli son of Abi Ṭālib, and Kaᶜbu al- Akhbār.
Critical note:

An early convert to Islam in the seventh century, Kaᶜb al-Akhbār is considered the principal authority on ‘isra’iliyyat,’ that is, the narrative traditions that entered Islam from Jewish, Christian, or even Zoroastrian sources.

Then, ᶜAlī son of Abī Ṭālib said: “Kaᶜbu al-Akhbār, tell us something marvelous.” Kaᶜbu al-Akhbār said: “Indulge me, oh King of the Believers, you should know that in the beginning days of the world, there was a Roman king who lived in India, who worshipped idols, and was a very wealthy king who governed his kingdom with great love and justice. This king did not produce a child until he was one hundred years old, and he thought, “Why do I not have a child?”
بٌرَالٌ غَرَنْدَا بٍيَانْشُ اِ مَنْذُ اُنْذِيَ كَااشَا / اَلًاغَشَانْ تُذُشْ لُشْ شَبِيُشْ دَا شُرًايْنُ اِيَلًا / غَرُنْشَا تُذُشْ اِ ذِشُلًاشْ ءَالرًايْ كَا مِرَشَانْ / ءَانْشُشَبَارْ اِ سَانْسِيَ شِ اَبِيَ دَا تَانَارْ فِجُشْ / اُبٌرْ كَا لَارَ دَابَاذَذُ اِ مِرَرُنْ لُشْ شَبِيُشْ بٌرْ / شُشَبَارْ ءَانْلَمَادَاسِنَ اِ دِشِيَارُنْلَا شَانٌرْ / اَشْدَا شَبَارْ كَا تُ كُوَارْبٌ ءَاشْ فِرِيُ اِ شَلًا دَا تِ / لَ ءَاشْبًارْمَ مُيْ فِرِيَ اِ نُبٌوَاشْ كُنْسَابِرْ اَشْ / مَانَاشْتَارْ كَا تَا بٌرُبِيَانْدَاشْ دَاشْبًاسِيَشْ / كَا شَااَنْ مُيْ كَلِيَانْتَاشْ فَشْتَ كَا شَلْغَ / دَا تِ لَ ءَاشْبًارْمَ كَلِيَانْتَا اِ فِزُلُ ءَالْرًايْ / اَشِي اَبًارَاشْ دِشِيَارُنْلَا لُشْ ءَاشْتُلُلُغُشْ / شَانٌرْ نُ اَيْ ذُبْدَ شِنُ كَا اَشْ دَا اَبَارْ كِرِ / يَتُرَ بًارُ نُشَبَامُشْ شِشَارَ مَجٌ اُفَانْبَرَ / بٌرْكَا بَامُشْ لَ ءَاشْتَارَالً ذَا بَانُشْ اَشَانْتَذَ شُبْرَا / ءَالْشِغنُ بٌوَاشْ ءَالْرًايْ كُنْبِنُ كُنشُ مُجَارْ / اَلْكُمِيَانْسُ دَالْذِيَ اِيَانْبًارَانٌشَا لَمُجَارْ // Thus, a grand idea came upon him and one day he ordered all the sages in his kingdom to come to him. And all of them came and the king told them to look in their knowledge and science to see if it was to have children or why this was forbidden / inhibited to him. And the sages searched through their knowledge of medicine and told him: “Sire, you must know that your body is cold and your semen comes forth from you very cold, and so you do not conceive. You must provide yourself with very hot spices until you ejaculate hot sperm.” And the king did as such. Afterward, the astrologers told him: “Sire, there is no doubt that you will have a child, but we do not know if it will be male or female because we see the star of Venus situated upon the sign.” So the king laid with his wife at the start of the day and she became pregnant.
ابًرِيُ اُنَ كِرِيَتُرَ دَا لَشْ مَشْ فَارْمُشَشْ دَا لَشْ / مُجَارَاشْ اِ لًمَرُنْلَ كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ اِ مُرِيُ / شُمَدْرَا دَا بًرْتُ اِ دِيُلَ شُبًدْرَا اَ اُنَ نُدْرِسَ / اِ كِرِيُلَ شِيَاتَا اَنٌشْ اِ فِزُلَا شُبًدْرَا اُنَ اَلْقَصَرْ / شُبْرَا ذُرَذُ اُبْرَدُ دَا مَسُنَارِيَ اِ فِزُلَا ءَانَالْ / بَارْجَالَاشْ كُنْاَرْبُلَاشْ اِ رٍيُشْ تَرَيُلَا اَلٍي / تُذُشْ لُشْ ءَاشْتُرْمُانْتُس كَا بٌذُ اَبَارْ اِ ذَا / شُلَ اَلٍ كُنْشُشْ ذُنْزَالًشْ فَشْتَ كَا لًاغُ اَ تَانَارْ / اُنْزَا اَنٌشْ ءَانْبٌوَاشْ بِنُ اَبَارْلَ شُبًدْرَا كُنْ / لُشْ غَرَنْدَاشْ دَا شُرًايْنُ اِ تَرَيُلَا بُرَكَذُشْ / اِ شَادَشْ اِ جُيَشْ كُنْتُذُشْ لُشْ دَالَايْتَاشْ كَا بٌذُ / تَرَءَارْ اِيَانْتُرُ ذُ ءَاشْتَبَ ءَالً اِ مِرُ اَ شُفَارْمُشُرَ / اِيَنَمُرَاشَا ذَالً اِ كُمِيُ اِ بَابِيُ كُنَالً اِ كُوَ / نْذُ اُبِيَارُنْ كُمِذُ دِشُلَا لَدٌنْزَالً يَا بًدْرَا / ءَاشْتُشْ خَلَاقَذُشْ دَا اُنْبَارَاشْ اِ مُجَارَاشْ نُفُوَارُنْ / خَلَافَذُشْ شِنُ بًرَ كُمَارْ اِ بَابَارْ بٌوَاشْ كُنْ / بِيَانَا كَا اَ كِيَانْ فَزَا تَلَاشْ غَرَسِيَشْ دَا لَشْ // اَغَرَدَاسْكَمُشْ And she gave birth to a child who was among the most beautiful of women, and they called her Carcayçiyona. And her mother died in childbirth, and her father gave her to a wet nurse who raised her for seven years. And her father made her a palace covered in gold, worked of masonry, and he made within it arboretums and rivers, and he brought for her all the instruments that there could possibly be. And he left her there with her ladies-in-waiting until she turned eleven. Then, her father came to see her with the important people of his kingdom, and he brought her rich brocades and silks and jewels with all the treats that he could carry. And he entered where she was, and he saw her beauty and fell in love with her. And he ate and drank with her, and when they had finished eating, the damsel said to him: “Father, these creations of men and women were created only to eat and drink; so, it is appropriate that we should give thanks to the one who makes such graces.
بٌوَاشْ يُ يَا بًدْرَا اَ كِيَانْ / لُاَغَرَدَاسَارَا دِيشُ ءَالْبًدْرَا اَ مِي يَا فِجَ كَا يُ / ءَا فَاجٌ غَرَسِيَ شُبْرَا تِي دِيشُ لَفِجَ اِ تُ يَا بًدْرَا / ا َكِيَانْلُ اَغَرَدَاسَاشْ دِيشُ يَا فِجَ دِيشُ لَفِجَ اِ تُ يَا بًدْرَا / ا َكِيَانْلُ اَغَرَدَاسَاشْ دِيشُ يَا فِجَ ءَاشْتَشْ / غَرَسِيَشْ اَنْلَشْ ءَارَادَذُ نُوَاشُشْ اَنْتَابًشَذُشْ / اُنُشْ دَا اُتْرُشْ دِيشُ لَفِجَ يَا بًدْرَا كِيَانْلُ / كُمَانْسُ اِ كِيَانْلُ اَكَبَرَ كَا تُبًدْرَا اِ تُ / اَوَالُ مُرِيَارُنْ بٌوَاشْ كِيَانْفِزُ ءَاشْتَشْ غَرَسِيَشْ / ا ِكِيَانْلَشْ ءَارَاذَرَ اِ كِيَانْ خَلَاقُ لَشْجَانْتَاشْ / دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ يَا فِجَ يُتَا دَرَا تُ شَانٌرْ اِ شَانٌرْ / دَا تُشْ بًدْرَاشْ اَكَالْ كَا نُ ءَا كُنُسِدُ اُتْرُشَا / نٌرْ شِنُ ءَالْ اِ لَؤُرَ مَنْدُ ءَالْرًايْ كَا لَا تَرَيَا / شَانْ شُ اِذُلَ كَا ءَارَ ذَا اُرُ ءَاشْمَلْتَذُ كُنْ اَلْجُهَرْ / ا ِبٍيَادْرَشْ بًارًاسِيُشَشْ كَا تَانِيَ كُوَرَانْتَ / كُبْذُشْ دَا لَرْغُ اِ بَااِنْتَا دَا اَنْجٌ اِ كُوَنْدُ لُبِذُ / لَذُنْزَالً اَغَرَذُلَا كُنْشُلَبَ شَا كُنَالْ اِ دِيشُ / يَا [بًدْرَا] هَزمَا اُنْشَانٌرْ كُمُ ءَاشْتَا بًرَ كَا // اَذُرَا اِ شِرْبَ So father, whom do I thank?” The father said: “To me, daughter, for I have brought grace upon you.” The daughter said: “And you, father, whom do you thank for it?” He said: “Daughter, these blessings have been inherited by our predecessors, one from another.” The daughter said: “Father, who started this and who will end it, for your father and your grandfather perished? Who made these blessings and who will inherit them, and who created people?” The king said: “Daughter, I will give you your lord and the lord of your parents. I have not known another lord except him.” And at that moment, the king demanded that they bring him his idol, which was of enameled gold with jewels and precious stones, that was forty cubits long and twenty wide. And when the damsel saw it, she thanked it and consoled herself with it, and said: “Father, make me a lord like this one so I can adore and serve it.”
بٌوَاشْ لَؤُرَ مَنْذُ ءَالْرًايْ فَزَارْلَا / اُنَ اِذُلَ ذَا اُرُ ءَاشْمَلْتَذَ كُنْ اَلْجُهَرْ كَا / تَانِيَ لُشْ اُجُشْ دَا بٌرْبٌرَ بَارْدَا اِ فِزِيَارُنلَا / اُنَكَتْرَادَ دَا اُرُ اِ لُشْ بٍيَادَاشْ دَا بٍيَادْرَشْ / بًارَاسِيُشَشْ اِ تَرَيَارُنْجَالَ دَالَنْتَا اِيَسَجْادُشَا / لَدُنْزَالً اَلَىٍدُلَ اِ كَذَ ذِيَ كُمُ شَلِيَ ءَالْشُلْ / بِنِيَ لَفِجَ دَالْرًايْ اِ شُشْ ذُنْزَالًشْ كُنَالً اِيَ / سَجْدَبَنْشَا اَ لَ اِدُلَ اِ هَبْلَبَنْ كُنَالً اِ كُوَنْذُ / ءَاشْتُ رَاشْبٌنْدِيَلَاشْ اِبْلِسْ مَلْذِغَلْ اَللهْ / ءَانَالْكُوَارْبٌ دَا لَ اِدُلَ اِ مَنْدَبَلَاشْ اِ بَادَبَلَاشْ / بٌوَاشْ بِنُ شُبًدْرَا اَ بَارلَ اُنْذِيَ اِ تَرَيُلَا / مُجًشْ جُيَشْ اِ كُمًارَاشْ اِ كُمِيُ كُنَالً اِ مِرُلَ / اَ شُفَارْمُشُرَ اِ رًابٌشُ اُنْرًتُ اِ لَابَنْتُشَا / اَ ءَالً اِ بَاشُلَ اِ دَامَنْدُلَا شُكُوَارْبٌ اِ دِيشُ لَفِجَ / يَا بًدْرَا دِمَا تُبًدْرَا ءَاجٌشَا كُنْشُ فِجَ / دِيشُ ءَالْ نُ دِيشُ ءَالً بٌوَاشْ يَا بًدْرَا بٌرْ كَا / كِيَارَاشْتُ فَزَارْ كُشَ كَا تَا اَبَا [رْغُوَانْس] اَشْ // لُشْ دِيَشْ دَا تُ بِذَ اِيَانْبٌوَاشْ دَا تُ مُوَارْتَا / اَشْ اُاِذُ دَازِيرْ دَا اَلْغُنْ رًايْ كَا هِزِيَاشَا لُشَا / مَاجَنْتَا كُنْشُ فِجَ بٌوَاشْ لَؤُرَ اُبُ ءَالْرًايْ / غَرَنْدَا بَارْغُوَانْسَ دَا شُفِجَ اِ شَلٍيُشَا دَا اَلٍي / اِ دَاشُلَ ءَانْشُشْ بًلَزَارَاشْ كُمُ شُلِيَ اِ بٌبْلِكُشَا / لَفَارْمُشُرَ اِ دَاشْكِرِسِيُنْ دَا لَذُنْزَالً بٌرْ تُذَ / لَتِيَارً دَامَنْدَبَنْلَ لُشْ هِجُشْ دَا لُشْ رًايَاشْ / اِ نُكَارِيَ شُبًدْرَا كَشَرْلَ بٌرْ لُكَا بِذِيَ / ءَانَالً دَا مُجً كُرْذُرَ اِ بًارْفِسِيُانْ اِيَاشْ / تَنْذُ لَدٌنْزَالً اُنْذِيَ ذَالَنْتَا دَا شُ اِذُلَ هَبْلُ / اِبْلِسْ مَلْذِغَلُ اَللهْ ءَانَالْكُوَارْبٌ دَا لَ اِدُلَ / اِ ذِيشُ يَا ذُنْزَالً نُشَبَاشْ كَا نُ اَيْ اُتْرُ / شَانٌرْ شِنُيُ دِيشُ ءَالً يَلُشَا اِيَاشْتَارْنُذُ / لَدُنْزَالً اِ شَلٌلَا دَا لَنَرِزْ اُنَمُشْكَ كُنْ / ءَالْغَرَنْدَا ءَاشْتَارْنُذُ اِ دِيشُ اَ لَفِجَ دَالْرًايْ / يَا ذُنْزَالً كَا ءَاشْ اَ تُ كَا اَشْ ءَاشْتَارْنُدَذُ / اِ نُ [اَشْ] دِيجٌ اَلَحَمْدُ لِلًهِ رَبِ اِلْعَالَمِينَ // So, at that moment, the king commanded that an idol of enameled gold with jewels and emerald eyes be made for her. And they made it for her, with a throne of gold and feet of precious stones. They brought it before her and the damsel bowed to the idol. And every day as the sun would rise, the daughter of the king came, her ladies-in-waiting with her, and they bowed in worship to the idol and talked with it. And as they did so, Iblis,
Critical note:

Iblis: The name of the devil in Islam

may Allah curse him, responded to them from the body of the idol and commanded them and forbid them. So, her father came one day to see her, and he brought her many jewels and foods, and he ate with her. And he looked at her beauty and reposed for a while, and he rose and approached her and kissed her and demanded her body. And the daughter said: “Father, tell me, did your father lay with his daughter?” He said: “No.” She said: “Well, father, why do you want to do something that will shame you for the days of your life and after your death? Have you heard it said that some other king acted similarly with his daughter?” Thus, the king felt great shame from his daughter, and he left. And he left her surrounded by pleasurable things, as usual. And the news of her beauty and prudence was spread throughout the land. The sons of kings demanded her, and her father did not want to marry her to any of them because of what he saw in her of abundant innocence and perfection. And one day, the damsel stood before her idol, when Iblis, may Allah curse him, spoke from the body of the idol and said: “Damsel, you know that there is no other master except me.” She said: “I know that already.” And the damsel sneezed, and from her nose came a fly with the great sneeze, and it said to the daughter of the king: “Damsel, is it you who has sneezed and not said, ‘alḥamdu lillahi rabi ilᶜālamīna’?”
Critical note:

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds

اِ كُوَنْذُ اُيُ اِبْلِسْ مَلْذِغَلُ اَللهْ ءَالْنُنْبَارَا / ذَا اَللهْ شَلٍيُ فُيَانْذُ اِ كَيُشَا لَئِذُلَ شُبْرَا / شُكَرَ اِ كُوَنْذُ اُيُ لَفِجَ دَالْرًايْ نَجْرَبْ / اَكَالً بًلَبْرَ دَا لَمُشْكَ ءَاشْبًنْتُشَا دَالٌ / مُجٌ اِيَلًاغَرُنْشَا اَ ءَالً شُشْ ذُنْزَالًشْ اِيَالً لٌرَنْذُ / دَامُدَذُ لَكُلُرْ ءَاشْبًنْتَذَ ذِشِيَارُنْلَا يَا شَانٌرْ / كَا اَشْ اُبِذُ دِيشُ ءَالً كَا ءَا اُاِذُ اُنَشْ / بًلَبْرَشْ كَا نُنْكَ اُاِ شُشَامَاجَنْتَا دَالًشْ / اَنْ ءَانْتَرَذُ ءَانْمِكُرَسُنْ كُنْ مُيْ غَرَنْذَا / فُوَارْسَ ءَا بًانْشَذُ ءَانَالْذِيجٌ دَا اَلْحَمْدُ / لِلَهِ رَبِ اِلْعَالَمِينَ اَمَا اَتَارَابُاِذُ ءَالْكُرَسُنْ / دِبَارْشَشْ ذُبْذَشْ اِ دِغُ كَا ءَالْشَانٌرْ ذَا / لْمُنْذُ كَاءَاشْ غَرَنْ شَانٌرْ بٌرْكَا يُ نُنْكَ / ءَا اُاِذُ مَشْ ذُلْسَاشْ بًلَبْرَش كَا شُنْ ءَاشْتَشْ / بٌوَاشْ يَا تِرِشْتَا دَا مِي كِيَانْمَا دَاكَلَرَرَ / لُكَا كِيَارَانْ ذَازِرْ And when Iblis, may Allah curse him, heard the name of Allah, he left fleeing and the idol fell on its face. And when the daughter of Najrab heard these words from the fly, she became very frightened, and her ladies gathered around her. And she was crying, pale, and frightened, and they said to her: “My lady, what have you heard?” She said: “I have heard words the likes of which I have never heard before. They have entered my heart with a great force. I have thought about the saying ‘alḥamdu lilahi rabi ilᶜālamīna.’ It has brought various doubts to my heart. And I say that the Lord of the world is a great Lord because I have never heard sweeter words than these. Well, woe is me, who will explain to me the meaning of these words?”
دَابٌوَاشْ دَا اَكَاشْتُ / تُرْنُشَا لَدُنْزَالً اَلْشَارْبِسِيُ دَا [لَئِدُ]لَ // اَشِي كُمُ شُلِيَا بَااُشْ كَا اُنْذِيَ ءَاشْتَنْذُ / دَالَنْتَا دَا شُ اِذُلَ بِنُلَا اُنَ بًلُمَ اِيَشَانْتُشَا / ءَانْلَكَبَاسَ دَا لَ ذُنْرَالً اِ ذَا اَلٍي بُلُ / اِيَشَانْتُشَا ءَانْلَكَبَاسَ دَا لَئِذُلَ اِ قُوَبْذُ / لَبِذُ لَذُنْزَالً مَرَبِالٌشَا دَالً اِ دَا شُفَارْمُشُرَ / كَا لَبًلُمَ ءَارَ دَا اُرُ اَمَرِيلٌ اِ شُكُدَ دَا بًارْلَشْ / بَارْمَاجَشْ شُشْ بٍيَادَاشْ دَا بًلَتَ شُبٍكُ / دَا بًارْلَشْ بَلَنْكَشْ ءَاشْمَلْتَذُ دَا اَلْجُهَرْ بٌوَاشْ / دِيشُ لِدٌنْزَالً يَا تِرِشْتَا دَا مِي فُوَاشَامَا يُ / اَكَالً بًلُمَ كُشْتَشَامَا لَمِايْتَدْ دَا مِرًايْنُ / [اِ]مِرَنْدُلَ مُي مَرَبِلًذَ ذَا شُفَاجٌ دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ / كُنْلَانْوَ شُوَالْتَ اِ بًلَذِنَ يَا فِجَ / دَالْرًايْ نَجْرَبْ دِ اَلْحَمْدُ لِلًهِ لَا اِلَهَ اِلَا اَللهْ / وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ كَا كِيَارَا دَازِيرْ / لَلُؤُرْ ءَاشْ اَذَ اَللهْ نُاَيْ اُتْرُ شَانٌرْ شِنُ اَللهْ / شُلُ شِنْ اَبًرْسَارُ اَ ءَالْ ءَاشْ ءَالْرًااِشْمُ اِيالْ / ءَاشْ شُ[بْرَا تُ]ذَ كُشَ بٌدَارُشُ After this, the damsel returned to the service of the idol as she was accustomed. Observe, all of you, that one day, while the damsel stood in front of her idol, a dove came to her and sat on her head, and from there, flew and sat on the head of the idol. And when the damsel saw the dove, she was astounded by it and by its beauty, for the dove was of yellow gold, her tail of red pearls, her feet of silver, and her beak of white pearls encrusted with precious jewels. Thus the damsel said: “Woe is me. If only I were that dove, even if it cost me half of my kingdom.”
Critical note:

In his edition of this legend, according to the version found in Ms. 5313 of the Biblioteca Nacional de España, fols. 134-181v, Francisco Guillén Robles writes, “if that dove were mine and cost me half of my kingdom.” The subject I in our version carries a different connotation.

And seeing her very astounded, the dove said with a fluent and formal tongue: “Daughter of the king Najrab, say, ‘alḥamdu lillahi, lā ilaha ilā Allah, waḥdahu lā sharīka lahu,’ which means ‘Praise be to Allah, there is no other Lord but Allah, alone, without equal. Kingship is His, and He holds power over all things.’”
بٌوَاشْ كُوَنْذُ // اُيُ اِبْلِسْ مَلْذِغَلُ اَللهْ ءَالْنُنْبَرَمِيَانْتُ / دَا اَللهْ تَنَلْتُ ءَاش شَلٌ هُيَانْذُ اِيَالْذِزِ / يَانْذُ كَامَذُ شُيْ كُنَالْفُوَاغُ دَا جَهَنَّمْ / اِ كَيُ لَاِذُلَ شُبْرَا شُكَرَ اِ كَاذُ لَذُنْزَالً / ءَاشْبًنْتَذَ مُيْ تَامَارُشَ مِرَنْذُ اَ لَبًلُمَ اِ دِشُ / يَا بَّلُمَ فَارْمُشَ ءَا اُاِذُ تُشْ بًلَبْرَشْ كَا نُنْكَ / اُاِ مَشْ بُوَانَشْ بًلَبْرَشْ نِمَشْ ذُلْسَاشْ كِيَانْ / ءَارَاشْتُ يَا بًلُمَ اِ كَا بًلَبْرَشْ شُنْ اَكَالًشْ / كَا ذِشِيَاشْتَا كَا اَ كَاِذُ شُدُلْسُرَ ءَانْمِي / كُرَسُنْ دِمَا اَلْغُ مَشْ دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ يَا فِجَ / دَا نَجْرَبْ دِ كَا نُ اَيْ شَانٌرْ شِنُ اَللهْ / خَلَاقَذُرْ دَا لُشْ سِيَالُشْ اِ دَا لَتِيَارً اِ دَا تُدُشْ / خَلَاقَذُشْ اِ دَا شُشْ اَلٍرزْكَاشْ مَتَذُرْ رًا / بِبْكَذُرْ دَانْبٌوَاشْ دَا لَمُوَارْتَا بًرَ ءَالْذِيَ / كَا نُ اَبٌرُبَاجًرَ شِنُ لَبُوَانَ اُبْرَ اِيَالْ / كَا اَنْتَاشْ كَارَايَارَ كُنْ اَللهْ دِيشُ / لَذُنْزَالً دِمَا مَشْ دَاشَش بًلَبْرَشْ [بُوَا]نَشْ // And when Iblis, may Allah curse him, heard the name of Allah, exalted is He, he fled, saying: “I am burnt by the fire of Hell.” And the idol fell on its face and the damsel remained frightened, looking very fearfully at the dove, and she said: “Beautiful dove, I have heard your words, the likes of which I have never heard before, nor any sweeter. Who are you, dove, and what words are those that you said, for their sweetness has fallen upon my heart? Tell me something more.” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, say that there is no God but Allah, creator of Heaven and Earth and of all creations and sustenance,
Critical note:

Derived from the Arabic plural noun الرزق (ar-rizq), a sustenance or food that God provides.

He who takes life and resurrects it after death for the Day of Judgment on which nothing will benefit a person except their good deeds and that they believe in Allah before all else.”
كا شُذُلْسُرَ اَ ءَانْتَرَذُ ءَانْمِكُرَسُنْ دِيشُ / لَبًلُم يَاَ دَا نَجْرَبْ ءَاشْ فِجَ اَللهْ اَكَالْ / كَا نُ اَيْ اُتْرُ شَانٌرْ شِنُ ءَالْ خَلَاقَذُرْ / دَا لُش سِيَالُشْ اِ دَا لَشْ تِيَارًشْ ءَانشَايْشْ / دِيَشْ دَابٌوَاشْ شَا اِوَلُ شُبْرَا ءَالًلْعَرْشَا / ءَانْكُبْرَا لَنُجَّا اِيَالْذِيَ اِيَالْشُلْ اَ لَلُنَ / اِ لَشْ ءَاشْتَارَالًشْ اَشُجَاتَذَشْ كُنْشُ مَنْدَ / مِيَانْتُ اَ ءَالْ ءَاشْ ءَالْخَلَاقَرْ اِيَالْمَتَرْ بَانْدِ / يجٌ ءَاشْ اَللهْ شَانٌرْ دَا تُذُ ءَالْمُنْذُ دِيشُ / لَذُنْزَالً يَا بَّلُمَ ءَاشَا شَانٌرْ كَا تُلُنْبَرَشْ / ءَاشْ غَرَنْ شَانٌرْ بٌوَاشْ كَارَاسَامَا مَشْ / دَاشَشْ بًلَبْرَشْ بُوَانَشْ كَا شَامَاجَنْتَا / كَا تُ نُدِرِيَشْ شِنُ بَرْدَذْ دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ / يَا ذُنْزَالً دِ كَا نُ اَيْ شَانٌرْ شِنُ اَللهْ / شُلُ شِنْ اَبًرْسَارُ خَلَاقَذُرْ دَا لُشْ / سِيَالُشْ اِ دَا لَتِيَارً اِ دَا لُكَا ءَاشْتَ ءَانْتَارَا / لٌشْ [اِ لُكَا] ءَاشْتَ دَابَشُ دَالٌشْ فَشْتَ لُشْ // اَبِشْمُشْ دَا لَتِيَارً The damsel said: “Tell me more of those good words whose sweetness has entered my heart.” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, it is Allah like whom there is no other God, creator of the heavens and Earth in six days. Afterward, He sat upon His throne.
Critical note:

From the Arabic العرش (al-ᶜarsh), the divine throne in Paradise.

The night covered the day, the sun covered the moon, and the stars were suspended in the heavens by His commandment. He is the creator and the destroyer. Blessed is Allah, God of the entire world.” The damsel said: “Dove, this lord that you speak of is a great lord. Tell me more of these good words, the likes of which you would not speak if they were not true.” The dove said: “Damsel, say that there is no God but Allah, alone, without equal, creator of the heavens and the Earth, and of what is between them and what is below them until the depths of the Earth.”
دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً يَا بَّلُمَ هَزْمَا / اَ شَبَارْ ذُ ءَاشْتَ ءَاشَا شَانٌرْ تَنْغَرَنْدَا دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ يَا / فِجَ دَا نَجْرَبْ نُشَا اَجُنْتَنْ ءَانْشَاكْرَاتُ تَارَاشْ / كَا نُشَاءَ ءَالْ ءَالْكُوَرْتُ نِكُوَرْتُ كَا نُشَاءَ ءَالْ / سِنْكَانُ نِسِنْكُ كَا نُشَاءَ شَاشْتُ نِمَشْ نِمَانُشْ / دَا اَكَالٌ كَا ءَالْ نُشَاءَ كُنَالٌشْ ذُنْدَا كِيَارَا / كَاشْتَنْ دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالَّ يَا بًلُمَ ءَاشَا شَانٌرْ نُشَا / بٌوَادَا بَارْ ذِيشُ لَبًلُمَ يَا فِجَ دَا نَجْرَبْ ءَالْشَانٌرْ / دَا لُشْ سِيَالُشْ اِ دَا لَتِيَارً بَايَا اَ تُذُشْ اِ نُ لُ بَاءَا / اَ ءَالْ نِنْغُنُ ءَالْ ءَاشْتَ ءَانْوَرْذَمِيَانْتُ اَلْتُ / شَبَا لُشَاكَارَاتُ اِ لُبٌبْلِكُ نُ اَيْ شَانٌرْ شِنُ ءَالْ / اَ ءَالْ شُنْ لُشْ لُنْبَارَاشْ بُوَانُشْ دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً / يَا بًلُمَ ءَاشْا شَانٌرْ كَا دِزَاشْ شَانْبَلَنْسَمَا / اَ ذُنْدَا ءَاشْتَ اُ كَا ءَاشْ اُ كُمُ دِيشُ لَبَّلُمَ يَا فِجَ / دَا نَجْرَبْ رَبَنَا تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَى بٍرِمَارُ ذَا / تُذَ كُشَ اِ سَغَارُ ذَا تُدَ كُشَ نُلُ اَلْكَنْسَنْ / لَشْ بِشْتَشْ اِيَالْ اَلْكَنْسَ لَشْ بِشْتَشْ [ءَالْ ءَا]شْ // ءَالْشُبْتِلْ شَبِذُرْ The damsel said: “Dove, inform me where this great God is.” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, three do not meet in secret where He is not the fourth, nor four where He is not the fifth, nor five where He is not the sixth, nor more nor less than that, for He is will be with them wherever they are.” The damsel said: “Can this master not be seen?” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, the Master of the Heavens and Earth sees everything and no one sees him. He is in a well-guarded place. He knows that which is secret and that which is public. There is no lord except him. His are the good names.” The damsel said: “Can this master not be seen?” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, the Master of the Heavens and Earth sees everything and no one sees him. He is in a well-guarded place. He knows that which is secret and that which is public. There is no lord except him. His are the good names.” The damsel said: “Dove, this lord you speak of, describe to me where He is, or what He is, or what He is like.” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, rabinā tabāraka wa taᶜālā,
Critical note:

Our Lord, blessed and exalted be He.

first of all things and last of all things. No ones’ sights can reach Him, but He can see all. He is keenly knowledgeable.
كُوَنْذُ كِيَارَا اَلْغُنَ كُشَ / دِزَالَا شَايْ اِلُوَاغُ ءَاشْ خَلَاقُ شُ اَلْعَرْشَا شُبْرَا / ءَالًوَ ذُنْدَا نُ اَبِيَ شُلْ كَا كَلَرَااَشا نِلُنَ كَا / كُرٍيَاشَا نِمَرْ كَا اُنْدَااَشَا نِ اَيْرَا كَا مُبِيَاشَا / نِرٍيُ كُرٍيَانْتَا نِسِيَالُ فَرَوَذُ نِتِيَارً تَانْذِذَ / نِكُشَ كُمَانْسَذَ خَلَاقُ شِيَاتَا سِيَالُشْ سِيَالُ / شُبْرَا سِيَالُ اِ شِيَاتَا تِيَارًشْ اُنَ شُبْرَا اُتْرَ / ءَانْشَايْشْ دِيَشْ شُبْرَا ءَالًلْعَرْشْ شَا اِوَلُ ذِشُ / لَذُنْزَالً يَا بًلُمَ كَا تَنْغَرَنْدَا ءَاشْ ءَاشَا شَانٌرْ / اِ كَا بًسِفِكُ اِ اُنْرًذُ شُبْرَا كِيَانْ كُمَا شُاَرٍزْكَا / اِ شِرْبَا اَ اُتْرُ يَا بًلُمَ اَيْ نِنْغُنُ ءَانْالْمُنْذُ كَا / ذِغَ لُكَا تُدِزَاشْ بٌرْكَا يُ نُنْكَ لُ اُاِ شِنُ اَ تِي / دِيشْ لَبًلُمَ شِي لُشْ دَا لُشْ سِيَالُشْ اِ دَا لَتِيَارً ذِزَانْ / لُكَا يُ دِغُ شِنُ لُشْ دَاشْكَارَايَانْتَاشْ يَا فِجَ / دَا نَجْرَبْ ءَاشَ اِذُلَ كَا تُشِيَارْبَاشْ نُ اُيَا / نِبَايَا دَنً اِ نُ اَبٌرُبَاجً دِيشُ لَدُنْزَالَّ يَا / بًلُمَ كَا ءَاشْ اَكَالٌ كَا ءَا هَبْلَ دَانْتُرُ دَا شُ // كُوَارْبٌ When He wants something, He says, ‘Be,’ and then it is. He created His throne upon the water where there was no sun that shone, nor moon that advanced, nor sea that made waves, nor air that moved, nor running river, nor forged sky, nor vast earth, nor anything begun. He created seven heavens, heaven upon heaven, and seven Earths, one on top of the next, in six days. Then He sat upon His throne.” The damsel said: “Dove, how great is this lord! He bestows peace and honor upon those who eat of His sustenance and serve others. Dove, is there no one else in the world who says what you do? Because I have never heard it except from you.” The dove said: “Yes, those of the heavens and the Earth say what I do except for the non-believers. Daughter of Najrab, this idol that you serve does not hear nor see; it harms and benefits no one.” The damsel said: “Dove, what is it that speaks to me from within its body?”
دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ ءَاشْ ءَالْمَلْدِيجٌ دَا اِبْلِسْ / مَلْذِغَلُ اَللهْ ءَانَامِيغُ دَا اَللهْ تَنَلْتُ ءَاشْ اِيَانَا / مِيغُ دَا تُبًدْرَا ءَادَمْ عَلَيْهِ اِسَلًامْ كَا لُ ءَانْغَنٌ / ا ِلُشَكُ دَالَلْجَنَّ اِيَانْغَنًرَ اَ شُشْ فِجُشْ فَشْتَ / ءَالْذِيَ / دَالْجُدِسْيُ دَاشَ ءَالْشَارْبِسْيُ دَا لَىٍدُلَ دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً هَزْمَا اَ شَبَارْ يَا بًلُمَّ بٌرَاشَا شَا / نٌرْ كَا ءَاشْ ءَالْوَلَرْذُنْ دَا كِيَانْلَا اُبَادَاسَا / اِ كَا ءَاشْ ءَالْكَشْتِغُ ذَا كِيَانْلَا دَاشُبَادَاسَا / دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ يَا فِجَ دَا نَجْرَبْ كِيَانْ اُبَا / دَاسَا اَذَ اَللهْ اَدَابْدَاسَالَا ءَالًلْجَنَّ اِ كِيَانْلُ / دَاشُبَادَاسَا شُبًانَ شَارَ ءَالْفُوَاغُ دَا جَهَنَّمْ / دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً يَا بًلُمَ شَانْبَلَنْسَمَا ءَالًلْجَنَّ / اَكَالً كَا ذِزَاشْ كَا دَرَ اَللهْ اَ لُش اُبِدِيَانْتَاشْ / دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ يَا فِجَ دَا نَجْرَبْ كُوَنْذُ شَا اَكَبَرَنْ / لَشْ اُرَشْ دَالْمُنْذُ اِ شُشْ دِيَشْ لُحًلَالْ اِ لُحَرَامْ اِ شَا / بًارْدَارَ لَبَارْدَذْ اِ شَا دَامُشْتَرَرَ لَ[مَانْ]تِرَ اِ [هَرَنْ] / لُشْ مَلَافِسِيُشْ اِ بَابَارَنْ ءَالْبِنُ إ هَرَنْ // ءَالًزِنَا اِ كُنْبَرَنْ ءَالْلُغْرُ اِ شَا دَامُشْتَرَرَ ءَالًفُلً / مِيَانْتُ The dove said: “It is the damned Iblis, may Allah curse him, enemy of Allah, Exalted is He, and the enemy of your father Adam, peace be upon him, who tricked him and took him out of Paradise,
Critical note:

aljanna: literally means “garden;” in an Islamic context this term refers to the Paradise in which the souls will reside after the Day of Judgment.

and he will deceive his children until the Day of Judgment. Leave the service of the idol.” The damsel said: “Make known to me, dove, what is the reward for one who obeys this God and what is the punishment for one who disobeys?” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, whoever obeys Allah is owed Paradise and whoever disobeys him, his pain will be the fire of Hell.” The damsel said: “Dove, describe to me Paradise, that which you say Allah will give to those who are obedient.” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, when the hours and days of the world come to an end, and that which is permissible and that which is prohibited come to an end, and the truth will be lost and the lies will take over, and there will be sin, and they will drink wine, and there will be adultery and usury and depravity.
اِ لَؤُرَ ءَانْشَنًرْشَاءَ اَللهْ شُبْرَا لَجَانْتَا / اِ مَنْدَرَ اَللهْ اَ اِسْرَافِيلْ كَا شُفْلَا ءَانَالْكُوَارْنُ / اِ شُفْلَرَ ءَانَلْ اُنْشُفْلَ كَا كَيْرَنْ تُدَشْ / لَشْ جَانْتَاشْ اِيَلْمَلَكَاشْ اَمُرْتَاسِذُشْ / شِنُ جِبْرِيلْ اِ مِكَاىٍلْ اِ اِسْرَافِيلْ اِ عَزَرَيَاىٍلْ / كَا نُمُرًنْ شِنُ ءَانْبٌوَاشْ دَا مُوَارْتُشْ لُشْ / خَلَاقَذُشْ اِ دَا لَفُرْتَلَازَ دَا لَمُوَارْتَا دَا اِسْرَافِيلْ / شَا تَارَامَاسَارَ لَتِيَارً اِ نُ كَادَ ءَانْسِمَ دَا لَتِيَارً / كُشَ فَرَوَذَ كَا نُ شَا دَارٍبَا شِنُ لَشْ مَاسْكِدَشْ / اِ نُ كَادَرَ ءَانْ سِيَالُ نِ ءَانْتِيَارً كُشَ بِبَ / اِ كَاذَرَ تُذُ بَزِيُ دَا مُرَذُرَاشْ لَئُرَ اَشُمَرْشَاءَ / اَللهْ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ اَلْمُنْذُ اِ دِرَ اُ مُنْذُ ذُنْذَا شُنْ / تُشْ اَرْبُلَاشْ اُ مُنْذُ ذُنْدَا شُنْ تُشْ رٍيُشْ اُ مُنْذُ / ذُنْدَا شُنْ تُشْ مُرَذُرَاشْ اُ مُنْذُ ذُنْدَا شُنْ لُشْ / رًايَاشْ اِ لُشْ فِجُشْ دَا لُشْ رًيَاشْ اُ مُنْذُ اَ ذُ ءَاشْتَ / ءَالْ[شُ][لْ] ءِللُنَ اِ لَشْ ءَاشْتَارَالًشْ اِ نُ اَبْرَ كِيَانْلَا // رًاشْبٌنْدَ And at that moment, Allah will exact cruelty upon the people, and He will command Isrāfīl
Critical note:

According to the Qur’ān, 39.68, an angel—identified as Isrāfīl, though he is unnamed in the Qur’ānic text—will initiate the Day of Judgment by blowing a horn, after which Allah will resurrect all beings in order to judge their good and bad deeds.

to blow the horn. And he will blow the horn so loud that all of the people and the angels will perish
Critical note:

In this context, amorteçiđos is employed as a translation of the Arabic verb صَعِقَ (ṣaᶜiqa), which suggests not fainting or losing consciousness, but rather dying as expressed below.

except for Jibrīl, Mikā’il, Isrāfīl, and ᶜAzarayā’il, who will not die until after the other creations. And from Isrāfīl’s force of death, the Earth with quake, and nothing built on the face of the Earth will remain except the mosques, and nothing in the sky or on the Earth will remain alive, and every place will be devoid of inhabitants. At that moment, Allah, exalted and glorified be He, will show Himself to the world and say: ‘Oh, world! Where are your trees? Oh, world! Where are your rivers? Oh, world! Where are your inhabitants? Oh, world! Where are your kings and their sons? Oh, world! Where is the sun and the moon and the stars?’ And there will be no one to respond.
اِ كَادَرَ ءَالْمُنْذُ كُوَرَانْتَ اَنٌشْ / اِ هَرَ اَللهْ بٌلُبَارْ اَوَ دَا لَمَرْ كَا ءَاشْتَ دَابَشُ / دَالَلْعَرْشَا كَا هَزَا نَسَارْ لُشْ غُوَاشُشْ اِ لَشْ كَرْنَاشْ / اِ لَشَنْغَارَا اَشِكُمُ نَسَا ءَالْغَرَنُ دَابَشُ دَالْ / تَانْبًارُ اِ تُرْنَرَ كَذَ كَبَالٌ اِ كَذَ مِيَانْبُرُ / اَ شُلُغَرْ دَابٌوَاشْ رًابِبْكَرَ اَللهْ اَ اِسْرَافِيلْ / اِ شُفْلَرَ ءَانَالْكُوَارْنُ اِ دِرَ اُ وَاشُشْ مُلِذُشْ / اِ كُوَارْبٌشْ بٌدِرِذُشْ اِ جُنْتُرَشْ ءَاشْبًرْتِدَشْ / اِ بَانَشْ كُرْتَدَشْ اَللهْ اُشْمَنْدَ كَا اُشْ اَجُنْ / تَايْشْ بًرَ لَدَاكَلَرَسِيُنْ دَالْذِيَ دَالْجُدِسْيُ / بًرَ تُمَرُشْ كُوَانْتَ اِ دَرُشْ وَلَرْذُنْ دَا بُوَاشَشْ / اُبْرَشْ اِ لَابَنْتَرْشَا اَنْ لُشْ خَلَاقَذُشْ لُشْ اَلرٌحَاشْ / دَا لُشْ مُسْلِمَاشْ كَلَرُشْ كُنْلَ كَلَرَادَذْ دَا لَ / كَارَايَانْسِيَ اِ لُش اَلرٌحَاشْ دَا لُشْ دَاشْكَارَا / يَانْتَاشْ ءَاشْكُرُشْ كُن لَ ءَاشْكُرَادَذْ / دَا لَ دَاشْكَارَايَانْسِيَ اِيَانْتَرَرْشَا اَ كَذَ / اَلرٌحْ ءَانْشُ كُوَارْبٌ اِ بَارَايْسْ تُدَشْ لَشْ // جانْتَاشْ لَابَنْتَذَشْ And the world will remain that way for forty years, and Allah will make water rain from the sea beneath his throne that will resuscitate the bones and the flesh and blood as the grain is born from beneath fertile land, and every hair and limb will return to its place. Afterward, Allah will revive Isrāfīl, and he will blow the horn and say: ‘Oh, crushed bones and putrid bodies and separated joints and cut veins! Allah commands you to join together for the declaration of the Day of Judgment to take account of yourselves and so that you may be rewarded for your deeds.’ And the creations will rise. The souls of the Muslims will be illuminated with the clarity of their faith, and the souls of the non-believers darkened with the darkness of their disbelief. And each soul will enter its own body, and you will see all the risen people.
اِيَالٌشْ ءَاشْبًارَنْذُ / لَشْ مَرَبِلًشْ اِ تَامٌرَاشْ دَالْذِيَ دَالْجُدِسْيُ / دَانْبٌوَاشْ تُمَرَ اَللهْ كُوَانْتَ اَ لَشْ جَانْتَاشْ / اِ بٌرْنَ اَ لُشْ اُبِذِيَانْتَاشْ ءَانْلَكَشَ دَا شُ كُنْ / تَانْتَمِيَانْتُ اِ بٌرْنَ اَ لُشْ دَاشُبِدِيَانْتَاشْ / ءَانْلَكَشَ دَا شُبًانَ دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً يَا بًلُمَ / كَا رًابِبْكَرَ اَللهْ اَ لُش خَلَاقَذُشْ دَابٌوَاشْ / دَا لَمُوَارْتَا دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ شِي كُمُ لُشْ خَلَاقُ دَا اَوَ / اِ تَا شَكُ دَا لُشْ لُمُشْ دَا تُبًدْرَا اَ لَمَدْرَا دَا تُمَدْرَا / اِ شَلٍشْتَا اَلْمُنْذُ كِرِيَتُرَ جٍكَ اِ تَا كِرِيُ / كُنْشُ بٌتَانْسِيَ اِ كُنْبُشُ ءَانْتِ تُشْ مِيَا / نْبُرُشْ اِ تُ شَانْتِذُ اَشِنْتَا مَتَرَ اِ تَا تُرْنَرَ / اَ رًابِبْكَرْ دِيشُ لَذٌنْزَالً يَا بًلُمَ فَاجٌمَا اَشْ / اَ شَبَارْ كُنْفَاجٌ كَا يُ ءَاشْتَبَ دَالٌ نُكُرَنْتَا / اِ تُذِزَاشْ بَارْدَذْ ءَانْتُ ذِيجٌ بًارُ هَزْمَا اَ شَبَارْ / كَا كُشَ ءَاش لَلْجَنَّ ءَاشَ كَا ذِزَاشْ كَا وَلَرْ / ذُ[نَرَ] اَللهْ كُنَالً اَ لُشْ اُبِذِيَانْتَاشْ And they will be awaiting the marvels and the fears of the Day of Judgment. Afterward, Allah will take judge the people and put the believers in the house of contentment and the disbelievers in the house of pain.” The damsel said: “Dove, Allah will revive His creations after death?” The dove said: “Yes, like He created them from water and He took you from the loins of your father and of your mother.
Critical note:

The phrase “from your father to your mother from your mother” appears to be a copyist’s error. In his edition, Guillén Robles writes “te sacó de los lomos de tu padre” (he took you from your father’s loins). In our version, it seems reasonable to interpret the text as “te sacó de los lomos de tu padre y de tu madre” (he took you from the loins of your father and mother).

And you came out into the world as a small creature, and He raised you with His power and composed your limbs and your senses. And as such, He will kill you and will bring you back to life.” The damsel said: “Dove, help me to know with certainty, for I was negligent of such, and you speak the truth in your words. Help me know what is this Paradise that you speak of, with which Allah will reward those who obey Him?”
دِيشُ // لَبًلُمَ يَا فِجَ دَا نَجْرَبْ لُشْدَا لَلْجَنَّ شُنْ / لُشْ اُبِذِيَانْتَاشْ اَلْمَنْدَمِيَانْتُ ذَا اَللهْ ءَانَالً / نُمُوَارَانْ نِيَبَا تِرِشْتُرَ اَلْكَنْسَرَنْ تُذُ / لُكَا دَاشَااَرَنْ بًارْذُرَبْلَاشْ ءَانَلْقَصَرَاشْ / دَا اُرُ اِ بًلَتَ اِ بٍيَادْرَشْ بًارَاسِيُشَشْ اِ دَا / بٌرْبٌرَ شُتِيَارً ءَاشْ اَلْمِسْكَا شُشْ اَوَشْ شُنْ / ذُلْسَاشْ شُشْ اَرْبُلَاشْ اِ فُبرُيْتَشْ ذُرَبْلَاشْ / لَشْ فُرُيْتَشْ دَا دِبَارْشَشْ شَبُرَاشْ اِ كُلُرَاشْ / لُشْ دَا لَلْجَنَّ تِيَانَانْ سِيَانْ غَرَدَشْ كَا شِي / تُدَشْ لَشْ جَانْتَاشْ دَالْمُنْذُ شَا اَجُنْتَشَانْ / نُهَرِيَنْ اُنَ دَالًشْ بُرْكَا ءَانَلًشْ اَيْ مَرَ / بِلًشْ اِ رٍكَازَشْ لَبٍرِمَارَ غَرَدَ ءَاشْ دَا بًلَتَ / اِ شُتِيَارً دَا اَلْمِسْكَا اِ لَشَاغُنْدَ ءَاشْ دَا اُرُ / لَتَارْسَارَ دَا بًالْرًشْ اِ لَشَاتَانَ يَبَا ءَانَلً / لُكَا نُ اَيْ اُجُشْ كَا بٌوَادَنْ بَارْ نِلَانْوَ / دَازِيرْ نِبًشَرْ بٌرْ كُرَسُنَاشْ دَا اُنْبَارَاشْ / اِيَالْكَا مَشْ بٌاكَانً غَرَدَ اَلْكَنْسَ شِ[يَاتَ]ا // اَلْقَصَرَاشْ دَا اُرُ اِ بًلَتَ اِ بًارْلَشْ اِ بٍيَادْرَشْ / بًارَاسِيُشَشْ دَا دِبَارْشَشْ كُلُرَاشْ The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, the inhabitants of Paradise are those who obey the commandments of Allah. There, they do not die, and there is no sadness. They achieve everything they want, residing forever in castles of gold and silver and precious stones and purple. Its earth is musk, its waters are sweet, its trees and fruits are lasting; fruits of diverse tastes and colors. The inhabitants of Paradise enjoy one hundred tiers. If all the people in the world joined together, they would not be able to replicate one of the domains because in each there are marvels and riches. The first domain is of silver, and its ground is musk. The second domain is of gold, the third of pearls, and the sixth, you see in it what your eyes cannot see nor tongue speak, nor can it pass through the hearts of men. He who achieves even the smallest domain, seven castles of gold and silver and pearls and precious stones of different colors are his.
بٌوَاشْ / كُوَنْذُ شَلًانْ دَا شُشْ لُغَرَاشْ كَبَلْغَنْ ءَانَنِمَلَاشْ / كَا بُلَنْ كُنَالٌشْ ذُنْدَا كِيَارَانْ فَشْتَ / لَبٌوَارْتَ دَالَلْجَنَّ اِ اَلٍي نَسَا اُنَفُوَانْتَا كُنْ / ذُشْ رًمُشْ اِ كُوَنْذُ بَابَانْ ءَانَالٌنُ دَالٌشْ / دُشْ رًمُشْ شَكَ دَالْكُوَارْبٌ تُذَ لَ ءَانْبِذِيَ / اِيَانْغَنٌ اِ مَلْدَدْ ءَانْبٌوَاشْ بَنًنْشَا ءَانَالٌتْرُ / اِ تُرْنَنْشَا جُبَانَاشْ كَا نُنْكَ مَشْ شَا مُدَنْ / دَا شُشْ كُلُرَاشْ نِدَا بًارًاشُنَشْ اِ كَلَمَنْ اَ لَشْ / اَسِتْرَشْ دَا لَبٌوَارْتَ اِ فَزَا اُنْشُنِذُ كَا نُنْكَ / اُيَارُنْ لَشْجَانْتَاشْ مَشْ دُلْسَا كُشَ اِ شَلًانْ / لَشْ اَلْحُرًشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ اَ لَبٌوَارْتَ كَا شِنُ كَا / اَللهْ سُبْحَانَهْ اَ دَذُ كُنُسِمِيَانْتُ اَ لُشْ / اُنْبَارَاشْ اَسَجْدَرِيَنْ اَ ءَالٌشْ اِيَانْتَرَنْ / كُنْلُشْ اُنْبَارَاشْ اَلَلْجَنَّ اِ كُوَنْدُ كِيَارَا / ءَانْ[تَرَ]رْشَا ءَالٌنْبَارَا ءَانْ اَلْقَصَرْ كَا بَايَا // ذِزَانْلَا ءَالًشْ اَدَالَنْتَا اَيْ اُتْرَ مَاجُرْ يَا / اَلْوَلِي ذَا اَللهْ When these figures travel from their places, they ride upon animals that fly with them to wherever they want to go, until they arrive at the door of Paradise. And there a fountain with two branches emerges, and when one drinks from one of the two branches, it strips all envy and deceit and evil from the body. Afterward, they bathe in the other and become young and never become old again.” And they call at the curtains of the door and make a sound sweeter than any sound ever heard. And the houris
Critical note:

Women of paradise

of Paradise answer the door, for none but Allah, praised be He, has given knowledge of this door to men, and the houris prostrated in prayer to them. And they enter with the men into Paradise. And when a man wants to enter a castle that he sees, they say to him: ‘Continue on. There is a better one, alwalī
Critical note:

Friend of God

of Allah.’ Then he arrives at another clear castle through which everything that is inside can be seen from the outside, and the man wants to enter. They say: ‘Continue on. There is a better inn, friend of Allah.’
ءَانْبٌوَاشْ لًاغَ اَ اُتْرُ اَلْقَصَرْ كَلَرُ / كَا شَا بًرَاسَا ذَانْذَا فُوَارَ تُذُ لُذَا دَانْتُرُ اِ كِيَارَا / ءَالٌنْبَارَا ءَانْتَرَرْشَا ءَانَالْ ذِزِنْلَا ءَالًشْ اَدَالَنْتَا / اَيْ اُتْرَ مَاجُرْ بٌشَذَ يَا اَمِيغُ دَا اَللهْ اِ نُسَاشَنْ / دَا اَنْدَرْ كُنَالْ دَا اَلْقَصَرْ ءَانَلْقَصَرْ فَشْتَ / كَا لًاغَنْ اَ اُنَ اَلْقَصَرْ كَا تُذُ ءَاشْ ءَاشْمَلْتَذُ / اِيَانْغَشْتُنَذُ ءَانْبٍيَادْرَشْ بًارَاسِيُشَشْ / كَا اَيْ ءَانَالْ شَاتَانْتَ كَمَرَشْ اُنَشْ شُبْرَا اُتْرَشْ / اَرًااَدَشْ دَا تُذُشْ اَرًااُشْ اِ وَرْنِسِيُنَاشْ اِ جُيَشْ / سَالَاشْتِرِيَلَاشْ كَلَرَافِكَذُشْ اِ بٌنَارْلَا اَنْ / اُنَ كُرُنَ ءُانْلَكَبَاسَ كَا تِيَانَا شَاتَانْتَ / رٍنْكُنَاشْ ءَانْكَذَ رٍنْكَنْ اُنَبٍيَاذْرَا بًارَا / سِيُشَ كَا رًالُنْبَرَ تَارَاشْ جُرْنَدَشْ اِ شُكَرَ / كُمُ لَلُنَ اِيَانْ شُمَنُ اُنْبَارْذُغُ اِ شُبْرَا / شُبًارَاشُنَ شَاتَانْتَا كُرْبَارْتُرَشْ دَا شَادَ / اِ بُرُكَذُ دَا ذِبَارْشَشْ كُلُرَاشْ And they don’t stop walking with him, from castle to castle, until they arrive at a castle completely enameled and encrusted with precious stones. And inside there are seventy chambers, some above others, decorated with all manner of adornments, trimmings, and brilliant celestial jewels. And they put a crown that has seventy points on his head, and in each point is a precious stone that sparkles three times as bright as daylight. And his face shines like the moon, and in his hand is a scepter, and his body is covered with seventy shrouds of silk and brocade of various colors.
ءَاشْتَ[نْ]دُ // اَشِي بِيَانَالَا اُنَمُجَارْ دَا لَشْ اَلْحُرَّشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ / كُنْ اَتَبِيُشْ مُيْ هَارْمُشُشْ رًالُنْبَرَنْتَاشْ / كُمُ ءَالْشُلْ كَا كُنْ لَبِشْتَ دَالً اُلْبِذَ ءَالٌنْبَارَا / تُذُ كُوَنْتُ اَ بِشْتُ اِ دِرَ لَمُجَارْ تُ ءَارَاشْ / مِ اَمَدُ اِ يُشُيْ تُاَمَدَ اِيَشِيَانْتَشَا ءَانْبَّرْ / دَالْ ءَانُنَ كَمَ اَكُنْبًنَّدَ دَا شَاتَانْتَ / اَلْحُرَّشْ اِ كَادَ ءَالٌنْبَارَا كُنَالَّشْ ءَانْغَرَسِيَ / فِانْكَنْتَا اِ بِذَ دَالًايْتُشَ ءَانْلَبَازِنْذَذْ / دَالْشَانٌرْ دَالْمُنْذُ اِ لُشْ اَلْمَلَكَاشْ دَنْذُ / اَلسًلَامْ شُبْرَالْ اِ نُدَاشَااَنْ كُشَ كَانُلَ / اَلْكَنْسَنْ اَلٍي ذُنْذَا شَا ءَاشْتَنْ ءَانَالَلْجَنَّ اَيْ / اَلْحُرَّشْ كَا شِ ءَاشْكُبٍيَاشَانْ ءَانْلَمَرْ شا تُرْ / نَرِيَ دُلْسَا لَمَرْ اِ تِيَانَانْ ءَاشْكِرِبْتُ / ءَانْشُشْ فَارَانْتَاشْ كَا دِزَا كِيَانْدَاشَايَ / اَلْكَنْسَرْ اُنَمُجَارْ كُمُيُ اُبْرَا كُنْلَ اُبَا / دَانْسِيَ دَا مِشَانٌرْ ءَانْلَلْجَنَّ اَيْ اُنَرْبُلْ / كَا شَا لًم ءَالًرْبُلْ دَا لَبُوَانَ اَبَانْتُرَنْسَ // كَا لُ بًلَنْتُ اَللهْ تَعَلَاى كُنْشُ مَنُ Like that, a woman of the houris of Paradise, with very beautiful vestments, shining like the sun, comes to him, and when he catches sight of her, the man forgets anything he has seen before. And the woman will say: ‘You are my beloved, and I am your beloved.’ And she sits beside him on a bed accompanied by seventy houris. And the man remains with them in perpetual grace and delightful life, close to the Lord of the world and with angels welcoming him. And they do not want anything that they cannot obtain right where they are. In Paradise, there are houris that will turn the sea sweet if they spit into it. And they have an inscription on their brows that says: ‘Whoever wants a woman like me, act with obedience to my God.’ In Paradise, there is a tree called the Tree of Good Fortune, that Allah, taᶜālā,
Critical note:


planted with His hand.
كَا شُ / تُرُنْكُ ءَاشْدَا اُرُ شُش بَانَشْ دَا بًلَتَ / شُشْ فُرُيْتَشْ كِرِشْتَلَاشْ شُشْ رًمُشْ كُرَ / لَاشْ شُشْ فُجَشْ ءَاشْمَلْتَدَشْ شُغُلُرْ اَلْمِسْكَا / ءَانَالْ اَيْ دَا تُدَشْ لَشْ نَتُرَلَاَزَشْ دَا فُرُ / يْتَشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ ءَانْشَبًرْ اِ كُلُرْ ءَانَالًلْجَنَّ / اَيْ اَرْبُلَاشْ كَا شَلًانْ دَالٌشْ اَنِمَلَاشْ / وَرْنَاسِذُشْ بُلَنْتَاشْ كَا نُنْكَ اُرِنَنْ / نِهَزَانْ رٌدَازَ نِنْغُنَ كَا لِيَابَنْ اَ لُشْ / اُبِذِيَانْتَاشْ اَذُنْدَا كِيَارَانْ ءَانْلَلْجَنَّ / اَيْ ُنْرٍيُ كَا شَا دِزَا اَلْكَوْثَرْ كَا شَلًا / دَابَشُ دَالًلْعَرْشَا كَا ءَاشْ مَشْ ذُلْسَا كَا مِيَالْ / اِ مَشْ بَلَنْكُ كَا لَاجًا كَا كُرًا شُبْرَا / لُشَشْ دَا بًارْلَشْ اِ بٍيَادْرَشْ بًارَاسِيُشَشْ / اَلْمِسْكَدَشْ كَا مَنَ ذَا اَلٍي لَفُوَانْتَا دَا سَاْسَبِيلْ / اِ لَفُوَانْتَا دَا اَلْكَافُرْ اِ لَفُوَانْتَا دَا تَسْنِيمْ / اِ نُ اَيْ ءَانَالَلْجَنَّ شِنُ لَشْ لُنِلًشْ اِ لَشْ [ساَ]جَشْ // اِ لُشْ رٍيُشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ تُذُشْ سَارْكَذُشْ / دَا كَتْرَادَشْ اِ دَاشْتَرَذُشْ اِ فُرُيْتَشْ ذَا / لَلْجَنَّ اِ بَابَرَجَاشْ نُهَزَانْ رٌدَازَ نِنْغُنَ / شَلًا لَدَاجِشْتِيُنْ ءَانْشُذُرْ دَا مَاجُرْغُلُرْ / كَا اَلْمِسْكَا Its trunk is golden, its veins are silver, its fruits are crystals, its branches are corals, its leaves are enameled, and its scent is musk. In it, there are all manner of fruits of Paradise in flavor and color. In Paradise, there are trees from which flying animals come out who never urinate nor defecate, and who transport those who are obedient to wherever they want. In paradise there is a river called al-Kawthar
Critical note:

This eponymous name of surah 108 of the Qur’ān means “abundance” in Arabic. One of the definitions of al-Kawthar provided by the tafsīr, or collections of Islamic exegetical texts, is the one exemplified by the aljamiado: one of the rivers of Paradise.

that originates beneath the throne of Allah and is sweeter than honey and whiter than the milk. It runs over tiles of pearls and musky precious stones. From there flows the spring of Salsabīl
Critical note:

According to Islamic exegesis, the two rivers Raḥma (“mercy”) and al-Kawthar (“abundance”) flow from the spring of Salsabīl. See Qur’ān 76.17-18.

and the spring of al-Kāfur
Critical note:

The name of this heavenly fountain refers to the camphor that flows from it, according to the Qur’ān 76.5-6.

and the spring of Tasnīm.
Critical note:

The Qur’ān 83.25-28 describes the fountain of Tasnīm as that from which those close to Allah drink. Collectively, from the three springs Salsabīl, al-Kafūr and Tasnīm flow the four rivers of Paradise of water, milk, honey, and wine.

And in Paradise, there are only pupils and eyebrows.
Critical note:

Guillén Robles points out here that “something must be missing from the text, which does not make sense here” (p. 199). It could be, but the fact that the same incomplete phrase is found in both Ms. BNE 5313 and ours suggests either that one is a copy of the other or that it is not an incomplete phrase.

And the rivers in paradise are surrounded by seats and raised platforms and fruits of Paradise and drink. They never defecate; excrement leaves the body in a sweat of the best odor of musk.
لُشْ مُرَذُرَاشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ نُشَا ءَانْ / بَاجَاسَانْ نِ ءَانْفَارْمَنْ نِمُوَارَانْ نِبَا / يَانْ بًاشَرْ نِ ءَاشْبًنْتُ نِتِرِشْتَازَ نِتِرِبُلَسِيُنْ / شُشْ رٌبًشْ نُنْكَ شَا رٌنْبًنْ نِشَا ءَانْبَا / جَاسَانْ شِ اُنُ دَا لُشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ بٌشِيَاشَا / شُمَنُ ءَانَالْمُنْذُ نُكَاذَرِيَ سِيَاغُ كَا نُ / بِيَاشَا نِمُوَارْتُ كَاْ نُ رًابِبْكَشَا نِدَا / شْكَارَايَانْتَا كَا نُكَارَايَاشَا نِ ءَانْفَارْمُ / كَا نُشَنَشَا نِاَوَ شَلَذَ كُا نُفُوَاشَا ذُلْسَا / شِ اُنُ ذَا لُشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ اَشُمَشَا شُ كَرَ اَلَتِيَارً / اِيَاجًشَا اُنَشَلِبَ ءَانَالً تُرْنَرِيَ تُذُ اَلْمِسْكَا / اِ شِ اُنُ دَا لُشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ شَكَشَا شُكَرَ اَ لَ / تِ[يَا]رً تُرْنَرِيَ لَ كُلُرْ دَالْشُلْ اِ دَا لَلُنَ // اِ شِلَشْ جَانْتَاشْ شُبٍيَاشَانْ لُشْ دُالَايْتَاشْ / دَالَلْجَنَّ مُرٍيَنْ تُذُشْ بٌرْ شُدَاشَاءُ اِ نُبَشْتَرِيَ / نِنْغُنُ اَ دَازِيرْ لَشْ غَرَسِيَشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ نِشُشْ مَرَ / بِلًشْ دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً يَا بًلُمَ بًرَ شَامَاجَنْتَا / دَا اَكَالٌ اُبْرَرُنْ لُشْ اُبْرَنْتَاشْ يَا بَّلُمَ / دَا اَكَالْ شَانٌرْ تَنْغَرَنْدَا كَا تُ دزَاشْ اَ كَىٍدُ / ءَانْمِكُرَسُنْ اَمُرْ مُيْ غَرَنْدَا كَا نُنْكَ سَا / سَرَا دَا شُشَارْبِسْيُ اِ يُبِدَانْسِيَ فَشْتَ كُا لُ / ءَانْكُوَانْتَارَا اَغُرَ هَزْمَا اَ شَبَارْ كَا شَارَ لَبًانَ / دَا كِيَانْ دَاشُبَادَاسَا اَذَ اَللهْ اِ كُمَا شُ اَرٍزْقَا / اِ شِرْبَا اَ اُتْرُ شَانٌرْ مَانُشْ دَالْ The inhabitants of Paradise do not age, nor do they get sick or die. They do not experience sorrow, fright, sadness, or tribulation. Their clothes never tear or become worn. If one inhabitant of Paradise put his hand in the world, there would not be a blind person who could not then see, a dead person who would not be revived, a non-believer who would not believe, a sick person who would not become healthy, nor salty water that would not become sweet. If one of the inhabitants of Paradise drew his face near the Earth and spit on it, everything would turn to musk. If one of the inhabitants of Paradise exposed his face to the Earth, the heat of the sun would become like that of the moon. And if the people knew of the delights of Paradise, they would die because they desired it so much, and it would not suffice to simply hear someone tell of the graces of Paradise and its marvels.” The damsel said: “Dove, the believers worked in order to attain that Paradise. Dove, for this great God of whom you speak a great love has fallen upon my heart. I will never stop serving Him and obeying Him until I find Him. Now help me understand the pain of whoever disobeys Allah and consumes his divine sustenance and worships another God besides him.”
دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ / كِيَانْدَاشُبَادَاسَا اَذَ اَللهْ شُبًانَ ءَاشْ / ءَالْفُوَاغُ ذَا جَهَنَّمْ كَا نِمُوَارَانْ نِبَابَانْ / اِ كَدَ دِيَ لَاشْ كَارَاسَانْ بًانَ شُبْرَا بًانَ / شُنْ كَتِبُشْ ءَانْالْفُوَاغُ كَا نُنْكَ ءَاشْ / كِتُ شُكَتِبَارْيُ نِاَلِبِيَنَاسِدَ شُبًانَ / نِ كُنْشُلَدَ شُتِرِشْتَازَ نِ ءَاشْكَلَرًاسِ[دَ] شُ // ءَاشْكُرَادَذْ نِ اُاِدَشْ شُشْ كَاشَشْ نِ اَبٍيَدَذَ / شُبُزْ شُتِرِشْتَازَ ءَاشْ فُوَارْتَا شُشُلَرْ ءَاشْ فُنْذُ / شُ اَوَ ءَاشْ بٌسُنً شُشْ اَرًااُشْ شُنْ فِيَارٌشْ / شُبًانَ ءَاشْ ذُلُرُشَ شُلَانً ءَاشْ بٍيَاذْرَشْ اِ جَا / نْتَاشْ نُشَا رًاغَلَ شُفِيَارٌ نِشَا مَتَ شُفُوَاغُ / نِشَا اَكَبَ شُبًانَ اَلٍ ءَاشْتَنْ تِيَانْبٌشْ شِنْ / كُوَانْتُ شُشْ كَمِشَشْ ءَاشْ اَلْكِتْرَنْ اَرْدِيَا / نْتَا شُشْ كَلْسَشْ بًاز ءَانْسَانْدِذَ شُشْ رٌبًشْ / سُفْرَا فَلَمَااَنْتَا شُشْ بُنَاتَاشْ فِيَارٌ رٌشِيَا / نْتَا اِ شُبْرَا ءَالٌشْ الْمَلَكَاشْ فُوَارْتَاشْ كا لُشْ / تُرْنَااَرَنْ كُنْغَرًفِيُشْ دَا فِيَارٌ فُغَااَنْتَا / شُبَابْرَجَا ءَاشْ كُبْرَا دَارًاتِذُ The dove said: “Whoever disobeys Allah, their pain is the fire of Hell. They do not live or die, and every day their pain is duplicated. They are captives in the fire. Their captivity is never revoked, nor their pain alleviated, not their sadness consoled, nor their darkness illuminated, nor their complaints heard, nor their voice pitied. Their sadness is strong, their loneliness is deep, and their water is poison, their chains are iron, their punishment is painful, their firewood is rocks and people. The iron does not yield, nor does the fire die, nor does their pain end. There they remain for countless time. Their shirts are burning tar, their shoes ignited pitch, their clothes are made of flaming sulfur, their caps are red-hot iron. And above them are strong angels who turn them with flaming iron hooks, their drink is molten copper.
جَهَنَّمْ تِيَانَا / شِيَاتَا بٌوَارْتَشْ دَا بٌوَارْتَ اَ بٌوَارْتَ اَنْدَ / دُرَ دَا كِنِيَانْتُشْ اَنٌشْ لَبٍرِمَارَ شَا لًمَ جَهَنَّمْ / بٌرْكَا كُمَا لَشْ كَرْنَاشْ دَا لُشْ كَافِرَاشْ لَشَا / غُنْدَ شَا لًمَ لَظَّا بٌرْكَا كُمَا لُشْ بٍيَادَاشْ / اِ [مَنُ]شْ لَتَارْسَارَ شَا لًمَ سَقَرْ بٌرْكَا ءَانْسِيَانْدَا // لَكُوَرْتَ شَا لًمَ اَلْحُطَمَ بٌرْكَا تَرَشْبًشَ شُفُوَاغُ / تُذُشْ لُشْ مِيَانْبُرُشْ لَكِنْتَ شَا لًمَ سَغِيرْ بٌرْ / كَا شُفوَاغُ نُنْكَ شَا مَتَ جَمَشْ لَشَايْشَانَ / شَا لًمَ اَلْجَحِيمْ كَا اُنَ سَانْتَالً كَامَرِيَ تُذُ / ءَالْمُنْذُ لَشَاتَانَ شَا لًمَ اَلْهَاوِيَ كَا كِيَانْ / ءَانْتَرَرَ ءَانْالً نُنْكَ شَلًا جَمَشْ ءَانَالً ءَاشْتَ ءَالْبٌزُ / دَا اَلْهَبْهَبْ كَا كُوَنْذُ شَا اَبْرَا كَامَ اَلٌتْرُ / فُوَاغُ دَا جَهَنَّمْ اِيَالْفُوَاغُ دَا جَهنَّمْ ءَاشْ / نَاغْرُ ءَاشْكُرُ اِ شُبْرَا كَدَ بٌوَارْتَ دَا جَهَنَّمْ / اَيْ مِلْ كَبَاسُشْ دَا فُوَاغُ ءَانْكَدَ كَبَاسُ شَا / تَانْتَ مِلْ كَبَاسُشْ دَا فُوَاغُ اِ دِزَا جَهَّنَّمْ / ءَالْذِيَ ذَالْجُدِسْيُ شَانٌرْ كَارَاسَا ءَانْمِي / ءَالًرْذُرْ اِ لَفُرْتَلَازَ بَّرَ كَا تُمَا اُيْ بَانْغَنْسَ / دَا اَكَالٌشْ كَا تَا دَاشُبَادَاسِيَارُنْ اِ كُوَنْذُ / لُشْ ءَاجًنْ دَانْتُرُ لٌرَنْ لَغِرِمَشْ فَشْتَ كَا شَا / ءَانْشُغَنْ اِ شَنْغَارَا فَشْتَ كَا شَا اَكَبَ اِ مَتَا / رِيَ فَشْتَ كَا شَا دَاشَاكَنْ Hell
Critical note:

Islamic exegesis develops the hierarchy of seven gates or levels of hell that mirror the seven gates of Paradise. Each of their designations appears in the Qur’ān: 2.119 (al-Jaḥīm), 2.206 (Jahannam), 4.10 (Saᶜīr), 54.48 (Saqar), 70.15 (Laẓā), 101.9 (Hāwiya), and 104.4-5 (al-Ḥuṭama).

has seven gates, and from gate to gate is a journey of five hundred years. The first gate is named Jahannam because it consumes the flesh of the non-believers. The second is called Laẓā because it consumes their feet and hands. The third is called Saqar because it is blazes. The fourth is called al-Ḥuṭama because its fires pass over every body part. The fifth is called Saᶜīr because its fire never dies. The sixth is called al-Jaḥīm because one spark from its fire will burn the whole world. The seventh is called al-Hāwiya because whoever enters never leaves. Inside it is the well of al-Habhab, and when it opens, its fire burns all the other fires of Hell.
Critical note:

Christian Lange explains, “Instead of rivers and springs, valleys (awdiya) and deep wells (ajbāb) are characteristic of hell. There is a rather large number of the latter in particular, and their names tend to be derived, by an interpretive process of turning abstract nouns into concrete toponyms, from the Qur’ān” (p. 134).

And the fire of Hell is dark black, and upon each gate of Hell there are one thousand hills of fire and on each hill there are seventy-thousand hills of fire. And Hell speaks on the Day of Judgment and says: ‘God, cause ardor and strength to grow within me so that I can take revenge today on those who have disobeyed you.’And when they throw the non-believers inside, they shed tears until they dry up, and blood until there is no more, and matter until they are desiccated.
اِ لٌرَنْ تَ[نْتُ] // كَا شِ ءَاجًشَانْ نَبَاشْ ءَانْشُشْ لَغِرِمَشْ كُرًارِيَنْ / كُمُ ءَانْلَمَرْ اِ نُنْكَ شُنْ اَبٍيَدَذْشْ اِقُوَنْذُ / بَارَنْ لَشْجَانْتَاشْ اَ جَهَنَّمْ كَيْرَنْ اَمُرْتَا / سِذُشْ دَا شُتَامُرْ اِ نُرٌوَاغَ نِنْغُنَ شِنُ بٌرْ / شِي فُيْرَنْ لَشْ مَدْرَاشْ دَا لُشْ فِجُشْ اِ لُشْ فِجُشْ / دَا لَشْ مَدْرَاشْ هَزَارْشَا اَنْ كَنُشُشْ لُشْ مُسُشْ / بٌوَاشْ كُوَنْذُ تُشْ مَنْسَابُشْ شُنْ لَابَذُشْ اَلْ / فُوَاغُ دِزِيَانْذُ اُ نُوَاشَ جُبَانْتُدْ مَلْ اَبَانْ / تُرَذُشْ بٌوَاشْ ءَالْفُوَاغُ اَ دَا شَارْ نُوَاشَ مُرَدَ كُوَ / نْتَشْ مُجَارَاشْ فَارْمُشَشْ كَا اِرَنْ ذِزِيَانْذُ اُ نُوَاشَ / فَارْمُشُرَ اِ بَالْدَذْ مَلْ ءَانْبًالَااَدَ بٌوَاشْ كَا / ءَالْفُوَاغُ ءَاشْ نُوَاشَ مُرَدَ كُوَنْتُشْ بِيَاجُشْ / كَنُشْ كَا اِرَنْ اَلْفُوَاغُ دِزِيَانْذُ اُ نُوَا / شَشْ كَنَشْ اِ فَلَكَازَ مَلْ غَشْتَذَ بٌوَاشْ ءَلْفُوَاغُ / اَ دَا شَارْ نُوَاشَ مُرَذَ شَارَنْ اَبٌرٍذَشْ دَا اَللهْ / اِيَبًرْتَذُشْ ذَا شُبٍيَدَذْ دَاشْبًادِذُشْ دَا شُشْ / [بِيَا]نَاشْ لِغَدَشْ شُشْ مَنُشْ ءَانْكَدَانَذُشْ شُشْ // كُوَالٌشْ ءَانْسَانْدِذَشْ شُشْ لَانْوَشْ نَاغْرَشْ شُشْ / كَرَشْ لَرْغَ شُتِرِشْتَازَ ذُرَنْتَا شُبًانَّ هَنْبِرِيَا / نْتُشْ شَاذِيَانْتُشْ دُلُرُشُشْ دِزِيَانْذُ يَنُشْ اَبَرْ / كَ شُبًانَ تِرِشْتَاشْ دَا نُشُتْرُشْ بٌرْ لُكَا ذَا / فَلًاسِمُشْ شِشَا كَاشَنْ نُلُشْ اَبٍيَدَنْ شِكَلَمَنْ / نُلَاشْ رًاشْبٌنْدَانْ دِزَانْ شَانٌرْ فُوَامُشْ / يَارًذُشْ اَلِبِيَنَاسَا شُبْرَا نُشْاُتْرُشْ لَبًانَ اُنْ / ذِيَ شُلُ And they cry so much that if you threw ships into their tears, they would sail as they do in the sea. And they are never pitied. And when the people see Hell, they fall dead from fear and no one begs for anythings except themself. Mothers flee from their children, and children from their mothers. And the youth have become hoary. When your young men are taken to the fire, they say: ‘Oh, our youth! Bad fortune! Well, the fire will be our new home!’ So many beautiful women will go about saying: ‘Oh, our handsomeness and beauty is wasted! Well, the fire is our new home!’ So many hoary old people that will go to the fire saying: ‘Oh, our grey hairs and frailty are poorly spent! Well, the fire will be our new home!’ They will be abhorred by Allah and parted from His piety, removed from their belongings; their hands tied, their necks chained, their tongues ignited, their faces black, their sadness long, their pain enduring. Hungry, thirsty, painful, saying: ‘Your punishment already encompasses us, so sad are we for our failures.’ If they complain, no one pities them. If they clamor, no one responds. They say: ‘God, we have erred. Alleviate our pain for just one day.’
لَؤُرَ لَابَنْتَشَا اُنَنُبَا نَاغْرَ دَا فُوَاغُ / اِيَالٌشْ دَامَنْدَنْ اَوَ اِ بٍيَانْشَنْ كَا لُشْ اَبٍّيَدَنْ / كُن اَوَ اِ لٌوَابَا شُبْرَا ءَالٌشْ بٍيَادْرَشْ اِ اَوَ بُلًانْتَا / كَا لُشْ تَرَشْبًشَ دَا فُوَاغُ كُمَانْ دَا فُوَاغُ / بَابَانْ اِ شُبْرَا فُوَاغُ شَا اَكُوَاشْتَنْ شُبْرَا فُوَاغُ / كَلَمَنْ اَ مَالِكْ دِزَا اَللهْ يَا مَالِكْ رًاشْبٌنْداَ اَ لُشْ / لَزَرَذُشْ لَؤُرَ ذِزَالَاشْ مَالِكْ يَا اَكَالٌشْ كَا شَا اَ / ءَانْشَنًذُ شُبْرَالٌشْ كَا كَارَايْشْ دِزَانْلَا يَا مَالِكْ / دَنُشْ اَ بَابَارْ اُنَ بَابِدَ دَا اَوَ كَا رًافِرِيا نُوَا / شُشْ كُوَارْبٌشْ Then a black cloud of fire rises, and they demand water, and they think that they will show mercy upon them in the form of water. And rocks rain upon them and boiling water washes over them. They eat fire, they drink fire, and upon fire they sleep. Burning, they call to Malik.
Critical note:

One of the administering angels of Jahannam. See Qur’ān 43.77.

Allah says: ‘Malik, respond to the disgraced.’ At that moment, Malik says to them: ‘Those who have received punishment, what do you want?’ They say to him: ‘Malik, give us a drink of water to refresh our bodies.’
لَؤُرَ ذَلَاشْ اَ بَابَارْ اَوَ دَالَ[لْجَحِيمْ] // كَا ءَانْتَرَ بٌرْ لَشْ بُكَشْ اِ دَارٍبَ لُشْ دِيَا / نْتَاشْ يَبْرَشْ لَشْ ءَانْتَرَنَّشْ اِ دَارٍتَا لَشْ كَرْ / نَاشْ هَزَا بُلٍرْ لُشْ مَاذُلٌشْ ءَانْلَشْ كَبَاسَشْ كَا / شِي اُنَ غُتَ كَيَاشَا شُبْرَا لَتِيَارً دَا اَكَالَّ / اَوَ مُرٍيَنْ لَشْ جَانْتَاشْ دَا شُهَاذُرْ شُبْرَا كَذَ / بٌوَارْتَ دَا جَهَنَّمْ اَيْ مِلْ مَرَاشْ دَا فُوَاغُ دَا / اَنْذَذُرَ ذَا كِنِيَانْتُشْ اَنٌشْ ءَانْكَدَ مَرْ مِلْ / سِبْدَدَاشْ دَا فُوَاغُ ءَانْكَدَ سِبْدَذْ مِلْ / اَلْجُبَاشْ ذَا فُوَاغُ ءَانْكَدَ اَلْجٌبَا مِلْ كَشَشْ / دَا فُوَاغُ ءَانْكَدَ كَشَ مِلْ فُوَانْتَاشْ دَا فُوَاغُ / دَا كَدَ فُوَانْتَا شَلًانْ مِلْ رٍيُشْ دَا فُوَاغُ / كَا شِ اُنَ غُتَ كَيَاشَا دَا اَكَالً اَوَ ءَانْلَتِيَارً / اَبْرَشَرِيَ تُذُ ءَالْمُنْذُ اِ نُ اَيْ كُشَ مَشْ اَبُرٍذَ / ءَانْبٌدَارْ دَا اَللهْ كَا لُشْ دَالْفُوَاغُ At that moment, he gives them water to drink from al-Jaḥīm that enters their mouths and demolishes their teeth and burns their bowels and melts their flesh. It makes their brains boil in their heads. If one drop of this water fell on the Earth, the people would die from its stench. Around every gate in Hell there are one thousand seas of fire, the length of which is a journey of five hundred years. In each sea, there are a thousand cities of fire, and in each city, there are one thousand wells of fire, and in each well, there are one thousand houses of fire, and in each house there are one thousand fountains of fire, and from each fountain, one thousand rivers of fire emanate. If one drop of that water fell on the Earth, it would burn the whole world. There is nothing more abhorred in the power of Allah than those who are in the fire.”
لَؤُرَ فُوَاشَا / لَبًلُمَ اِ كَاذُ لَذُنْزَالَّ دِزِيَانْذُ يَا تِرِشْتَازَذَا مِي / يَا تِرِشْتَازَ كَا بٌكُ اَ شَااِذُ مِكُنُسِمِيَانْتُ / [كُنْ مِي] كِرِيَذُرْ غُوَيْ دُا لُشْ شَارْبِذُرَاشْ // دَا لَشْ اِذُلُشْ ءَانْجَهَنَّمْ اِيَانْشُ بًانَ غُوَيْ / دَا مِي كَا شَارَ دَا مِي كُوَنْذُ مَا بًرَرَا دَالَنْتَا / دَا مِشَانٌرْ اَ لَكُوَانْتَ اِ شَا بًرَرَ ءَالْبًاشُ اِ شَا / تَانْدَارَ ءَالْصٍرَاطْ تِرِشْتَا دَا مِي اَكَالْ / ذِيَ اِ دِيُ اُنْ شُشْبٍرُ اِ كَيُ اَمُرْتَاسِدَ اِ نُ / رًاكُرْذُ شِنُ اَبًارَاشْ دَا تَارَاشْ دِيَشْ فَشْتَ / كَا لًاغُ لَنُوَابَ اَ شُبًدْرَا اِ بِنُ اَ بَارْلَ اِ ذِشُ / يَا فِجَ بًلَزَارْ دَا مِشْ اُجُشْ كَا ءَاشْ تُفَاجٌ / كَا اَشْ اُبِذُ كَا مَا ءَا كَابْرَنْتَذُ كُنْتُ مَلْ / مِكُرَسُنْ لَؤُرَ لَابَنْتُشَا لَذُنْزَالً دَامُدَدَ لٌرَ / نْدُ دَامُدَدَ دَا كُلُرْ اِ ذِيشُ يَا بًدْرَا دَافِيَا / نْذُمَا كُنْ اَللهْ دَالْفُوَاغُ دَا جَهَنَّمْ اِ دَا شُشْ / بًانَشْ اَكَالًشْ كَا نُ اَبٍيَذَرَنْ اَلْبِيَاجُ / بٌرْ شُبَاجَاسْ نِ اَلْجٍكُ بٌرْ شُبًاكَانَاسْ نِ اَ لَ / مُجَارْ بٌرْ شُفَلَكَازَ At that moment, the dove departed and left the little damsel saying: “My sadness, oh, woe is me! How little I knew about my creator. Woe to the idolaters in Hell and in its punishment. Oh, woe is me. What will become of me when I come before my God for judgment, and the weight will be placed, and the bridge will be stretched forth?
Critical note:

Guillén Robles writes, “The scale where the people’s actions will be weighed, and the bridge over which the souls must pass to reach Paradise” (p. 206).

Woe is me on that day!” And she sighed and fainted and did not remember anything until three days later when the news reached her father. And he came to see her and said: “Daughter, pleasure of my eyes, what is your condition? What have you heard? For my heart has broken from your poor condition.” At that moment, the damsel rose, pale and crying, and said: “Father, defend me with Allah from the fire of Hell and its punishments, which take no pity on the old for their age nor the young for their youth, nor on the woman for her frailty.”
دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ يَا فِجَ اَشْبِشْتُ / اَلْغُ ءَانْتُذُرْمِرْ اُ ءَاشْتَشْ هَاجٍزَدَ دِشُلَا / يَا بًدْرَا اَنْتَاشْ دَامَنْذُ بًارْدُنْ اَ[دَ اَللهْ] // مِ شَانٌرْ اِ تُ شَانٌرْ دَاشَ ءَالْشَارْبِسِيُ دَا لَشْ / اِذُلَشْ اَكَالًشْ كَا نُ اُيَانْ نِبَاءَانْ نُوَازَانْ / اِ نُ اَبٌرُبَاجًنْ لَؤُرَ مَنْذُ ءَالْرًايْ تَرَءَارْ شُ اِدُلَ / اِ دِشُلَ يَا فِجَ ءَاشْتَا ءَاشْ تُشَانٌرْ اِ مِشَانٌرْ / اَكَالْ كَا نُ كُنُسَامُشْ شِنُ اَ ءَالْ تُرْنَتَا ءَانْتُ / شَانْتِذُ اِ شِرْبَا اَ تُشَانٌرْ اِ نُشَااَشْ يَارًذُ / دِيشُ ءَالً يَا بَّدْرَا تُ ءَارَاشْ ءَالْيَارًذُ دَاشَ ءَالْشَا / رْبِسْيُ دَا لَشْ اِذُلَشْ اِ دِ كَا نُ اَيْ شَانٌرْ شِنُ / اَللهْ شُلُ شِنْ اَبًرْسَارُ ءَانَالْسِيَالُ ءَاش شُ اَلْعَرْشا / اِ ءَانْلَتِيَارً شُبٌتَاشْتَذْ اِ شَانٌرِيُ كُوَنْذُ / اُيُ اِبْلِسْ مَلْذِغَلُ اَللهْ ءَالْنُنْبَرَمِيَانْتُ / دَا اَللهْ شَلٌ دَا لَىٍدُلَ / هُيَانْذُ اِيَالْ كَا ذِزِيَ يَا رًايْ نَجْرَبْ يَ شَا اَ اِنُبَذُ ءَانْ تُ تِيَارً اُنْ / فَاجٌ كَا نُتُرْنَرًا اَ تُ اِدُلَ ءَانْجَمَشْ تُمُ ءَالْرًايْ / بٌرَاشْتُ غَرَنْدَا بٍيَانْشُ اِ ذِيشُ اَ شُفِجَ يَا / فِجَ تُرْنَتَا دَا لُكَا ءَاشْتَشْ اِ نُ اَفُوَالًاشْ / [تُ لَايْ] نِتَا اَبًرْتَ[اشْ] اَ ءَالً The king said: “Daughter, have you seen something in your sleep or are you bewitched?” She said to him: “Father, first, ask for pardon from Allah, my God and your God. Leave the service of idols, those who neither hear nor see, who harm and from whom we do not profit.” At that moment, the king commanded that her idol be brought, and he said to her: “Daughter, this is your God and my God, and we do not know another like him. Return to your senses and serve your God and do not be mistaken.” She said: “Father, you are mistaken. Leave the service of idols, and say that there is no god except Allah, alone, without equal. His throne is in the heavens, and on Earth is His power and dominion.” When Iblis, may Allah curse him, heard the name of Allah, he left the idol, fleeing, and said: “King Najrab, something new has happened in your kingdom, and so I will never return to your idol again.”
اِ دِشُلَا شُ لَفِجَ // يَا بًدْرَا دَاشَمَا اُنْبٌكُ بٌوَاشْ لَؤُرَ دَاشُلَ / اِ فُوَاشَا ءَالً اَ شُىٍذُلَ اِيَاشْمَانُزُلَ تُدَ اِ تُمُ / ءَالٌرُ اِ لَبًلَتَ اِ لَشْ بًارْلَشْ دَا لَىٍذُلَ اِ بًرْتِيُلَ اَ لُشْ / بٌبْرَاشْ ءَانْشَارْبِسْيُ دَا اَللهْ اِ بِنُ شُبًدْرَا / اِ هَلٌ لَىِدُلَ كَابْرَذَ اِ دِيشُ يَا فِجَ فَاجٌ / اَشْ كُشَ مُيْ غَرَنْدَا كَا شِي اُتِرِ لُ اُبِيَاشَا / فَاجٌ بًانَرْلُ اِيَ كُنْتُرْمَانْتُشْ فُوَارْتَاشْ / دِيشُ ءَالً يَا بًدْرَا شِفُوَاشَا شَانٌرْ كُمُ / تُذِزَاشْ نُ شَا اَبْرِيَ دَاشَذُ ءَاشْمَانُزَرْ / كَا مِشَانٌرْ ءَالْكَا يُ شِيَارْبُ خَلَاقَذُرْ دَا لُشْ / خَلَاقَذُشْ ءَالْكَا دَ لُشْ اَلرٍزْكَاشْ تَانْدَاذُرْ / دَا لَشْ غَرَسِيَشْ نُلَا دَنً كُشَ نِنْغُنَ دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ / يَا فِجَ تُرْنَتَا دَا لُكَاشْتَشْ شِنُيُ تا بًانَرَا / بًانَ فُوَارْتَا اِ دِزِيَانْذُ ءَاشْتُ فُوَاشَا اِ دَاشُلَ / بٌوَاشْ بُلْبِيُشَا لَذُنْزَالً ءَانْدِيُنَرْ اِ هَزَارْ اَلْصًلَى / اِ كُمَارْ بًنْ دَا سَابَذَ اِ رٌغُ اَذَ اَللهْ كَا لَا / ءَانْبِيَ[شَا لَبًلُمَ اِ بِنُلَا اِ] هَلٌ لَ هَزِيَانْذُ [اَلصًلَى] // This worried the king greatly, and he to his daughter: “Daughter, revert to what you were and do not leave your laws nor draw away from it.” And his daughter said: “Father, leave me for a little.” As soon as he left her, she went to her idol and crumbled it completely. And she took the gold and silver and pearls from the idol and gave them to the poor in service of Allah. And her father came and found the idol broken and said: “Daughter, you have done a very repulsive thing. If another had done this, I would have tortured him gravely.” She said: “Father, if it were a god, like you say, it would not have allowed me to destroy it. My God, the one I serve—Creator of the creations, He who gives sustenance, Keeper of blessings—nothing hurts Him.” The king said: “Daughter, revert to what you were, otherwise I will punish you with great pain.” And saying this, he went away and left her. Then, the damsel returned to her fasting and prostrated in prayer
Critical note:

aṣṣalā: normally understood as ‘Islamic prayer’, which connotes more precisely the corpus of words, gestures, prostrations, and physical elements used to carry out the five daily cycles of prayer.

and ate barley bread. She begged Allah to send the dove, and it came and found performing prayer.
اِ ذِيُ اَلسًلَامْ شُبْرَالً اِ تُرْنُ ءَالًسَلَامْ اِ دِيشُ يُشُيْ / مُيْ اَلًاغْرَا كُنْتُبَانِدَ يُكَارَااُ كُنْ اَللهْ / اِ لَا شِرْبُ اِ نُبٌنْغُ اَبًرْسَارُ كُنَالْ دِيشُ لَبًلُمَّ / يَا فِجَ دَا نَجْرَبْ اَلَاغْرَتَا كَا اَللهْ اَ رًاسَابِذُ / تُ رًابٍنْتَانْسِيَ اِ بًارْذُنَذُ تُبًاكَذُ لَؤُرَ / كَا اَشْ دَاشَذُ ءَالْشَارْبِسْيُ دَا لَىٍدُلَ ءَالًسًلَامْ / شَااَ شُبْرَا تِ اِ بٍيَدَذْ دَا اَللهْ شَاءَ شُبْرَا تِ / اِ شُبَانْدِسِيُنْ اِ فُوَاشَا لَبًلُمَ اِ تُرْنُشَا لَذُنْزَالَّ / اَ هَزَارْ اَلصًلَى اِ دَيُنَرْ اِ رٌغَرْ اَذَ اَللهْ كَا لَشَلْبَشَا / دَا لَبًانَ دَا جَهَنَّمْ اِ بٌبْلِكُشَا شُفَاجٌ ءَانْتُذُ / شُرًايْنُ هَبْلَبَنْ دَالَّ لَشْ جَانْتَاشْ رًااُتَبَنْ / اَلْرًايْ دِزِيَانْذُلَا شِذَاشَشْ اَ تُفِيجَ اَشِي كُمُ / ءَاشْتَ بًارْدَارشَا اَ تُرًايْنُ اِ تُمُ ءَالْرًايْ / مُيْ غَرَنْدَا كُيْدَذُ اِ فُوَاشَا اَ ءَالً اِ دِشُلَا / يَا فِجَ تُرْنَتَا دَا لُكَاشْتَشْ اِ نُمَا ءَاجًاشْ اَ بًارْ / دَارْ مِرًايْنُ نِتَا اَبًرْتَاشْ دَا نُوَاشْتْرُ شَانٌرْ / The dove bestowed peace upon her,
Critical note:

Giving assalām refers to the practice of greeting between Muslims. The greeter says: assalāmu ᶜalaykum (peace be upon you) to which the greeted responds: waᶜalaykum assalām (and with you be peace).

and she returned this peace and said: “I am very happy that you came. I believe in Allah, and I serve Him, and I do not consider anyone His partner.” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, be happy that Allah has accepted your repentance and has pardoned your sin the moment you abandoned the service of idols. Peace be upon you, and may Allah’s mercy and his benediction be upon you as well.” And the dove left, and the damsel returned to prayer and to fasting, begging Allah to save her from the pain of Hell. And her deeds were made known throughout the kingdom. The people gossiped about her, and rebuked her to the king saying: “If you allow your daughter to continue like this, you will lose your kingdom.” And the king took great heed, and he went to her and told her: “Daughter, turn away from what you are, and do not make me lose my kingdom and do not part from our lord.”
دِ[يشُلَا شُ]فِجَ يَا بًدْ[رَا يُ تَا لًمُ اَلْشَارْبِ]سْيُ // دَاَ اَللهْ اِ تُكَلَمَشْمَا اَلْشَارْبِسْيُ دَا لَشْ اِدُلَشْ / يَا بًدْرَا اُبَادَاسَا اَدَ اَللهْ اِ دِ كُمُ يُدِغُ / كَا نُ اَيْ شَانٌرْ شِنُ اَللهْ شُلُ كَا نُ اَيْ اًبًرْسَارُ / كُنَالْ اِ دَرْتَا اَ اَللهْ ءَالًلْجَنَّ اِ شَلْبَرْتَا اَ دَا فُوَاغُ / دَا جَهَنَّمْ دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ يَا فِجَ شِنُتَا دَابِيَا / دَشْ دَا لُكَاشْتَشْ كُرْتَارْتَا لَش مَنُشْ اِ شَكَرتَا / دَا مِرًايْنُ دِيشُ ءَالً يَا بًدْرَا نُمَا تُرْنَرَا / دَا لَبًلَبْرَ دَا لَا اِلًهَ اِلًا اَللهْ دِشُلَا شُبًدْرَا يَا فِجَ / يُتَانْغُ مِيَاذُ كَا تَا اَرًابًانْتِرَشْ كُوَنْذُ نُتَا / اَبٌرُبَاجًرَ كَا شِنُ تَا تُرْنَشْ دَا لُكَاشْتَشْ / كُرْتَرْتَا لَشْ مَنُشْ اِ شَكَرْتَا اَ لُشْ مُنْتَاشْ كُنْلُشْ / اَنِمَلَاشْ فِيَارُشْ اِ نُتَا بٌدْرَشْ اَبٌرُبَاجًرْ كُنْ / تُشْ مَنُشْ دِيشُ كَعْبُ اَلَاحْبَارْ كَا نُ / كَارَاسِيَ لَذُنْزَالً شِنُ ءَانَالْ شَارْبِسْيُ / دَا اَللهْ تَعَالَى لَشْجَانْتَاشْ فَبْلَبَنْ دَالً اُنُشْ / دِزِيَنْ لُكَ شَا اَ تُرْنَذُ اُتْرُشْ دِزِيَنْ اَ هَلًذُ / اُتْرَ [مَاجُرْ لَايْ كَا لَ دَا ش]بًدْرَا دِيشُ [ءَالْرًكُنْتَ]دُرْ // كَا بُلْبِيُ شُبًدْرَا اَ ءَالً اِ ذِشُلَا His daughter said to him: “Father, I call you to the service of Allah, and you call me to serve idols. Father, obey Allah and say what I say, that there is no god except Allah, alone, who has no partner. And Allah will give Paradise to you and will save you from the fire of Hell.” The king said: “Daughter, if you do not deviate from what you have become, I will cut off your hands and expel you from my kingdom.” She said: “Father, I will not turn from the words ‘There is no god except Allah.’” Her father said to her: “Daughter, I am afraid that you will repent when it is too late. If you do not turn away from what you are, I will cut off your hands and banish you to the mountains with the wild animals. You will not be able to survive without your hands.” Kaᶜbu al-Akhbār said that the damsel grew in none but her devotion to Allah, the Exalted. The people spoke about her. Some said: “She has gone crazy.” Others said: “She found a better law than that of her father.” The storyteller said that her father returned to her and said:
يَا فِجَ تُرْنَتَا / دَا لُكَا ءَاشْتَشْ شِنُيُ هَرَا لُكَا دِيجٌ تَانْغُ ذِيشُ / ءَالً يَا بًدْرَا اَاُنْكَا مَا كُرْتَاشْ اِ مَا كَامَاشْ / كُنْفُوَاغُ نُكَارَاسَارَا شِنُ ءَانَالْشَارْبِسْيُ / دَا اَللهْ مِشَانٌرْ يَا بًدْرَا دَاشَ ءَالْشَارْبِسْيُ / دَا لَشْ اِذُلَشْ كَا يُشُيْ دَاشَانْغَنًنْتَا اَ تِي / دِ كُمُ يُ دِغُ كَا نُ اَيْ شَانٌرْ شِنُ اَللهْ شُلُ شِنْ / اَبًرْسَارُ كُنَالْ بٌوَاشْ ذِيشُ كَعْبُ اَلَاخْبَارْ / كَا كُوَنْذُ بِذُ اَكَالٌ شُبًدْرَا مَنْذُ بَانِرْ / اُنْشَيُنْ بًرَ كُرْتَرْلَا لَشْ مَنُشْ اِ كُوَنْذُ ءَالً لُبِذُ / ءَاشْتَارَاجٌشَالَا ءَالْكُرَشُنْ اِ لَابَنْتُ شُكَبَاسَ / اَلْسِيَالُ لٌرَنْذُ اِيَالً كَا ذِزِيَ يَا كِيَانْ خَلَاقُ / لُشْ سِيَالُشْ رًافِرْمَ مِكُرَسُنْ بٌنْ سُفْرَانْسِيَ / ءَانْمِي نُتَا اَيْرَاشْ كُنْمِي نُدَاشْ لُغَرْ اَلَّشَايْطَنْ / ءَانْمِفَاجٌ اَبٍيَذَمَا كُنْتُ بٍيَدَذْ رًاكُوَانْتَ / “Daughter, turn away from what you are. If you do not, I will do what I have said.” She said: “Father, even if you cut me or burn me with fire, I will not grow but in the service of Allah, my God. Father, leave the service of idols, for it is I who leads you from deception. Say, as I say, and there is no god except Allah, alone, without equal.” Well, as Kaᶜbu al-Akhbār said, when her father saw this, he ordered an executioner to come and cut off her hands. And when she saw him, her heart sank, and she lifted her head towards heaven, crying, and said: “He who created the heavens, make my heart sure. Give me patience. Do not be angry with me, nor give the devil a place in my constitution. Take pity upon me with your mercy.”
كَعْبُ اَلَاخْبَارْ كَا ءَانَاشْتَا بَّشُ لَا ءَانْبِيُ / [اَللهْ لَبًلُ]مَ اِ بٌشُشَا جُنْتُ اَ ءَالً اِ دِشُلَا يَا فِجَ // دَا نَجْرَبْ اَلَاغْرَتَا كَا لَغَرَسِيَ دَا اَللهْ ءَاشْ / كُنْتِ سُفْرَا كَا اَللهْ تَا دَرَ ءَالًلْجَنَّ ءَالْذِيَ / دَالْجُىٍسْيُ اِ لُشْ اَلْمَلَكَاشْ رٌغَبَنْ لٌرَنْذُ بٌرَالً / اِ لَشْ اَلْحُرًشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ كَا شَا اَشُمَبَنْ اَ ءَالً / بٌوَاشْ سُفْرَا كُن لُ كَا شَا اَ اَشَانْتَذُ كُنْتِ / اِ نُشَااَ تُسُفْرَانْسِيَ شِنُ كُنْ اَللهْ لَؤُرَ دِشُلَا / شُبًدْرَا يَا فِجَ تِرَتَا دَا لُكَا ءَاشْتَشْ اَنْتَاشْ / كَا تَا كُرْتَا لَشْ مَنُشْ دِيشُ ءَالً هَزْ لُكَا كَا / رًشْ كَا نُتُرْنَرَا دَا لُكَا ءَاشْتُيْ نِدَاشَرَا / لَوٌبَادَانْسِيَ بٌرْ لَدَاشُبَادَانْسِيَ نِ ءَالْخَلَا / قَذُرْ بٌرْءَالْخَلَاقَذُ نِاَلْجَنَّ بٌرْ جَهَنَّمْ نِذَا / شَرَا اَذَ اَللهْ بٌرْ لَشْ اِذُلَشْ بٌوَاشْ لَؤُرَ مَنْذُ شُبًدْرَا / كُرْتَرلَا لَشْ مَنُشْ اِيَالً كَا ذَازِيَ بِسْمِ اِللهِ / شَانٌرْ دَا لُشْ سِيَالُشْ بِسْمِ اِللهِ شَانٌرْ دَا لَشْ / تِيَارًشْ بِسْمِ اِللهِ ءَالْتُرَنْتَا ءَانَالْشَانٌرِيُ / شَانٌرْ دَمَا سُفْرَانْسِيَ اِيَفِرْمَمَا ءَانْتُ اُبَا / دَانْسِيَ كُنْشُوَالَ مِكُرَسُنْ Kaᶜbu al-Akhbār recounted that in that moment, Allah sent the dove and it landed next to her, and said to her: “Daughter of Najrab, be happy that the grace of Allah is with you. Suffer, for Allah will give you Paradise on the Day of Judgment.” And the angels begged for her, crying, and the houris of Paradise appeared before her: “Have patience with what has been prescribed to you, for your suffering shall not be but with Allah.” Then, her father said to her: “Daughter, pull yourself away from what you are before I cut off your hands.” She said: “Do what you want. I will not change who I am, nor will I leave my obedience for disobedience, nor the creator for the creation, nor Paradise for Hell, nor will I leave Allah for idols.” At that moment, her father ordered her hands to be cut off, and she said: “In the name of Allah, God of the heavens, in the name of Allah, God of the Earth, in the name of Allah, the Eternal Lord. God, give me patience and affirm me in your obedience. Console my heart.”
لٌ[رَبَنْ تُذُشْ] // اَرًانْكُرَبَنْشَا اَذَ اَللهْ لُشْ دَا لُشْ سِيَالُشْ / اِ دَا لُشْ تِيَارًشْ اِ ذِزِيَنْ شَانٌرْ مِرَ لُكَا شَا اَ / اَشَانْتَذُ كُنْ اَكَالً ذُنْزَالً بٌرْ تُ اُبَا / دَانْسِيَ دِزَا اَللهْ تُذُ ءَاشْ اَ مِبِشْتَ بٌرْ مِي / اُنْرَّ اِ نُبْلَازَ كَا يُلَا دَرَا وَلَرْذُنْ كُنْبٍلِذُ / اِ لَبٌرْنَا ءَانْلَغَرَذَ دَا لُشْ اُنْرًذُشْ اِ كُرْتَرُنْلَا / لَشْ مَنُشْ اِ كِتَرُنْلَا لَشْ جُيَشْ كَا تَانِيَ / اِيَاجًرُنْلَ اَ لُشْ يَارْمُشْ كَاذُ كُنْغَرَنْدَا / ءَاشْبًنْتُ كَلَمُ كُنْلَ مَشْ اَلْتَ دَا شُ بُزْ لٌرَنْذُ / اِ ذِزِيَانْذُ يَا مِشَانٌرْ اِ مِكَوْدِلٌ اِ مِبًارْ / كُرَذُرْ اَشَا ءَانْبَارَابَاسِدُ مِبًدْرَا كُوَانْتَرَ مِ / اَمَا شَكَذُ اَ ءَاشْتُشْ يَارْمُشْ شَانٌرْ اَللهْ كُنْشُوَالَ / مِشُلَادَذْ Everyone in heaven and on the Earth cried and lamented to Allah, and said: “God, look what has happened to this damsel because of her obedience to you.” Allah says: “Everything is according to my vision by my honor and nobility. I will give her ample reward, and I will place her among the honored.” And they cut off her hands, and they took the jewels that she had, and they cast her into the wilderness. She was very frightened. She clamored with her loudest voice, crying, and saying: “My God, my leader, my advocate, my father has become enraged against me, he has thrown me out to the wilderness. Allah, console my loneliness.”
بٌوَاشْ اَنْدَنْذُ بٌرْ اُنْشَرَلْ غِيُلَ / اَللهْ اَ اُنَ كُوَابَ اَ لَهَلْدَ دَا اُنْمُنْتَا هَلٌ / اُنْشُشْ اِ لُبُشْ اِيُتْرُشْ اَنِمَلَاشْ دَا لَتِيَارَّ / اِ لَ[ؤُرَ كُ]نْ اَكُرْدَرْشَا دَا لُكَا لَا اَبِيَ دِيجٌ / [شُبً]دْرَا سَارْتَافِكُشَا كُنْلَ مُوَارْتَا اِ دِيشُ // لَا اِلَهَ اِلًا اَللهْ شِمَا كُمَارَنْ لَشْ اَلِمَنَّشْ نُبًانَرَا / شِنُ اُنَ اُرَ اِيَانْبٌوَاشْ تُرْنَرَا اَ لَشْ غًرَسِيَشْ / دَا مِشَانٌرْ اِيْ اَ لَلْجَنَّ بًرَ شِيَانْبًارَا جَمَشْ / اِيَنْشِي ءَانْتُرُ ءَانْلَكُوَابَ اِ سَارْكَرُنْلَ لَشْ / اَلِمَنَّشْ اِ ذَبَنْلَا اَلسًلَامْ اَ ءَالً اِ ذِزِيَنْلَا اَ ءَالً / اَلَاغْرَتَا كَا لَبٍيَدَذْ دَا اَللهْ ءَاشْ شُبْرَا تِي / اِ جُغَبَنْ كُنَالً كُمُ ءَالْبًارٌ كُنْشُ اَمُ اِ تَرَ / اِيَنْلَا دَا لَشْ فُرُيْتَشْ اِ كُمِيَ ءَالً اِيَاشْتُبُ / اَشِي لُكَا كِشُ اَللهْ فَشْتَ كَا اُنْدِيَ شَلٌ اَ كَسَ / ءَالْرًايْ دَا اَنْتَاقِيَ اِيَانْكُنْتُرُشَا كُنُنَ / سِيَارْبَ اِ شِغِيُلَ فَشْتَ كَا شَا لَنْسُ ءَانْلَ / كُوَابَ كَا ءَاشْتَبَ لَذُنْزَالً اِيَالً ءَارَ مُجَارْ هَارْمُشَ / كُوَنْدُ لَبِذُ ءَالْرًايْ نَمُرُشَا دَالً اِ ذِشُلَا / يَا ذُنْزَالً ءَارَشْ بًارْشُنَ اُ ءَارَاشْ اَلْجِنَّا / كَا كَوْشَ اَ شَااِذُ لَتُيَ كَا اَشْبَانِذُ اَنَا / شْتَا لُغَرْ كُنْ لُشْ اَنِمَلَاشْ شَلْتَا اَ [مِي كَا] يُشُيْ / ءَالْرًا[يْ] دَا اَنْتَاقِيَ يُتَا تُمَرَا بٌرْ مُجَارْ // Then, walking through a thicket, Allah guided her to a cave at the foot of a mountain, and she found bears and wolves and other animals of the Earth. And at that moment, she came to terms with what her father had said. She accepted that she would die, and said: “There is no god except Allah. If the animals eat me, I will not be in pain but for an hour, and afterward I will return to the graces of my God in paradise forevermore.” Thus she entered the cave, and the animals approached her and bestowed peace upon her. They said to her: “Be happy, for the mercy of Allah is upon you.”
دِشُ ءَالً يُ شُيْ كِيَانْ شِكِشِيَارَ شَانٌرِاُشْ / ءَانَالْمُنْذُ يَتَانِيَ لُكَا تُكُيْدَشْ كَا / تِيَانَاشْ دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ يَا ذُنْزَالً دِمَا كِيَانْ / ءَارَاشْ دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً يَا رًايْ مِنُنْبَارَا ءَاشْ / كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ شُيْ فِجَ دَالْرًايْ نَجْرَبْ / شَانٌرْ دَا لُشْ رٌمَنُشْ دَا اَلْهِنْدَا دَاشَا ءَالْشَارْ / بِسْيُ دَا لَشْ اِذُلَشْ اِ شَارْبِ اَذَ اَللهْ شَانٌرْ / دَا لُشْ سِيَالُشْ اِ دَا لَتِيَارَّ اِيَبُرًاسِيُمَا / مِبًدْرَا اِ فِزُ كُنْمِيغُ لُكَا بَايَاشْ اِ دِيشُ / ءَالْرًايْ يَا ذُنْزَالً بَانْتَا اَ مِيْ كَا يُمَا كَشَرَا / كُنْتِ اِيَادَالَنْتَرْتَا شُبْرَا تُذُشْ لُشْ دَا مِرًا / يْنُ كَا اَكُالْ شَانٌرْ كَا تُمَا اَشْ نُنْبَرَذُ / نُنْكَ لُ اُاِ نُنْبَررْ شِنُ اَغُرَ اَ تِ دَاكَلَرَمَا / اَلْغُ مَشْ بٌوَاشْ دَاكَلَرُلَا لَذُنْزَالً تُذُ اَكَالٌ / كَا لَا اَبِيَ دِيجٌ لَبًلُمَ دَا لَغَرَنْدَازَ دَا اَللهْ / اِ دَا لَشْ غَرَسِيَشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ اِ دَا لَشْ بًانَشْ دَا / [جَهَنَّ]مْ And they played with her like a dog with its owner, and they brought her fruits, and she ate of them. And she remained in this way as long as Allah desired until one day, the king of Antioch went out hunting. He came upon a doe and followed it until he entered the cave where the damsel was. And she was a beautiful woman. When the king saw her, he fell in love with her and said to her: “Damsel, are you a person or a jinn? What has been your cause for coming to this place with these animals? Come out to me, for I am the king of Antioch, and I will take you for my wife.”
لَؤُرَ دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ يَا ذُنْزَالً ك [شَ]تَا // كُنْمِيغُ كَا يُتَا شَاغِرَا ءَانْلَرًاغْلَ اِ دِغُ كَا / نُ اَيْ شَانٌرْ شِنُ اَللهْ شُلُ شِنْ اَبًرْسَارُ نِنْغُنُ / كُنَالْ ذِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً يَا رًايْ نُشُيْ بَشْتَنْتَا / بًرَ تِ كَا تَانْغُ لَشْ مَنُشْ كُرْتَدَاشْ اِ دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ / يُمَا كُنْتَانْتُ اَشِي اِ ذِيُلَا اُمَانَجَّا دَا كَارَايَارْ / كُنْ اَللهْ اِ لَابُلَ كُنْشِغُ اِ كَشُشَا كُنَالَّ اِ لَابُشَا / لَسِيَارْبَ كُنَالَّ اَ شُكَشَ اِ كَشْتِغُ اَ شُبًدْرَا اِيَ / تُذُشْ لُشْشُيُشْ اِ كَا لَؤُنْرَّشَانْ اِ لَ اَكَتَشَانْ / اِ لَوٌبَادَاسِيَاشَانْ بٌرْ شَانٌرَ اِ مَيُرَ اِ بًلَزِيُلَا / اَ شُمَدْرَا اِيَتُذُشْ لُشْ شُيُشْ كُنَالَّ اِ لَكَرْكَيْ / سِيُنَ بًارْبًرُ اَلَشُوَاغْرً اَ لَكَارَايَانْسِيَ فَشْتَ / كَا شَا هِزُ مُسْلِمَ She said: “If I were someone who wanted power in this world, I would already have what you have.” The king said: “Damsel, tell me who you are.” The damsel said: “King, my name is Carcayçiyona. I am the daughter of king Najrab, lord of the Romans of India. I left the service of idols, and I served Allah, God of the heavens and the Earth, and my father abhorred me and did with me what you see.” The king said: “Damsel, come with me, for I will marry you, and I will put you before everyone else in my kingdom. This God you have named, I have never heard His name before except now, from you. Tell me more.” The damsel declared to him everything the dove told her about the grandeur of Allah and the blessings of Paradise and the punishments of Hell.
لَبِيَاجَ بٌوَاشْ اَكَءَاسِيُ كَا ءَالْرًايْ / اُبُ دَا اِرْ اُنْكَمِنُ لَرْغُ اِ كَشْتِغُ اَ لُشْ شُيُشْ / اِ مَنْذُلَاشْ كَا اَكَتَشَانْ مُجٌ اَ شُمُجَارْ اِيَشِي كُمُ / ءَالْرًايْ فُوَا بَّرْتِذُ كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ بًرِيُ اُنْفِجُ / اِ لَشْ اُتْرَشْ مُجَارَاشْ اُبِيَارُنْ غَرَنْدَا ءَانْبِدِيَ / اِيُر[دَا]نَرُنْ اُنَ كَرْتَ كُمُ كَا ءَالْرًا[يْ لَ ءَاشْكِرِبِ]يَ // اَ شُمَدْرَا كَا ذِزِيَ شَانٌرْ مَدْرَا كُوَنْذُ لًاغَرَ ءَاشْتَ / مِكَرْتَ شَكَرَايْشْ اَ لَهَاجٍزَارَ دَا مِ اَلْقَصَرْ اِ رًايْنُ / كَا ءَالَ نُشَ اَ هَاجٍزَذُ اَ تُذُشْ اِ نُشَ هَاجٌ دَاشَرْ / نُوَاشَ لَايْ كَا اَكَالْ فِجُ كَا اَ بًرِذُ نُ ءَاشْ مِيُ / اِ شِنُ هَزَاشْ لُكَا يُ مَنْذُ نُنْكَ مَشْ مَا بَارَشْ بٌوَاشْ / كُوَنْذُ لَبِيَاجَ لِيُ لَكَرْتَ بًاشُلَا مُجٌ اِ هِزُ / غَرَنْدَا لًنْتُ بٌرْ ءَلْمُجٌ اَمُرْ كَا تَانِيَ كُنَالَّ اِ كَلَمُلَ / اِ لِيُلَا لَكَرْتَ دِيشُ كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ يَا مِشُوَاغَرَ / هَزْ لُكَا كَارَّشْ كَا اَللهْ ءَاشْ ءَالْكُنْتَذُرْ دَا مِشْ دِيَشْ / اِ شُبْرَالْ مَا اَبًارْكُرُ اِ اَ ءَالْ مَا دَاشَانْبَّرُ بٌوَاشْ / لَؤُرَ اَبًارَاتُ شُبْرَالً شُشْ رٌبًشْ اِ تُمُ شُفِجُ / اِ شَكَرُنْلَ اَ اُنَ مُنْتَنَّ مُيْ اَلْتَ اِ لَسِيَارْبَ / كُنَالً اِ نُ سَاشُ كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ ذَا اَنْدَرْ بٌرْ لُشْ / يَارْمُشْ لٌرَنْذُ اَلرًانْكُرَنْذُشَا اَذَ اَللهْ فَشْتَ / كَا لَا ءَانْبِيُ اَللهْ اَ لَبًلُمَ اِ ذِيُ اَلسًلَامْ شُبْرَا ءَالَّ / اِ دِشُلَا يَا كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ اَلَاغْرَتَا كَا اَللهْ / [ءَاشْ كُ]نْتِ اِيَالْتَا اَبٍيَادَرَ At that moment, the king said: “Damsel, marry me, and I will follow you in this path and say that there is no god except Allah, alone, without any partner.” The damsel said: “King, I am not enough for you. My hands are cut off.” And the king said: “I am content as such.” And he gave her the promise of his belief in Allah, and he took her with him and married her and brought the doe to his house. And the admonished his mother and everyone in his household to honor and respect her, and to obey her as a lady and superior. And she pleased his mother and everyone with her, and Carcayçiyona prepared her mother-in-law for belief in Allah until the old woman became a Muslim.
دِيشُ كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ // يَا لَبًلُمَ ءَالًسًلَامْ شَاءَ شُبْرَ تِ دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ يَا كُرْ / كَيْسِيُنَ رٌوَاغَ اَذَ اَللهْ كَا تَا تُرْنَا تُشْ / مَنُشْ بًرَ كَا تَا اَيُدَا شُبْرَا تُفِجُ دِيشُ كَرْ / كِيْسِيُنَ يَا بًلُمَ يُ ءَا بَارْوَانْسَ دَا ذَامَنْذَرْلَا / اَذَ اَللهْ نِنْغُنْ مَانَاشْتَارْ ءَانَاشْتَا مُنْذُ بٌرْ نُ / بًارْدَارْ لُسَالَاشْتِرِيَلْ اِ فُوَاشَا لَبًلُمَ اِ ذِيُ / اَللهْ شُوَانٌ اَ كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ اِ ذُرْمِيُشَا اِ قُوَنْذُ / شَا ءَاشْبًارْتُ هَلٌشَا كُنْ شُشْ مَنُشْ بٌرْ لِسَانْسِيَ / دَا اَللهْ تَنَلْتُ ءَاشْ اِ دِيشُ لَلُؤُرْ ءَاشْ اَذَ اَللهْ اَكَالْ / كَا مَا اَ تُرْنَذُ مِشْ مَنُشْ دَابٌوَاشْ كَا مَا لَشْ كُرْتُ / مِبًدْرَا لُؤَذُ ءَاشْ اَللهْ مِشَانٌرْ كَا مَا شَكُ دَالْ / شَارْبِسْيُ دَا لَشْ اِذُلَشْ لُؤَذُ شَااَشْ يَا مِشَانٌرْ / كَا رًاسِبَاشْ لُبٌكُ دَالَئُبْرَ اِ دَشْ ءَالْوَلَرْذُنْ / شِنْكُوَانْتُ بٌوَاشْ فُوَاشَا اَلَهَلْدَ دَا اُنَمُنْتَا / اِ هِزُ دَا لَشْ رًمَشْ اُنَ ءَاشْتَنْسِيَ ذُنْدَا شَا اَبِ / تَشَا اِ لَسِيَارْبَ شِيَنْبًارَا اِبَ كُنَالً ءَانَا / شْتُ بِنُ ءَالْرًايْ دَا شُ كَمِنُ اِ دَامَنْذُ [بٌرْ شُ مُجَا]رْ // And so it happened that the king had to go on a long trip, and he advised his followers and ordered them to respect his wife. And when the king was gone, Carcayçiyona gave birth to a son, and the other women were very envious and wrote a letter as if it were written by the king to his mother that said: ‘Mother, when this letter arrives, you will remove the sorceress from my castle and kingdom. She has bewitched us and made us abandon our laws. The son that she has borne is not mine, and if you do not do as I command, you will never see me again.’ When the old lady read the letter, it weighed on her very much and she wailed greatly out of the love that she had for Carcayçiyona, and she beckoned her and read her the letter. Carcayçiyona said: “My mother-in-law, do what you want, for God is the counter of my days. In him I seek defense, and to him I surrender myself.” At that moment, she gathered her clothing and took her son. They took her out to a very tall mountain, her doe with her, and Carcayçiyona did not stop walking through the wilderness, crying, pleading to Allah until Allah sent the dove. And it wished peace upon her and said: “Carcayçiyona, be happy, for Allah is with you, and he will take pity upon you.”
اِ لَؤُرَ شَكُلَا شُمَذْرَا لَكَرْتَ اِ دِشُلَا يَا فِجُ / تُمَا ءَاشْكَارَابِشْتَا ءَاشْتَ كَرْتَ يُهِزَا لُكا / بٌرْ ءَالً مَا مَنْدَاشْتَا كُوَنْذُ ءَالْرًايْ لِيُ لَكَرْتَ / اِ كُنُسِيُ لَتَرَيْسِيُنْ كَا بٌرْ ءَالً شَا اَبِيَ اُرْدَانَذُ / كَيُ اَمُرْتَاسِذُ اِ كُوَنْذُ رًاكُرْذُ شَلٌ اَ بُشْكَرْ / شُمُجَارْ بٌرْ لُشْ مُنْتَاشْ / لٌرَنْذُ اِيَالْ كَا ذِزِيَ اَ ذُ ءَاشْتَش مِبِيَانْكِشْتَ اِ بًلَزَارْ دَا مِشْ اُجُشْ / شَابٌرْ اَللهْ وَرْدَلُشْ اَ لُشْ ذُشْ دَا تَرَبَجُ اَ ءَالً اِ يَلَ / كِرِيَتُرَ دَمَالُشْ بٌرْ ءَانْكُوَانْتُرُ اِ غِيُلُ اَللهْ / اَ ذُنْدَا ءَالً ءَاشْتَبَ اِيَال كَلَمَنْذُ كُنْ لَ مَشْ اَلْتَ / دَا شُبُز اِ نُلَا كَارِيَ رًاشْبُنْدَرْ بٌرْكَا لَا اَبِيَ / هَاجٌ تَرَاِسِيُنْ اِ مَنْدَرْلَ ءَاجًرْ دَا شُكَشَ اِيَانْبِيُلَا / اَللهْ اَ لَبًلُمَ اِ دِشُلَا يَا كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ رًاشْبُنْدِ اَ تُ / مَرِيْذُ نُلُ اُيَاشْ ءَالْبٌلُرُ كَا بٌرْ تِ هَزَا دِيشُ ءَالً يَا / بًلُمَ تَانْغُ تَامُرْ كَا شَا اَبَا اَبًرْتَذُ دَالْشَارْبِسْيُ / دَا اَللهْ اِ كَا شَا اَيَ تُرْنَذُ اَلْشَارْبِسْيُ دَا لَشْ / اِدُلَشْ اِيَ كَابَرَنْتَذُ ءَالٌمَانَجَا كَا مَا هِزُ Carcayçiyona said: “Dove, may peace be upon you.” The dove said: “Carcayçiyona, beg Allah to restore your hands so that he might help you with your son.” Carcayçiyona said: “Dove, I am ashamed to demand anything from Allah in this world because I do not want to lose entry to Paradise.” And the dove went away, and Allah caused Carcayçiyona to become tired, and she went to sleep. And when she awoke, she found herself with her hands, by Allah’s will, exalted is He, and she said: “Praise be to Allah who has restored my hands after my father cut them off. Praised is Allah, my Lord, who took me from the service of idols. May you be praised, my God, for you receive the little bit of our labor and grant us innumerable rewards.” And she went to the base of a mountain and made an abode of branches where she might stay, and the doe was always with her. Meanwhile, the king returned from his journey and demanded to see his wife.
دِيشُلَا // لَبًلُمً رًاشْبٌنْدَالَا كَا يُتَا جُرُ بٌرْ اَللهْ كَا نُ اَ / ذَاشَذُ تُ اَلدِينْ نِتَا مَنْذُ ءَاجًرْ دَا شُكَشَ / لَؤُرَ رًاشْبٌنْدِيُلَا كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ دِزِيَانْذُ / كَا تَا بًلَزَا كَتَمَا اَكِ اِ فُوَاشَا ءَالْرَّايْ اِ لُشْ / شُيُشْ فَشْتَ ذُنْدَا ءَالً ءَاشْتَبَ اِيَبْرَسُلَ اِ بَا / شُلَ اِ ذِشُلَا يَا مِاَمَدَ كَا اَ شَااِذُ دَا تِ ءَانَاشْتَا / تِيَانْبٌ بٌرْكَا اَ شَااِذُ غَرَبَا بًرَ مِ لُكَا اَشْ بَّشَذُ / دِيشُ ءَالً يَا ءَالْرًايْ كَا اَ فَاجٌ اَللهْ كُنْمِ مُجٌ / بِيَانْ اَمَا تُرْنَذُ مِشْ مَنُشْ اِ مَا اَ ءَاشْكَبًدُ مِ فِجُ / اِ تُيُ بٌرْ شُاَلْفَضِلَ اِ غَرَسِيَ اِيَلَاغُرُشَا ءَالْرًايْ / اَلَاغِرِيَ مُيْ غَرَنْدَا اِ لُؤُر اَدَ اَللهْ مُنْجٌ اِيَغَرَ / دَاسِيُلَا ءَالْبِيَانْ كَا لَا فِزُ اَبًارَاشْ دِيشُ ءَالَّ / يَا مِمَرِذُ نُ ءَاشكَارَابِشْتَا اَ تُ مِذْرَا تَلْ كَرْتَ / دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ نُبٌرْ اَللهْ شَانٌرْ دَا لُشْ سِيَالُشْ / اِ دَا لَتِيَارً اِ لَؤُرَ كَارَايُلُ دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ يَا مِاَمَذَ / بَامُنُشْ اَ نُوَاشُ رًاينُ دِشُ ءَالً يُنُتُرْنَرَا / اَ لُغَرْ دَا تَمَلَ جَانْتَا At that moment, his mother took out the letter and said to him: “Son, you wrote me this letter, and I did what you ordered me to do.” When the king read the letter and learned of the treason that had been ordered by it, he fainted. And when he regained consciousness, he went out to the mountains to search for his wife, crying. He said: “Where are you, my beloved and pleasure of my eyes? Allah, keep them both, her and her newborn, safe from strife and help me find them.” And Allah guided him to where she was, and he called with his loudest voice, and she did not want to respond to him because he had betrayed her and ordered her to be thrown out of her house. And Allah sent the dove, who said to her: “Carcayçiyona, respond to your husband. Do you not hear his crying-out for you?” She said: “Dove, I fear that he has left the service of Allah and has returned to the service of idols and has broken the promise that he made me.”
اِ نُسَاشُ ءَالْرًايْ دَا [رٌغَرْلَ] // اِ دَازِيرْلَا كَا لَا فَرِيَ اُنَ سِبْدَذْ دَا نُوَابُ / بًرَ كَا دَامُشْتَرَشَانْ ءَانَالً ءَالًدِينْ دَا اَللهْ اِ لَابُلَ / ءَالْرًايْ اِ فَرَوُلَا اُنَ سِبْدَذْ ءَانْلَمَاجُرْ كُمَرْكَ / اِ مَشْ اَبُنْذُشَ دَا اَوَ كَا اَبِيَ ءَانْشُ رًايْنُ ءَانَالْرٍيُ / دَا اَلْفِرَانْ اِ فُوَا لُوَاغُ بٌبْلَذَ ءَانْبٌكُ تِيَانْبٌ / اِ لًمَرُنْلَ لَسِبْدَذْ دَا كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ اِ دَامُشْتَرَرُنْ / ءَانَالً ءَالًدِينْ دَا اَللهْ اِ بِبِيَارُنْ ءَانَالً لُكَا كِشُ / اَللهْ اِ شِرْبِيَارُنْ / اَذَ اَللهْ بَارْذَذَارُ شَارْبِسْيُ اَكِ شَا اَكَبَ لًرًاكُنْتَسِيُنْ دَا لَذُنْزَالً كَرْكَسِيُنَ / كُنْلَ لُؤُرْ اَدَ اَللهْ اِ لَبُوَانَ دَا شُ اَيُذَ وَلَا حَوْلَ / وَلَا قَوَةَّ اِلًا بِاللهِ اِلْعَلِي اِلْعَظِيمِ وَالحمد لله رب العلمين The dove said to her: “Respond to him. I swear by Allah that he has not abandoned your faith, nor did he order that you to be thrown out of his house.” At that moment, Carcayçiyona responded, saying: “What do you please? Find me here.” The king and his companions went to where she was and he hugged her and kissed her, and said to her: “My beloved, what has become of you in this time? Because for me, what has happened here has been terrible.” She said: “King, Allah has made everything very well for me. He restored my hands, and I escaped with my son and yours because of Allah’s virtue and grace.” And the king was very happy and praised Allah greatly and thanked him for the wellness that he had given her. Afterward, she said: “My husband, did you write such a letter to your mother?” The king said: “No, by Allah, God of the heavens and the Earth.” And she believed him. The king said: “My love, let us return to our kingdom.” She said: “I will not return to a place where there are such bad people.” And the king did not stop begging her and said that he would make her a new city to demonstrate his faith in Allah. And he took her with him, and built her a city in the best district, and the most abundant with water that there was in his kingdom on the Euphrates River. And it was populated in little time, and they called it the City of Carcayçiyona and in it, they practiced their faith in Allah. And they lived there as long as Allah willed it, and served Allah faithfully. Here ends the legend of the damsel Carcayçiyona with the praise of Allah and the goodness of His help. And there is no strength nor power but in Allah, the Highest. And praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
بِسْمِ اِللهِ اِلرًحْمَانِ اِلرًحِيمِ وَصَلًى اَللهُ عَلَى سَيِدِنَا ُمُحَمَدٍ / اِلْكَرِيمِ وَعَلَى ءَالِهِ دَا لَذُنْزَالً ءَاسْتَ ءَاشْ ءَالْرَاكُنْتَمِيانْتُ // In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate;
Critical note:

These words form the basmala, the formula with which each surah of the Qur’ān begins, except the ninth. Additionally, each tale of the manuscript (J57) begins with this formula, and the manuscript itself is closed by a variation on these words.

and God bless our generous lord Muhammad and his family.
دَا لَذُنْزَالً, كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ فِجَ دَالْرًايْ نَجْرَبْ / كُنْلَ بًلُمَ رًاكُنْتَذُ بٌرْ عَلِي اِبْنُ اَبَالْحَسَنْ / اِبْنُ جَابِرْ فِجُ دَاعَبْدُ اَللهْ اِبٌرْ سَعِيدْ فِجُ / دَا طًهِرْ اِبٌرْ عُمَرْ فِجُ دَا سَعِيذْ دِزَانْ كَا / ءَانْتَرَنْذُ ءَالَمَاسْكِدَ دَالْمَانْشَجَارُ دَا اَللهْ مُحَمَّدْ / صعم هَلًرُنْ اُنْكُرٌ ذَا جَانْتَا اِيَاشْتَبَ / ءَانَالٌشْ عُمَرْ اِبْنُ اَلْحَطَبِّ اِ عَلِي اِبْنُ اَبِي طَالِبْ / اِ كَعْبُ اَلَاخْبَارْ لَؤُرَ دِيشُ عَلِي اِبْنُ اَبِي طَالِبْ / يَا كَعْبُ اَلَاخْبَارْ كُوَانْتَنُشْ اَلْغُنَ كُشَ / مَرَبِلٌشَ دِيشُ كَعْبُ اَلَاخْبَارْ بًلَزَامَا يَا رًايْ / دَا لُشْ كَارَايَانْتَاشْ اَشْدَا شَبَارْ كَا ءَانْلُشْ / بٍرِمَارُشْ دَالْمُنْذُ اَبِيَ اُنْرًايْ دَا لُشْ رٌمَنُشْ / كَا بِبِيَ ءَانَلْهِنْدَا كَا اَذُرَبَ اَ لَشْ اِذُلَشْ / اِيَارَ رًايْ دَا مُيْ بُوَانَ كُنْدِسِيُنْ غُبَارْنَبَ / شُرًايْنُ كُنْمُجٌ اَمُرْ اِ جُشْتِسِيَ ءَاشْتَا رًايْ / نُ ءَانْجَانْذُرُ كِرِيَتُرَ فَشْتَ كَا تُبُ سِيَانْتَا / اَنٌشْ اِ بًانْشُ ءَالْرًايْكُمُ نُتَانِيَ فِجُ كَيُلَا // This is the legend of the damsel Carcayçiyona,
Critical note:

This name is appears as Carcayona in CSIC, Ms. J3 and Arcayona in BNE, Ms. 5313.

daughter of King Najrab, and the dove, retold by ᶜAli son of Abā-l-Ḥasan, son of Jābir, son of ᶜAbdu Allah, and by Saᶜīđ son of Ṭahir, and by ᶜUmar son of Saᶜīđ.
Critical note:

This chain of names forms an “isnād” or a chain of transmisión through which this tale passed orally before being preserved in written form. In Islamic texts, the isnād verifies the authenticity of the text that follows.

They say that when entering into the mosque of the messenger of God, Muhammad, may blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, they found a huddle of people, and among them was ᶜUmar son of al-Ḥaṭṭabi, and ᶜAli son of Abi Ṭālib, and Kaᶜbu al- Akhbār.
Critical note:

An early convert to Islam in the seventh century, Kaᶜb al-Akhbār is considered the principal authority on ‘isra’iliyyat,’ that is, the narrative traditions that entered Islam from Jewish, Christian, or even Zoroastrian sources.

Then, ᶜAlī son of Abī Ṭālib said: “Kaᶜbu al-Akhbār, tell us something marvelous.” Kaᶜbu al-Akhbār said: “Indulge me, oh King of the Believers, you should know that in the beginning days of the world, there was a Roman king who lived in India, who worshipped idols, and was a very wealthy king who governed his kingdom with great love and justice. This king did not produce a child until he was one hundred years old, and he thought, “Why do I not have a child?”
بٌرَالٌ غَرَنْدَا بٍيَانْشُ اِ مَنْذُ اُنْذِيَ كَااشَا / اَلًاغَشَانْ تُذُشْ لُشْ شَبِيُشْ دَا شُرًايْنُ اِيَلًا / غَرُنْشَا تُذُشْ اِ ذِشُلًاشْ ءَالرًايْ كَا مِرَشَانْ / ءَانْشُشَبَارْ اِ سَانْسِيَ شِ اَبِيَ دَا تَانَارْ فِجُشْ / اُبٌرْ كَا لَارَ دَابَاذَذُ اِ مِرَرُنْ لُشْ شَبِيُشْ بٌرْ / شُشَبَارْ ءَانْلَمَادَاسِنَ اِ دِشِيَارُنْلَا شَانٌرْ / اَشْدَا شَبَارْ كَا تُ كُوَارْبٌ ءَاشْ فِرِيُ اِ شَلًا دَا تِ / لَ ءَاشْبًارْمَ مُيْ فِرِيَ اِ نُبٌوَاشْ كُنْسَابِرْ اَشْ / مَانَاشْتَارْ كَا تَا بٌرُبِيَانْدَاشْ دَاشْبًاسِيَشْ / كَا شَااَنْ مُيْ كَلِيَانْتَاشْ فَشْتَ كَا شَلْغَ / دَا تِ لَ ءَاشْبًارْمَ كَلِيَانْتَا اِ فِزُلُ ءَالْرًايْ / اَشِي اَبًارَاشْ دِشِيَارُنْلَا لُشْ ءَاشْتُلُلُغُشْ / شَانٌرْ نُ اَيْ ذُبْدَ شِنُ كَا اَشْ دَا اَبَارْ كِرِ / يَتُرَ بًارُ نُشَبَامُشْ شِشَارَ مَجٌ اُفَانْبَرَ / بٌرْكَا بَامُشْ لَ ءَاشْتَارَالً ذَا بَانُشْ اَشَانْتَذَ شُبْرَا / ءَالْشِغنُ بٌوَاشْ ءَالْرًايْ كُنْبِنُ كُنشُ مُجَارْ / اَلْكُمِيَانْسُ دَالْذِيَ اِيَانْبًارَانٌشَا لَمُجَارْ // Thus, a grand idea came upon him and one day he ordered all the sages in his kingdom to come to him. And all of them came and the king told them to look in their knowledge and science to see if it was to have children or why this was forbidden / inhibited to him. And the sages searched through their knowledge of medicine and told him: “Sire, you must know that your body is cold and your semen comes forth from you very cold, and so you do not conceive. You must provide yourself with very hot spices until you ejaculate hot sperm.” And the king did as such. Afterward, the astrologers told him: “Sire, there is no doubt that you will have a child, but we do not know if it will be male or female because we see the star of Venus situated upon the sign.” So the king laid with his wife at the start of the day and she became pregnant.
ابًرِيُ اُنَ كِرِيَتُرَ دَا لَشْ مَشْ فَارْمُشَشْ دَا لَشْ / مُجَارَاشْ اِ لًمَرُنْلَ كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ اِ مُرِيُ / شُمَدْرَا دَا بًرْتُ اِ دِيُلَ شُبًدْرَا اَ اُنَ نُدْرِسَ / اِ كِرِيُلَ شِيَاتَا اَنٌشْ اِ فِزُلَا شُبًدْرَا اُنَ اَلْقَصَرْ / شُبْرَا ذُرَذُ اُبْرَدُ دَا مَسُنَارِيَ اِ فِزُلَا ءَانَالْ / بَارْجَالَاشْ كُنْاَرْبُلَاشْ اِ رٍيُشْ تَرَيُلَا اَلٍي / تُذُشْ لُشْ ءَاشْتُرْمُانْتُس كَا بٌذُ اَبَارْ اِ ذَا / شُلَ اَلٍ كُنْشُشْ ذُنْزَالًشْ فَشْتَ كَا لًاغُ اَ تَانَارْ / اُنْزَا اَنٌشْ ءَانْبٌوَاشْ بِنُ اَبَارْلَ شُبًدْرَا كُنْ / لُشْ غَرَنْدَاشْ دَا شُرًايْنُ اِ تَرَيُلَا بُرَكَذُشْ / اِ شَادَشْ اِ جُيَشْ كُنْتُذُشْ لُشْ دَالَايْتَاشْ كَا بٌذُ / تَرَءَارْ اِيَانْتُرُ ذُ ءَاشْتَبَ ءَالً اِ مِرُ اَ شُفَارْمُشُرَ / اِيَنَمُرَاشَا ذَالً اِ كُمِيُ اِ بَابِيُ كُنَالً اِ كُوَ / نْذُ اُبِيَارُنْ كُمِذُ دِشُلَا لَدٌنْزَالً يَا بًدْرَا / ءَاشْتُشْ خَلَاقَذُشْ دَا اُنْبَارَاشْ اِ مُجَارَاشْ نُفُوَارُنْ / خَلَافَذُشْ شِنُ بًرَ كُمَارْ اِ بَابَارْ بٌوَاشْ كُنْ / بِيَانَا كَا اَ كِيَانْ فَزَا تَلَاشْ غَرَسِيَشْ دَا لَشْ // اَغَرَدَاسْكَمُشْ And she gave birth to a child who was among the most beautiful of women, and they called her Carcayçiyona. And her mother died in childbirth, and her father gave her to a wet nurse who raised her for seven years. And her father made her a palace covered in gold, worked of masonry, and he made within it arboretums and rivers, and he brought for her all the instruments that there could possibly be. And he left her there with her ladies-in-waiting until she turned eleven. Then, her father came to see her with the important people of his kingdom, and he brought her rich brocades and silks and jewels with all the treats that he could carry. And he entered where she was, and he saw her beauty and fell in love with her. And he ate and drank with her, and when they had finished eating, the damsel said to him: “Father, these creations of men and women were created only to eat and drink; so, it is appropriate that we should give thanks to the one who makes such graces.
بٌوَاشْ يُ يَا بًدْرَا اَ كِيَانْ / لُاَغَرَدَاسَارَا دِيشُ ءَالْبًدْرَا اَ مِي يَا فِجَ كَا يُ / ءَا فَاجٌ غَرَسِيَ شُبْرَا تِي دِيشُ لَفِجَ اِ تُ يَا بًدْرَا / ا َكِيَانْلُ اَغَرَدَاسَاشْ دِيشُ يَا فِجَ دِيشُ لَفِجَ اِ تُ يَا بًدْرَا / ا َكِيَانْلُ اَغَرَدَاسَاشْ دِيشُ يَا فِجَ ءَاشْتَشْ / غَرَسِيَشْ اَنْلَشْ ءَارَادَذُ نُوَاشُشْ اَنْتَابًشَذُشْ / اُنُشْ دَا اُتْرُشْ دِيشُ لَفِجَ يَا بًدْرَا كِيَانْلُ / كُمَانْسُ اِ كِيَانْلُ اَكَبَرَ كَا تُبًدْرَا اِ تُ / اَوَالُ مُرِيَارُنْ بٌوَاشْ كِيَانْفِزُ ءَاشْتَشْ غَرَسِيَشْ / ا ِكِيَانْلَشْ ءَارَاذَرَ اِ كِيَانْ خَلَاقُ لَشْجَانْتَاشْ / دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ يَا فِجَ يُتَا دَرَا تُ شَانٌرْ اِ شَانٌرْ / دَا تُشْ بًدْرَاشْ اَكَالْ كَا نُ ءَا كُنُسِدُ اُتْرُشَا / نٌرْ شِنُ ءَالْ اِ لَؤُرَ مَنْدُ ءَالْرًايْ كَا لَا تَرَيَا / شَانْ شُ اِذُلَ كَا ءَارَ ذَا اُرُ ءَاشْمَلْتَذُ كُنْ اَلْجُهَرْ / ا ِبٍيَادْرَشْ بًارًاسِيُشَشْ كَا تَانِيَ كُوَرَانْتَ / كُبْذُشْ دَا لَرْغُ اِ بَااِنْتَا دَا اَنْجٌ اِ كُوَنْدُ لُبِذُ / لَذُنْزَالً اَغَرَذُلَا كُنْشُلَبَ شَا كُنَالْ اِ دِيشُ / يَا [بًدْرَا] هَزمَا اُنْشَانٌرْ كُمُ ءَاشْتَا بًرَ كَا // اَذُرَا اِ شِرْبَ So father, whom do I thank?” The father said: “To me, daughter, for I have brought grace upon you.” The daughter said: “And you, father, whom do you thank for it?” He said: “Daughter, these blessings have been inherited by our predecessors, one from another.” The daughter said: “Father, who started this and who will end it, for your father and your grandfather perished? Who made these blessings and who will inherit them, and who created people?” The king said: “Daughter, I will give you your lord and the lord of your parents. I have not known another lord except him.” And at that moment, the king demanded that they bring him his idol, which was of enameled gold with jewels and precious stones, that was forty cubits long and twenty wide. And when the damsel saw it, she thanked it and consoled herself with it, and said: “Father, make me a lord like this one so I can adore and serve it.”
بٌوَاشْ لَؤُرَ مَنْذُ ءَالْرًايْ فَزَارْلَا / اُنَ اِذُلَ ذَا اُرُ ءَاشْمَلْتَذَ كُنْ اَلْجُهَرْ كَا / تَانِيَ لُشْ اُجُشْ دَا بٌرْبٌرَ بَارْدَا اِ فِزِيَارُنلَا / اُنَكَتْرَادَ دَا اُرُ اِ لُشْ بٍيَادَاشْ دَا بٍيَادْرَشْ / بًارَاسِيُشَشْ اِ تَرَيَارُنْجَالَ دَالَنْتَا اِيَسَجْادُشَا / لَدُنْزَالً اَلَىٍدُلَ اِ كَذَ ذِيَ كُمُ شَلِيَ ءَالْشُلْ / بِنِيَ لَفِجَ دَالْرًايْ اِ شُشْ ذُنْزَالًشْ كُنَالً اِيَ / سَجْدَبَنْشَا اَ لَ اِدُلَ اِ هَبْلَبَنْ كُنَالً اِ كُوَنْذُ / ءَاشْتُ رَاشْبٌنْدِيَلَاشْ اِبْلِسْ مَلْذِغَلْ اَللهْ / ءَانَالْكُوَارْبٌ دَا لَ اِدُلَ اِ مَنْدَبَلَاشْ اِ بَادَبَلَاشْ / بٌوَاشْ بِنُ شُبًدْرَا اَ بَارلَ اُنْذِيَ اِ تَرَيُلَا / مُجًشْ جُيَشْ اِ كُمًارَاشْ اِ كُمِيُ كُنَالً اِ مِرُلَ / اَ شُفَارْمُشُرَ اِ رًابٌشُ اُنْرًتُ اِ لَابَنْتُشَا / اَ ءَالً اِ بَاشُلَ اِ دَامَنْدُلَا شُكُوَارْبٌ اِ دِيشُ لَفِجَ / يَا بًدْرَا دِمَا تُبًدْرَا ءَاجٌشَا كُنْشُ فِجَ / دِيشُ ءَالْ نُ دِيشُ ءَالً بٌوَاشْ يَا بًدْرَا بٌرْ كَا / كِيَارَاشْتُ فَزَارْ كُشَ كَا تَا اَبَا [رْغُوَانْس] اَشْ // لُشْ دِيَشْ دَا تُ بِذَ اِيَانْبٌوَاشْ دَا تُ مُوَارْتَا / اَشْ اُاِذُ دَازِيرْ دَا اَلْغُنْ رًايْ كَا هِزِيَاشَا لُشَا / مَاجَنْتَا كُنْشُ فِجَ بٌوَاشْ لَؤُرَ اُبُ ءَالْرًايْ / غَرَنْدَا بَارْغُوَانْسَ دَا شُفِجَ اِ شَلٍيُشَا دَا اَلٍي / اِ دَاشُلَ ءَانْشُشْ بًلَزَارَاشْ كُمُ شُلِيَ اِ بٌبْلِكُشَا / لَفَارْمُشُرَ اِ دَاشْكِرِسِيُنْ دَا لَذُنْزَالً بٌرْ تُذَ / لَتِيَارً دَامَنْدَبَنْلَ لُشْ هِجُشْ دَا لُشْ رًايَاشْ / اِ نُكَارِيَ شُبًدْرَا كَشَرْلَ بٌرْ لُكَا بِذِيَ / ءَانَالً دَا مُجً كُرْذُرَ اِ بًارْفِسِيُانْ اِيَاشْ / تَنْذُ لَدٌنْزَالً اُنْذِيَ ذَالَنْتَا دَا شُ اِذُلَ هَبْلُ / اِبْلِسْ مَلْذِغَلُ اَللهْ ءَانَالْكُوَارْبٌ دَا لَ اِدُلَ / اِ ذِيشُ يَا ذُنْزَالً نُشَبَاشْ كَا نُ اَيْ اُتْرُ / شَانٌرْ شِنُيُ دِيشُ ءَالً يَلُشَا اِيَاشْتَارْنُذُ / لَدُنْزَالً اِ شَلٌلَا دَا لَنَرِزْ اُنَمُشْكَ كُنْ / ءَالْغَرَنْدَا ءَاشْتَارْنُذُ اِ دِيشُ اَ لَفِجَ دَالْرًايْ / يَا ذُنْزَالً كَا ءَاشْ اَ تُ كَا اَشْ ءَاشْتَارْنُدَذُ / اِ نُ [اَشْ] دِيجٌ اَلَحَمْدُ لِلًهِ رَبِ اِلْعَالَمِينَ // So, at that moment, the king commanded that an idol of enameled gold with jewels and emerald eyes be made for her. And they made it for her, with a throne of gold and feet of precious stones. They brought it before her and the damsel bowed to the idol. And every day as the sun would rise, the daughter of the king came, her ladies-in-waiting with her, and they bowed in worship to the idol and talked with it. And as they did so, Iblis,
Critical note:

Iblis: The name of the devil in Islam

may Allah curse him, responded to them from the body of the idol and commanded them and forbid them. So, her father came one day to see her, and he brought her many jewels and foods, and he ate with her. And he looked at her beauty and reposed for a while, and he rose and approached her and kissed her and demanded her body. And the daughter said: “Father, tell me, did your father lay with his daughter?” He said: “No.” She said: “Well, father, why do you want to do something that will shame you for the days of your life and after your death? Have you heard it said that some other king acted similarly with his daughter?” Thus, the king felt great shame from his daughter, and he left. And he left her surrounded by pleasurable things, as usual. And the news of her beauty and prudence was spread throughout the land. The sons of kings demanded her, and her father did not want to marry her to any of them because of what he saw in her of abundant innocence and perfection. And one day, the damsel stood before her idol, when Iblis, may Allah curse him, spoke from the body of the idol and said: “Damsel, you know that there is no other master except me.” She said: “I know that already.” And the damsel sneezed, and from her nose came a fly with the great sneeze, and it said to the daughter of the king: “Damsel, is it you who has sneezed and not said, ‘alḥamdu lillahi rabi ilᶜālamīna’?”
Critical note:

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds

اِ كُوَنْذُ اُيُ اِبْلِسْ مَلْذِغَلُ اَللهْ ءَالْنُنْبَارَا / ذَا اَللهْ شَلٍيُ فُيَانْذُ اِ كَيُشَا لَئِذُلَ شُبْرَا / شُكَرَ اِ كُوَنْذُ اُيُ لَفِجَ دَالْرًايْ نَجْرَبْ / اَكَالً بًلَبْرَ دَا لَمُشْكَ ءَاشْبًنْتُشَا دَالٌ / مُجٌ اِيَلًاغَرُنْشَا اَ ءَالً شُشْ ذُنْزَالًشْ اِيَالً لٌرَنْذُ / دَامُدَذُ لَكُلُرْ ءَاشْبًنْتَذَ ذِشِيَارُنْلَا يَا شَانٌرْ / كَا اَشْ اُبِذُ دِيشُ ءَالً كَا ءَا اُاِذُ اُنَشْ / بًلَبْرَشْ كَا نُنْكَ اُاِ شُشَامَاجَنْتَا دَالًشْ / اَنْ ءَانْتَرَذُ ءَانْمِكُرَسُنْ كُنْ مُيْ غَرَنْذَا / فُوَارْسَ ءَا بًانْشَذُ ءَانَالْذِيجٌ دَا اَلْحَمْدُ / لِلَهِ رَبِ اِلْعَالَمِينَ اَمَا اَتَارَابُاِذُ ءَالْكُرَسُنْ / دِبَارْشَشْ ذُبْذَشْ اِ دِغُ كَا ءَالْشَانٌرْ ذَا / لْمُنْذُ كَاءَاشْ غَرَنْ شَانٌرْ بٌرْكَا يُ نُنْكَ / ءَا اُاِذُ مَشْ ذُلْسَاشْ بًلَبْرَش كَا شُنْ ءَاشْتَشْ / بٌوَاشْ يَا تِرِشْتَا دَا مِي كِيَانْمَا دَاكَلَرَرَ / لُكَا كِيَارَانْ ذَازِرْ And when Iblis, may Allah curse him, heard the name of Allah, he left fleeing and the idol fell on its face. And when the daughter of Najrab heard these words from the fly, she became very frightened, and her ladies gathered around her. And she was crying, pale, and frightened, and they said to her: “My lady, what have you heard?” She said: “I have heard words the likes of which I have never heard before. They have entered my heart with a great force. I have thought about the saying ‘alḥamdu lilahi rabi ilᶜālamīna.’ It has brought various doubts to my heart. And I say that the Lord of the world is a great Lord because I have never heard sweeter words than these. Well, woe is me, who will explain to me the meaning of these words?”
دَابٌوَاشْ دَا اَكَاشْتُ / تُرْنُشَا لَدُنْزَالً اَلْشَارْبِسِيُ دَا [لَئِدُ]لَ // اَشِي كُمُ شُلِيَا بَااُشْ كَا اُنْذِيَ ءَاشْتَنْذُ / دَالَنْتَا دَا شُ اِذُلَ بِنُلَا اُنَ بًلُمَ اِيَشَانْتُشَا / ءَانْلَكَبَاسَ دَا لَ ذُنْرَالً اِ ذَا اَلٍي بُلُ / اِيَشَانْتُشَا ءَانْلَكَبَاسَ دَا لَئِذُلَ اِ قُوَبْذُ / لَبِذُ لَذُنْزَالً مَرَبِالٌشَا دَالً اِ دَا شُفَارْمُشُرَ / كَا لَبًلُمَ ءَارَ دَا اُرُ اَمَرِيلٌ اِ شُكُدَ دَا بًارْلَشْ / بَارْمَاجَشْ شُشْ بٍيَادَاشْ دَا بًلَتَ شُبٍكُ / دَا بًارْلَشْ بَلَنْكَشْ ءَاشْمَلْتَذُ دَا اَلْجُهَرْ بٌوَاشْ / دِيشُ لِدٌنْزَالً يَا تِرِشْتَا دَا مِي فُوَاشَامَا يُ / اَكَالً بًلُمَ كُشْتَشَامَا لَمِايْتَدْ دَا مِرًايْنُ / [اِ]مِرَنْدُلَ مُي مَرَبِلًذَ ذَا شُفَاجٌ دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ / كُنْلَانْوَ شُوَالْتَ اِ بًلَذِنَ يَا فِجَ / دَالْرًايْ نَجْرَبْ دِ اَلْحَمْدُ لِلًهِ لَا اِلَهَ اِلَا اَللهْ / وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ كَا كِيَارَا دَازِيرْ / لَلُؤُرْ ءَاشْ اَذَ اَللهْ نُاَيْ اُتْرُ شَانٌرْ شِنُ اَللهْ / شُلُ شِنْ اَبًرْسَارُ اَ ءَالْ ءَاشْ ءَالْرًااِشْمُ اِيالْ / ءَاشْ شُ[بْرَا تُ]ذَ كُشَ بٌدَارُشُ After this, the damsel returned to the service of the idol as she was accustomed. Observe, all of you, that one day, while the damsel stood in front of her idol, a dove came to her and sat on her head, and from there, flew and sat on the head of the idol. And when the damsel saw the dove, she was astounded by it and by its beauty, for the dove was of yellow gold, her tail of red pearls, her feet of silver, and her beak of white pearls encrusted with precious jewels. Thus the damsel said: “Woe is me. If only I were that dove, even if it cost me half of my kingdom.”
Critical note:

In his edition of this legend, according to the version found in Ms. 5313 of the Biblioteca Nacional de España, fols. 134-181v, Francisco Guillén Robles writes, “if that dove were mine and cost me half of my kingdom.” The subject I in our version carries a different connotation.

And seeing her very astounded, the dove said with a fluent and formal tongue: “Daughter of the king Najrab, say, ‘alḥamdu lillahi, lā ilaha ilā Allah, waḥdahu lā sharīka lahu,’ which means ‘Praise be to Allah, there is no other Lord but Allah, alone, without equal. Kingship is His, and He holds power over all things.’”
بٌوَاشْ كُوَنْذُ // اُيُ اِبْلِسْ مَلْذِغَلُ اَللهْ ءَالْنُنْبَرَمِيَانْتُ / دَا اَللهْ تَنَلْتُ ءَاش شَلٌ هُيَانْذُ اِيَالْذِزِ / يَانْذُ كَامَذُ شُيْ كُنَالْفُوَاغُ دَا جَهَنَّمْ / اِ كَيُ لَاِذُلَ شُبْرَا شُكَرَ اِ كَاذُ لَذُنْزَالً / ءَاشْبًنْتَذَ مُيْ تَامَارُشَ مِرَنْذُ اَ لَبًلُمَ اِ دِشُ / يَا بَّلُمَ فَارْمُشَ ءَا اُاِذُ تُشْ بًلَبْرَشْ كَا نُنْكَ / اُاِ مَشْ بُوَانَشْ بًلَبْرَشْ نِمَشْ ذُلْسَاشْ كِيَانْ / ءَارَاشْتُ يَا بًلُمَ اِ كَا بًلَبْرَشْ شُنْ اَكَالًشْ / كَا ذِشِيَاشْتَا كَا اَ كَاِذُ شُدُلْسُرَ ءَانْمِي / كُرَسُنْ دِمَا اَلْغُ مَشْ دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ يَا فِجَ / دَا نَجْرَبْ دِ كَا نُ اَيْ شَانٌرْ شِنُ اَللهْ / خَلَاقَذُرْ دَا لُشْ سِيَالُشْ اِ دَا لَتِيَارً اِ دَا تُدُشْ / خَلَاقَذُشْ اِ دَا شُشْ اَلٍرزْكَاشْ مَتَذُرْ رًا / بِبْكَذُرْ دَانْبٌوَاشْ دَا لَمُوَارْتَا بًرَ ءَالْذِيَ / كَا نُ اَبٌرُبَاجًرَ شِنُ لَبُوَانَ اُبْرَ اِيَالْ / كَا اَنْتَاشْ كَارَايَارَ كُنْ اَللهْ دِيشُ / لَذُنْزَالً دِمَا مَشْ دَاشَش بًلَبْرَشْ [بُوَا]نَشْ // And when Iblis, may Allah curse him, heard the name of Allah, exalted is He, he fled, saying: “I am burnt by the fire of Hell.” And the idol fell on its face and the damsel remained frightened, looking very fearfully at the dove, and she said: “Beautiful dove, I have heard your words, the likes of which I have never heard before, nor any sweeter. Who are you, dove, and what words are those that you said, for their sweetness has fallen upon my heart? Tell me something more.” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, say that there is no God but Allah, creator of Heaven and Earth and of all creations and sustenance,
Critical note:

Derived from the Arabic plural noun الرزق (ar-rizq), a sustenance or food that God provides.

He who takes life and resurrects it after death for the Day of Judgment on which nothing will benefit a person except their good deeds and that they believe in Allah before all else.”
كا شُذُلْسُرَ اَ ءَانْتَرَذُ ءَانْمِكُرَسُنْ دِيشُ / لَبًلُم يَاَ دَا نَجْرَبْ ءَاشْ فِجَ اَللهْ اَكَالْ / كَا نُ اَيْ اُتْرُ شَانٌرْ شِنُ ءَالْ خَلَاقَذُرْ / دَا لُش سِيَالُشْ اِ دَا لَشْ تِيَارًشْ ءَانشَايْشْ / دِيَشْ دَابٌوَاشْ شَا اِوَلُ شُبْرَا ءَالًلْعَرْشَا / ءَانْكُبْرَا لَنُجَّا اِيَالْذِيَ اِيَالْشُلْ اَ لَلُنَ / اِ لَشْ ءَاشْتَارَالًشْ اَشُجَاتَذَشْ كُنْشُ مَنْدَ / مِيَانْتُ اَ ءَالْ ءَاشْ ءَالْخَلَاقَرْ اِيَالْمَتَرْ بَانْدِ / يجٌ ءَاشْ اَللهْ شَانٌرْ دَا تُذُ ءَالْمُنْذُ دِيشُ / لَذُنْزَالً يَا بَّلُمَ ءَاشَا شَانٌرْ كَا تُلُنْبَرَشْ / ءَاشْ غَرَنْ شَانٌرْ بٌوَاشْ كَارَاسَامَا مَشْ / دَاشَشْ بًلَبْرَشْ بُوَانَشْ كَا شَامَاجَنْتَا / كَا تُ نُدِرِيَشْ شِنُ بَرْدَذْ دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ / يَا ذُنْزَالً دِ كَا نُ اَيْ شَانٌرْ شِنُ اَللهْ / شُلُ شِنْ اَبًرْسَارُ خَلَاقَذُرْ دَا لُشْ / سِيَالُشْ اِ دَا لَتِيَارً اِ دَا لُكَا ءَاشْتَ ءَانْتَارَا / لٌشْ [اِ لُكَا] ءَاشْتَ دَابَشُ دَالٌشْ فَشْتَ لُشْ // اَبِشْمُشْ دَا لَتِيَارً The damsel said: “Tell me more of those good words whose sweetness has entered my heart.” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, it is Allah like whom there is no other God, creator of the heavens and Earth in six days. Afterward, He sat upon His throne.
Critical note:

From the Arabic العرش (al-ᶜarsh), the divine throne in Paradise.

The night covered the day, the sun covered the moon, and the stars were suspended in the heavens by His commandment. He is the creator and the destroyer. Blessed is Allah, God of the entire world.” The damsel said: “Dove, this lord that you speak of is a great lord. Tell me more of these good words, the likes of which you would not speak if they were not true.” The dove said: “Damsel, say that there is no God but Allah, alone, without equal, creator of the heavens and the Earth, and of what is between them and what is below them until the depths of the Earth.”
دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً يَا بَّلُمَ هَزْمَا / اَ شَبَارْ ذُ ءَاشْتَ ءَاشَا شَانٌرْ تَنْغَرَنْدَا دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ يَا / فِجَ دَا نَجْرَبْ نُشَا اَجُنْتَنْ ءَانْشَاكْرَاتُ تَارَاشْ / كَا نُشَاءَ ءَالْ ءَالْكُوَرْتُ نِكُوَرْتُ كَا نُشَاءَ ءَالْ / سِنْكَانُ نِسِنْكُ كَا نُشَاءَ شَاشْتُ نِمَشْ نِمَانُشْ / دَا اَكَالٌ كَا ءَالْ نُشَاءَ كُنَالٌشْ ذُنْدَا كِيَارَا / كَاشْتَنْ دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالَّ يَا بًلُمَ ءَاشَا شَانٌرْ نُشَا / بٌوَادَا بَارْ ذِيشُ لَبًلُمَ يَا فِجَ دَا نَجْرَبْ ءَالْشَانٌرْ / دَا لُشْ سِيَالُشْ اِ دَا لَتِيَارً بَايَا اَ تُذُشْ اِ نُ لُ بَاءَا / اَ ءَالْ نِنْغُنُ ءَالْ ءَاشْتَ ءَانْوَرْذَمِيَانْتُ اَلْتُ / شَبَا لُشَاكَارَاتُ اِ لُبٌبْلِكُ نُ اَيْ شَانٌرْ شِنُ ءَالْ / اَ ءَالْ شُنْ لُشْ لُنْبَارَاشْ بُوَانُشْ دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً / يَا بًلُمَ ءَاشْا شَانٌرْ كَا دِزَاشْ شَانْبَلَنْسَمَا / اَ ذُنْدَا ءَاشْتَ اُ كَا ءَاشْ اُ كُمُ دِيشُ لَبَّلُمَ يَا فِجَ / دَا نَجْرَبْ رَبَنَا تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَى بٍرِمَارُ ذَا / تُذَ كُشَ اِ سَغَارُ ذَا تُدَ كُشَ نُلُ اَلْكَنْسَنْ / لَشْ بِشْتَشْ اِيَالْ اَلْكَنْسَ لَشْ بِشْتَشْ [ءَالْ ءَا]شْ // ءَالْشُبْتِلْ شَبِذُرْ The damsel said: “Dove, inform me where this great God is.” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, three do not meet in secret where He is not the fourth, nor four where He is not the fifth, nor five where He is not the sixth, nor more nor less than that, for He is will be with them wherever they are.” The damsel said: “Can this master not be seen?” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, the Master of the Heavens and Earth sees everything and no one sees him. He is in a well-guarded place. He knows that which is secret and that which is public. There is no lord except him. His are the good names.” The damsel said: “Can this master not be seen?” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, the Master of the Heavens and Earth sees everything and no one sees him. He is in a well-guarded place. He knows that which is secret and that which is public. There is no lord except him. His are the good names.” The damsel said: “Dove, this lord you speak of, describe to me where He is, or what He is, or what He is like.” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, rabinā tabāraka wa taᶜālā,
Critical note:

Our Lord, blessed and exalted be He.

first of all things and last of all things. No ones’ sights can reach Him, but He can see all. He is keenly knowledgeable.
كُوَنْذُ كِيَارَا اَلْغُنَ كُشَ / دِزَالَا شَايْ اِلُوَاغُ ءَاشْ خَلَاقُ شُ اَلْعَرْشَا شُبْرَا / ءَالًوَ ذُنْدَا نُ اَبِيَ شُلْ كَا كَلَرَااَشا نِلُنَ كَا / كُرٍيَاشَا نِمَرْ كَا اُنْدَااَشَا نِ اَيْرَا كَا مُبِيَاشَا / نِرٍيُ كُرٍيَانْتَا نِسِيَالُ فَرَوَذُ نِتِيَارً تَانْذِذَ / نِكُشَ كُمَانْسَذَ خَلَاقُ شِيَاتَا سِيَالُشْ سِيَالُ / شُبْرَا سِيَالُ اِ شِيَاتَا تِيَارًشْ اُنَ شُبْرَا اُتْرَ / ءَانْشَايْشْ دِيَشْ شُبْرَا ءَالًلْعَرْشْ شَا اِوَلُ ذِشُ / لَذُنْزَالً يَا بًلُمَ كَا تَنْغَرَنْدَا ءَاشْ ءَاشَا شَانٌرْ / اِ كَا بًسِفِكُ اِ اُنْرًذُ شُبْرَا كِيَانْ كُمَا شُاَرٍزْكَا / اِ شِرْبَا اَ اُتْرُ يَا بًلُمَ اَيْ نِنْغُنُ ءَانْالْمُنْذُ كَا / ذِغَ لُكَا تُدِزَاشْ بٌرْكَا يُ نُنْكَ لُ اُاِ شِنُ اَ تِي / دِيشْ لَبًلُمَ شِي لُشْ دَا لُشْ سِيَالُشْ اِ دَا لَتِيَارً ذِزَانْ / لُكَا يُ دِغُ شِنُ لُشْ دَاشْكَارَايَانْتَاشْ يَا فِجَ / دَا نَجْرَبْ ءَاشَ اِذُلَ كَا تُشِيَارْبَاشْ نُ اُيَا / نِبَايَا دَنً اِ نُ اَبٌرُبَاجً دِيشُ لَدُنْزَالَّ يَا / بًلُمَ كَا ءَاشْ اَكَالٌ كَا ءَا هَبْلَ دَانْتُرُ دَا شُ // كُوَارْبٌ When He wants something, He says, ‘Be,’ and then it is. He created His throne upon the water where there was no sun that shone, nor moon that advanced, nor sea that made waves, nor air that moved, nor running river, nor forged sky, nor vast earth, nor anything begun. He created seven heavens, heaven upon heaven, and seven Earths, one on top of the next, in six days. Then He sat upon His throne.” The damsel said: “Dove, how great is this lord! He bestows peace and honor upon those who eat of His sustenance and serve others. Dove, is there no one else in the world who says what you do? Because I have never heard it except from you.” The dove said: “Yes, those of the heavens and the Earth say what I do except for the non-believers. Daughter of Najrab, this idol that you serve does not hear nor see; it harms and benefits no one.” The damsel said: “Dove, what is it that speaks to me from within its body?”
دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ ءَاشْ ءَالْمَلْدِيجٌ دَا اِبْلِسْ / مَلْذِغَلُ اَللهْ ءَانَامِيغُ دَا اَللهْ تَنَلْتُ ءَاشْ اِيَانَا / مِيغُ دَا تُبًدْرَا ءَادَمْ عَلَيْهِ اِسَلًامْ كَا لُ ءَانْغَنٌ / ا ِلُشَكُ دَالَلْجَنَّ اِيَانْغَنًرَ اَ شُشْ فِجُشْ فَشْتَ / ءَالْذِيَ / دَالْجُدِسْيُ دَاشَ ءَالْشَارْبِسْيُ دَا لَىٍدُلَ دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً هَزْمَا اَ شَبَارْ يَا بًلُمَّ بٌرَاشَا شَا / نٌرْ كَا ءَاشْ ءَالْوَلَرْذُنْ دَا كِيَانْلَا اُبَادَاسَا / اِ كَا ءَاشْ ءَالْكَشْتِغُ ذَا كِيَانْلَا دَاشُبَادَاسَا / دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ يَا فِجَ دَا نَجْرَبْ كِيَانْ اُبَا / دَاسَا اَذَ اَللهْ اَدَابْدَاسَالَا ءَالًلْجَنَّ اِ كِيَانْلُ / دَاشُبَادَاسَا شُبًانَ شَارَ ءَالْفُوَاغُ دَا جَهَنَّمْ / دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً يَا بًلُمَ شَانْبَلَنْسَمَا ءَالًلْجَنَّ / اَكَالً كَا ذِزَاشْ كَا دَرَ اَللهْ اَ لُش اُبِدِيَانْتَاشْ / دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ يَا فِجَ دَا نَجْرَبْ كُوَنْذُ شَا اَكَبَرَنْ / لَشْ اُرَشْ دَالْمُنْذُ اِ شُشْ دِيَشْ لُحًلَالْ اِ لُحَرَامْ اِ شَا / بًارْدَارَ لَبَارْدَذْ اِ شَا دَامُشْتَرَرَ لَ[مَانْ]تِرَ اِ [هَرَنْ] / لُشْ مَلَافِسِيُشْ اِ بَابَارَنْ ءَالْبِنُ إ هَرَنْ // ءَالًزِنَا اِ كُنْبَرَنْ ءَالْلُغْرُ اِ شَا دَامُشْتَرَرَ ءَالًفُلً / مِيَانْتُ The dove said: “It is the damned Iblis, may Allah curse him, enemy of Allah, Exalted is He, and the enemy of your father Adam, peace be upon him, who tricked him and took him out of Paradise,
Critical note:

aljanna: literally means “garden;” in an Islamic context this term refers to the Paradise in which the souls will reside after the Day of Judgment.

and he will deceive his children until the Day of Judgment. Leave the service of the idol.” The damsel said: “Make known to me, dove, what is the reward for one who obeys this God and what is the punishment for one who disobeys?” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, whoever obeys Allah is owed Paradise and whoever disobeys him, his pain will be the fire of Hell.” The damsel said: “Dove, describe to me Paradise, that which you say Allah will give to those who are obedient.” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, when the hours and days of the world come to an end, and that which is permissible and that which is prohibited come to an end, and the truth will be lost and the lies will take over, and there will be sin, and they will drink wine, and there will be adultery and usury and depravity.
اِ لَؤُرَ ءَانْشَنًرْشَاءَ اَللهْ شُبْرَا لَجَانْتَا / اِ مَنْدَرَ اَللهْ اَ اِسْرَافِيلْ كَا شُفْلَا ءَانَالْكُوَارْنُ / اِ شُفْلَرَ ءَانَلْ اُنْشُفْلَ كَا كَيْرَنْ تُدَشْ / لَشْ جَانْتَاشْ اِيَلْمَلَكَاشْ اَمُرْتَاسِذُشْ / شِنُ جِبْرِيلْ اِ مِكَاىٍلْ اِ اِسْرَافِيلْ اِ عَزَرَيَاىٍلْ / كَا نُمُرًنْ شِنُ ءَانْبٌوَاشْ دَا مُوَارْتُشْ لُشْ / خَلَاقَذُشْ اِ دَا لَفُرْتَلَازَ دَا لَمُوَارْتَا دَا اِسْرَافِيلْ / شَا تَارَامَاسَارَ لَتِيَارً اِ نُ كَادَ ءَانْسِمَ دَا لَتِيَارً / كُشَ فَرَوَذَ كَا نُ شَا دَارٍبَا شِنُ لَشْ مَاسْكِدَشْ / اِ نُ كَادَرَ ءَانْ سِيَالُ نِ ءَانْتِيَارً كُشَ بِبَ / اِ كَاذَرَ تُذُ بَزِيُ دَا مُرَذُرَاشْ لَئُرَ اَشُمَرْشَاءَ / اَللهْ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ اَلْمُنْذُ اِ دِرَ اُ مُنْذُ ذُنْذَا شُنْ / تُشْ اَرْبُلَاشْ اُ مُنْذُ ذُنْدَا شُنْ تُشْ رٍيُشْ اُ مُنْذُ / ذُنْدَا شُنْ تُشْ مُرَذُرَاشْ اُ مُنْذُ ذُنْدَا شُنْ لُشْ / رًايَاشْ اِ لُشْ فِجُشْ دَا لُشْ رًيَاشْ اُ مُنْذُ اَ ذُ ءَاشْتَ / ءَالْ[شُ][لْ] ءِللُنَ اِ لَشْ ءَاشْتَارَالًشْ اِ نُ اَبْرَ كِيَانْلَا // رًاشْبٌنْدَ And at that moment, Allah will exact cruelty upon the people, and He will command Isrāfīl
Critical note:

According to the Qur’ān, 39.68, an angel—identified as Isrāfīl, though he is unnamed in the Qur’ānic text—will initiate the Day of Judgment by blowing a horn, after which Allah will resurrect all beings in order to judge their good and bad deeds.

to blow the horn. And he will blow the horn so loud that all of the people and the angels will perish
Critical note:

In this context, amorteçiđos is employed as a translation of the Arabic verb صَعِقَ (ṣaᶜiqa), which suggests not fainting or losing consciousness, but rather dying as expressed below.

except for Jibrīl, Mikā’il, Isrāfīl, and ᶜAzarayā’il, who will not die until after the other creations. And from Isrāfīl’s force of death, the Earth with quake, and nothing built on the face of the Earth will remain except the mosques, and nothing in the sky or on the Earth will remain alive, and every place will be devoid of inhabitants. At that moment, Allah, exalted and glorified be He, will show Himself to the world and say: ‘Oh, world! Where are your trees? Oh, world! Where are your rivers? Oh, world! Where are your inhabitants? Oh, world! Where are your kings and their sons? Oh, world! Where is the sun and the moon and the stars?’ And there will be no one to respond.
اِ كَادَرَ ءَالْمُنْذُ كُوَرَانْتَ اَنٌشْ / اِ هَرَ اَللهْ بٌلُبَارْ اَوَ دَا لَمَرْ كَا ءَاشْتَ دَابَشُ / دَالَلْعَرْشَا كَا هَزَا نَسَارْ لُشْ غُوَاشُشْ اِ لَشْ كَرْنَاشْ / اِ لَشَنْغَارَا اَشِكُمُ نَسَا ءَالْغَرَنُ دَابَشُ دَالْ / تَانْبًارُ اِ تُرْنَرَ كَذَ كَبَالٌ اِ كَذَ مِيَانْبُرُ / اَ شُلُغَرْ دَابٌوَاشْ رًابِبْكَرَ اَللهْ اَ اِسْرَافِيلْ / اِ شُفْلَرَ ءَانَالْكُوَارْنُ اِ دِرَ اُ وَاشُشْ مُلِذُشْ / اِ كُوَارْبٌشْ بٌدِرِذُشْ اِ جُنْتُرَشْ ءَاشْبًرْتِدَشْ / اِ بَانَشْ كُرْتَدَشْ اَللهْ اُشْمَنْدَ كَا اُشْ اَجُنْ / تَايْشْ بًرَ لَدَاكَلَرَسِيُنْ دَالْذِيَ دَالْجُدِسْيُ / بًرَ تُمَرُشْ كُوَانْتَ اِ دَرُشْ وَلَرْذُنْ دَا بُوَاشَشْ / اُبْرَشْ اِ لَابَنْتَرْشَا اَنْ لُشْ خَلَاقَذُشْ لُشْ اَلرٌحَاشْ / دَا لُشْ مُسْلِمَاشْ كَلَرُشْ كُنْلَ كَلَرَادَذْ دَا لَ / كَارَايَانْسِيَ اِ لُش اَلرٌحَاشْ دَا لُشْ دَاشْكَارَا / يَانْتَاشْ ءَاشْكُرُشْ كُن لَ ءَاشْكُرَادَذْ / دَا لَ دَاشْكَارَايَانْسِيَ اِيَانْتَرَرْشَا اَ كَذَ / اَلرٌحْ ءَانْشُ كُوَارْبٌ اِ بَارَايْسْ تُدَشْ لَشْ // جانْتَاشْ لَابَنْتَذَشْ And the world will remain that way for forty years, and Allah will make water rain from the sea beneath his throne that will resuscitate the bones and the flesh and blood as the grain is born from beneath fertile land, and every hair and limb will return to its place. Afterward, Allah will revive Isrāfīl, and he will blow the horn and say: ‘Oh, crushed bones and putrid bodies and separated joints and cut veins! Allah commands you to join together for the declaration of the Day of Judgment to take account of yourselves and so that you may be rewarded for your deeds.’ And the creations will rise. The souls of the Muslims will be illuminated with the clarity of their faith, and the souls of the non-believers darkened with the darkness of their disbelief. And each soul will enter its own body, and you will see all the risen people.
اِيَالٌشْ ءَاشْبًارَنْذُ / لَشْ مَرَبِلًشْ اِ تَامٌرَاشْ دَالْذِيَ دَالْجُدِسْيُ / دَانْبٌوَاشْ تُمَرَ اَللهْ كُوَانْتَ اَ لَشْ جَانْتَاشْ / اِ بٌرْنَ اَ لُشْ اُبِذِيَانْتَاشْ ءَانْلَكَشَ دَا شُ كُنْ / تَانْتَمِيَانْتُ اِ بٌرْنَ اَ لُشْ دَاشُبِدِيَانْتَاشْ / ءَانْلَكَشَ دَا شُبًانَ دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً يَا بًلُمَ / كَا رًابِبْكَرَ اَللهْ اَ لُش خَلَاقَذُشْ دَابٌوَاشْ / دَا لَمُوَارْتَا دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ شِي كُمُ لُشْ خَلَاقُ دَا اَوَ / اِ تَا شَكُ دَا لُشْ لُمُشْ دَا تُبًدْرَا اَ لَمَدْرَا دَا تُمَدْرَا / اِ شَلٍشْتَا اَلْمُنْذُ كِرِيَتُرَ جٍكَ اِ تَا كِرِيُ / كُنْشُ بٌتَانْسِيَ اِ كُنْبُشُ ءَانْتِ تُشْ مِيَا / نْبُرُشْ اِ تُ شَانْتِذُ اَشِنْتَا مَتَرَ اِ تَا تُرْنَرَ / اَ رًابِبْكَرْ دِيشُ لَذٌنْزَالً يَا بًلُمَ فَاجٌمَا اَشْ / اَ شَبَارْ كُنْفَاجٌ كَا يُ ءَاشْتَبَ دَالٌ نُكُرَنْتَا / اِ تُذِزَاشْ بَارْدَذْ ءَانْتُ ذِيجٌ بًارُ هَزْمَا اَ شَبَارْ / كَا كُشَ ءَاش لَلْجَنَّ ءَاشَ كَا ذِزَاشْ كَا وَلَرْ / ذُ[نَرَ] اَللهْ كُنَالً اَ لُشْ اُبِذِيَانْتَاشْ And they will be awaiting the marvels and the fears of the Day of Judgment. Afterward, Allah will take judge the people and put the believers in the house of contentment and the disbelievers in the house of pain.” The damsel said: “Dove, Allah will revive His creations after death?” The dove said: “Yes, like He created them from water and He took you from the loins of your father and of your mother.
Critical note:

The phrase “from your father to your mother from your mother” appears to be a copyist’s error. In his edition, Guillén Robles writes “te sacó de los lomos de tu padre” (he took you from your father’s loins). In our version, it seems reasonable to interpret the text as “te sacó de los lomos de tu padre y de tu madre” (he took you from the loins of your father and mother).

And you came out into the world as a small creature, and He raised you with His power and composed your limbs and your senses. And as such, He will kill you and will bring you back to life.” The damsel said: “Dove, help me to know with certainty, for I was negligent of such, and you speak the truth in your words. Help me know what is this Paradise that you speak of, with which Allah will reward those who obey Him?”
دِيشُ // لَبًلُمَ يَا فِجَ دَا نَجْرَبْ لُشْدَا لَلْجَنَّ شُنْ / لُشْ اُبِذِيَانْتَاشْ اَلْمَنْدَمِيَانْتُ ذَا اَللهْ ءَانَالً / نُمُوَارَانْ نِيَبَا تِرِشْتُرَ اَلْكَنْسَرَنْ تُذُ / لُكَا دَاشَااَرَنْ بًارْذُرَبْلَاشْ ءَانَلْقَصَرَاشْ / دَا اُرُ اِ بًلَتَ اِ بٍيَادْرَشْ بًارَاسِيُشَشْ اِ دَا / بٌرْبٌرَ شُتِيَارً ءَاشْ اَلْمِسْكَا شُشْ اَوَشْ شُنْ / ذُلْسَاشْ شُشْ اَرْبُلَاشْ اِ فُبرُيْتَشْ ذُرَبْلَاشْ / لَشْ فُرُيْتَشْ دَا دِبَارْشَشْ شَبُرَاشْ اِ كُلُرَاشْ / لُشْ دَا لَلْجَنَّ تِيَانَانْ سِيَانْ غَرَدَشْ كَا شِي / تُدَشْ لَشْ جَانْتَاشْ دَالْمُنْذُ شَا اَجُنْتَشَانْ / نُهَرِيَنْ اُنَ دَالًشْ بُرْكَا ءَانَلًشْ اَيْ مَرَ / بِلًشْ اِ رٍكَازَشْ لَبٍرِمَارَ غَرَدَ ءَاشْ دَا بًلَتَ / اِ شُتِيَارً دَا اَلْمِسْكَا اِ لَشَاغُنْدَ ءَاشْ دَا اُرُ / لَتَارْسَارَ دَا بًالْرًشْ اِ لَشَاتَانَ يَبَا ءَانَلً / لُكَا نُ اَيْ اُجُشْ كَا بٌوَادَنْ بَارْ نِلَانْوَ / دَازِيرْ نِبًشَرْ بٌرْ كُرَسُنَاشْ دَا اُنْبَارَاشْ / اِيَالْكَا مَشْ بٌاكَانً غَرَدَ اَلْكَنْسَ شِ[يَاتَ]ا // اَلْقَصَرَاشْ دَا اُرُ اِ بًلَتَ اِ بًارْلَشْ اِ بٍيَادْرَشْ / بًارَاسِيُشَشْ دَا دِبَارْشَشْ كُلُرَاشْ The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, the inhabitants of Paradise are those who obey the commandments of Allah. There, they do not die, and there is no sadness. They achieve everything they want, residing forever in castles of gold and silver and precious stones and purple. Its earth is musk, its waters are sweet, its trees and fruits are lasting; fruits of diverse tastes and colors. The inhabitants of Paradise enjoy one hundred tiers. If all the people in the world joined together, they would not be able to replicate one of the domains because in each there are marvels and riches. The first domain is of silver, and its ground is musk. The second domain is of gold, the third of pearls, and the sixth, you see in it what your eyes cannot see nor tongue speak, nor can it pass through the hearts of men. He who achieves even the smallest domain, seven castles of gold and silver and pearls and precious stones of different colors are his.
بٌوَاشْ / كُوَنْذُ شَلًانْ دَا شُشْ لُغَرَاشْ كَبَلْغَنْ ءَانَنِمَلَاشْ / كَا بُلَنْ كُنَالٌشْ ذُنْدَا كِيَارَانْ فَشْتَ / لَبٌوَارْتَ دَالَلْجَنَّ اِ اَلٍي نَسَا اُنَفُوَانْتَا كُنْ / ذُشْ رًمُشْ اِ كُوَنْذُ بَابَانْ ءَانَالٌنُ دَالٌشْ / دُشْ رًمُشْ شَكَ دَالْكُوَارْبٌ تُذَ لَ ءَانْبِذِيَ / اِيَانْغَنٌ اِ مَلْدَدْ ءَانْبٌوَاشْ بَنًنْشَا ءَانَالٌتْرُ / اِ تُرْنَنْشَا جُبَانَاشْ كَا نُنْكَ مَشْ شَا مُدَنْ / دَا شُشْ كُلُرَاشْ نِدَا بًارًاشُنَشْ اِ كَلَمَنْ اَ لَشْ / اَسِتْرَشْ دَا لَبٌوَارْتَ اِ فَزَا اُنْشُنِذُ كَا نُنْكَ / اُيَارُنْ لَشْجَانْتَاشْ مَشْ دُلْسَا كُشَ اِ شَلًانْ / لَشْ اَلْحُرًشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ اَ لَبٌوَارْتَ كَا شِنُ كَا / اَللهْ سُبْحَانَهْ اَ دَذُ كُنُسِمِيَانْتُ اَ لُشْ / اُنْبَارَاشْ اَسَجْدَرِيَنْ اَ ءَالٌشْ اِيَانْتَرَنْ / كُنْلُشْ اُنْبَارَاشْ اَلَلْجَنَّ اِ كُوَنْدُ كِيَارَا / ءَانْ[تَرَ]رْشَا ءَالٌنْبَارَا ءَانْ اَلْقَصَرْ كَا بَايَا // ذِزَانْلَا ءَالًشْ اَدَالَنْتَا اَيْ اُتْرَ مَاجُرْ يَا / اَلْوَلِي ذَا اَللهْ When these figures travel from their places, they ride upon animals that fly with them to wherever they want to go, until they arrive at the door of Paradise. And there a fountain with two branches emerges, and when one drinks from one of the two branches, it strips all envy and deceit and evil from the body. Afterward, they bathe in the other and become young and never become old again.” And they call at the curtains of the door and make a sound sweeter than any sound ever heard. And the houris
Critical note:

Women of paradise

of Paradise answer the door, for none but Allah, praised be He, has given knowledge of this door to men, and the houris prostrated in prayer to them. And they enter with the men into Paradise. And when a man wants to enter a castle that he sees, they say to him: ‘Continue on. There is a better one, alwalī
Critical note:

Friend of God

of Allah.’ Then he arrives at another clear castle through which everything that is inside can be seen from the outside, and the man wants to enter. They say: ‘Continue on. There is a better inn, friend of Allah.’
ءَانْبٌوَاشْ لًاغَ اَ اُتْرُ اَلْقَصَرْ كَلَرُ / كَا شَا بًرَاسَا ذَانْذَا فُوَارَ تُذُ لُذَا دَانْتُرُ اِ كِيَارَا / ءَالٌنْبَارَا ءَانْتَرَرْشَا ءَانَالْ ذِزِنْلَا ءَالًشْ اَدَالَنْتَا / اَيْ اُتْرَ مَاجُرْ بٌشَذَ يَا اَمِيغُ دَا اَللهْ اِ نُسَاشَنْ / دَا اَنْدَرْ كُنَالْ دَا اَلْقَصَرْ ءَانَلْقَصَرْ فَشْتَ / كَا لًاغَنْ اَ اُنَ اَلْقَصَرْ كَا تُذُ ءَاشْ ءَاشْمَلْتَذُ / اِيَانْغَشْتُنَذُ ءَانْبٍيَادْرَشْ بًارَاسِيُشَشْ / كَا اَيْ ءَانَالْ شَاتَانْتَ كَمَرَشْ اُنَشْ شُبْرَا اُتْرَشْ / اَرًااَدَشْ دَا تُذُشْ اَرًااُشْ اِ وَرْنِسِيُنَاشْ اِ جُيَشْ / سَالَاشْتِرِيَلَاشْ كَلَرَافِكَذُشْ اِ بٌنَارْلَا اَنْ / اُنَ كُرُنَ ءُانْلَكَبَاسَ كَا تِيَانَا شَاتَانْتَ / رٍنْكُنَاشْ ءَانْكَذَ رٍنْكَنْ اُنَبٍيَاذْرَا بًارَا / سِيُشَ كَا رًالُنْبَرَ تَارَاشْ جُرْنَدَشْ اِ شُكَرَ / كُمُ لَلُنَ اِيَانْ شُمَنُ اُنْبَارْذُغُ اِ شُبْرَا / شُبًارَاشُنَ شَاتَانْتَا كُرْبَارْتُرَشْ دَا شَادَ / اِ بُرُكَذُ دَا ذِبَارْشَشْ كُلُرَاشْ And they don’t stop walking with him, from castle to castle, until they arrive at a castle completely enameled and encrusted with precious stones. And inside there are seventy chambers, some above others, decorated with all manner of adornments, trimmings, and brilliant celestial jewels. And they put a crown that has seventy points on his head, and in each point is a precious stone that sparkles three times as bright as daylight. And his face shines like the moon, and in his hand is a scepter, and his body is covered with seventy shrouds of silk and brocade of various colors.
ءَاشْتَ[نْ]دُ // اَشِي بِيَانَالَا اُنَمُجَارْ دَا لَشْ اَلْحُرَّشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ / كُنْ اَتَبِيُشْ مُيْ هَارْمُشُشْ رًالُنْبَرَنْتَاشْ / كُمُ ءَالْشُلْ كَا كُنْ لَبِشْتَ دَالً اُلْبِذَ ءَالٌنْبَارَا / تُذُ كُوَنْتُ اَ بِشْتُ اِ دِرَ لَمُجَارْ تُ ءَارَاشْ / مِ اَمَدُ اِ يُشُيْ تُاَمَدَ اِيَشِيَانْتَشَا ءَانْبَّرْ / دَالْ ءَانُنَ كَمَ اَكُنْبًنَّدَ دَا شَاتَانْتَ / اَلْحُرَّشْ اِ كَادَ ءَالٌنْبَارَا كُنَالَّشْ ءَانْغَرَسِيَ / فِانْكَنْتَا اِ بِذَ دَالًايْتُشَ ءَانْلَبَازِنْذَذْ / دَالْشَانٌرْ دَالْمُنْذُ اِ لُشْ اَلْمَلَكَاشْ دَنْذُ / اَلسًلَامْ شُبْرَالْ اِ نُدَاشَااَنْ كُشَ كَانُلَ / اَلْكَنْسَنْ اَلٍي ذُنْذَا شَا ءَاشْتَنْ ءَانَالَلْجَنَّ اَيْ / اَلْحُرَّشْ كَا شِ ءَاشْكُبٍيَاشَانْ ءَانْلَمَرْ شا تُرْ / نَرِيَ دُلْسَا لَمَرْ اِ تِيَانَانْ ءَاشْكِرِبْتُ / ءَانْشُشْ فَارَانْتَاشْ كَا دِزَا كِيَانْدَاشَايَ / اَلْكَنْسَرْ اُنَمُجَارْ كُمُيُ اُبْرَا كُنْلَ اُبَا / دَانْسِيَ دَا مِشَانٌرْ ءَانْلَلْجَنَّ اَيْ اُنَرْبُلْ / كَا شَا لًم ءَالًرْبُلْ دَا لَبُوَانَ اَبَانْتُرَنْسَ // كَا لُ بًلَنْتُ اَللهْ تَعَلَاى كُنْشُ مَنُ Like that, a woman of the houris of Paradise, with very beautiful vestments, shining like the sun, comes to him, and when he catches sight of her, the man forgets anything he has seen before. And the woman will say: ‘You are my beloved, and I am your beloved.’ And she sits beside him on a bed accompanied by seventy houris. And the man remains with them in perpetual grace and delightful life, close to the Lord of the world and with angels welcoming him. And they do not want anything that they cannot obtain right where they are. In Paradise, there are houris that will turn the sea sweet if they spit into it. And they have an inscription on their brows that says: ‘Whoever wants a woman like me, act with obedience to my God.’ In Paradise, there is a tree called the Tree of Good Fortune, that Allah, taᶜālā,
Critical note:


planted with His hand.
كَا شُ / تُرُنْكُ ءَاشْدَا اُرُ شُش بَانَشْ دَا بًلَتَ / شُشْ فُرُيْتَشْ كِرِشْتَلَاشْ شُشْ رًمُشْ كُرَ / لَاشْ شُشْ فُجَشْ ءَاشْمَلْتَدَشْ شُغُلُرْ اَلْمِسْكَا / ءَانَالْ اَيْ دَا تُدَشْ لَشْ نَتُرَلَاَزَشْ دَا فُرُ / يْتَشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ ءَانْشَبًرْ اِ كُلُرْ ءَانَالًلْجَنَّ / اَيْ اَرْبُلَاشْ كَا شَلًانْ دَالٌشْ اَنِمَلَاشْ / وَرْنَاسِذُشْ بُلَنْتَاشْ كَا نُنْكَ اُرِنَنْ / نِهَزَانْ رٌدَازَ نِنْغُنَ كَا لِيَابَنْ اَ لُشْ / اُبِذِيَانْتَاشْ اَذُنْدَا كِيَارَانْ ءَانْلَلْجَنَّ / اَيْ ُنْرٍيُ كَا شَا دِزَا اَلْكَوْثَرْ كَا شَلًا / دَابَشُ دَالًلْعَرْشَا كَا ءَاشْ مَشْ ذُلْسَا كَا مِيَالْ / اِ مَشْ بَلَنْكُ كَا لَاجًا كَا كُرًا شُبْرَا / لُشَشْ دَا بًارْلَشْ اِ بٍيَادْرَشْ بًارَاسِيُشَشْ / اَلْمِسْكَدَشْ كَا مَنَ ذَا اَلٍي لَفُوَانْتَا دَا سَاْسَبِيلْ / اِ لَفُوَانْتَا دَا اَلْكَافُرْ اِ لَفُوَانْتَا دَا تَسْنِيمْ / اِ نُ اَيْ ءَانَالَلْجَنَّ شِنُ لَشْ لُنِلًشْ اِ لَشْ [ساَ]جَشْ // اِ لُشْ رٍيُشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ تُذُشْ سَارْكَذُشْ / دَا كَتْرَادَشْ اِ دَاشْتَرَذُشْ اِ فُرُيْتَشْ ذَا / لَلْجَنَّ اِ بَابَرَجَاشْ نُهَزَانْ رٌدَازَ نِنْغُنَ / شَلًا لَدَاجِشْتِيُنْ ءَانْشُذُرْ دَا مَاجُرْغُلُرْ / كَا اَلْمِسْكَا Its trunk is golden, its veins are silver, its fruits are crystals, its branches are corals, its leaves are enameled, and its scent is musk. In it, there are all manner of fruits of Paradise in flavor and color. In Paradise, there are trees from which flying animals come out who never urinate nor defecate, and who transport those who are obedient to wherever they want. In paradise there is a river called al-Kawthar
Critical note:

This eponymous name of surah 108 of the Qur’ān means “abundance” in Arabic. One of the definitions of al-Kawthar provided by the tafsīr, or collections of Islamic exegetical texts, is the one exemplified by the aljamiado: one of the rivers of Paradise.

that originates beneath the throne of Allah and is sweeter than honey and whiter than the milk. It runs over tiles of pearls and musky precious stones. From there flows the spring of Salsabīl
Critical note:

According to Islamic exegesis, the two rivers Raḥma (“mercy”) and al-Kawthar (“abundance”) flow from the spring of Salsabīl. See Qur’ān 76.17-18.

and the spring of al-Kāfur
Critical note:

The name of this heavenly fountain refers to the camphor that flows from it, according to the Qur’ān 76.5-6.

and the spring of Tasnīm.
Critical note:

The Qur’ān 83.25-28 describes the fountain of Tasnīm as that from which those close to Allah drink. Collectively, from the three springs Salsabīl, al-Kafūr and Tasnīm flow the four rivers of Paradise of water, milk, honey, and wine.

And in Paradise, there are only pupils and eyebrows.
Critical note:

Guillén Robles points out here that “something must be missing from the text, which does not make sense here” (p. 199). It could be, but the fact that the same incomplete phrase is found in both Ms. BNE 5313 and ours suggests either that one is a copy of the other or that it is not an incomplete phrase.

And the rivers in paradise are surrounded by seats and raised platforms and fruits of Paradise and drink. They never defecate; excrement leaves the body in a sweat of the best odor of musk.
لُشْ مُرَذُرَاشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ نُشَا ءَانْ / بَاجَاسَانْ نِ ءَانْفَارْمَنْ نِمُوَارَانْ نِبَا / يَانْ بًاشَرْ نِ ءَاشْبًنْتُ نِتِرِشْتَازَ نِتِرِبُلَسِيُنْ / شُشْ رٌبًشْ نُنْكَ شَا رٌنْبًنْ نِشَا ءَانْبَا / جَاسَانْ شِ اُنُ دَا لُشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ بٌشِيَاشَا / شُمَنُ ءَانَالْمُنْذُ نُكَاذَرِيَ سِيَاغُ كَا نُ / بِيَاشَا نِمُوَارْتُ كَاْ نُ رًابِبْكَشَا نِدَا / شْكَارَايَانْتَا كَا نُكَارَايَاشَا نِ ءَانْفَارْمُ / كَا نُشَنَشَا نِاَوَ شَلَذَ كُا نُفُوَاشَا ذُلْسَا / شِ اُنُ ذَا لُشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ اَشُمَشَا شُ كَرَ اَلَتِيَارً / اِيَاجًشَا اُنَشَلِبَ ءَانَالً تُرْنَرِيَ تُذُ اَلْمِسْكَا / اِ شِ اُنُ دَا لُشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ شَكَشَا شُكَرَ اَ لَ / تِ[يَا]رً تُرْنَرِيَ لَ كُلُرْ دَالْشُلْ اِ دَا لَلُنَ // اِ شِلَشْ جَانْتَاشْ شُبٍيَاشَانْ لُشْ دُالَايْتَاشْ / دَالَلْجَنَّ مُرٍيَنْ تُذُشْ بٌرْ شُدَاشَاءُ اِ نُبَشْتَرِيَ / نِنْغُنُ اَ دَازِيرْ لَشْ غَرَسِيَشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ نِشُشْ مَرَ / بِلًشْ دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً يَا بًلُمَ بًرَ شَامَاجَنْتَا / دَا اَكَالٌ اُبْرَرُنْ لُشْ اُبْرَنْتَاشْ يَا بَّلُمَ / دَا اَكَالْ شَانٌرْ تَنْغَرَنْدَا كَا تُ دزَاشْ اَ كَىٍدُ / ءَانْمِكُرَسُنْ اَمُرْ مُيْ غَرَنْدَا كَا نُنْكَ سَا / سَرَا دَا شُشَارْبِسْيُ اِ يُبِدَانْسِيَ فَشْتَ كُا لُ / ءَانْكُوَانْتَارَا اَغُرَ هَزْمَا اَ شَبَارْ كَا شَارَ لَبًانَ / دَا كِيَانْ دَاشُبَادَاسَا اَذَ اَللهْ اِ كُمَا شُ اَرٍزْقَا / اِ شِرْبَا اَ اُتْرُ شَانٌرْ مَانُشْ دَالْ The inhabitants of Paradise do not age, nor do they get sick or die. They do not experience sorrow, fright, sadness, or tribulation. Their clothes never tear or become worn. If one inhabitant of Paradise put his hand in the world, there would not be a blind person who could not then see, a dead person who would not be revived, a non-believer who would not believe, a sick person who would not become healthy, nor salty water that would not become sweet. If one of the inhabitants of Paradise drew his face near the Earth and spit on it, everything would turn to musk. If one of the inhabitants of Paradise exposed his face to the Earth, the heat of the sun would become like that of the moon. And if the people knew of the delights of Paradise, they would die because they desired it so much, and it would not suffice to simply hear someone tell of the graces of Paradise and its marvels.” The damsel said: “Dove, the believers worked in order to attain that Paradise. Dove, for this great God of whom you speak a great love has fallen upon my heart. I will never stop serving Him and obeying Him until I find Him. Now help me understand the pain of whoever disobeys Allah and consumes his divine sustenance and worships another God besides him.”
دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ / كِيَانْدَاشُبَادَاسَا اَذَ اَللهْ شُبًانَ ءَاشْ / ءَالْفُوَاغُ ذَا جَهَنَّمْ كَا نِمُوَارَانْ نِبَابَانْ / اِ كَدَ دِيَ لَاشْ كَارَاسَانْ بًانَ شُبْرَا بًانَ / شُنْ كَتِبُشْ ءَانْالْفُوَاغُ كَا نُنْكَ ءَاشْ / كِتُ شُكَتِبَارْيُ نِاَلِبِيَنَاسِدَ شُبًانَ / نِ كُنْشُلَدَ شُتِرِشْتَازَ نِ ءَاشْكَلَرًاسِ[دَ] شُ // ءَاشْكُرَادَذْ نِ اُاِدَشْ شُشْ كَاشَشْ نِ اَبٍيَدَذَ / شُبُزْ شُتِرِشْتَازَ ءَاشْ فُوَارْتَا شُشُلَرْ ءَاشْ فُنْذُ / شُ اَوَ ءَاشْ بٌسُنً شُشْ اَرًااُشْ شُنْ فِيَارٌشْ / شُبًانَ ءَاشْ ذُلُرُشَ شُلَانً ءَاشْ بٍيَاذْرَشْ اِ جَا / نْتَاشْ نُشَا رًاغَلَ شُفِيَارٌ نِشَا مَتَ شُفُوَاغُ / نِشَا اَكَبَ شُبًانَ اَلٍ ءَاشْتَنْ تِيَانْبٌشْ شِنْ / كُوَانْتُ شُشْ كَمِشَشْ ءَاشْ اَلْكِتْرَنْ اَرْدِيَا / نْتَا شُشْ كَلْسَشْ بًاز ءَانْسَانْدِذَ شُشْ رٌبًشْ / سُفْرَا فَلَمَااَنْتَا شُشْ بُنَاتَاشْ فِيَارٌ رٌشِيَا / نْتَا اِ شُبْرَا ءَالٌشْ الْمَلَكَاشْ فُوَارْتَاشْ كا لُشْ / تُرْنَااَرَنْ كُنْغَرًفِيُشْ دَا فِيَارٌ فُغَااَنْتَا / شُبَابْرَجَا ءَاشْ كُبْرَا دَارًاتِذُ The dove said: “Whoever disobeys Allah, their pain is the fire of Hell. They do not live or die, and every day their pain is duplicated. They are captives in the fire. Their captivity is never revoked, nor their pain alleviated, not their sadness consoled, nor their darkness illuminated, nor their complaints heard, nor their voice pitied. Their sadness is strong, their loneliness is deep, and their water is poison, their chains are iron, their punishment is painful, their firewood is rocks and people. The iron does not yield, nor does the fire die, nor does their pain end. There they remain for countless time. Their shirts are burning tar, their shoes ignited pitch, their clothes are made of flaming sulfur, their caps are red-hot iron. And above them are strong angels who turn them with flaming iron hooks, their drink is molten copper.
جَهَنَّمْ تِيَانَا / شِيَاتَا بٌوَارْتَشْ دَا بٌوَارْتَ اَ بٌوَارْتَ اَنْدَ / دُرَ دَا كِنِيَانْتُشْ اَنٌشْ لَبٍرِمَارَ شَا لًمَ جَهَنَّمْ / بٌرْكَا كُمَا لَشْ كَرْنَاشْ دَا لُشْ كَافِرَاشْ لَشَا / غُنْدَ شَا لًمَ لَظَّا بٌرْكَا كُمَا لُشْ بٍيَادَاشْ / اِ [مَنُ]شْ لَتَارْسَارَ شَا لًمَ سَقَرْ بٌرْكَا ءَانْسِيَانْدَا // لَكُوَرْتَ شَا لًمَ اَلْحُطَمَ بٌرْكَا تَرَشْبًشَ شُفُوَاغُ / تُذُشْ لُشْ مِيَانْبُرُشْ لَكِنْتَ شَا لًمَ سَغِيرْ بٌرْ / كَا شُفوَاغُ نُنْكَ شَا مَتَ جَمَشْ لَشَايْشَانَ / شَا لًمَ اَلْجَحِيمْ كَا اُنَ سَانْتَالً كَامَرِيَ تُذُ / ءَالْمُنْذُ لَشَاتَانَ شَا لًمَ اَلْهَاوِيَ كَا كِيَانْ / ءَانْتَرَرَ ءَانْالً نُنْكَ شَلًا جَمَشْ ءَانَالً ءَاشْتَ ءَالْبٌزُ / دَا اَلْهَبْهَبْ كَا كُوَنْذُ شَا اَبْرَا كَامَ اَلٌتْرُ / فُوَاغُ دَا جَهَنَّمْ اِيَالْفُوَاغُ دَا جَهنَّمْ ءَاشْ / نَاغْرُ ءَاشْكُرُ اِ شُبْرَا كَدَ بٌوَارْتَ دَا جَهَنَّمْ / اَيْ مِلْ كَبَاسُشْ دَا فُوَاغُ ءَانْكَدَ كَبَاسُ شَا / تَانْتَ مِلْ كَبَاسُشْ دَا فُوَاغُ اِ دِزَا جَهَّنَّمْ / ءَالْذِيَ ذَالْجُدِسْيُ شَانٌرْ كَارَاسَا ءَانْمِي / ءَالًرْذُرْ اِ لَفُرْتَلَازَ بَّرَ كَا تُمَا اُيْ بَانْغَنْسَ / دَا اَكَالٌشْ كَا تَا دَاشُبَادَاسِيَارُنْ اِ كُوَنْذُ / لُشْ ءَاجًنْ دَانْتُرُ لٌرَنْ لَغِرِمَشْ فَشْتَ كَا شَا / ءَانْشُغَنْ اِ شَنْغَارَا فَشْتَ كَا شَا اَكَبَ اِ مَتَا / رِيَ فَشْتَ كَا شَا دَاشَاكَنْ Hell
Critical note:

Islamic exegesis develops the hierarchy of seven gates or levels of hell that mirror the seven gates of Paradise. Each of their designations appears in the Qur’ān: 2.119 (al-Jaḥīm), 2.206 (Jahannam), 4.10 (Saᶜīr), 54.48 (Saqar), 70.15 (Laẓā), 101.9 (Hāwiya), and 104.4-5 (al-Ḥuṭama).

has seven gates, and from gate to gate is a journey of five hundred years. The first gate is named Jahannam because it consumes the flesh of the non-believers. The second is called Laẓā because it consumes their feet and hands. The third is called Saqar because it is blazes. The fourth is called al-Ḥuṭama because its fires pass over every body part. The fifth is called Saᶜīr because its fire never dies. The sixth is called al-Jaḥīm because one spark from its fire will burn the whole world. The seventh is called al-Hāwiya because whoever enters never leaves. Inside it is the well of al-Habhab, and when it opens, its fire burns all the other fires of Hell.
Critical note:

Christian Lange explains, “Instead of rivers and springs, valleys (awdiya) and deep wells (ajbāb) are characteristic of hell. There is a rather large number of the latter in particular, and their names tend to be derived, by an interpretive process of turning abstract nouns into concrete toponyms, from the Qur’ān” (p. 134).

And the fire of Hell is dark black, and upon each gate of Hell there are one thousand hills of fire and on each hill there are seventy-thousand hills of fire. And Hell speaks on the Day of Judgment and says: ‘God, cause ardor and strength to grow within me so that I can take revenge today on those who have disobeyed you.’And when they throw the non-believers inside, they shed tears until they dry up, and blood until there is no more, and matter until they are desiccated.
اِ لٌرَنْ تَ[نْتُ] // كَا شِ ءَاجًشَانْ نَبَاشْ ءَانْشُشْ لَغِرِمَشْ كُرًارِيَنْ / كُمُ ءَانْلَمَرْ اِ نُنْكَ شُنْ اَبٍيَدَذْشْ اِقُوَنْذُ / بَارَنْ لَشْجَانْتَاشْ اَ جَهَنَّمْ كَيْرَنْ اَمُرْتَا / سِذُشْ دَا شُتَامُرْ اِ نُرٌوَاغَ نِنْغُنَ شِنُ بٌرْ / شِي فُيْرَنْ لَشْ مَدْرَاشْ دَا لُشْ فِجُشْ اِ لُشْ فِجُشْ / دَا لَشْ مَدْرَاشْ هَزَارْشَا اَنْ كَنُشُشْ لُشْ مُسُشْ / بٌوَاشْ كُوَنْذُ تُشْ مَنْسَابُشْ شُنْ لَابَذُشْ اَلْ / فُوَاغُ دِزِيَانْذُ اُ نُوَاشَ جُبَانْتُدْ مَلْ اَبَانْ / تُرَذُشْ بٌوَاشْ ءَالْفُوَاغُ اَ دَا شَارْ نُوَاشَ مُرَدَ كُوَ / نْتَشْ مُجَارَاشْ فَارْمُشَشْ كَا اِرَنْ ذِزِيَانْذُ اُ نُوَاشَ / فَارْمُشُرَ اِ بَالْدَذْ مَلْ ءَانْبًالَااَدَ بٌوَاشْ كَا / ءَالْفُوَاغُ ءَاشْ نُوَاشَ مُرَدَ كُوَنْتُشْ بِيَاجُشْ / كَنُشْ كَا اِرَنْ اَلْفُوَاغُ دِزِيَانْذُ اُ نُوَا / شَشْ كَنَشْ اِ فَلَكَازَ مَلْ غَشْتَذَ بٌوَاشْ ءَلْفُوَاغُ / اَ دَا شَارْ نُوَاشَ مُرَذَ شَارَنْ اَبٌرٍذَشْ دَا اَللهْ / اِيَبًرْتَذُشْ ذَا شُبٍيَدَذْ دَاشْبًادِذُشْ دَا شُشْ / [بِيَا]نَاشْ لِغَدَشْ شُشْ مَنُشْ ءَانْكَدَانَذُشْ شُشْ // كُوَالٌشْ ءَانْسَانْدِذَشْ شُشْ لَانْوَشْ نَاغْرَشْ شُشْ / كَرَشْ لَرْغَ شُتِرِشْتَازَ ذُرَنْتَا شُبًانَّ هَنْبِرِيَا / نْتُشْ شَاذِيَانْتُشْ دُلُرُشُشْ دِزِيَانْذُ يَنُشْ اَبَرْ / كَ شُبًانَ تِرِشْتَاشْ دَا نُشُتْرُشْ بٌرْ لُكَا ذَا / فَلًاسِمُشْ شِشَا كَاشَنْ نُلُشْ اَبٍيَدَنْ شِكَلَمَنْ / نُلَاشْ رًاشْبٌنْدَانْ دِزَانْ شَانٌرْ فُوَامُشْ / يَارًذُشْ اَلِبِيَنَاسَا شُبْرَا نُشْاُتْرُشْ لَبًانَ اُنْ / ذِيَ شُلُ And they cry so much that if you threw ships into their tears, they would sail as they do in the sea. And they are never pitied. And when the people see Hell, they fall dead from fear and no one begs for anythings except themself. Mothers flee from their children, and children from their mothers. And the youth have become hoary. When your young men are taken to the fire, they say: ‘Oh, our youth! Bad fortune! Well, the fire will be our new home!’ So many beautiful women will go about saying: ‘Oh, our handsomeness and beauty is wasted! Well, the fire is our new home!’ So many hoary old people that will go to the fire saying: ‘Oh, our grey hairs and frailty are poorly spent! Well, the fire will be our new home!’ They will be abhorred by Allah and parted from His piety, removed from their belongings; their hands tied, their necks chained, their tongues ignited, their faces black, their sadness long, their pain enduring. Hungry, thirsty, painful, saying: ‘Your punishment already encompasses us, so sad are we for our failures.’ If they complain, no one pities them. If they clamor, no one responds. They say: ‘God, we have erred. Alleviate our pain for just one day.’
لَؤُرَ لَابَنْتَشَا اُنَنُبَا نَاغْرَ دَا فُوَاغُ / اِيَالٌشْ دَامَنْدَنْ اَوَ اِ بٍيَانْشَنْ كَا لُشْ اَبٍّيَدَنْ / كُن اَوَ اِ لٌوَابَا شُبْرَا ءَالٌشْ بٍيَادْرَشْ اِ اَوَ بُلًانْتَا / كَا لُشْ تَرَشْبًشَ دَا فُوَاغُ كُمَانْ دَا فُوَاغُ / بَابَانْ اِ شُبْرَا فُوَاغُ شَا اَكُوَاشْتَنْ شُبْرَا فُوَاغُ / كَلَمَنْ اَ مَالِكْ دِزَا اَللهْ يَا مَالِكْ رًاشْبٌنْداَ اَ لُشْ / لَزَرَذُشْ لَؤُرَ ذِزَالَاشْ مَالِكْ يَا اَكَالٌشْ كَا شَا اَ / ءَانْشَنًذُ شُبْرَالٌشْ كَا كَارَايْشْ دِزَانْلَا يَا مَالِكْ / دَنُشْ اَ بَابَارْ اُنَ بَابِدَ دَا اَوَ كَا رًافِرِيا نُوَا / شُشْ كُوَارْبٌشْ Then a black cloud of fire rises, and they demand water, and they think that they will show mercy upon them in the form of water. And rocks rain upon them and boiling water washes over them. They eat fire, they drink fire, and upon fire they sleep. Burning, they call to Malik.
Critical note:

One of the administering angels of Jahannam. See Qur’ān 43.77.

Allah says: ‘Malik, respond to the disgraced.’ At that moment, Malik says to them: ‘Those who have received punishment, what do you want?’ They say to him: ‘Malik, give us a drink of water to refresh our bodies.’
لَؤُرَ ذَلَاشْ اَ بَابَارْ اَوَ دَالَ[لْجَحِيمْ] // كَا ءَانْتَرَ بٌرْ لَشْ بُكَشْ اِ دَارٍبَ لُشْ دِيَا / نْتَاشْ يَبْرَشْ لَشْ ءَانْتَرَنَّشْ اِ دَارٍتَا لَشْ كَرْ / نَاشْ هَزَا بُلٍرْ لُشْ مَاذُلٌشْ ءَانْلَشْ كَبَاسَشْ كَا / شِي اُنَ غُتَ كَيَاشَا شُبْرَا لَتِيَارً دَا اَكَالَّ / اَوَ مُرٍيَنْ لَشْ جَانْتَاشْ دَا شُهَاذُرْ شُبْرَا كَذَ / بٌوَارْتَ دَا جَهَنَّمْ اَيْ مِلْ مَرَاشْ دَا فُوَاغُ دَا / اَنْذَذُرَ ذَا كِنِيَانْتُشْ اَنٌشْ ءَانْكَدَ مَرْ مِلْ / سِبْدَدَاشْ دَا فُوَاغُ ءَانْكَدَ سِبْدَذْ مِلْ / اَلْجُبَاشْ ذَا فُوَاغُ ءَانْكَدَ اَلْجٌبَا مِلْ كَشَشْ / دَا فُوَاغُ ءَانْكَدَ كَشَ مِلْ فُوَانْتَاشْ دَا فُوَاغُ / دَا كَدَ فُوَانْتَا شَلًانْ مِلْ رٍيُشْ دَا فُوَاغُ / كَا شِ اُنَ غُتَ كَيَاشَا دَا اَكَالً اَوَ ءَانْلَتِيَارً / اَبْرَشَرِيَ تُذُ ءَالْمُنْذُ اِ نُ اَيْ كُشَ مَشْ اَبُرٍذَ / ءَانْبٌدَارْ دَا اَللهْ كَا لُشْ دَالْفُوَاغُ At that moment, he gives them water to drink from al-Jaḥīm that enters their mouths and demolishes their teeth and burns their bowels and melts their flesh. It makes their brains boil in their heads. If one drop of this water fell on the Earth, the people would die from its stench. Around every gate in Hell there are one thousand seas of fire, the length of which is a journey of five hundred years. In each sea, there are a thousand cities of fire, and in each city, there are one thousand wells of fire, and in each well, there are one thousand houses of fire, and in each house there are one thousand fountains of fire, and from each fountain, one thousand rivers of fire emanate. If one drop of that water fell on the Earth, it would burn the whole world. There is nothing more abhorred in the power of Allah than those who are in the fire.”
لَؤُرَ فُوَاشَا / لَبًلُمَ اِ كَاذُ لَذُنْزَالَّ دِزِيَانْذُ يَا تِرِشْتَازَذَا مِي / يَا تِرِشْتَازَ كَا بٌكُ اَ شَااِذُ مِكُنُسِمِيَانْتُ / [كُنْ مِي] كِرِيَذُرْ غُوَيْ دُا لُشْ شَارْبِذُرَاشْ // دَا لَشْ اِذُلُشْ ءَانْجَهَنَّمْ اِيَانْشُ بًانَ غُوَيْ / دَا مِي كَا شَارَ دَا مِي كُوَنْذُ مَا بًرَرَا دَالَنْتَا / دَا مِشَانٌرْ اَ لَكُوَانْتَ اِ شَا بًرَرَ ءَالْبًاشُ اِ شَا / تَانْدَارَ ءَالْصٍرَاطْ تِرِشْتَا دَا مِي اَكَالْ / ذِيَ اِ دِيُ اُنْ شُشْبٍرُ اِ كَيُ اَمُرْتَاسِدَ اِ نُ / رًاكُرْذُ شِنُ اَبًارَاشْ دَا تَارَاشْ دِيَشْ فَشْتَ / كَا لًاغُ لَنُوَابَ اَ شُبًدْرَا اِ بِنُ اَ بَارْلَ اِ ذِشُ / يَا فِجَ بًلَزَارْ دَا مِشْ اُجُشْ كَا ءَاشْ تُفَاجٌ / كَا اَشْ اُبِذُ كَا مَا ءَا كَابْرَنْتَذُ كُنْتُ مَلْ / مِكُرَسُنْ لَؤُرَ لَابَنْتُشَا لَذُنْزَالً دَامُدَدَ لٌرَ / نْدُ دَامُدَدَ دَا كُلُرْ اِ ذِيشُ يَا بًدْرَا دَافِيَا / نْذُمَا كُنْ اَللهْ دَالْفُوَاغُ دَا جَهَنَّمْ اِ دَا شُشْ / بًانَشْ اَكَالًشْ كَا نُ اَبٍيَذَرَنْ اَلْبِيَاجُ / بٌرْ شُبَاجَاسْ نِ اَلْجٍكُ بٌرْ شُبًاكَانَاسْ نِ اَ لَ / مُجَارْ بٌرْ شُفَلَكَازَ At that moment, the dove departed and left the little damsel saying: “My sadness, oh, woe is me! How little I knew about my creator. Woe to the idolaters in Hell and in its punishment. Oh, woe is me. What will become of me when I come before my God for judgment, and the weight will be placed, and the bridge will be stretched forth?
Critical note:

Guillén Robles writes, “The scale where the people’s actions will be weighed, and the bridge over which the souls must pass to reach Paradise” (p. 206).

Woe is me on that day!” And she sighed and fainted and did not remember anything until three days later when the news reached her father. And he came to see her and said: “Daughter, pleasure of my eyes, what is your condition? What have you heard? For my heart has broken from your poor condition.” At that moment, the damsel rose, pale and crying, and said: “Father, defend me with Allah from the fire of Hell and its punishments, which take no pity on the old for their age nor the young for their youth, nor on the woman for her frailty.”
دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ يَا فِجَ اَشْبِشْتُ / اَلْغُ ءَانْتُذُرْمِرْ اُ ءَاشْتَشْ هَاجٍزَدَ دِشُلَا / يَا بًدْرَا اَنْتَاشْ دَامَنْذُ بًارْدُنْ اَ[دَ اَللهْ] // مِ شَانٌرْ اِ تُ شَانٌرْ دَاشَ ءَالْشَارْبِسِيُ دَا لَشْ / اِذُلَشْ اَكَالًشْ كَا نُ اُيَانْ نِبَاءَانْ نُوَازَانْ / اِ نُ اَبٌرُبَاجًنْ لَؤُرَ مَنْذُ ءَالْرًايْ تَرَءَارْ شُ اِدُلَ / اِ دِشُلَ يَا فِجَ ءَاشْتَا ءَاشْ تُشَانٌرْ اِ مِشَانٌرْ / اَكَالْ كَا نُ كُنُسَامُشْ شِنُ اَ ءَالْ تُرْنَتَا ءَانْتُ / شَانْتِذُ اِ شِرْبَا اَ تُشَانٌرْ اِ نُشَااَشْ يَارًذُ / دِيشُ ءَالً يَا بَّدْرَا تُ ءَارَاشْ ءَالْيَارًذُ دَاشَ ءَالْشَا / رْبِسْيُ دَا لَشْ اِذُلَشْ اِ دِ كَا نُ اَيْ شَانٌرْ شِنُ / اَللهْ شُلُ شِنْ اَبًرْسَارُ ءَانَالْسِيَالُ ءَاش شُ اَلْعَرْشا / اِ ءَانْلَتِيَارً شُبٌتَاشْتَذْ اِ شَانٌرِيُ كُوَنْذُ / اُيُ اِبْلِسْ مَلْذِغَلُ اَللهْ ءَالْنُنْبَرَمِيَانْتُ / دَا اَللهْ شَلٌ دَا لَىٍدُلَ / هُيَانْذُ اِيَالْ كَا ذِزِيَ يَا رًايْ نَجْرَبْ يَ شَا اَ اِنُبَذُ ءَانْ تُ تِيَارً اُنْ / فَاجٌ كَا نُتُرْنَرًا اَ تُ اِدُلَ ءَانْجَمَشْ تُمُ ءَالْرًايْ / بٌرَاشْتُ غَرَنْدَا بٍيَانْشُ اِ ذِيشُ اَ شُفِجَ يَا / فِجَ تُرْنَتَا دَا لُكَا ءَاشْتَشْ اِ نُ اَفُوَالًاشْ / [تُ لَايْ] نِتَا اَبًرْتَ[اشْ] اَ ءَالً The king said: “Daughter, have you seen something in your sleep or are you bewitched?” She said to him: “Father, first, ask for pardon from Allah, my God and your God. Leave the service of idols, those who neither hear nor see, who harm and from whom we do not profit.” At that moment, the king commanded that her idol be brought, and he said to her: “Daughter, this is your God and my God, and we do not know another like him. Return to your senses and serve your God and do not be mistaken.” She said: “Father, you are mistaken. Leave the service of idols, and say that there is no god except Allah, alone, without equal. His throne is in the heavens, and on Earth is His power and dominion.” When Iblis, may Allah curse him, heard the name of Allah, he left the idol, fleeing, and said: “King Najrab, something new has happened in your kingdom, and so I will never return to your idol again.”
اِ دِشُلَا شُ لَفِجَ // يَا بًدْرَا دَاشَمَا اُنْبٌكُ بٌوَاشْ لَؤُرَ دَاشُلَ / اِ فُوَاشَا ءَالً اَ شُىٍذُلَ اِيَاشْمَانُزُلَ تُدَ اِ تُمُ / ءَالٌرُ اِ لَبًلَتَ اِ لَشْ بًارْلَشْ دَا لَىٍذُلَ اِ بًرْتِيُلَ اَ لُشْ / بٌبْرَاشْ ءَانْشَارْبِسْيُ دَا اَللهْ اِ بِنُ شُبًدْرَا / اِ هَلٌ لَىِدُلَ كَابْرَذَ اِ دِيشُ يَا فِجَ فَاجٌ / اَشْ كُشَ مُيْ غَرَنْدَا كَا شِي اُتِرِ لُ اُبِيَاشَا / فَاجٌ بًانَرْلُ اِيَ كُنْتُرْمَانْتُشْ فُوَارْتَاشْ / دِيشُ ءَالً يَا بًدْرَا شِفُوَاشَا شَانٌرْ كُمُ / تُذِزَاشْ نُ شَا اَبْرِيَ دَاشَذُ ءَاشْمَانُزَرْ / كَا مِشَانٌرْ ءَالْكَا يُ شِيَارْبُ خَلَاقَذُرْ دَا لُشْ / خَلَاقَذُشْ ءَالْكَا دَ لُشْ اَلرٍزْكَاشْ تَانْدَاذُرْ / دَا لَشْ غَرَسِيَشْ نُلَا دَنً كُشَ نِنْغُنَ دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ / يَا فِجَ تُرْنَتَا دَا لُكَاشْتَشْ شِنُيُ تا بًانَرَا / بًانَ فُوَارْتَا اِ دِزِيَانْذُ ءَاشْتُ فُوَاشَا اِ دَاشُلَ / بٌوَاشْ بُلْبِيُشَا لَذُنْزَالً ءَانْدِيُنَرْ اِ هَزَارْ اَلْصًلَى / اِ كُمَارْ بًنْ دَا سَابَذَ اِ رٌغُ اَذَ اَللهْ كَا لَا / ءَانْبِيَ[شَا لَبًلُمَ اِ بِنُلَا اِ] هَلٌ لَ هَزِيَانْذُ [اَلصًلَى] // This worried the king greatly, and he to his daughter: “Daughter, revert to what you were and do not leave your laws nor draw away from it.” And his daughter said: “Father, leave me for a little.” As soon as he left her, she went to her idol and crumbled it completely. And she took the gold and silver and pearls from the idol and gave them to the poor in service of Allah. And her father came and found the idol broken and said: “Daughter, you have done a very repulsive thing. If another had done this, I would have tortured him gravely.” She said: “Father, if it were a god, like you say, it would not have allowed me to destroy it. My God, the one I serve—Creator of the creations, He who gives sustenance, Keeper of blessings—nothing hurts Him.” The king said: “Daughter, revert to what you were, otherwise I will punish you with great pain.” And saying this, he went away and left her. Then, the damsel returned to her fasting and prostrated in prayer
Critical note:

aṣṣalā: normally understood as ‘Islamic prayer’, which connotes more precisely the corpus of words, gestures, prostrations, and physical elements used to carry out the five daily cycles of prayer.

and ate barley bread. She begged Allah to send the dove, and it came and found performing prayer.
اِ ذِيُ اَلسًلَامْ شُبْرَالً اِ تُرْنُ ءَالًسَلَامْ اِ دِيشُ يُشُيْ / مُيْ اَلًاغْرَا كُنْتُبَانِدَ يُكَارَااُ كُنْ اَللهْ / اِ لَا شِرْبُ اِ نُبٌنْغُ اَبًرْسَارُ كُنَالْ دِيشُ لَبًلُمَّ / يَا فِجَ دَا نَجْرَبْ اَلَاغْرَتَا كَا اَللهْ اَ رًاسَابِذُ / تُ رًابٍنْتَانْسِيَ اِ بًارْذُنَذُ تُبًاكَذُ لَؤُرَ / كَا اَشْ دَاشَذُ ءَالْشَارْبِسْيُ دَا لَىٍدُلَ ءَالًسًلَامْ / شَااَ شُبْرَا تِ اِ بٍيَدَذْ دَا اَللهْ شَاءَ شُبْرَا تِ / اِ شُبَانْدِسِيُنْ اِ فُوَاشَا لَبًلُمَ اِ تُرْنُشَا لَذُنْزَالَّ / اَ هَزَارْ اَلصًلَى اِ دَيُنَرْ اِ رٌغَرْ اَذَ اَللهْ كَا لَشَلْبَشَا / دَا لَبًانَ دَا جَهَنَّمْ اِ بٌبْلِكُشَا شُفَاجٌ ءَانْتُذُ / شُرًايْنُ هَبْلَبَنْ دَالَّ لَشْ جَانْتَاشْ رًااُتَبَنْ / اَلْرًايْ دِزِيَانْذُلَا شِذَاشَشْ اَ تُفِيجَ اَشِي كُمُ / ءَاشْتَ بًارْدَارشَا اَ تُرًايْنُ اِ تُمُ ءَالْرًايْ / مُيْ غَرَنْدَا كُيْدَذُ اِ فُوَاشَا اَ ءَالً اِ دِشُلَا / يَا فِجَ تُرْنَتَا دَا لُكَاشْتَشْ اِ نُمَا ءَاجًاشْ اَ بًارْ / دَارْ مِرًايْنُ نِتَا اَبًرْتَاشْ دَا نُوَاشْتْرُ شَانٌرْ / The dove bestowed peace upon her,
Critical note:

Giving assalām refers to the practice of greeting between Muslims. The greeter says: assalāmu ᶜalaykum (peace be upon you) to which the greeted responds: waᶜalaykum assalām (and with you be peace).

and she returned this peace and said: “I am very happy that you came. I believe in Allah, and I serve Him, and I do not consider anyone His partner.” The dove said: “Daughter of Najrab, be happy that Allah has accepted your repentance and has pardoned your sin the moment you abandoned the service of idols. Peace be upon you, and may Allah’s mercy and his benediction be upon you as well.” And the dove left, and the damsel returned to prayer and to fasting, begging Allah to save her from the pain of Hell. And her deeds were made known throughout the kingdom. The people gossiped about her, and rebuked her to the king saying: “If you allow your daughter to continue like this, you will lose your kingdom.” And the king took great heed, and he went to her and told her: “Daughter, turn away from what you are, and do not make me lose my kingdom and do not part from our lord.”
دِ[يشُلَا شُ]فِجَ يَا بًدْ[رَا يُ تَا لًمُ اَلْشَارْبِ]سْيُ // دَاَ اَللهْ اِ تُكَلَمَشْمَا اَلْشَارْبِسْيُ دَا لَشْ اِدُلَشْ / يَا بًدْرَا اُبَادَاسَا اَدَ اَللهْ اِ دِ كُمُ يُدِغُ / كَا نُ اَيْ شَانٌرْ شِنُ اَللهْ شُلُ كَا نُ اَيْ اًبًرْسَارُ / كُنَالْ اِ دَرْتَا اَ اَللهْ ءَالًلْجَنَّ اِ شَلْبَرْتَا اَ دَا فُوَاغُ / دَا جَهَنَّمْ دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ يَا فِجَ شِنُتَا دَابِيَا / دَشْ دَا لُكَاشْتَشْ كُرْتَارْتَا لَش مَنُشْ اِ شَكَرتَا / دَا مِرًايْنُ دِيشُ ءَالً يَا بًدْرَا نُمَا تُرْنَرَا / دَا لَبًلَبْرَ دَا لَا اِلًهَ اِلًا اَللهْ دِشُلَا شُبًدْرَا يَا فِجَ / يُتَانْغُ مِيَاذُ كَا تَا اَرًابًانْتِرَشْ كُوَنْذُ نُتَا / اَبٌرُبَاجًرَ كَا شِنُ تَا تُرْنَشْ دَا لُكَاشْتَشْ / كُرْتَرْتَا لَشْ مَنُشْ اِ شَكَرْتَا اَ لُشْ مُنْتَاشْ كُنْلُشْ / اَنِمَلَاشْ فِيَارُشْ اِ نُتَا بٌدْرَشْ اَبٌرُبَاجًرْ كُنْ / تُشْ مَنُشْ دِيشُ كَعْبُ اَلَاحْبَارْ كَا نُ / كَارَاسِيَ لَذُنْزَالً شِنُ ءَانَالْ شَارْبِسْيُ / دَا اَللهْ تَعَالَى لَشْجَانْتَاشْ فَبْلَبَنْ دَالً اُنُشْ / دِزِيَنْ لُكَ شَا اَ تُرْنَذُ اُتْرُشْ دِزِيَنْ اَ هَلًذُ / اُتْرَ [مَاجُرْ لَايْ كَا لَ دَا ش]بًدْرَا دِيشُ [ءَالْرًكُنْتَ]دُرْ // كَا بُلْبِيُ شُبًدْرَا اَ ءَالً اِ ذِشُلَا His daughter said to him: “Father, I call you to the service of Allah, and you call me to serve idols. Father, obey Allah and say what I say, that there is no god except Allah, alone, who has no partner. And Allah will give Paradise to you and will save you from the fire of Hell.” The king said: “Daughter, if you do not deviate from what you have become, I will cut off your hands and expel you from my kingdom.” She said: “Father, I will not turn from the words ‘There is no god except Allah.’” Her father said to her: “Daughter, I am afraid that you will repent when it is too late. If you do not turn away from what you are, I will cut off your hands and banish you to the mountains with the wild animals. You will not be able to survive without your hands.” Kaᶜbu al-Akhbār said that the damsel grew in none but her devotion to Allah, the Exalted. The people spoke about her. Some said: “She has gone crazy.” Others said: “She found a better law than that of her father.” The storyteller said that her father returned to her and said:
يَا فِجَ تُرْنَتَا / دَا لُكَا ءَاشْتَشْ شِنُيُ هَرَا لُكَا دِيجٌ تَانْغُ ذِيشُ / ءَالً يَا بًدْرَا اَاُنْكَا مَا كُرْتَاشْ اِ مَا كَامَاشْ / كُنْفُوَاغُ نُكَارَاسَارَا شِنُ ءَانَالْشَارْبِسْيُ / دَا اَللهْ مِشَانٌرْ يَا بًدْرَا دَاشَ ءَالْشَارْبِسْيُ / دَا لَشْ اِذُلَشْ كَا يُشُيْ دَاشَانْغَنًنْتَا اَ تِي / دِ كُمُ يُ دِغُ كَا نُ اَيْ شَانٌرْ شِنُ اَللهْ شُلُ شِنْ / اَبًرْسَارُ كُنَالْ بٌوَاشْ ذِيشُ كَعْبُ اَلَاخْبَارْ / كَا كُوَنْذُ بِذُ اَكَالٌ شُبًدْرَا مَنْذُ بَانِرْ / اُنْشَيُنْ بًرَ كُرْتَرْلَا لَشْ مَنُشْ اِ كُوَنْذُ ءَالً لُبِذُ / ءَاشْتَارَاجٌشَالَا ءَالْكُرَشُنْ اِ لَابَنْتُ شُكَبَاسَ / اَلْسِيَالُ لٌرَنْذُ اِيَالً كَا ذِزِيَ يَا كِيَانْ خَلَاقُ / لُشْ سِيَالُشْ رًافِرْمَ مِكُرَسُنْ بٌنْ سُفْرَانْسِيَ / ءَانْمِي نُتَا اَيْرَاشْ كُنْمِي نُدَاشْ لُغَرْ اَلَّشَايْطَنْ / ءَانْمِفَاجٌ اَبٍيَذَمَا كُنْتُ بٍيَدَذْ رًاكُوَانْتَ / “Daughter, turn away from what you are. If you do not, I will do what I have said.” She said: “Father, even if you cut me or burn me with fire, I will not grow but in the service of Allah, my God. Father, leave the service of idols, for it is I who leads you from deception. Say, as I say, and there is no god except Allah, alone, without equal.” Well, as Kaᶜbu al-Akhbār said, when her father saw this, he ordered an executioner to come and cut off her hands. And when she saw him, her heart sank, and she lifted her head towards heaven, crying, and said: “He who created the heavens, make my heart sure. Give me patience. Do not be angry with me, nor give the devil a place in my constitution. Take pity upon me with your mercy.”
كَعْبُ اَلَاخْبَارْ كَا ءَانَاشْتَا بَّشُ لَا ءَانْبِيُ / [اَللهْ لَبًلُ]مَ اِ بٌشُشَا جُنْتُ اَ ءَالً اِ دِشُلَا يَا فِجَ // دَا نَجْرَبْ اَلَاغْرَتَا كَا لَغَرَسِيَ دَا اَللهْ ءَاشْ / كُنْتِ سُفْرَا كَا اَللهْ تَا دَرَ ءَالًلْجَنَّ ءَالْذِيَ / دَالْجُىٍسْيُ اِ لُشْ اَلْمَلَكَاشْ رٌغَبَنْ لٌرَنْذُ بٌرَالً / اِ لَشْ اَلْحُرًشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ كَا شَا اَشُمَبَنْ اَ ءَالً / بٌوَاشْ سُفْرَا كُن لُ كَا شَا اَ اَشَانْتَذُ كُنْتِ / اِ نُشَااَ تُسُفْرَانْسِيَ شِنُ كُنْ اَللهْ لَؤُرَ دِشُلَا / شُبًدْرَا يَا فِجَ تِرَتَا دَا لُكَا ءَاشْتَشْ اَنْتَاشْ / كَا تَا كُرْتَا لَشْ مَنُشْ دِيشُ ءَالً هَزْ لُكَا كَا / رًشْ كَا نُتُرْنَرَا دَا لُكَا ءَاشْتُيْ نِدَاشَرَا / لَوٌبَادَانْسِيَ بٌرْ لَدَاشُبَادَانْسِيَ نِ ءَالْخَلَا / قَذُرْ بٌرْءَالْخَلَاقَذُ نِاَلْجَنَّ بٌرْ جَهَنَّمْ نِذَا / شَرَا اَذَ اَللهْ بٌرْ لَشْ اِذُلَشْ بٌوَاشْ لَؤُرَ مَنْذُ شُبًدْرَا / كُرْتَرلَا لَشْ مَنُشْ اِيَالً كَا ذَازِيَ بِسْمِ اِللهِ / شَانٌرْ دَا لُشْ سِيَالُشْ بِسْمِ اِللهِ شَانٌرْ دَا لَشْ / تِيَارًشْ بِسْمِ اِللهِ ءَالْتُرَنْتَا ءَانَالْشَانٌرِيُ / شَانٌرْ دَمَا سُفْرَانْسِيَ اِيَفِرْمَمَا ءَانْتُ اُبَا / دَانْسِيَ كُنْشُوَالَ مِكُرَسُنْ Kaᶜbu al-Akhbār recounted that in that moment, Allah sent the dove and it landed next to her, and said to her: “Daughter of Najrab, be happy that the grace of Allah is with you. Suffer, for Allah will give you Paradise on the Day of Judgment.” And the angels begged for her, crying, and the houris of Paradise appeared before her: “Have patience with what has been prescribed to you, for your suffering shall not be but with Allah.” Then, her father said to her: “Daughter, pull yourself away from what you are before I cut off your hands.” She said: “Do what you want. I will not change who I am, nor will I leave my obedience for disobedience, nor the creator for the creation, nor Paradise for Hell, nor will I leave Allah for idols.” At that moment, her father ordered her hands to be cut off, and she said: “In the name of Allah, God of the heavens, in the name of Allah, God of the Earth, in the name of Allah, the Eternal Lord. God, give me patience and affirm me in your obedience. Console my heart.”
لٌ[رَبَنْ تُذُشْ] // اَرًانْكُرَبَنْشَا اَذَ اَللهْ لُشْ دَا لُشْ سِيَالُشْ / اِ دَا لُشْ تِيَارًشْ اِ ذِزِيَنْ شَانٌرْ مِرَ لُكَا شَا اَ / اَشَانْتَذُ كُنْ اَكَالً ذُنْزَالً بٌرْ تُ اُبَا / دَانْسِيَ دِزَا اَللهْ تُذُ ءَاشْ اَ مِبِشْتَ بٌرْ مِي / اُنْرَّ اِ نُبْلَازَ كَا يُلَا دَرَا وَلَرْذُنْ كُنْبٍلِذُ / اِ لَبٌرْنَا ءَانْلَغَرَذَ دَا لُشْ اُنْرًذُشْ اِ كُرْتَرُنْلَا / لَشْ مَنُشْ اِ كِتَرُنْلَا لَشْ جُيَشْ كَا تَانِيَ / اِيَاجًرُنْلَ اَ لُشْ يَارْمُشْ كَاذُ كُنْغَرَنْدَا / ءَاشْبًنْتُ كَلَمُ كُنْلَ مَشْ اَلْتَ دَا شُ بُزْ لٌرَنْذُ / اِ ذِزِيَانْذُ يَا مِشَانٌرْ اِ مِكَوْدِلٌ اِ مِبًارْ / كُرَذُرْ اَشَا ءَانْبَارَابَاسِدُ مِبًدْرَا كُوَانْتَرَ مِ / اَمَا شَكَذُ اَ ءَاشْتُشْ يَارْمُشْ شَانٌرْ اَللهْ كُنْشُوَالَ / مِشُلَادَذْ Everyone in heaven and on the Earth cried and lamented to Allah, and said: “God, look what has happened to this damsel because of her obedience to you.” Allah says: “Everything is according to my vision by my honor and nobility. I will give her ample reward, and I will place her among the honored.” And they cut off her hands, and they took the jewels that she had, and they cast her into the wilderness. She was very frightened. She clamored with her loudest voice, crying, and saying: “My God, my leader, my advocate, my father has become enraged against me, he has thrown me out to the wilderness. Allah, console my loneliness.”
بٌوَاشْ اَنْدَنْذُ بٌرْ اُنْشَرَلْ غِيُلَ / اَللهْ اَ اُنَ كُوَابَ اَ لَهَلْدَ دَا اُنْمُنْتَا هَلٌ / اُنْشُشْ اِ لُبُشْ اِيُتْرُشْ اَنِمَلَاشْ دَا لَتِيَارَّ / اِ لَ[ؤُرَ كُ]نْ اَكُرْدَرْشَا دَا لُكَا لَا اَبِيَ دِيجٌ / [شُبً]دْرَا سَارْتَافِكُشَا كُنْلَ مُوَارْتَا اِ دِيشُ // لَا اِلَهَ اِلًا اَللهْ شِمَا كُمَارَنْ لَشْ اَلِمَنَّشْ نُبًانَرَا / شِنُ اُنَ اُرَ اِيَانْبٌوَاشْ تُرْنَرَا اَ لَشْ غًرَسِيَشْ / دَا مِشَانٌرْ اِيْ اَ لَلْجَنَّ بًرَ شِيَانْبًارَا جَمَشْ / اِيَنْشِي ءَانْتُرُ ءَانْلَكُوَابَ اِ سَارْكَرُنْلَ لَشْ / اَلِمَنَّشْ اِ ذَبَنْلَا اَلسًلَامْ اَ ءَالً اِ ذِزِيَنْلَا اَ ءَالً / اَلَاغْرَتَا كَا لَبٍيَدَذْ دَا اَللهْ ءَاشْ شُبْرَا تِي / اِ جُغَبَنْ كُنَالً كُمُ ءَالْبًارٌ كُنْشُ اَمُ اِ تَرَ / اِيَنْلَا دَا لَشْ فُرُيْتَشْ اِ كُمِيَ ءَالً اِيَاشْتُبُ / اَشِي لُكَا كِشُ اَللهْ فَشْتَ كَا اُنْدِيَ شَلٌ اَ كَسَ / ءَالْرًايْ دَا اَنْتَاقِيَ اِيَانْكُنْتُرُشَا كُنُنَ / سِيَارْبَ اِ شِغِيُلَ فَشْتَ كَا شَا لَنْسُ ءَانْلَ / كُوَابَ كَا ءَاشْتَبَ لَذُنْزَالً اِيَالً ءَارَ مُجَارْ هَارْمُشَ / كُوَنْدُ لَبِذُ ءَالْرًايْ نَمُرُشَا دَالً اِ ذِشُلَا / يَا ذُنْزَالً ءَارَشْ بًارْشُنَ اُ ءَارَاشْ اَلْجِنَّا / كَا كَوْشَ اَ شَااِذُ لَتُيَ كَا اَشْبَانِذُ اَنَا / شْتَا لُغَرْ كُنْ لُشْ اَنِمَلَاشْ شَلْتَا اَ [مِي كَا] يُشُيْ / ءَالْرًا[يْ] دَا اَنْتَاقِيَ يُتَا تُمَرَا بٌرْ مُجَارْ // Then, walking through a thicket, Allah guided her to a cave at the foot of a mountain, and she found bears and wolves and other animals of the Earth. And at that moment, she came to terms with what her father had said. She accepted that she would die, and said: “There is no god except Allah. If the animals eat me, I will not be in pain but for an hour, and afterward I will return to the graces of my God in paradise forevermore.” Thus she entered the cave, and the animals approached her and bestowed peace upon her. They said to her: “Be happy, for the mercy of Allah is upon you.”
دِشُ ءَالً يُ شُيْ كِيَانْ شِكِشِيَارَ شَانٌرِاُشْ / ءَانَالْمُنْذُ يَتَانِيَ لُكَا تُكُيْدَشْ كَا / تِيَانَاشْ دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ يَا ذُنْزَالً دِمَا كِيَانْ / ءَارَاشْ دِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً يَا رًايْ مِنُنْبَارَا ءَاشْ / كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ شُيْ فِجَ دَالْرًايْ نَجْرَبْ / شَانٌرْ دَا لُشْ رٌمَنُشْ دَا اَلْهِنْدَا دَاشَا ءَالْشَارْ / بِسْيُ دَا لَشْ اِذُلَشْ اِ شَارْبِ اَذَ اَللهْ شَانٌرْ / دَا لُشْ سِيَالُشْ اِ دَا لَتِيَارَّ اِيَبُرًاسِيُمَا / مِبًدْرَا اِ فِزُ كُنْمِيغُ لُكَا بَايَاشْ اِ دِيشُ / ءَالْرًايْ يَا ذُنْزَالً بَانْتَا اَ مِيْ كَا يُمَا كَشَرَا / كُنْتِ اِيَادَالَنْتَرْتَا شُبْرَا تُذُشْ لُشْ دَا مِرًا / يْنُ كَا اَكُالْ شَانٌرْ كَا تُمَا اَشْ نُنْبَرَذُ / نُنْكَ لُ اُاِ نُنْبَررْ شِنُ اَغُرَ اَ تِ دَاكَلَرَمَا / اَلْغُ مَشْ بٌوَاشْ دَاكَلَرُلَا لَذُنْزَالً تُذُ اَكَالٌ / كَا لَا اَبِيَ دِيجٌ لَبًلُمَ دَا لَغَرَنْدَازَ دَا اَللهْ / اِ دَا لَشْ غَرَسِيَشْ دَالَلْجَنَّ اِ دَا لَشْ بًانَشْ دَا / [جَهَنَّ]مْ And they played with her like a dog with its owner, and they brought her fruits, and she ate of them. And she remained in this way as long as Allah desired until one day, the king of Antioch went out hunting. He came upon a doe and followed it until he entered the cave where the damsel was. And she was a beautiful woman. When the king saw her, he fell in love with her and said to her: “Damsel, are you a person or a jinn? What has been your cause for coming to this place with these animals? Come out to me, for I am the king of Antioch, and I will take you for my wife.”
لَؤُرَ دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ يَا ذُنْزَالً ك [شَ]تَا // كُنْمِيغُ كَا يُتَا شَاغِرَا ءَانْلَرًاغْلَ اِ دِغُ كَا / نُ اَيْ شَانٌرْ شِنُ اَللهْ شُلُ شِنْ اَبًرْسَارُ نِنْغُنُ / كُنَالْ ذِيشُ لَذُنْزَالً يَا رًايْ نُشُيْ بَشْتَنْتَا / بًرَ تِ كَا تَانْغُ لَشْ مَنُشْ كُرْتَدَاشْ اِ دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ / يُمَا كُنْتَانْتُ اَشِي اِ ذِيُلَا اُمَانَجَّا دَا كَارَايَارْ / كُنْ اَللهْ اِ لَابُلَ كُنْشِغُ اِ كَشُشَا كُنَالَّ اِ لَابُشَا / لَسِيَارْبَ كُنَالَّ اَ شُكَشَ اِ كَشْتِغُ اَ شُبًدْرَا اِيَ / تُذُشْ لُشْشُيُشْ اِ كَا لَؤُنْرَّشَانْ اِ لَ اَكَتَشَانْ / اِ لَوٌبَادَاسِيَاشَانْ بٌرْ شَانٌرَ اِ مَيُرَ اِ بًلَزِيُلَا / اَ شُمَدْرَا اِيَتُذُشْ لُشْ شُيُشْ كُنَالَّ اِ لَكَرْكَيْ / سِيُنَ بًارْبًرُ اَلَشُوَاغْرً اَ لَكَارَايَانْسِيَ فَشْتَ / كَا شَا هِزُ مُسْلِمَ She said: “If I were someone who wanted power in this world, I would already have what you have.” The king said: “Damsel, tell me who you are.” The damsel said: “King, my name is Carcayçiyona. I am the daughter of king Najrab, lord of the Romans of India. I left the service of idols, and I served Allah, God of the heavens and the Earth, and my father abhorred me and did with me what you see.” The king said: “Damsel, come with me, for I will marry you, and I will put you before everyone else in my kingdom. This God you have named, I have never heard His name before except now, from you. Tell me more.” The damsel declared to him everything the dove told her about the grandeur of Allah and the blessings of Paradise and the punishments of Hell.
لَبِيَاجَ بٌوَاشْ اَكَءَاسِيُ كَا ءَالْرًايْ / اُبُ دَا اِرْ اُنْكَمِنُ لَرْغُ اِ كَشْتِغُ اَ لُشْ شُيُشْ / اِ مَنْذُلَاشْ كَا اَكَتَشَانْ مُجٌ اَ شُمُجَارْ اِيَشِي كُمُ / ءَالْرًايْ فُوَا بَّرْتِذُ كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ بًرِيُ اُنْفِجُ / اِ لَشْ اُتْرَشْ مُجَارَاشْ اُبِيَارُنْ غَرَنْدَا ءَانْبِدِيَ / اِيُر[دَا]نَرُنْ اُنَ كَرْتَ كُمُ كَا ءَالْرًا[يْ لَ ءَاشْكِرِبِ]يَ // اَ شُمَدْرَا كَا ذِزِيَ شَانٌرْ مَدْرَا كُوَنْذُ لًاغَرَ ءَاشْتَ / مِكَرْتَ شَكَرَايْشْ اَ لَهَاجٍزَارَ دَا مِ اَلْقَصَرْ اِ رًايْنُ / كَا ءَالَ نُشَ اَ هَاجٍزَذُ اَ تُذُشْ اِ نُشَ هَاجٌ دَاشَرْ / نُوَاشَ لَايْ كَا اَكَالْ فِجُ كَا اَ بًرِذُ نُ ءَاشْ مِيُ / اِ شِنُ هَزَاشْ لُكَا يُ مَنْذُ نُنْكَ مَشْ مَا بَارَشْ بٌوَاشْ / كُوَنْذُ لَبِيَاجَ لِيُ لَكَرْتَ بًاشُلَا مُجٌ اِ هِزُ / غَرَنْدَا لًنْتُ بٌرْ ءَلْمُجٌ اَمُرْ كَا تَانِيَ كُنَالَّ اِ كَلَمُلَ / اِ لِيُلَا لَكَرْتَ دِيشُ كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ يَا مِشُوَاغَرَ / هَزْ لُكَا كَارَّشْ كَا اَللهْ ءَاشْ ءَالْكُنْتَذُرْ دَا مِشْ دِيَشْ / اِ شُبْرَالْ مَا اَبًارْكُرُ اِ اَ ءَالْ مَا دَاشَانْبَّرُ بٌوَاشْ / لَؤُرَ اَبًارَاتُ شُبْرَالً شُشْ رٌبًشْ اِ تُمُ شُفِجُ / اِ شَكَرُنْلَ اَ اُنَ مُنْتَنَّ مُيْ اَلْتَ اِ لَسِيَارْبَ / كُنَالً اِ نُ سَاشُ كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ ذَا اَنْدَرْ بٌرْ لُشْ / يَارْمُشْ لٌرَنْذُ اَلرًانْكُرَنْذُشَا اَذَ اَللهْ فَشْتَ / كَا لَا ءَانْبِيُ اَللهْ اَ لَبًلُمَ اِ ذِيُ اَلسًلَامْ شُبْرَا ءَالَّ / اِ دِشُلَا يَا كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ اَلَاغْرَتَا كَا اَللهْ / [ءَاشْ كُ]نْتِ اِيَالْتَا اَبٍيَادَرَ At that moment, the king said: “Damsel, marry me, and I will follow you in this path and say that there is no god except Allah, alone, without any partner.” The damsel said: “King, I am not enough for you. My hands are cut off.” And the king said: “I am content as such.” And he gave her the promise of his belief in Allah, and he took her with him and married her and brought the doe to his house. And the admonished his mother and everyone in his household to honor and respect her, and to obey her as a lady and superior. And she pleased his mother and everyone with her, and Carcayçiyona prepared her mother-in-law for belief in Allah until the old woman became a Muslim.
دِيشُ كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ // يَا لَبًلُمَ ءَالًسًلَامْ شَاءَ شُبْرَ تِ دِيشُ لَبًلُمَ يَا كُرْ / كَيْسِيُنَ رٌوَاغَ اَذَ اَللهْ كَا تَا تُرْنَا تُشْ / مَنُشْ بًرَ كَا تَا اَيُدَا شُبْرَا تُفِجُ دِيشُ كَرْ / كِيْسِيُنَ يَا بًلُمَ يُ ءَا بَارْوَانْسَ دَا ذَامَنْذَرْلَا / اَذَ اَللهْ نِنْغُنْ مَانَاشْتَارْ ءَانَاشْتَا مُنْذُ بٌرْ نُ / بًارْدَارْ لُسَالَاشْتِرِيَلْ اِ فُوَاشَا لَبًلُمَ اِ ذِيُ / اَللهْ شُوَانٌ اَ كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ اِ ذُرْمِيُشَا اِ قُوَنْذُ / شَا ءَاشْبًارْتُ هَلٌشَا كُنْ شُشْ مَنُشْ بٌرْ لِسَانْسِيَ / دَا اَللهْ تَنَلْتُ ءَاشْ اِ دِيشُ لَلُؤُرْ ءَاشْ اَذَ اَللهْ اَكَالْ / كَا مَا اَ تُرْنَذُ مِشْ مَنُشْ دَابٌوَاشْ كَا مَا لَشْ كُرْتُ / مِبًدْرَا لُؤَذُ ءَاشْ اَللهْ مِشَانٌرْ كَا مَا شَكُ دَالْ / شَارْبِسْيُ دَا لَشْ اِذُلَشْ لُؤَذُ شَااَشْ يَا مِشَانٌرْ / كَا رًاسِبَاشْ لُبٌكُ دَالَئُبْرَ اِ دَشْ ءَالْوَلَرْذُنْ / شِنْكُوَانْتُ بٌوَاشْ فُوَاشَا اَلَهَلْدَ دَا اُنَمُنْتَا / اِ هِزُ دَا لَشْ رًمَشْ اُنَ ءَاشْتَنْسِيَ ذُنْدَا شَا اَبِ / تَشَا اِ لَسِيَارْبَ شِيَنْبًارَا اِبَ كُنَالً ءَانَا / شْتُ بِنُ ءَالْرًايْ دَا شُ كَمِنُ اِ دَامَنْذُ [بٌرْ شُ مُجَا]رْ // And so it happened that the king had to go on a long trip, and he advised his followers and ordered them to respect his wife. And when the king was gone, Carcayçiyona gave birth to a son, and the other women were very envious and wrote a letter as if it were written by the king to his mother that said: ‘Mother, when this letter arrives, you will remove the sorceress from my castle and kingdom. She has bewitched us and made us abandon our laws. The son that she has borne is not mine, and if you do not do as I command, you will never see me again.’ When the old lady read the letter, it weighed on her very much and she wailed greatly out of the love that she had for Carcayçiyona, and she beckoned her and read her the letter. Carcayçiyona said: “My mother-in-law, do what you want, for God is the counter of my days. In him I seek defense, and to him I surrender myself.” At that moment, she gathered her clothing and took her son. They took her out to a very tall mountain, her doe with her, and Carcayçiyona did not stop walking through the wilderness, crying, pleading to Allah until Allah sent the dove. And it wished peace upon her and said: “Carcayçiyona, be happy, for Allah is with you, and he will take pity upon you.”
اِ لَؤُرَ شَكُلَا شُمَذْرَا لَكَرْتَ اِ دِشُلَا يَا فِجُ / تُمَا ءَاشْكَارَابِشْتَا ءَاشْتَ كَرْتَ يُهِزَا لُكا / بٌرْ ءَالً مَا مَنْدَاشْتَا كُوَنْذُ ءَالْرًايْ لِيُ لَكَرْتَ / اِ كُنُسِيُ لَتَرَيْسِيُنْ كَا بٌرْ ءَالً شَا اَبِيَ اُرْدَانَذُ / كَيُ اَمُرْتَاسِذُ اِ كُوَنْذُ رًاكُرْذُ شَلٌ اَ بُشْكَرْ / شُمُجَارْ بٌرْ لُشْ مُنْتَاشْ / لٌرَنْذُ اِيَالْ كَا ذِزِيَ اَ ذُ ءَاشْتَش مِبِيَانْكِشْتَ اِ بًلَزَارْ دَا مِشْ اُجُشْ / شَابٌرْ اَللهْ وَرْدَلُشْ اَ لُشْ ذُشْ دَا تَرَبَجُ اَ ءَالً اِ يَلَ / كِرِيَتُرَ دَمَالُشْ بٌرْ ءَانْكُوَانْتُرُ اِ غِيُلُ اَللهْ / اَ ذُنْدَا ءَالً ءَاشْتَبَ اِيَال كَلَمَنْذُ كُنْ لَ مَشْ اَلْتَ / دَا شُبُز اِ نُلَا كَارِيَ رًاشْبُنْدَرْ بٌرْكَا لَا اَبِيَ / هَاجٌ تَرَاِسِيُنْ اِ مَنْدَرْلَ ءَاجًرْ دَا شُكَشَ اِيَانْبِيُلَا / اَللهْ اَ لَبًلُمَ اِ دِشُلَا يَا كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ رًاشْبُنْدِ اَ تُ / مَرِيْذُ نُلُ اُيَاشْ ءَالْبٌلُرُ كَا بٌرْ تِ هَزَا دِيشُ ءَالً يَا / بًلُمَ تَانْغُ تَامُرْ كَا شَا اَبَا اَبًرْتَذُ دَالْشَارْبِسْيُ / دَا اَللهْ اِ كَا شَا اَيَ تُرْنَذُ اَلْشَارْبِسْيُ دَا لَشْ / اِدُلَشْ اِيَ كَابَرَنْتَذُ ءَالٌمَانَجَا كَا مَا هِزُ Carcayçiyona said: “Dove, may peace be upon you.” The dove said: “Carcayçiyona, beg Allah to restore your hands so that he might help you with your son.” Carcayçiyona said: “Dove, I am ashamed to demand anything from Allah in this world because I do not want to lose entry to Paradise.” And the dove went away, and Allah caused Carcayçiyona to become tired, and she went to sleep. And when she awoke, she found herself with her hands, by Allah’s will, exalted is He, and she said: “Praise be to Allah who has restored my hands after my father cut them off. Praised is Allah, my Lord, who took me from the service of idols. May you be praised, my God, for you receive the little bit of our labor and grant us innumerable rewards.” And she went to the base of a mountain and made an abode of branches where she might stay, and the doe was always with her. Meanwhile, the king returned from his journey and demanded to see his wife.
دِيشُلَا // لَبًلُمً رًاشْبٌنْدَالَا كَا يُتَا جُرُ بٌرْ اَللهْ كَا نُ اَ / ذَاشَذُ تُ اَلدِينْ نِتَا مَنْذُ ءَاجًرْ دَا شُكَشَ / لَؤُرَ رًاشْبٌنْدِيُلَا كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ دِزِيَانْذُ / كَا تَا بًلَزَا كَتَمَا اَكِ اِ فُوَاشَا ءَالْرَّايْ اِ لُشْ / شُيُشْ فَشْتَ ذُنْدَا ءَالً ءَاشْتَبَ اِيَبْرَسُلَ اِ بَا / شُلَ اِ ذِشُلَا يَا مِاَمَدَ كَا اَ شَااِذُ دَا تِ ءَانَاشْتَا / تِيَانْبٌ بٌرْكَا اَ شَااِذُ غَرَبَا بًرَ مِ لُكَا اَشْ بَّشَذُ / دِيشُ ءَالً يَا ءَالْرًايْ كَا اَ فَاجٌ اَللهْ كُنْمِ مُجٌ / بِيَانْ اَمَا تُرْنَذُ مِشْ مَنُشْ اِ مَا اَ ءَاشْكَبًدُ مِ فِجُ / اِ تُيُ بٌرْ شُاَلْفَضِلَ اِ غَرَسِيَ اِيَلَاغُرُشَا ءَالْرًايْ / اَلَاغِرِيَ مُيْ غَرَنْدَا اِ لُؤُر اَدَ اَللهْ مُنْجٌ اِيَغَرَ / دَاسِيُلَا ءَالْبِيَانْ كَا لَا فِزُ اَبًارَاشْ دِيشُ ءَالَّ / يَا مِمَرِذُ نُ ءَاشكَارَابِشْتَا اَ تُ مِذْرَا تَلْ كَرْتَ / دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ نُبٌرْ اَللهْ شَانٌرْ دَا لُشْ سِيَالُشْ / اِ دَا لَتِيَارً اِ لَؤُرَ كَارَايُلُ دِيشُ ءَالْرًايْ يَا مِاَمَذَ / بَامُنُشْ اَ نُوَاشُ رًاينُ دِشُ ءَالً يُنُتُرْنَرَا / اَ لُغَرْ دَا تَمَلَ جَانْتَا At that moment, his mother took out the letter and said to him: “Son, you wrote me this letter, and I did what you ordered me to do.” When the king read the letter and learned of the treason that had been ordered by it, he fainted. And when he regained consciousness, he went out to the mountains to search for his wife, crying. He said: “Where are you, my beloved and pleasure of my eyes? Allah, keep them both, her and her newborn, safe from strife and help me find them.” And Allah guided him to where she was, and he called with his loudest voice, and she did not want to respond to him because he had betrayed her and ordered her to be thrown out of her house. And Allah sent the dove, who said to her: “Carcayçiyona, respond to your husband. Do you not hear his crying-out for you?” She said: “Dove, I fear that he has left the service of Allah and has returned to the service of idols and has broken the promise that he made me.”
اِ نُسَاشُ ءَالْرًايْ دَا [رٌغَرْلَ] // اِ دَازِيرْلَا كَا لَا فَرِيَ اُنَ سِبْدَذْ دَا نُوَابُ / بًرَ كَا دَامُشْتَرَشَانْ ءَانَالً ءَالًدِينْ دَا اَللهْ اِ لَابُلَ / ءَالْرًايْ اِ فَرَوُلَا اُنَ سِبْدَذْ ءَانْلَمَاجُرْ كُمَرْكَ / اِ مَشْ اَبُنْذُشَ دَا اَوَ كَا اَبِيَ ءَانْشُ رًايْنُ ءَانَالْرٍيُ / دَا اَلْفِرَانْ اِ فُوَا لُوَاغُ بٌبْلَذَ ءَانْبٌكُ تِيَانْبٌ / اِ لًمَرُنْلَ لَسِبْدَذْ دَا كَرْكَيْسِيُنَ اِ دَامُشْتَرَرُنْ / ءَانَالً ءَالًدِينْ دَا اَللهْ اِ بِبِيَارُنْ ءَانَالً لُكَا كِشُ / اَللهْ اِ شِرْبِيَارُنْ / اَذَ اَللهْ بَارْذَذَارُ شَارْبِسْيُ اَكِ شَا اَكَبَ لًرًاكُنْتَسِيُنْ دَا لَذُنْزَالً كَرْكَسِيُنَ / كُنْلَ لُؤُرْ اَدَ اَللهْ اِ لَبُوَانَ دَا شُ اَيُذَ وَلَا حَوْلَ / وَلَا قَوَةَّ اِلًا بِاللهِ اِلْعَلِي اِلْعَظِيمِ وَالحمد لله رب العلمين The dove said to her: “Respond to him. I swear by Allah that he has not abandoned your faith, nor did he order that you to be thrown out of his house.” At that moment, Carcayçiyona responded, saying: “What do you please? Find me here.” The king and his companions went to where she was and he hugged her and kissed her, and said to her: “My beloved, what has become of you in this time? Because for me, what has happened here has been terrible.” She said: “King, Allah has made everything very well for me. He restored my hands, and I escaped with my son and yours because of Allah’s virtue and grace.” And the king was very happy and praised Allah greatly and thanked him for the wellness that he had given her. Afterward, she said: “My husband, did you write such a letter to your mother?” The king said: “No, by Allah, God of the heavens and the Earth.” And she believed him. The king said: “My love, let us return to our kingdom.” She said: “I will not return to a place where there are such bad people.” And the king did not stop begging her and said that he would make her a new city to demonstrate his faith in Allah. And he took her with him, and built her a city in the best district, and the most abundant with water that there was in his kingdom on the Euphrates River. And it was populated in little time, and they called it the City of Carcayçiyona and in it, they practiced their faith in Allah. And they lived there as long as Allah willed it, and served Allah faithfully. Here ends the legend of the damsel Carcayçiyona with the praise of Allah and the goodness of His help. And there is no strength nor power but in Allah, the Highest. And praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
Critical Notes
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These words form the basmala, the formula with which each surah of the Qur’ān begins, except the ninth. Additionally, each tale of the manuscript (J57) begins with this formula, and the manuscript itself is closed by a variation on these words.

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This name is appears as Carcayona in CSIC, Ms. J3 and Arcayona in BNE, Ms. 5313.

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This chain of names forms an “isnād” or a chain of transmisión through which this tale passed orally before being preserved in written form. In Islamic texts, the isnād verifies the authenticity of the text that follows.

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An early convert to Islam in the seventh century, Kaᶜb al-Akhbār is considered the principal authority on ‘isra’iliyyat,’ that is, the narrative traditions that entered Islam from Jewish, Christian, or even Zoroastrian sources.

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Iblis: The name of the devil in Islam

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Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds

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In his edition of this legend, according to the version found in Ms. 5313 of the Biblioteca Nacional de España, fols. 134-181v, Francisco Guillén Robles writes, “if that dove were mine and cost me half of my kingdom.” The subject I in our version carries a different connotation.

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Derived from the Arabic plural noun الرزق (ar-rizq), a sustenance or food that God provides.

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From the Arabic العرش (al-ᶜarsh), the divine throne in Paradise.

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Our Lord, blessed and exalted be He.

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aljanna: literally means “garden;” in an Islamic context this term refers to the Paradise in which the souls will reside after the Day of Judgment.

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According to the Qur’ān, 39.68, an angel—identified as Isrāfīl, though he is unnamed in the Qur’ānic text—will initiate the Day of Judgment by blowing a horn, after which Allah will resurrect all beings in order to judge their good and bad deeds.

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In this context, amorteçiđos is employed as a translation of the Arabic verb صَعِقَ (ṣaᶜiqa), which suggests not fainting or losing consciousness, but rather dying as expressed below.

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The phrase “from your father to your mother from your mother” appears to be a copyist’s error. In his edition, Guillén Robles writes “te sacó de los lomos de tu padre” (he took you from your father’s loins). In our version, it seems reasonable to interpret the text as “te sacó de los lomos de tu padre y de tu madre” (he took you from the loins of your father and mother).

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Women of paradise

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Friend of God

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This eponymous name of surah 108 of the Qur’ān means “abundance” in Arabic. One of the definitions of al-Kawthar provided by the tafsīr, or collections of Islamic exegetical texts, is the one exemplified by the aljamiado: one of the rivers of Paradise.

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According to Islamic exegesis, the two rivers Raḥma (“mercy”) and al-Kawthar (“abundance”) flow from the spring of Salsabīl. See Qur’ān 76.17-18.

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The name of this heavenly fountain refers to the camphor that flows from it, according to the Qur’ān 76.5-6.

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The Qur’ān 83.25-28 describes the fountain of Tasnīm as that from which those close to Allah drink. Collectively, from the three springs Salsabīl, al-Kafūr and Tasnīm flow the four rivers of Paradise of water, milk, honey, and wine.

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Guillén Robles points out here that “something must be missing from the text, which does not make sense here” (p. 199). It could be, but the fact that the same incomplete phrase is found in both Ms. BNE 5313 and ours suggests either that one is a copy of the other or that it is not an incomplete phrase.

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Islamic exegesis develops the hierarchy of seven gates or levels of hell that mirror the seven gates of Paradise. Each of their designations appears in the Qur’ān: 2.119 (al-Jaḥīm), 2.206 (Jahannam), 4.10 (Saᶜīr), 54.48 (Saqar), 70.15 (Laẓā), 101.9 (Hāwiya), and 104.4-5 (al-Ḥuṭama).

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Christian Lange explains, “Instead of rivers and springs, valleys (awdiya) and deep wells (ajbāb) are characteristic of hell. There is a rather large number of the latter in particular, and their names tend to be derived, by an interpretive process of turning abstract nouns into concrete toponyms, from the Qur’ān” (p. 134).

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One of the administering angels of Jahannam. See Qur’ān 43.77.

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Guillén Robles writes, “The scale where the people’s actions will be weighed, and the bridge over which the souls must pass to reach Paradise” (p. 206).

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aṣṣalā: normally understood as ‘Islamic prayer’, which connotes more precisely the corpus of words, gestures, prostrations, and physical elements used to carry out the five daily cycles of prayer.

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Giving assalām refers to the practice of greeting between Muslims. The greeter says: assalāmu ᶜalaykum (peace be upon you) to which the greeted responds: waᶜalaykum assalām (and with you be peace).

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