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Click to printHans Folz. "The Song of Gutenberg." Global Medieval Sourcebook.

Transcription based on August Mayer, Die meisterlieder des Hans Folz aus der Müchener Originalhandschrift und der Weimarer Handschrift Q.566. Berlin: Weidmann, 1908. .

Gutenberglied | The Song of Gutenberg

Source Information

Gutenberglied | The Song of Gutenberg

by Hans Folz

Text Source:

Weimar, Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek MS. Q 566

Responsibility Statement:
  • Transcription based on August Mayer, Die meisterlieder des Hans Folz aus der Müchener Originalhandschrift und der Weimarer Handschrift Q.566. Berlin: Weidmann, 1908.
  • Translation by Christopher Hutchinson
  • Encoded in TEI P5 XML by Irene Han
Editorial Principles:

Transcriptions and translations are encoded in XML conforming to TEI (P5) guidelines. The original-language text is contained within <lem> tags and translations within <rdg> tags.

Texts are translated into modern American English with maximum fidelity to the original text, except where it would impair comprehension or good style. Archaisms are preserved where they do not conflict with the aesthetic of the original text. Scribal errors and creative translation choices are marked and discussed in the critical notes.

This translation is based on August Mayer’s 1908 edition of Folz’s master songs, available on Archive.org. I have maintained the original manuscript’s division of stanzas but have elected not to divide the transcription and translation into lines as the manuscript itself does not do this. I have also not attempted to recreate the rhyme scheme of the original German. The manuscript in which this song survives is available online on the website of Duchess Anna Amalia Library in Weimar.

Publication Details:

Published by Global Medieval Sourcebook.

The Global Medieval Sourcebook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Gutenberglied The Song of Gutenberg
Vor langer frist gesprochen ist von konig Salamone wie fort auff erd nicht newez werd nun ist sey[t] auß dem trone got komen und mensch worden hie daz doch seit waz ein newez ye ye doch ez die geschrifft vor hin besane Long ago King Solomon said that, from that moment on, there would be nothing new on earth. Since then, God has descended from His throne and become human, which was indeed something new, although the scriptures had foretold it.
Daz aber sunst hie dise kunst puch drukes sey gewesen auff erden vor glaub ich nit zwor wer hat dar von gelesen doch west ez kunfftig got der werd allso ist doch nicht newz auff erd lob mit begerd sprecht im in seinen zesen I truly doubt that this craft of book printing has existed on earth before. Has anyone read about it? But God knew it would exist, so there is not anything new on earth. Praise him ardently in his eternal reign.
Was aber nucz und wider drucz von diser kunst bekomen do merket von: ein geistlich man hat in einr stim vernumen wie der entcrist in seinem dracz her nech in eim papiren schacz der nach dem gsacz vort wert der cristen frumen It is clear what usefulness and worry has come from this craft. A spiritual man has heard it said that the Antichrist, full of hate, would arrive in a trove of paper that the Bible claims is useful for the faithful.
Und mit dem dunst gancz fallscher kunst werd in der dewfel fullen / do von all schrifft in kaum furdrifft sein poz[ei]t zu verhullen daz macht groz straff, die er an went er meczelt martert wurkt und prent deupt und auch plent all die nit glauben wullen And the Devil will fill him with the fumes of this perverted craft and everything that has been written will scarcely be enough to conceal his evil. He will punish us harshly: he will slaughter, torture, strangle and burn and deafen and blind all those who do not believe him.
Do wirt sulch schrifft im dan ein gift wider sein falsche rete wan waz allein und ungemein die schrifft von puchern hete do sint all stifft nun mit gezirt daz macht die cristenheit
Critical note:

The manuscript reads “xpnheit”, a common nominum sacrum for Christ.

gefirt dar durch geirt wirt sulch deuflisch unstete
But this writing will also be an antidote against his false proclamations because all monasteries are now adorned with all the books of the Bible. This makes Christianity strong and stands in the way of the Devil’s deceit.
Ye doch so sprich ich sicherlich ein sach dunkt mich gar swere und driffet an geistlich persan die disen schacz der lere der heillgen schrifft um ringez gellt hie deutschen zu verfurn die wellt daz doch weit fellt ich furcht daz sint die mere And yet I say with confidence: there is one thing that I consider very alarming. It concerns men of the cloth who translate the valuable teachings of the holy scriptures into German for little money in order to lead the world astray. This is very wrong indeed. I fear these are the events
Dar von lang zeit man hot geseyt pristerschafft werd geschlagen wie kan ich daz glosiren paß dan allz ich ewch will sagen manch ley durch die ding wirt gemest mit puncktlin der er vor nit west und auff daz lest het numer taren fragen Which, it was foretold long ago, would harm the priesthood. How can I put it better than what I will now say to you: many a layman is, through these translations, being overburdened with details of which he previously knew nothing, and about which he would not have dared to ask.
Hin dan geseczt daz er mit letzt sich selbz und ander leien wan wie ez get allz ers verstet allso pfeifft er den reien do danczen dan die andern nach dar auß entspringen mag die schmach und sulche rach daz sich dan hept ein zweien Not to mention how he harms himself and other laymen with them, because this is how it goes: however he understands these details, he plays a merry tune and the others dance along. Outrage will come from this and such a call for vindication that a quarrel will begin.
Und welch gelert daz dan erfert dem zimpt ez nit zu leiden die weil sint ein gewirczet fein sulch grund und warden schneiden in peiden orten sam ein swert und unerfert und welln der ding nit meiden And it would not behoove any scholar who finds out about this to suffer it lightly because such justifications have been dressed up nicely and the same sword will cut both ways those who are [passage missing] and inexperienced and do not want to avoid it.
Und mellden frey ir soch dar pey, der glert nit sollten pflegen do durch wirt dan ydem sein man auff gleicher pan begegen dez rot ich furkumpt ez pey zeit daz geistlikeyt dar um nit leit legt ab den streit filleicht pleibtz unterwegen And whoever freely announces their opinion, if scholars don’t care about it, will fight their opponents on an even playing field because of print. Therefore, I advise you: pre-empt this, and quickly, so that the priesthood doesn’t suffer because of it. Stop the fight! Perhaps it can still be avoided.
Wan sulcher sam gepirt ein stam der poz ist auz zu rewten noch pringen mer sulch leiisch ler irung in schlechten lewten die juden wellens auch bekern und iren glauben falsch bewern unsern erclern und gruntlich war bedewten Because such a seed yields a tree-trunk that is hard to tear out of the ground. What is more, such lay teachings spread heresy among ordinary people. The Jews also want to convert people and falsely prove their beliefs, interpret ours and argue that theirs are true.
Dar in sint zwar die juden gar poz narren ist mir rechte wie diser ley mit seim geschrey mit eim hat ein gefechte do ist der jud vor auff bewart und schneuczt im zaulich auff der fart durch sulche art wirt cristenheit geschmechte In this way, the Jews are hateful fools, I agree with this. How this layman
Critical note:

It is unclear to whom Folz is referring here.

started yelling and picked a fight with a Jew. This meant that the Jew was on his guard and sent him hurriedly on his way. Christianity is humiliated by such behavior.
Und auß gepreit von der judscheit dez haben schuld sulch doren der fantasey mer keczerey durch sulch unkunst mag foren ye doch schillt ich dez drukez nicht behender sin wart nie erdicht noch auch bericht dar durch in kurczen Jaren And news of this humiliation is spread by the Jews. Those fools who are responsible for this have, in their ignorance, let their imaginations lead to heresy. Yet I don’t blame print. There has never been a quicker way to write texts and also to spread information. Because of this, within a few years
Die cristlich ler so weiten wer in alle wellt entsprungen lob hab der erst got her der herst all er werd im gesungen dar nach dem ersten in dem werk juncker hansen von gutenberck die gotlich sterk gab daz der teutschen zungen The message of Christ has spread far around the world. Above all, praise be to God most noble, praise be to Him! Praise be also to the inventor, Lord Hans von Gutenberg. The strength of God gave print to the German people.
Der diß gedicht hat auß gericht der nent sich nit mit namen waz er sunst mach puchz flid scharsach sein narung pracht zu samen nun gib her daz er dich dort sech und daz uns allen daz geschech und unß nit schmech der hellisch feint sprecht amen He who wrote this poem will not be named. He earns a crust from his other pursuits, with his box of ointments,
Critical note:

The German here is simply ‘puchz’ – box, tin, canister. Given Folz’s main occupation as a barber-surgeon, this probably refers to a box of ointments or simple medicines.

his scalpel and his razor. Lord, let him see you in heaven, and grant this to all of us, and do not let the fiend from hell harm us. Say “Amen”.
Gutenberglied The Song of Gutenberg
Vor langer frist gesprochen ist von konig Salamone wie fort auff erd nicht newez werd nun ist sey[t] auß dem trone got komen und mensch worden hie daz doch seit waz ein newez ye ye doch ez die geschrifft vor hin besane Long ago King Solomon said that, from that moment on, there would be nothing new on earth. Since then, God has descended from His throne and become human, which was indeed something new, although the scriptures had foretold it.
Daz aber sunst hie dise kunst puch drukes sey gewesen auff erden vor glaub ich nit zwor wer hat dar von gelesen doch west ez kunfftig got der werd allso ist doch nicht newz auff erd lob mit begerd sprecht im in seinen zesen I truly doubt that this craft of book printing has existed on earth before. Has anyone read about it? But God knew it would exist, so there is not anything new on earth. Praise him ardently in his eternal reign.
Was aber nucz und wider drucz von diser kunst bekomen do merket von: ein geistlich man hat in einr stim vernumen wie der entcrist in seinem dracz her nech in eim papiren schacz der nach dem gsacz vort wert der cristen frumen It is clear what usefulness and worry has come from this craft. A spiritual man has heard it said that the Antichrist, full of hate, would arrive in a trove of paper that the Bible claims is useful for the faithful.
Und mit dem dunst gancz fallscher kunst werd in der dewfel fullen / do von all schrifft in kaum furdrifft sein poz[ei]t zu verhullen daz macht groz straff, die er an went er meczelt martert wurkt und prent deupt und auch plent all die nit glauben wullen And the Devil will fill him with the fumes of this perverted craft and everything that has been written will scarcely be enough to conceal his evil. He will punish us harshly: he will slaughter, torture, strangle and burn and deafen and blind all those who do not believe him.
Do wirt sulch schrifft im dan ein gift wider sein falsche rete wan waz allein und ungemein die schrifft von puchern hete do sint all stifft nun mit gezirt daz macht die cristenheit
Critical note:

The manuscript reads “xpnheit”, a common nominum sacrum for Christ.

gefirt dar durch geirt wirt sulch deuflisch unstete
But this writing will also be an antidote against his false proclamations because all monasteries are now adorned with all the books of the Bible. This makes Christianity strong and stands in the way of the Devil’s deceit.
Ye doch so sprich ich sicherlich ein sach dunkt mich gar swere und driffet an geistlich persan die disen schacz der lere der heillgen schrifft um ringez gellt hie deutschen zu verfurn die wellt daz doch weit fellt ich furcht daz sint die mere And yet I say with confidence: there is one thing that I consider very alarming. It concerns men of the cloth who translate the valuable teachings of the holy scriptures into German for little money in order to lead the world astray. This is very wrong indeed. I fear these are the events
Dar von lang zeit man hot geseyt pristerschafft werd geschlagen wie kan ich daz glosiren paß dan allz ich ewch will sagen manch ley durch die ding wirt gemest mit puncktlin der er vor nit west und auff daz lest het numer taren fragen Which, it was foretold long ago, would harm the priesthood. How can I put it better than what I will now say to you: many a layman is, through these translations, being overburdened with details of which he previously knew nothing, and about which he would not have dared to ask.
Hin dan geseczt daz er mit letzt sich selbz und ander leien wan wie ez get allz ers verstet allso pfeifft er den reien do danczen dan die andern nach dar auß entspringen mag die schmach und sulche rach daz sich dan hept ein zweien Not to mention how he harms himself and other laymen with them, because this is how it goes: however he understands these details, he plays a merry tune and the others dance along. Outrage will come from this and such a call for vindication that a quarrel will begin.
Und welch gelert daz dan erfert dem zimpt ez nit zu leiden die weil sint ein gewirczet fein sulch grund und warden schneiden in peiden orten sam ein swert und unerfert und welln der ding nit meiden And it would not behoove any scholar who finds out about this to suffer it lightly because such justifications have been dressed up nicely and the same sword will cut both ways those who are [passage missing] and inexperienced and do not want to avoid it.
Und mellden frey ir soch dar pey, der glert nit sollten pflegen do durch wirt dan ydem sein man auff gleicher pan begegen dez rot ich furkumpt ez pey zeit daz geistlikeyt dar um nit leit legt ab den streit filleicht pleibtz unterwegen And whoever freely announces their opinion, if scholars don’t care about it, will fight their opponents on an even playing field because of print. Therefore, I advise you: pre-empt this, and quickly, so that the priesthood doesn’t suffer because of it. Stop the fight! Perhaps it can still be avoided.
Wan sulcher sam gepirt ein stam der poz ist auz zu rewten noch pringen mer sulch leiisch ler irung in schlechten lewten die juden wellens auch bekern und iren glauben falsch bewern unsern erclern und gruntlich war bedewten Because such a seed yields a tree-trunk that is hard to tear out of the ground. What is more, such lay teachings spread heresy among ordinary people. The Jews also want to convert people and falsely prove their beliefs, interpret ours and argue that theirs are true.
Dar in sint zwar die juden gar poz narren ist mir rechte wie diser ley mit seim geschrey mit eim hat ein gefechte do ist der jud vor auff bewart und schneuczt im zaulich auff der fart durch sulche art wirt cristenheit geschmechte In this way, the Jews are hateful fools, I agree with this. How this layman
Critical note:

It is unclear to whom Folz is referring here.

started yelling and picked a fight with a Jew. This meant that the Jew was on his guard and sent him hurriedly on his way. Christianity is humiliated by such behavior.
Und auß gepreit von der judscheit dez haben schuld sulch doren der fantasey mer keczerey durch sulch unkunst mag foren ye doch schillt ich dez drukez nicht behender sin wart nie erdicht noch auch bericht dar durch in kurczen Jaren And news of this humiliation is spread by the Jews. Those fools who are responsible for this have, in their ignorance, let their imaginations lead to heresy. Yet I don’t blame print. There has never been a quicker way to write texts and also to spread information. Because of this, within a few years
Die cristlich ler so weiten wer in alle wellt entsprungen lob hab der erst got her der herst all er werd im gesungen dar nach dem ersten in dem werk juncker hansen von gutenberck die gotlich sterk gab daz der teutschen zungen The message of Christ has spread far around the world. Above all, praise be to God most noble, praise be to Him! Praise be also to the inventor, Lord Hans von Gutenberg. The strength of God gave print to the German people.
Der diß gedicht hat auß gericht der nent sich nit mit namen waz er sunst mach puchz flid scharsach sein narung pracht zu samen nun gib her daz er dich dort sech und daz uns allen daz geschech und unß nit schmech der hellisch feint sprecht amen He who wrote this poem will not be named. He earns a crust from his other pursuits, with his box of ointments,
Critical note:

The German here is simply ‘puchz’ – box, tin, canister. Given Folz’s main occupation as a barber-surgeon, this probably refers to a box of ointments or simple medicines.

his scalpel and his razor. Lord, let him see you in heaven, and grant this to all of us, and do not let the fiend from hell harm us. Say “Amen”.
Critical Notes
Line number 5
Critical note:

The manuscript reads “xpnheit”, a common nominum sacrum for Christ.

Line number 12
Critical note:

It is unclear to whom Folz is referring here.

Line number 15
Critical note:

The German here is simply ‘puchz’ – box, tin, canister. Given Folz’s main occupation as a barber-surgeon, this probably refers to a box of ointments or simple medicines.

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