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Translated by Kathryn StarkeyBjörn K. BuschbeckRobert ForkeMae Velloso-LyonsMareike ReischKathleen Smith .

Der Trojanerkrieg | The Trojan War

Source Information

Der Trojanerkrieg | The Trojan War

by Anonymous

Text Source:

Based on the edition by A Bernoulli in Germania: Vierteljahrsschrift für deutsche Alterthumskunde, ed. Karl Bartsch, vol. 27, Vienna, 1883.

Responsibility Statement:
  • Translated by Kathryn Starkey, Björn K. Buschbeck, Robert Forke, Mae Velloso-Lyons, Mareike Reisch, and Kathleen Smith
  • Encoded in TEI P5 XML by Mae Velloso-Lyons and Jordan Rosen-Kaplan
Editorial Principles:

Transcriptions and translations are encoded in XML conforming to TEI (P5) guidelines. The original-language text is contained within <lem> tags and translations within <rdg> tags.

Texts are translated into modern American English with maximum fidelity to the original text, except where it would impair comprehension or good style. Archaisms are preserved where they do not conflict with the aesthetic of the original text. Scribal errors and creative translation choices are marked and discussed in the critical notes.

Abbreviations in the Old High German text are expanded, spelling and punctuation otherwise follow the manuscript.

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Published by Global Medieval Sourcebook.

The Global Medieval Sourcebook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Der Trojanerkrieg The Trojan War
Ektor und sein bruder Baris Hector and his brother Paris
leptten ze Troy in kúnklicher wis. lived in Troy in a manner befitting kings.
eins tages ward Baris kunt getan, One day, Paris was told
daz ze Krichen trüg die kron that in Greece
daz allerschonste wib, the most beautiful woman ever born
die ye getrug mutterlip. wore the crown.
die was Elena genant. She was called Helen.
uf hub sich der degen zehant. The hero left immediately.
er fur in Kriechenlant, He travelled to Greece,
daz er wolt beschuwen so that he could see
die wunder an der früwen. the marvels of this woman.
uu was ir vatter und Menelaus ir As it happened, her father and Menelaus,
man ein hervart gevarn. her husband, had left on military campaign.
nu wart der edel degen wis As it happened, the noble and clever hero was
geschossen mit der mine stral. pierced by love’s ray.
des leit sin hereze vil senden qual, From this his heart suffered much yearning sorrow,
und ward sin leben kumerlich. and his life became miserable.
ein kindlin hat die kúngin rich, The powerful queen had a little child
das ir die ame trug dike nach. that her wet nurse often carried close by.
eins tages gieng die kúngin One day the queen passed by
fúr Baris den degen vin. Paris, the fine hero.
als si fúr in kam, When she passed by him
zu der erde buktte er sich he bent down to the ground
und kuste iren fustrit. and kissed her footprint.
die ame sach den sit, The wet nurse saw the gesture
den det sy ir fruwen kunt. and informed her lady of it.
von der selben stund From that moment
nam sy sin besser war she noticed him
und neigt in dike gúetlich dar. and nodded to him in a kindly manner.
Baris die amen grůste tugentlich Paris greeted the wet nurse in a courtly fashion
mit grosscr gabe herlich. with great and splendid gifts.
daz kint kuste er dik lieplich. He kissed the child very lovingly.
er und die ame begunden He and the wet nurse began
legen an to conspire
wie er die fruwen furt von dan.
Critical note:

The next line is missing from the manuscript.

how he could abduct the lady.
die amme sprach: The wet nurse said:
nút lenger súllent irs sparn. "You should not delay any longer.
ir súellent heil varn You should return home
und kóment her wider mit úwer schar and come back with your men
uf dem mer gevarn. by sea.
darine fúerent irs mannes van, Fly her husband’s flag,
der ist swarcz und wis getan. which is black and white.
die früwe bringe ich I will then bring the lady
in úwer schiff dan, onto your ship,
so dond den, daz úch dunke gut. then you may do whatever you wish."
dis det der helt bochgemut. This the high-spirited hero did.
er kam in einem monat wider.
Critical note:

The next line is missing from the manuscript.

He came back in a month.
do man uf der ner swimen sach, When he sailed into view on the sea,
die amme zu der früwen sprach: the wet nurse said to the lady:
früwe, es kunt der kúng min ber. “Lady, the king, my lord, is approaching.
wir söllent gen im gon etwo ver, We should venture out to meet him
daz wir enpfahen der heren min. so that we may receive my lord appropriately.”
die kúngin sprach: es sol sin. The queen said: "It will be done."
also kam sy in daz schiff hinin. And so she came upon his ship.
Baris minenklich si enpfie Paris greeted her lovingly.
von lant hies er die schiff stossen hin. He commanded the ship to be set sail.
also broclht er sy von dan. Thus he abducted her.
dis ward irem man It was told to her husband
in die reisse kunt getan, on his travels
daz von Troy der kung rich that the powerful king of Troy
het im genomen die kúngin herlich. had taken the beautiful queen from him.
uf brachen sy mit der schar They departed with their men
und fúrent gen Troy dar and then traveled towards Troy
mit allen den fúrsten gar, with all the princes
die uf der erden woren who were on earth
by denselben jaren, at that time.
und slügen uf ir gezelt They put up their tents
vor Troy uf daz eben velt. on the plain before Troy.
Ektor und Paris hiessen, Hector and Paris commanded
daz sy nút růwen liessen, that they not cease fighting
daz man mit strites sitt with them daily
teglich mit in stritt. in a warlike manner.
also tatten sy den Kreichen ungemach, So they made so much trouble for the Greeks
daz man si seltten ruwen sach, that one rarely saw them resting,
iecz bi tag, den bi nacht. either by day or by night.
wie krefftig wer der Kriechen macht, Although the Greek’s power was mighty,
so beslos man ze Troy nie kein tor, at Troy they never closed a single gate
wand daz hat verbotten Ektor. because Hector had forbidden it.
keinen tag lies er sie an strit. He didn’t let a single day pass without fighting.
nu fügtte es sich ze einer zit, Now it came to pass,
daz Ektor so gar úberhuffet ward. that Hector was completely overpowered.
mengem er sin gewand zerzart. He split the armor of many,
daz er müste werden siech. so that he became utterly spent.
do rüffte ein edel Kriech: There, a noble Greek called out:
es wer schad umb disen helt. "It would be a pity if this hero died.
hora, degen userwelt, Listen, chosen warrior.
rúeff an den dinem kry, call out your battle cry,
ob dir ieman so noche sy, in case there is someone close by,
der dir múg ze helffe komen, who might come to your help,
daz dir der lip icht werd genomen so that your life is not taken from you!"
Ektor horte disen wissen rat. Hector listened to this wise counsel.
er fulgtte getrat. He followed it immediately.
do ward im helffe schin There help appeared
von den dieueren sin. in the form of his retainers.
Der kúng von Kricchen sprach: The king of Greece said:
nún jar hand wir dis ungemach "For nine years we have continued
getriben dis schediliche spil. With this misery, this destructive game.
minen sternenseher ich fragen wil, I wish to ask my fortune teller
wie uns súlle geliogen How we might prevail.”
den hies er fúr sich bringen. He had him brought out before him
der kúng in fragen began. and the king began to question him.
der meister sprach: heiten ir einen man, The master spoke: "If you had a man
ist in Kriechen verborgen, who is hidden in Greece
so nem ein ende úwer sorgen. then your troubles would come to an end.
ich sag úch, wie es umb in lit. I’ll tell you how things stand with him.
er ist verborgen in dire zit. He is hidden at this moment.
mit früwenkleid ist bekleid sin lip. His body is clothed in women’s garments.
sin múter ist so wis ein wip, His mother is so wise a woman
daz si bekenet wol, that she well knows
wie es im ergon sol: what awaits him:
hie vor Troy erstorben to die here before Troy
und öch do den pris erwerben. and thus win glory.
von ir er gesalbet wart: He was anointed by her:
kein woffen sneid nie so hart, no weapon ever cut so well
daz in möchte versniden. that it could cut him.
och tůt sy nicht vermiden, Nor did she forget
si enpall in Schirone to send him to Chiron
(der was halb ein ros, halb ein man), (he was half horse, half man);
der lorte ir also schone he trained him very well
schirmen, ringen, schiessen. in swordplay, wrestling and archery.
múllistein, die si bergab liessen,
die must er vahen uf den schilt.
kúng, ob du den süchen wilt, King, if you wish to search for him,
so sende us hundert oder mer, then send out a hundred or more men
daz ieklicher sy ein kremer, each of them should be a merchant
habe vielle, was fruwen gehort zu. and have many things for sale for women,
eines er och tu: and he should also have on offer
hab veile swert, messer, issengewant, swords, knives and armour.
man sicht zehant It is obvious that
wa er mit deu fruwen gat, although he [Achilles] is among the women,
benamen er nicht enlat, he will not behave as one
er beschüwe die kufmanschaft. if he sees the merchandise.
also vint man den degen ellentbaft. In this way one will find the worthy warrior."
der kúng volgte getrat The king immediately followed
des wissen meisterg rat. the counsel of the wise master.
er sant die botten uf die vart, He sent the messengers on the journey
wand der also funden wart. and thus he [Achilles] was found in this way.
also wart Achilles gon Troy brocht, So they brought Achilles to Troy
mit im sin meister Schiron. with his master Chiron.
usreit Ekttor, als er was gewon. Hector rode out as he was accustomed.
do bekam im an der zit There and then he had his
Achilles sin erster stritt, first fight with Achilles,
und triben daz den ganezen dag. and they fought the whole day.
Ekttor ob mit krefftten lag. Hector was superior in strength.
mocht er in han verschrotte, If he had been able to injure him,
er het in geleit zu andren dotten. he would have added him to the other dead.
sust schied si die nacht. Thus the night parted them.
was Achiles barnest dar bracht, Whatever armour Achilles had worn,
daz hat er im von dem libegeslagen. Hector had cut it from his body.
morndes ein núwen harnest mn sach tragen. In the morning he could be seen wearing new armour.
so hub sich aber den ein stritt, Then, once more, a fight began.
Ekttor twang in mit nid Hector pressed him with battle rage
und mit so grosser krafft, and with such great force,
daz er in dik macht flúchthafft. that he forced him to retreat.
er treib in hin und denne har
Critical note:

The next line is missing from the manuscript.

He drove him back and forth
bis daz er alles daz von im geslüg, until he cut away all the armour
daz er von harnest an im trůg. that he wore.
also entweich danne Achilles. So Achilles took flight.
Des morgens, do der dag har schein, In the morning, when the day dawned,
Ektor reit us Troy allein Hector rode out from Troy alone
mit grimem mut. in a grim mood.
daz ungemach betwang den belt gut, Trouble burdened the good hero,
wond by aller siner zit for in all his days,
nie kein man mit strit no man had ever resisted
sich sin bet erwert als lange. him as long in battle.
daz was im angst und ange. Therefore, he was afraid and terrified.
nu was öch Achilles bereit Now Achilles was ready too
ze vyentlicher arbeit. For warlike endeavors.
Ekttor sin zorn twang, His wrath subdued Hector
daz der stritte mit wertte lang. so that the fight did not last long.
Achilles sinen la schiit zerslug, Achilles hacked his shield to pieces
daz er sin núczit dennen trug. so that he didn’t carry home a single piece of it.
er slüg im so gros búllen He gave him such massive bruises
umb die arm und umb die kúllen,
Critical note:

The next line is missing from the manuscript.

on his arms and shoulders,
Achilles kum von in endran. Achilles hardly escaped him.
Ekttor schied öch von dan, Hector left the field too
wond er múeden began. because he had begun to tire.
doch schůff Achilles dem herr gemach, Achilles let the lord have a break,
daz man sy zwene nur stritten sach. so that the two of them were not seen fighting anymore.
Schiron fürt Achilles an ein heimlich stat. Chiron led Achilles to a secret place.
mit dritten er im drat, With advice he counseled him
wie er im solt tretten zü: how he should get at him:
mit stichen also tú, namely with thrusting
zwisseit swert und schilt. in between his sword and shield.
ob du daz dün wilt, "If you can do so,
hůwe im nach der bende, attack his hands:
so nimt der strit ein ende. in this way, the fight will come to an end."
do Ekttor kam gon Troy hinin, When Hector entered Troy,
er sprach: wie trag daz sin? He said: “How can it be?
min swert wil sin nút sndien! My sword cannot wound him.
sol ich den strit nút miden, I cannot avoid the fight,
des han ich iemer schande
Critical note:

The next line is missing from the manuscript.

Since it would disgrace me forever.
doch bereite er sich des morgens frü And so, he prepared himself early in the morning
und grieff zu dem strit hinzu. and joined the fight.
Achilles nam gen in den ker Achilles attacked him,
und gedach an sins meisters ler. thinking of his teacher’s advice.
damit er im daz leben angewan Thus, he took his life
und schied frölich von dan. and left the field joyously.
do die von Troy socheu Ektors val, When the people of Troy saw Hector’s death,
in was gelege gar ir schall, their cheering died down,
und trutten öch von recht
bede herren und öch knecht.
Ekttors gebot gebrochen wart; Hector’s order was disobeyed:
man beslos die dor an der vart, The gates were closed at once,
und wurdent beslossen hart and were locked securely
und wol beseezt mit hůtte. and well-manned by guards.
ein tor bevolhen wart herzogen Eneas, One gate was entrusted to Duke Aeneas
damit er siner eren vergas. To make him forget his obligation.
Critical note:

May also be construed as: 'and he was to lose his honor because of it.'

von frúeden gaebtte an daz dor Joyfully Chiron came to the gate
Schiron und iesch ein kenpf davor. and called for a fight.
daz leid Paris twang. Paris was overcome by grief.
vir daz tor er do sprang He leapt in front of the gate
uf Schyrones schaden gros. to Chiron’s great disadvantage.
dem det er mit dem spies einen stos, He gave him a thrust with his lance
daz im daz blitze mund und oren usflos. so that the blood flowed out of his mouth and ears.
Schiron kertte die hindren fúesse dar, Chiron spun on his heels
und slüg so krefftenklichen dar, and struck very strongly
daz im entweich Paris. yet Paris dodged him.
von im reit der degen wis The wise warrior rode away from him
und kertte wider uf in in mit dem schaft and turned to him again with his spear
und reit so mit grosser krafft. and rode at him with great force.
uff dem schilt er im gehafft, He hit him on the shield
und doch durchbrach der schafft, yet the spear went through
daz Schiron tot beleib so that Chiron lay dead.
Paris wider in die stat hin reit. Paris rode back into the city.
do Achilles sach sins meisters dot, When Achilles saw his teacher’s death,
sin herez leid von jomer not. his heart suffered grief’s anguish.
er gedach, wie er in móch gerechen He considered how he might take revenge
an Paris dem frechen. on the audacious Paris.
er reit an daz tor, He rode to the gate.
er sprach: wo ist Paris? ich beit sin bie vor. He said, “Where is Paris? I challenge him to come here.”
kein antwurt im gegeben wart. He was given no answer.
er kertte wider an die vart. He set off again.
dis wart Paris geseit. This was told to Paris.
er sprach: dis ist min höchstes leid. He said: "This is my greatest worry.
von firchten mus ich in miden, Out of fear I have to avoid him.
kein swert kan in doch sniden. No sword can cut him."
do sprach ein wisser man: A wise man then said:
herre, ich dich wol geleren kan. "Lord, I can certainly instruct you.
niw einen kolben lang und gros. Take a long and hefty club.
ja kan er nit dawider. Yes, he can’t defend himself against that.
du slecht in dur nider, You must knock him down,
und las in niemer uf, and never let him get up
ubis daz sin kopff und huff
von dir wirt zerblúwen.
sin vart in licht mag geruwen. He might well regret his journey.
nút hor uf, bís er dot gelige. Don’t stop until he is lying dead.
also gewinest du, taz cr mit gesige. Thus you will accomplish it that he doesn’t win."
Morndes, do es dagtte, In the morning when the dawn broke,(5)(10)
Achilles an daz tor hin jagtte, Achilles rushed toward the gate.
do was och hereit Paris There Paris was ready too,
ze füs in ritterlicher wis. on foot in a knightly manner.
mit sinem kolben, den er trug, With his club that he carried,
uf sinen kopff er in do slug, he hit him there on the head,
daz Achilles muste vallen. so that Achilles had to fall.
úber in stund Paris mit schallen: Paris stood over him shouting:
nút von hinan kum ich, “I’m not going to leave
bis ich dot sche dich! until I see you dead!”
Achilles verlor do de lip. Achilles lost his life.
Paris kertte zu sinem wip. Paris returned to his wife.
die was sins siges fro. She was pleased about his victory
dis gefügtte sich also. that had come about in this way.
nun wurden die Kriechen in ein, Now the Greeks concluded
Troyer kraft wer nun klein, that the Trojan strength was diminished
sid Ekttor wer tot gelegen. since Hector had been killed,
sy woltten eines sturmes pflegen. so they wanted to carry out an attack.
alsus bercitte sich die schar The army therefore prepared itself
mit starker wer dar, with heavy equipment
und heiltten vor dem tor den strit and fought continuously before the gate
und an der mur zu aller zit. and at the wall.
Dis spil wertte einen ganezen tag, This game lasted a whole day
daz nieman keiner ruwe pflag during which no one got any rest
mit werffen und init schiessen, from throwing [spears], and from shooting arrows.
daz blut sach man fliessen You could see the blood flowing
von den Kriechen uf daz lant, from the Greeks into the earth.
sinen lip verlor menig wigant. Many a hero lost his life.
mit leittren woltten si stigen in. They [the Greeks] wanted to infiltrate with ladders.
die inren liessens nút güt sin. The besieged didn’t let that happen.
die nacht man sy scheiden sach. In the night you could see them retreating.
die useren zugen an ir gemach. The attackers withdrew to their camp.
den was die vart worden ze sur. Their attempt had soured.
die inren behutten ir mur. The besieged guarded their wall.
die Kriechen slichen wider her, The Greeks snuck back
ob ieunan an der were wer. to see if someone was on watch.
si fundens wol behut. They found it well guarded.
daz ducht die Kriechen niendert gůt To the Greeks that did not seem good at all
und sprachen: wir gewinen nicht also die stat. and they said: “We won’t take the city in this way.”
ein heinlichen tag hat The Greeks and Aeneas
die von Kriechen und Eneas. Had a secret meeting.
er het in gelopt daz, He had promised them that
er wollte sy lossen in he would let them in
zu dem tor, des pfleger er soltte sin. through the gate that he was supposed to take care of.
eins nachttes daz geschach, One night it so happened
daz man die Kriechen inbrechen sach. that the Greeks were seen breaking in.
do ward erhaben ein hertter strit. Then a hard battle began
der wertte vierzehen tag sid. which lasted fourteen days.
bi des kúnges palas Close to the royal palace
der strit an dem hersten was. the fighting was most fierce.
Paris vacht mit maulicher kraft. Paris fought with manly force.
er ward geschossen mit einem schaft, He was hit by an arrow
daz er muste bliben tot. so that he had to die.
erst hüb sich jomer and not. Now sorrow and wailing began.
die stat ward angezúndet. The city was set on fire.
daz buch vir wor uns kúndet, The book truly tells us
daz die stat einhalb bran, that half of the city burned,
in dem andren ort man in the other half one
erst in vierzhen tagen only heard after fourteen days
Critical note:

The remainder of this line is missing from the manuscript.

als da cer strit sich endet hie, As the fight ended there,
Elena vir iren vatter gie Helen went to her father
und viel im ze füssen: and fell at his feet:
vatter, ich wii búessen, "Father I want to atone,
ich gib mich uf die gnade din! I surrender to your mercy!
es was nút die schulde min, It was not my fault
und bet es nút gedacht, and I didn’t intend
daz ich soltte har sin bracht. to be brought here."
Eneas mit driu tusing man Aeneas with three thousand men
fur vou Troy in Ittalya dan,
Critical note:

The next line is missing from the manuscript.

departed Troy for Italy.
der kúng sin tochtter nam The king took his daughter
und für von Troy And departed Troy
mit grosser schoy to return to his land
wider in sin lant, with great jubilation;
da er starke geste vant: there he found many strangers:
von Ungren der kúng rich, the powerful king of Hungary [was there].
der mit gewalt gar werlich
Elena nam die kúngin
und fürtte si in daz rich sin and took her to his realm
und behub si mit gewalt sider, and kept her there by force from that time onwards,
wond si kam uiemerme hinwider. for she never came back.
also endet dis getat, Thus ends this tale
die von Troy geschriben stat. that is written of Troy.
Der Trojanerkrieg The Trojan War
Ektor und sein bruder Baris Hector and his brother Paris
leptten ze Troy in kúnklicher wis. lived in Troy in a manner befitting kings.
eins tages ward Baris kunt getan, One day, Paris was told
daz ze Krichen trüg die kron that in Greece
daz allerschonste wib, the most beautiful woman ever born
die ye getrug mutterlip. wore the crown.
die was Elena genant. She was called Helen.
uf hub sich der degen zehant. The hero left immediately.
er fur in Kriechenlant, He travelled to Greece,
daz er wolt beschuwen so that he could see
die wunder an der früwen. the marvels of this woman.
uu was ir vatter und Menelaus ir As it happened, her father and Menelaus,
man ein hervart gevarn. her husband, had left on military campaign.
nu wart der edel degen wis As it happened, the noble and clever hero was
geschossen mit der mine stral. pierced by love’s ray.
des leit sin hereze vil senden qual, From this his heart suffered much yearning sorrow,
und ward sin leben kumerlich. and his life became miserable.
ein kindlin hat die kúngin rich, The powerful queen had a little child
das ir die ame trug dike nach. that her wet nurse often carried close by.
eins tages gieng die kúngin One day the queen passed by
fúr Baris den degen vin. Paris, the fine hero.
als si fúr in kam, When she passed by him
zu der erde buktte er sich he bent down to the ground
und kuste iren fustrit. and kissed her footprint.
die ame sach den sit, The wet nurse saw the gesture
den det sy ir fruwen kunt. and informed her lady of it.
von der selben stund From that moment
nam sy sin besser war she noticed him
und neigt in dike gúetlich dar. and nodded to him in a kindly manner.
Baris die amen grůste tugentlich Paris greeted the wet nurse in a courtly fashion
mit grosscr gabe herlich. with great and splendid gifts.
daz kint kuste er dik lieplich. He kissed the child very lovingly.
er und die ame begunden He and the wet nurse began
legen an to conspire
wie er die fruwen furt von dan.
Critical note:

The next line is missing from the manuscript.

how he could abduct the lady.
die amme sprach: The wet nurse said:
nút lenger súllent irs sparn. "You should not delay any longer.
ir súellent heil varn You should return home
und kóment her wider mit úwer schar and come back with your men
uf dem mer gevarn. by sea.
darine fúerent irs mannes van, Fly her husband’s flag,
der ist swarcz und wis getan. which is black and white.
die früwe bringe ich I will then bring the lady
in úwer schiff dan, onto your ship,
so dond den, daz úch dunke gut. then you may do whatever you wish."
dis det der helt bochgemut. This the high-spirited hero did.
er kam in einem monat wider.
Critical note:

The next line is missing from the manuscript.

He came back in a month.
do man uf der ner swimen sach, When he sailed into view on the sea,
die amme zu der früwen sprach: the wet nurse said to the lady:
früwe, es kunt der kúng min ber. “Lady, the king, my lord, is approaching.
wir söllent gen im gon etwo ver, We should venture out to meet him
daz wir enpfahen der heren min. so that we may receive my lord appropriately.”
die kúngin sprach: es sol sin. The queen said: "It will be done."
also kam sy in daz schiff hinin. And so she came upon his ship.
Baris minenklich si enpfie Paris greeted her lovingly.
von lant hies er die schiff stossen hin. He commanded the ship to be set sail.
also broclht er sy von dan. Thus he abducted her.
dis ward irem man It was told to her husband
in die reisse kunt getan, on his travels
daz von Troy der kung rich that the powerful king of Troy
het im genomen die kúngin herlich. had taken the beautiful queen from him.
uf brachen sy mit der schar They departed with their men
und fúrent gen Troy dar and then traveled towards Troy
mit allen den fúrsten gar, with all the princes
die uf der erden woren who were on earth
by denselben jaren, at that time.
und slügen uf ir gezelt They put up their tents
vor Troy uf daz eben velt. on the plain before Troy.
Ektor und Paris hiessen, Hector and Paris commanded
daz sy nút růwen liessen, that they not cease fighting
daz man mit strites sitt with them daily
teglich mit in stritt. in a warlike manner.
also tatten sy den Kreichen ungemach, So they made so much trouble for the Greeks
daz man si seltten ruwen sach, that one rarely saw them resting,
iecz bi tag, den bi nacht. either by day or by night.
wie krefftig wer der Kriechen macht, Although the Greek’s power was mighty,
so beslos man ze Troy nie kein tor, at Troy they never closed a single gate
wand daz hat verbotten Ektor. because Hector had forbidden it.
keinen tag lies er sie an strit. He didn’t let a single day pass without fighting.
nu fügtte es sich ze einer zit, Now it came to pass,
daz Ektor so gar úberhuffet ward. that Hector was completely overpowered.
mengem er sin gewand zerzart. He split the armor of many,
daz er müste werden siech. so that he became utterly spent.
do rüffte ein edel Kriech: There, a noble Greek called out:
es wer schad umb disen helt. "It would be a pity if this hero died.
hora, degen userwelt, Listen, chosen warrior.
rúeff an den dinem kry, call out your battle cry,
ob dir ieman so noche sy, in case there is someone close by,
der dir múg ze helffe komen, who might come to your help,
daz dir der lip icht werd genomen so that your life is not taken from you!"
Ektor horte disen wissen rat. Hector listened to this wise counsel.
er fulgtte getrat. He followed it immediately.
do ward im helffe schin There help appeared
von den dieueren sin. in the form of his retainers.
Der kúng von Kricchen sprach: The king of Greece said:
nún jar hand wir dis ungemach "For nine years we have continued
getriben dis schediliche spil. With this misery, this destructive game.
minen sternenseher ich fragen wil, I wish to ask my fortune teller
wie uns súlle geliogen How we might prevail.”
den hies er fúr sich bringen. He had him brought out before him
der kúng in fragen began. and the king began to question him.
der meister sprach: heiten ir einen man, The master spoke: "If you had a man
ist in Kriechen verborgen, who is hidden in Greece
so nem ein ende úwer sorgen. then your troubles would come to an end.
ich sag úch, wie es umb in lit. I’ll tell you how things stand with him.
er ist verborgen in dire zit. He is hidden at this moment.
mit früwenkleid ist bekleid sin lip. His body is clothed in women’s garments.
sin múter ist so wis ein wip, His mother is so wise a woman
daz si bekenet wol, that she well knows
wie es im ergon sol: what awaits him:
hie vor Troy erstorben to die here before Troy
und öch do den pris erwerben. and thus win glory.
von ir er gesalbet wart: He was anointed by her:
kein woffen sneid nie so hart, no weapon ever cut so well
daz in möchte versniden. that it could cut him.
och tůt sy nicht vermiden, Nor did she forget
si enpall in Schirone to send him to Chiron
(der was halb ein ros, halb ein man), (he was half horse, half man);
der lorte ir also schone he trained him very well
schirmen, ringen, schiessen. in swordplay, wrestling and archery.
Using his shield, he had to block
millstones that were rolled downhill.
kúng, ob du den süchen wilt, King, if you wish to search for him,
so sende us hundert oder mer, then send out a hundred or more men
daz ieklicher sy ein kremer, each of them should be a merchant
habe vielle, was fruwen gehort zu. and have many things for sale for women,
eines er och tu: and he should also have on offer
hab veile swert, messer, issengewant, swords, knives and armour.
man sicht zehant It is obvious that
wa er mit deu fruwen gat, although he [Achilles] is among the women,
benamen er nicht enlat, he will not behave as one
er beschüwe die kufmanschaft. if he sees the merchandise.
also vint man den degen ellentbaft. In this way one will find the worthy warrior."
der kúng volgte getrat The king immediately followed
des wissen meisterg rat. the counsel of the wise master.
er sant die botten uf die vart, He sent the messengers on the journey
wand der also funden wart. and thus he [Achilles] was found in this way.
also wart Achilles gon Troy brocht, So they brought Achilles to Troy
mit im sin meister Schiron. with his master Chiron.
usreit Ekttor, als er was gewon. Hector rode out as he was accustomed.
do bekam im an der zit There and then he had his
Achilles sin erster stritt, first fight with Achilles,
und triben daz den ganezen dag. and they fought the whole day.
Ekttor ob mit krefftten lag. Hector was superior in strength.
mocht er in han verschrotte, If he had been able to injure him,
er het in geleit zu andren dotten. he would have added him to the other dead.
sust schied si die nacht. Thus the night parted them.
was Achiles barnest dar bracht, Whatever armour Achilles had worn,
daz hat er im von dem libegeslagen. Hector had cut it from his body.
morndes ein núwen harnest mn sach tragen. In the morning he could be seen wearing new armour.
so hub sich aber den ein stritt, Then, once more, a fight began.
Ekttor twang in mit nid Hector pressed him with battle rage
und mit so grosser krafft, and with such great force,
daz er in dik macht flúchthafft. that he forced him to retreat.
er treib in hin und denne har
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The next line is missing from the manuscript.

He drove him back and forth
bis daz er alles daz von im geslüg, until he cut away all the armour
daz er von harnest an im trůg. that he wore.
also entweich danne Achilles. So Achilles took flight.
Des morgens, do der dag har schein, In the morning, when the day dawned,
Ektor reit us Troy allein Hector rode out from Troy alone
mit grimem mut. in a grim mood.
daz ungemach betwang den belt gut, Trouble burdened the good hero,
wond by aller siner zit for in all his days,
nie kein man mit strit no man had ever resisted
sich sin bet erwert als lange. him as long in battle.
daz was im angst und ange. Therefore, he was afraid and terrified.
nu was öch Achilles bereit Now Achilles was ready too
ze vyentlicher arbeit. For warlike endeavors.
Ekttor sin zorn twang, His wrath subdued Hector
daz der stritte mit wertte lang. so that the fight did not last long.
Achilles sinen la schiit zerslug, Achilles hacked his shield to pieces
daz er sin núczit dennen trug. so that he didn’t carry home a single piece of it.
er slüg im so gros búllen He gave him such massive bruises
umb die arm und umb die kúllen,
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on his arms and shoulders,
Achilles kum von in endran. Achilles hardly escaped him.
Ekttor schied öch von dan, Hector left the field too
wond er múeden began. because he had begun to tire.
doch schůff Achilles dem herr gemach, Achilles let the lord have a break,
daz man sy zwene nur stritten sach. so that the two of them were not seen fighting anymore.
Schiron fürt Achilles an ein heimlich stat. Chiron led Achilles to a secret place.
mit dritten er im drat, With advice he counseled him
wie er im solt tretten zü: how he should get at him:
mit stichen also tú, namely with thrusting
zwisseit swert und schilt. in between his sword and shield.
ob du daz dün wilt, "If you can do so,
hůwe im nach der bende, attack his hands:
so nimt der strit ein ende. in this way, the fight will come to an end."
do Ekttor kam gon Troy hinin, When Hector entered Troy,
er sprach: wie trag daz sin? He said: “How can it be?
min swert wil sin nút sndien! My sword cannot wound him.
sol ich den strit nút miden, I cannot avoid the fight,
des han ich iemer schande
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Since it would disgrace me forever.
doch bereite er sich des morgens frü And so, he prepared himself early in the morning
und grieff zu dem strit hinzu. and joined the fight.
Achilles nam gen in den ker Achilles attacked him,
und gedach an sins meisters ler. thinking of his teacher’s advice.
damit er im daz leben angewan Thus, he took his life
und schied frölich von dan. and left the field joyously.
do die von Troy socheu Ektors val, When the people of Troy saw Hector’s death,
in was gelege gar ir schall, their cheering died down,
and both lords and retainers
rightly mourned him.
Ekttors gebot gebrochen wart; Hector’s order was disobeyed:
man beslos die dor an der vart, The gates were closed at once,
und wurdent beslossen hart and were locked securely
und wol beseezt mit hůtte. and well-manned by guards.
ein tor bevolhen wart herzogen Eneas, One gate was entrusted to Duke Aeneas
damit er siner eren vergas. To make him forget his obligation.
Critical note:

May also be construed as: 'and he was to lose his honor because of it.'

von frúeden gaebtte an daz dor Joyfully Chiron came to the gate
Schiron und iesch ein kenpf davor. and called for a fight.
daz leid Paris twang. Paris was overcome by grief.
vir daz tor er do sprang He leapt in front of the gate
uf Schyrones schaden gros. to Chiron’s great disadvantage.
dem det er mit dem spies einen stos, He gave him a thrust with his lance
daz im daz blitze mund und oren usflos. so that the blood flowed out of his mouth and ears.
Schiron kertte die hindren fúesse dar, Chiron spun on his heels
und slüg so krefftenklichen dar, and struck very strongly
daz im entweich Paris. yet Paris dodged him.
von im reit der degen wis The wise warrior rode away from him
und kertte wider uf in in mit dem schaft and turned to him again with his spear
und reit so mit grosser krafft. and rode at him with great force.
uff dem schilt er im gehafft, He hit him on the shield
und doch durchbrach der schafft, yet the spear went through
daz Schiron tot beleib so that Chiron lay dead.
Paris wider in die stat hin reit. Paris rode back into the city.
do Achilles sach sins meisters dot, When Achilles saw his teacher’s death,
sin herez leid von jomer not. his heart suffered grief’s anguish.
er gedach, wie er in móch gerechen He considered how he might take revenge
an Paris dem frechen. on the audacious Paris.
er reit an daz tor, He rode to the gate.
er sprach: wo ist Paris? ich beit sin bie vor. He said, “Where is Paris? I challenge him to come here.”
kein antwurt im gegeben wart. He was given no answer.
er kertte wider an die vart. He set off again.
dis wart Paris geseit. This was told to Paris.
er sprach: dis ist min höchstes leid. He said: "This is my greatest worry.
von firchten mus ich in miden, Out of fear I have to avoid him.
kein swert kan in doch sniden. No sword can cut him."
do sprach ein wisser man: A wise man then said:
herre, ich dich wol geleren kan. "Lord, I can certainly instruct you.
niw einen kolben lang und gros. Take a long and hefty club.
ja kan er nit dawider. Yes, he can’t defend himself against that.
du slecht in dur nider, You must knock him down,
und las in niemer uf, and never let him get up
until you have smashed his
head and skull.
sin vart in licht mag geruwen. He might well regret his journey.
nút hor uf, bís er dot gelige. Don’t stop until he is lying dead.
also gewinest du, taz cr mit gesige. Thus you will accomplish it that he doesn’t win."
Morndes, do es dagtte, In the morning when the dawn broke,(5)(10)
Achilles an daz tor hin jagtte, Achilles rushed toward the gate.
do was och hereit Paris There Paris was ready too,
ze füs in ritterlicher wis. on foot in a knightly manner.
mit sinem kolben, den er trug, With his club that he carried,
uf sinen kopff er in do slug, he hit him there on the head,
daz Achilles muste vallen. so that Achilles had to fall.
úber in stund Paris mit schallen: Paris stood over him shouting:
nút von hinan kum ich, “I’m not going to leave
bis ich dot sche dich! until I see you dead!”
Achilles verlor do de lip. Achilles lost his life.
Paris kertte zu sinem wip. Paris returned to his wife.
die was sins siges fro. She was pleased about his victory
dis gefügtte sich also. that had come about in this way.
nun wurden die Kriechen in ein, Now the Greeks concluded
Troyer kraft wer nun klein, that the Trojan strength was diminished
sid Ekttor wer tot gelegen. since Hector had been killed,
sy woltten eines sturmes pflegen. so they wanted to carry out an attack.
alsus bercitte sich die schar The army therefore prepared itself
mit starker wer dar, with heavy equipment
und heiltten vor dem tor den strit and fought continuously before the gate
und an der mur zu aller zit. and at the wall.
Dis spil wertte einen ganezen tag, This game lasted a whole day
daz nieman keiner ruwe pflag during which no one got any rest
mit werffen und init schiessen, from throwing [spears], and from shooting arrows.
daz blut sach man fliessen You could see the blood flowing
von den Kriechen uf daz lant, from the Greeks into the earth.
sinen lip verlor menig wigant. Many a hero lost his life.
mit leittren woltten si stigen in. They [the Greeks] wanted to infiltrate with ladders.
die inren liessens nút güt sin. The besieged didn’t let that happen.
die nacht man sy scheiden sach. In the night you could see them retreating.
die useren zugen an ir gemach. The attackers withdrew to their camp.
den was die vart worden ze sur. Their attempt had soured.
die inren behutten ir mur. The besieged guarded their wall.
die Kriechen slichen wider her, The Greeks snuck back
ob ieunan an der were wer. to see if someone was on watch.
si fundens wol behut. They found it well guarded.
daz ducht die Kriechen niendert gůt To the Greeks that did not seem good at all
und sprachen: wir gewinen nicht also die stat. and they said: “We won’t take the city in this way.”
ein heinlichen tag hat The Greeks and Aeneas
die von Kriechen und Eneas. Had a secret meeting.
er het in gelopt daz, He had promised them that
er wollte sy lossen in he would let them in
zu dem tor, des pfleger er soltte sin. through the gate that he was supposed to take care of.
eins nachttes daz geschach, One night it so happened
daz man die Kriechen inbrechen sach. that the Greeks were seen breaking in.
do ward erhaben ein hertter strit. Then a hard battle began
der wertte vierzehen tag sid. which lasted fourteen days.
bi des kúnges palas Close to the royal palace
der strit an dem hersten was. the fighting was most fierce.
Paris vacht mit maulicher kraft. Paris fought with manly force.
er ward geschossen mit einem schaft, He was hit by an arrow
daz er muste bliben tot. so that he had to die.
erst hüb sich jomer and not. Now sorrow and wailing began.
die stat ward angezúndet. The city was set on fire.
daz buch vir wor uns kúndet, The book truly tells us
daz die stat einhalb bran, that half of the city burned,
in dem andren ort man in the other half one
erst in vierzhen tagen only heard after fourteen days
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als da cer strit sich endet hie, As the fight ended there,
Elena vir iren vatter gie Helen went to her father
und viel im ze füssen: and fell at his feet:
vatter, ich wii búessen, "Father I want to atone,
ich gib mich uf die gnade din! I surrender to your mercy!
es was nút die schulde min, It was not my fault
und bet es nút gedacht, and I didn’t intend
daz ich soltte har sin bracht. to be brought here."
Eneas mit driu tusing man Aeneas with three thousand men
fur vou Troy in Ittalya dan,
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departed Troy for Italy.
der kúng sin tochtter nam The king took his daughter
und für von Troy And departed Troy
mit grosser schoy to return to his land
wider in sin lant, with great jubilation;
da er starke geste vant: there he found many strangers:
von Ungren der kúng rich, the powerful king of Hungary [was there].
He abducted Helen, the queen,
by force of arms
und fürtte si in daz rich sin and took her to his realm
und behub si mit gewalt sider, and kept her there by force from that time onwards,
wond si kam uiemerme hinwider. for she never came back.
also endet dis getat, Thus ends this tale
die von Troy geschriben stat. that is written of Troy.
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Line number 192
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Line number 208
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May also be construed as: 'and he was to lose his honor because of it.'

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Sorry, but there are no notes associated with any currently displayed witness.