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Translation by Björn BuschbeckKathryn StarkeyMae Lyons-PennerRobert ForkeChristopher HutchinsonMareike Reisch .

Marienklage | The Virgin Mary's Lament

Source Information

Marienklage | The Virgin Mary's Lament

by Anonymous

Original Source:

Adapted from the edition by G. Kühl (1898), in Jahrbuch des Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung, 24.

Responsibility Statement:
  • Translation by Björn Buschbeck, Kathryn Starkey, Mae Lyons-Penner, Robert Forke, Christopher Hutchinson, and Mareike Reisch
  • Encoded in TEI P5 XML by Jordan Rosen-Kaplan, Michael Widner, and Irene Han
Editorial Principles:

Transcriptions and translations are encoded in XML conforming to TEI (P5) guidelines. The original-language text is contained within <lem> tags and translations within <rdg> tags.

Texts are translated into modern English with maximum fidelity to the original text, except where it would impair comprehension or good style. Archaisms are preserved where they do not conflict with the aesthetic of the original text. Creative translation choices are marked and discussed in the critical notes.

Publication Details:

Published by Global Medieval Sourcebook.

Marienklage The Virgin Mary's Lament
Planctum istum facit beata virgo Maria cum quattor personis deuotis deuotissime bona sexta feria ante prandium in ecclesia ante chorum in loco aliquantaum eleuato vel extra ecclesiam, si bona est aura. Here begins the most devout lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in a compassionate and devout exposition.
Critical note: Here, the Latin “nota” is not easy to translate. Alternatively, it could be understood to mean “depiction” or “style”.
This lamentation is performed faithfully and very devoutly by the Blessed Virgin Mary together with four other characters before lunch on Good Friday, in the church in front of the choir or, if the
Critical note: In medieval monastic contexts, the “prandium” was, according to the Benedictine Rule, the principal meal of the day which the whole community gathered for around noon.
light is good, in a moderately raised place outside of the church.
Planctus iste non est ludus nec ludibrium, sed est planctus et fletus et pia compassio Marie virginis gloriose. This lamentation is neither a play nor a funny joke, but is a lamenting and a wailing and devout compassion for the glorious Virgin Mary. Et cuandocunque fit a bonis et deuotis hominibus, in genere siue in specie valde prouocat homines circumstantes ad pium fletum et ad compassionem, sicut facit sermo deuotus bona sexta feria de passione domini nostri Jhesu Cristi. And in general or in particular, whenever it is performed by good and devout people it will
Critical note: The Latin expression “in genere sive in specie” is a formulaic idiom. Here, it expresses that the described qualities and effects of the play do not only apply to this particular Middle Low German version, but to the genre of Marian lamentations in general.
strongly provoke the gathered people to piously cry and feel compassion, just as a devout Good Friday sermon on the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ does.
Si non potest fieri bona sexta feria commodose propter sermonem de passione domini, tunc beata virgo faciat istum planctum antea cum suis, sicut feria secunda post dominicam palmarum ante prandium. If, because of the sermon on the Lord’s passion, it is not possible to perform on Good Friday, at the time when the Blessed Virgin together with her confidantes once broke out into this lamentation, [it shall be performed] on the Monday of the Holy Week before lunch. Iste planctus fit commodose in duabus horis et media. This lamentation can be conveniently performed in two and a half hours. Et omnia, que tunc fiunt ab illis quinque personis, non debent fieri cum festinacione nec nimia mora, sed medio et bono modo. And everything which was once done by these five persons shall not be performed in a hurry or exaggeratedly slow, but medium-fast and in a good way. Ille, qui est Jhesus, est deuotus sacerdos. The actor playing Jesus is a devout priest. Maria iuuenis. Mary is a young man. Johannes ewangelista sacerdos. John the Evangelist is a priest. Maria Magdalena et mater Johannes ewangelista iuuenis. Mary Magdalene and the mother of John are young men. Jhesus debet se preparare cum casula rubra. Jesus must wear a red vestment. Johannes simili modo. John must do the same. Jhesus et Johannes debent habere dyademata de papiro; dyadema Jhesu habeat rubram crucem ante et retro. Jesus and John are wearing crowns made of paper; Jesus’ crown shows a red cross at the front and the back. Maria debet se preparare cum vestibus, sicut Maria Magdalena in nocte pasche. Mary must wear a garment like that of Mary Magdalene for the Easter vigil. Johannes habeat gladium de ligno cum vagina, quem tenet in manu, quum exit cum rigmo suo. John has a wooden sword with a sheath which he holds in his hand and with
Critical note: This reference points to a non-extant Easter play that the Augustinian monks of Bordesholm seem to have performed regularly. It shows how late medieval liturgical drama was far from being a singular event and in fact was deeply embedded into the rhythm of monastic life.
during his rhymed monologue.
Et Johannes debet sepius tangere cor Marie vel pectus eius. And John has to touch Mary’s heart or
Critical note: Latin “rigmus" is a technical term in medieval drama, denoting a rhymed and spoken (not sung) monologue.
chest seven times. And when he has performed his part, he immediately lays down the sword.
Critical note: Gramatically, the Latin „sepius“ makes no sense here. We assume that it is a scribal mistake or an abbreviation for „septimus“, referring to the seven sorrows of the Virgin Mary.
Et quum facit actum suum, statim deponit gladium. And when he has performed his part, he immediately lays down the sword. Iuuenis quidam bene vestitus potest postea lumbos crucifixi. Well-costumed young men may take away the sword together with the cloth of silk with which the Blessed Virgin before had covered the loins of the Crucified. Dominus Jhesus cum primo exit cum alijs quattuor personis, deuote portat crucem in manibus suis. In the beginning, the Lord Jesus enters the stage with the four other characters, devoutly carrying the cross in his hands. Et quum cantauit versum "Quoniam tribulacio proxima est", statim deponit crucem. And when he has sung the verse “For tribulation is near,” he immediately lays down the cross. Et quum faciunt planctum, dominus Jhesus debet habere crucifixum ante se. And when they perform the lamentation, the Lord Jesus must hold the cross in front of him. Et cuandocunque facit actum, tunc crucem deponit et intrudit crucifixum. And as soon as he has performed this act, he puts down the cross and rams the crucifix into the ground. Beata virgo stat a dextris Jhesu Cristi cum Maria Magdalena. Together with Mary Magdalene, the Blessed Virgin stands on the right side of Jesus. Johannes a sinistris cum matre sua. John and his mother stand on the left. Virgo Maria quum facit actum suum, vadit ad medium et aliquando vertit se ad filium ad orientum, aliquando ad occidentem, aliquando ad aquilones, aliquando ad meridiem cum gladio Symeonis, quem tenet beatus Johannes ante pectus eius. When the Virgin Mary performs her part, she steps into the center and at one point turns east towards her son, at one point to the west, at another point to the north, and at one point to the south and towards the sword of Simeon, which St. John holds to her chest. Aliquando beata virgo expandit brachia sua, aliquando leuat manus suas ad filium cum oculis: omnia cum moderamine. At one point, the Blessed Virgin reaches out her arms,
Critical note: Medieval churches are generally oriented to the east: Therefore, the altar, cross and choir are behind Mary (east), the nave with the audience is in front of her (west), John the Evangelist stands to her left (south) and north means right of her.
at another point she raises her hands and eyes to her son: all with moderation.
Quandocunque fecit actum suum, vadit at locum suum et stat a dextris. As soon as she has performed her part, she steps back to her place and stands on the right. Simili modo faciunt alij. The others do the same. Quum exeunt et quum intrant, faciunt tria paria: primo exit dominus Jhesus cum cruce cum Johanne ewangelista, post hos beata virgo cum Maria Magdalena, vltimo mater Johannes cum rectore, et ille incipit psalmum "Circumdederunt me viri mendaces" vsque ad locum preparatum. When they enter and exit the stage, they make up three pairs: first of all, the Lord Jesus
Critical note: Here, the use of Latin words is counterintuitive to English speakers: „exire“ means entering, „intrare“ exiting the stage.
enters with the cross and John the Evangelist, after them the Blessed Virgin and Mary Magdalene, finally the mother of John with the rector, who strikes up the psalm “Lying men surrounded me”
Critical note: The rector is the priest who leads the liturgical singing and recitations that take place during the play.
until [he reaches] a prepared place.
Ffinito psalmo dominus Jhesus cantat solus versum "Quoniam tribulacio proxima est" et vertit faciem ad occidentem semper. After the end of the psalm, Jesus alone sings the verse “For tribulation is near,” turns his face westwards and stays this way. Vnusquisque dicat rigmum suum cum deuocione plangendo in eadem et nota et dono discreto. Everyone recites his rhymed
Critical note: Jesus is facing the audience.
monologue mourning with devotion, in the same character and in a discreet tone of voice.
Critical note: Here, the sonorization typical for Middle Low German is reflected in the Latin spelling of the manuscript: „dono“ does not derive from „donum“ (meaning „gift“), but from „tonus“ (meaning „tone of voice,“ „note,“ „inflection“).
Quum Jhesus finiuit versum "Quoniam tribulacio", Johannes ewangelista statim dicit ad omnem populum plangendo: When Jesus has finished the verse “For tribulation is near,” John the Evangelist immediately turns to all the people and sorrowfully says:
Johannes ewangelista John the Evangelist:
Horet, gij salighen lude, Listen, you blessed people,
Vnde latet juw beduden, and let it be shown to you
Wo vnse leue here Jhesu Crist, how our dear Lord Jesus Christ,
De eyn schepper hemmels vnde eerden ist, Creator of Heaven and Earth,
Huden vmme vnsen wyllen heft geleden de marter grot, today suffered great torture for our sake,
Dar tho ok den bytteren dot! and, in addition to that, bitter death!
Horet ersten, wo vnse leue here an der tijt to completen Hear, first of all, how our dear Lord at the time of Compline
Vmme vnsen wyllen blodich sweet wolde sweten; sweated bloody sweat for our sake,
Dat he alwyllynges ok wolde gaͤn, and how he also went voluntarily
Dar en syne vygende wolden vaͤn; to where his enemies caught him,
Dat he Judam, synen valschen vrund, and how he kissed Judas, his disloyal friend,
Kussen wolde vor syne munt on the mouth,
Vnde valsklyken wolde vorraden werden, when he was about to be betrayed as treacherously
Alse gy eyn mynsche vp dusser erden. as any man who ever walked the earth.
De yoden, de he hadde van herten leeff, The Jews, whom he loved with all his heart,
Venghen ene alse eynen morder vnde deeff. took him captive as if he were a murderer or a thief.
He wart ok in den suluen stunden In the same hour,
Vor Annas ghetoghen vnde gebunden; he was also dragged before Annas and bound;
De beghunde en vmme syne lere tho vragen. he [Annas] began to question him about his teachings
Do wart he in syne hilgen wanghen geslagen. There he was struck on his holy cheeks.
Horet, wo vnse leue here in der nachtstunde Hear how our dear Lord on that night
Vmme vnsen wyllen wart gevangen vnde gebunden was taken captive and bound for our sake
Vnde wort vor byschop Cayphas getoghen! and was dragged before bishop Cayphas!
Dar wart he so rechte ouele beloghen: There he truly was basely slandered:
Syne vygende, de yoden, dar to rade gynghen, his enemies, the Jews, took counsel
Wo se ene mochten to deme dode bryngen. there about how they might put him to death.
Dar horde vnse leue here mennich smelyk word: There our dear Lord heard many scornful words:
Se staffeden syne werden hylgen bord, they insulted his worthy, holy birth,
Se seden, dat he nicht were godes kynd, they said that he wasn’t the son of God;
Also deger weren se vorblynd. that is how very blind they were.
Syne gotlyken ogen see vorbunden; They bound his godly eyes;
Alumme en de grymmighen yoden stunden all around him stood the grim Jews
Vnde hadden en vor enen doren who took him for a fool
Vnde slogen en to synen gotlyken oren. and struck him around his godly ears.
Se spreken smelyken: bystu Crist, They spoke mockingly: if you are Christ
So entrade, van weme du geslagen byst! then tell us who hit you!
Critical note: The literal meaning of “entrade” is “guess correctly”.
Se bespygeden syn gotlyke antlat, They spat on his godly countenance,
Se makeden dat vul vnreyne vnde nat, - they sullied and drenched it completely –
O leuen vrundes, wat groter smaheyt was em dat! O dear friends, what a terrible offence this was to him!
Horet, wo vnse leue here wart vor Pylatum gebracht! Hear, how our dear Lord was brought before Pilot!
Dar wart he so rechte ouele bedacht: There he was truly mistreated:
Se seden, dat vnse here were eyn droghenere they said that our Lord was a deceiver
Vnde lerede deme volke ok valsche lere. and also that he taught the people false teachings.
Pylatus sende vnsen heren hen to herodes; Pilot sent our Lord to Herod
De wart sere gevrowet des: who was very pleased about this:
He meͤnde, dat he were eyn toͤuerer he thought that he [our Lord] was a conjurer
Vnde ok der lude gokeler. and also a misleader of the people.
Herodes hadde gerne wunder van em geseen; Herod would have gladly seen some of his miracles;
Des enmochte em doch nicht bescheen. but that was not to happen for him.
He began vnsen heren vele to vraghen, He began to ask our Lord many questions
Vnde de yoden begunden ouer em sere to klaghen: and the Jews began to complain greatly about him;
Vnse here sweech al stylle vnde wolde em nicht berichten, and our Lord kept completely silent and would not tell him anything;
Do bespottede Herodes Jhesum Cristum myt alle synen knechten, then Herod, with all his men, mocked Jesus Christ.
He toͤch em eyn doͤren kleyt an He dressed him in a fool’s costume
Vnde let en also wedder to Pylatum gan. and sent him back to Pilot like that.
Dat leͤet vnse leue here myt groder dult Our dear Lord endured this with great patience
Vor vnse sundychlyken schult. for our guilty sins.
Horet, wo vnse leue here vmme vnse sunde Hear, how our beloved Lord was pitifully bound
Yamerliken vmme eyne zule wart gebunden! to a column for the sake of our sins!
Also mortlyken sere Thus was our dear,
Wart do geslagen vnse werde truten here, worthy Lord murderously beaten.
Lat an al synem lychamme nicht heles enbleeff No part of his body was left intact
Vnde syn dure bloͤd ouer alle syn leuent dreff. and his precious blood ran all over his living body.
Se vlechteden eyne scharpe doͤrne krone; They wove a sharp crown of thorns
De druckeden se an syn houet schone, and pressed it down upon his fair head
Dat syn hylge dure bloͤt so that his holy, precious blood
Ouer syn hilge antlat vloͤt. flowed down over his blessed countenance.
Dar worpen se vort ere vule spekelen an, They spat foully [upon him]
Critical note: Literally: they threw off their foul spit
Dat he wart gestalt alse eyn spyttels man. so that he looked like he was made of spit.
Se slogen syn hilge houet myt enem rore They beat his blessed head with a rod
Vnde belacheden Marien kynt alse enen doren; and laughed at Mary’s child as if he were a fool.
Se togen em eyn purpuren kleyt an vnde vyllen vp ere knee They dressed him in purple and fell to their knees:
Ghegrutet systu, der yoden koningh! hoͤnlyken spreken see. “Hail to you, King of the Jews!”, they said disdainfully.
Dar negest wart vnse leue here vor gherichte getogen After that our dear Lord was dragged before the court
Vnde menniger hande wijs valschlyken beloghen. and was treacherously slandered in many different ways.
Eyn valsch ordel wart ouer em gedaͤn, A false verdict was passed on him so
Dat me ene scholde an eyn krutze slaͤn. that they crucified an innocent man.
He droch synes sulues crutze vth der stat; He dragged his cross of beams out of the city.
Tho groter smaheyt schach em dat. It was a great disgrace that this happened to him.
Se hangeden en daran lyk enem mysdedegen deue. They hanged him on it like a scurrilous thief.
Do bewysede he vns syne groten leue, There he showed us his great love
In deme dat he vor syne vygende bat, by praying for his enemies;
Dar he af geleden hadde pyne vnde groten hat. there he had cast off pain and great hatred.
Syner drofnysse was noch vele mere: His suffering was yet even greater:
He leyt bynnenwendych alto grot herte swere, inside, he suffered great and unbearable anguish
Do he syne werden moder Marien when he heard his worthy mother Mary
Horde bytterlyken sere wenen vnde scrygen. very bitterly weeping and crying.
Dar weren ok twe moͤordere gevangen; Two murderers had also been caught; disgracefully,
Dar wart he smelyken twyschen gehanghen. he was hung between them.
Deme enen vorgaff he in der latesten stunde He forgave one of them in his final hour
Vmme eyne korte ruwe al syne sunde. after he had done brief penance for all his sins.
Vnse leue here rep ok eynen yamerlyken schrey: Our beloved Lord let out a woeful cry:
Hely, hely, lamazabathani! “Hely, hely, lamazbathani!”
Dat ys: myn got, myn got, worvmme hestu my vorgeten? That is to say: “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Critical note: Matthew 27:46
Do bespotteden en de yoden vnde dar entyegen repen: Then the Jews mocked him and shouted back at him:
Kum hijr nedder van deme crutze, bystu Crist, “Come down here from the cross if you are Christ
So wyl wij louen, dattu godes sone byst! then we will believe that you are God’s son!”
Dar negest eschede vnse leue here drynken; Thereafter our beloved Lord asked for a drink;
Do leten se em etyk vnde gallen schenken. then they had vinegar and gall brought to him.
Dar neghest sprak he: consummatum est! Thereafter he spoke: “it is finished!"
Critical note: “consummatum est”, John 19:30
Vnde ok: in dyne hende bevole ik, vader, mynen geyst! And also: “In your hands father, I command my spirit!”
Also leyt do den bytteren dot vnse leue here. Thus our lord suffered bitter death.
Ok wart syne hilghe syde doresteken myt enem spere; Thus his holy side was pierced with a lance;
Dar vloͤt vth water vnde blot. water and blood flowed out of it.
Dar sach me do an den creaturen yammer grot: Then the creatures were seen to suffer great sorrow:
De harden steyne toreten van synen pynen, The hard stones shattered for his pain,
Der sune let van groter droͤfnisse ere schynent, The sun stopped shining for great distress,
De erde began van grotem yammer to beuen, The earth began to quake for great sorrow,
De doden in den grauen begunden ok wedder to leuen. - The dead in the graves came back to life again.
Leue vrunde, gy hebben hort, wat leden het Jhesus Cristus vnse Dear friends, you have heard what our dear Lord Jesus Christ has suffered.
Nu wyl ik juw lesen noch vuste mere: Now I want to read much more to you:
Dat lydent sunte Marien, dat wyl wij hijr nu anheuen. We now want to start telling what St. Mary suffered.
God late juw so lange leuen, May God let you live so long
Dat dij syne hulde vordenen, - that you earn his grace,
Vnde helpet huden sunte Marien wenen! and, today, help to mourn St. Mary!
Betrachtet huten myt vlyte ere byttercheyt, Consider carefully today her bitterness
De se so swarlyken leyt that she suffered so deeply
Vmme eres leuen kyndes dot, for the death of her beloved child,
Dar he vns mede geloset heft vth aller not! by which he delivered us from all our misery!
Hijr vmme, gij vrowen vnde ok gij man, For that reason, all you women and men,
Latet juw ere lydent to herten gaͤn! let her suffering enter your heart!
Bewenet dat van herten ynnichliken, Lament this profoundly from the heart,
Dat gij mogen myt vrowden ewychlyken so that you can be joyfully and eternally
Myt gode vnde myt Marien wesen with God and with Mary
Vnde vor der ewygen helle genesen! and be saved from eternal Hell!
Dat vns dat allen beschee, For this, which is happening to all of us,
So gat sytten vp juwe knee, go down on your knees,
Spreket eyn Pater noster myt ynnicheyt say a heart-felt pater noster
Vnde ok Aue Maria to juwer selen salycheyt! and an Ave Maria for the salvation of your soul!
Johannes post Pater noster dicit ad omnem populum Following the paternoster, John says to all of the people:
Ghat sytten, gy leuen kynder, an dessen guden daghe, Be seated, dear children on this fine day,
Horet der reynen junckfrowen Marien weynent vnde klaghe! hear the weeping and lament of the pure virgin Mary!
Beata virgo Maria iucipit hic planctum suum dolorosissimum deuotissime. Psalmus: St. Virgin Mary here piously begins her most sorrowful lamentation. Psalm:
*Anxiatus est in me spiritus meus, *My spirit is afraid,
*In me turbatum est cor meum! *My heart is restless!
*Nu bedrouet sik myn geyst an mynem herten sere, *Now the spirit in my heart becomes very sad,
*Noch mer wen gy wyf gewan dorch mynes kyndes ere. *exceeding even what you, women, gained through my child’s honor.
Sancta Maria dicit et vertit se ad populum St. Mary speaks and turns toward the audience.
O aller barmhertigeste god, Oh most merciful God,
Wo grot ys myne klaghe vnde myn not how great is my lament and my suffering
Vmme Jhesus Cristum, den leuen sone myn! because of Jesus Christ, my beloved son!
Ik vruchte, he mot in groten noden syn. I fear he may be in great peril.
Ach woste yk, wor yk mochte Alas, if I only knew where I could
Ghan, dar yk ene sochte! go to search for him!
Dar gynge yk myt wyllen gerne hyn, Gladly and willingly I’d go there
Scholdet ok kosten dat leuent myn. even if it would cost my life.
Beata virgo cautat hoc The blessed virgin sings this:
Conturbata sunt omnia ossa mea, et anima mea turbata est valde. All my bones are disquieted, and my soul is in great turmoil.
Sancta Maria statim dicit ad Johannem: St. Mary immediately says to John:
Johannes, myn leue oͤm, wat mach dat beduden? John, my dear nephew, what may that mean?
Ghynnert synt gesammelt vele lude, Many people have gathered,
Se ropen lude und beren swar. they are grieving loudly and behaving sadly.
Eya nu gha myt my aldaͤr Come on, go there with me,
Laͤt vns beseen, wat see bedryuen! let us have a look at what they are doing!
Sanctus Johannes respondet St. John responds:
Neen, Maria leue medder wij moget leuer blyuen! No, dear mother Mary, we would rather stay here!
De yoden synt eres ouermodes also vil, The Jews are so full of arrogance,
Vor war ik dy dat saghen wyl. in truth I want to tell you this!
Se brochten sunte Peter darto in desser nacht, They made St. Peter this night,
Dat he synes heren vorsoͤk vnde syner macht; forsake his lord and his power;
Schege my armen manne ok also, if the same thing happened to me, a mere man,
Des worde yk nummer vro. I would never be happy again.
Sancta Maria respondit St. Mary responds:
Johannes, myn vil leue vrund, John, my very dear friend,
Twyde my an desser stund, listen to me at this hour
Vnde ga myt my aldar, and go with me there,
Wente yd ys dar mennich var! because there are many dangers!
Lat vns beseen, wat se bedryuen! Let us see what they are doing!
Ik wyl stede by dy blyuen; I will remain ever by your side;
Myt der warheyt schaltu dat beseen: in truth, you shall see this:
Ik wyl vaste staͤn vnde ok nicht van dy vleen I will remain steadfast and not leave your side.
Sume nicht! wij mogen nu nicht lenger stan. Don’t delay! Let’s not stay here any longer.
Sanctus Johannes respondet St. John responds:
Maria, leue medder, yk wyl gerne myt dy gaͤn. Mary, dear mother, I will gladly go with you.
Scholde yk ok darvmme lyn den bytteren dot, Even if I suffer a bitter death,
Ik vorlate dy nicht in desser groten not. I will not abandon you in this great peril.
Valde modicum transeunt, silicet, si est opus, usque ad medium circuli. Et sancta Maria statim incipit cantare Quickly they move over, if necessary; namely, up into middle of the circle. And St. Mary immediately begins to sing:
*Owe des ghandes, des yk gha *Alas that I walk
*Myt yamer vnde myt ruwen! *With pain and sorrow!
*Myn kynt an deme crutze steyt, *My child is standing with the cross,
*Myn leyt wil sik vornuwen. *My suffering begins again.
(Hic imponit gladium) (Here she picks up the sword)
*Owe, owy, owe *Alas, alas, alas
*Des gandes, des yk nu ghe! *That I must walk this path!
*Ik mot scrygen yummermer: *I must wail now and forever:
*Owe, owy, owe! *Alas, alas, alas!
*Bedrouet synt de synne myn, *My senses are defeated,
*Went de heylant ys in pyn, *because the Saviour is in pain
*De myn kynt ys vnde ok myn god *who is my child and also my God,
*Vnde der enghel sabaoth. *and the lord of angels.
Critical note: According to Lexer, “sabaoth” means king of kings.
*Owy, owe! *Alas, alas!
*Owe, leyder wat ik nu vynde *Alas, more painful still is what I see
*An mynem herten truwen kynde! *in the child dear to my heart!
(Hic deponit gladium) (Here she puts down the sword.)
*Wor schal ik arme maget blyuen? *Where shall I, poor maiden remain?
*Dot, kum her vnde my vorswynde! *Death, come here and claim me!
Sancta Maria extendit manum ad filium hic et dicit ad sanctum Johannes Here St. Mary extends her hand to her son and says to St. John:
See, Johannes leue oͤm, See, John, dear nephew,
Wat ys gehanget vor vns an den boͤm, what is hanging before us on the tree,
Ys yd eyn mynsche edder eyn worm? is it a man or a serpent?
Id wyndet sik in den neghelen vnde drift groten storm; It twists itself on the nails and is in the great throes of death;
Id mot in groten bytteren pynen syn. it must be in great and bitter pain.
Sanctus Johannes respondet plangendo St. John responds, mourning:
Owe, Maria, dat ys dat leue kynt dyn! Alas Mary, that is your beloved child!
See, wo yd gevyllet staͤt See, how he hangs there tormented
Vnde ok vp synem hilgen houede haͤt and around his holy head
Van scharpen doͤrne eyne krone! he has a crown of sharp thorns!
Dat hilge blot vlut ouer syn antlat schone, Holy blood flows over his lovely face
Ok ouer syne ogen bet in syne munt. Tand over his eyes and into his mouth.
O Maria, see, wo yd steyt gewund: O Mary, see how he hangs there tortured:
Dat mochte eynem stene entfarmen! that even a stone could be moved by it!
O leuen kyndere, helpet dat altomale bekarmen! O dear children, now all help to lament him!
Sancta Maria respondet: Saint Mary responds:
Owe, ys dat myn leue truten sone? Alas, is that my dear beloved son?
Ik wolde, dat syne scharpen dornekrone I wish that his sharp crown of thorns
Vp mynem houede sete an dessen stunden, sat on my head in this hour,
Vnde syne mennichualdigen depen wunden and his many deep wounds
Vor em weren an mynem lyue, were on my body
Vppe dat he mochte leuendich blyuen. instead of his so that he could stay alive.
Et cantat: And she sings:
*Owe, yamer vnde not! *Alas, pain and misery!
*Owe, mynes leuen kyndes dot, *Alas, the death of my dear child
*Den ik an herten drage *that I carry in my heart
*Vnde so yamerliken klaghe! *and lament so sorrowfully!
*Yo gha ik wedder vnde dort, *Now I go here and there,
*Noch entret hijr nemant vort, *and still no one here steps forward
*De desse martere beweynede! *to mourn this suffering!
*Owe, elende! *Alas, miserable ones!
(Hic plangit cum manibus.) (Now she gestures mournfully with her hands.)
*Owy, owe my huten vnde jummermer Alas, woe is me today and forevermore
*Vmme mynes kyndes doͤt! *because of my child’s death!
*Myn kummer ys so rechte grot. *My sorrow is so very great.
*Owy, owe! *Alas, woe is me!
Et dicit vlterius And continues:
Eya, moderlyke herte, Oh, motherly heart,
Wat lydestu pyne vnde smerte! how you are suffering misery and pain!
Dominus Jhesus dicit habens crucifixum ante se Holding the cross in front of him, Lord Jesus says:
Myn volk, wo seer hestu dy an my gewraken! My people, how much you have tormented me!
Ik hebbe dy doch nicht to leyde gedan edder gespraken? I didn’t do or say anything to harm you.
Myn volk, yk vorede dy ouer dat wylde meer My people, I lead you over the wild sea
Vnde vordruckede Pharaonis heer; and I swallowed Faroah’s army;
Ik reghende dy enghelsch brod I made the angels’ bread rain down
Yn der woͤstenyge to dyner noͤt: in the desert to relieve your hardship:
Darvmme hestu my ghevanghen this is why you captured me
Vnde darto an dat crutze gehanghen! and hung me on the cross!
De vosse hebben ere kulen, Foxes have their dens
Dar se ynne schulen, where they hide,
De vogele hebben ere neste, birds have their nests,
De heren hebben ere gheveste, - lords have their strongholds,
Des mynschen sone leyder nicht enhaͤt, -- the son of man sadly doesn’t have any place
Dar syn kranke houet ane staͤt. where his poor head may rest.
Owy vnde we, wart doch ny mynschen so we! Alas and alas, never did anyone suffer so much!
Sancta Maria cantat post hoc Then St. Mary sings:
*Ik horede enen roͤp: *I heard a cry:
*Dat ys mynt kynt Jhesus, de myr geschop *that is my child Jesus, who created me
*Vnde al de werlt gemeyne; *and all the world together;
*Des mot yk arme schrygen vnde weynen. *because of that I must weep and cry.
*Van Jherusalem gy vrowen, *You women of Jerusalem,
*Nu helpet huden schowen *now join me in watching
*Mynes leuen kyndes dot, *the death of my beloved child,
*Dat hyr hanget naket vnde blot! *who hangs here naked and stripped.
*Owy, owe! *Alas, alas!
Sancta Maria dicit post hoc ricmum After these rhymes, St. Mary says:
Ach wo grote pyne vnde smerte Oh, what great pain and sorrow
Lydet myn arm bedrouede herte my poor afflicted heart suffers
Vmme mynes leuen kyndes byttercheyt, Because of the torment of my dear child,
Dat in so groter not an deme hilgen crutze steyt! who hangs on the holt cross in such great misery!
Weren vnse herte ok van steynen, Even if our hearts were of stone,
Se mosten doch nu mede weynen. They would still have to weep with us.
Sancta Maria vertit se ad filias Jerusalem dicens vel cantans St. Mary turns to the daughters of Jerusalem, saying, or rather singing:
*Weynet gij truwen susteren myn, *Weep you loyal sisters of mine,
*Helpet my armen drouych syn *join me in my sadness
*Vnde klagen mynen not! *and lament my misery!
*Myn kummer ys worden grot *My grief has grown and grown
*Vmme mynes kyndes doͤt. *at the death of my child.
Et dicit vltra ad filias Jherusalem And she says, continuing, to the daughters of Jerusalem:
Gij leuen sustere, latet juw entbarmen You dear sisters,
Huden ouer my vyl armen! have pity today for poor me!
Seet an myne smerte vnde grote byttercheyt, Look at my pain and my great torment,
De yk an mynem herten drage vmme mynes kyndes leyt! that I carry in my heart because of my child’s suffering!
Sancta Maria Magdalena St. Mary Magdalene:
*O quantus luctus *Oh, what great grief
*Nobis est inductus *is laid upon us
*Pre hac tristicia! *by this sadness!
*Owe vns armen! *Alas, poor us!
*Got late sik irbarmen *God have mercy
*Ouer vnse grote leyt! *on our suffering!
Sancta Maria Magdalena vadit ad medium et dicit ricmum St. Mary Magdalene goes to the center and says in rhyme:
Owe, wo grote yamercheyt Alas, how great sorrow
Vns armen vrowen nu besteyt affects us poor women now
Dorch de bytteren martere vnses leuen heren, because of the bitter martyrdom of our dear Lord,
Den huten de yoden myt groten vneren whom today the Jews, with great dishonor,
Vnde myt vnschult hebben to deme dode bracht! put to death, an innocent man!
Eya, dyt ys wol eyn bedrouet dach, Oh, this is indeed a sorrowful day,
Dat wij ene vor vns hanghen seen! on which we see him hanging before us!
Wo mochte vns groter leyt bescheen! How could any greater sorrow befall us!
O leue here Jhesu Criste, wo gherne stoure yk vmme dy, O, beloved lord Jesus Christ, how gladly I would die in your place,
Wente van groten sunden hestu gheloset my. because you have delivered me from great sins.
Et cantat vlterius pro gratiarum actione And she continues in song, as an act of gratitude:
*Ghelauet systu, here Jhesu Crist, *Praise be unto you, lord Jesus Christ
*Went du also barmehertich byst, *because you are so merciful,
*Dattu dy yo wult irbarmen *that you show mercy
*Ouer my vyl armen! *to poor me!
*Du hest geloset my, *you have saved me;
*Des wyl yk jummer lauen dy. *for that I will always praise you.
Maria Magdalena dicit statim ad beatam virginem Mary Magdalene immediately says to the Blessed Virgin:
O Maria, eddele, reyne maghet, Oh Mary, noble and pure maiden,
Dyn grote lydent sij deme leuen gode gheklaghet. your great suffering shall be mourned before God.
Mater Johannis ewangeliste cantat post hoc Then the mother of John the Evangelist sings:
*Jam auctor lucis *Now the creator of light
*Nunc in ligno crucis *hangs constrained
*Stat in angustia. *on the wood of a cross.
*Nu sy wij myt sorgen *Now, today, we are
*Huten gar vorborgen *laden with troubles
*Vnde in der yamercheyt. *and in sorrow.
Mater Johannis dicit The mother of John says:
O wo grote not vnde smerte Oh what great misery and pain
Lyden nu vnse bedroueden herte, our saddened hearts suffer now
Wente wij Jhesum Cristum, der waren sunnen schyn, because we see Jesus Christ, the true light of the sun,
In groter yamercheyt vor vns hangen seen! hanging in front of us in great sorrow!
O leuen kyndere, bewenet nu vnses heren dot, Oh dear children, now weep for our lord’s death
Vppe dat he vns mote losen vth aller noͤt! so that he might deliver us from all hardship!
O leue here Jhesu Criste, mochte yk nu myt dy steruen O dear lord Jesus Christ, if I could die with you now,
Vnde also dyne hulde vorweruen, and with that procure your grace,
Ik sumede nicht bet tho morghen I would not wait until tomorrow
Vnde wolde dar ok nicht vore sorghen. and also would not think twice about it.
Maria, leue suster, dyn grote lydent vnde weynen Mary, dear sister, your great suffering and weeping
Mochte vntfarmen deme harden steyne. would move a hard stone to pity.
Sancta Maria vertit se ad populum et dicit St. Mary turns to the audience and says:
Ach wo grote pyne vnde smerte Oh, what great pain and sorrow
Lydet myn arme bedrouede herte my poor afflicted heart suffers
Vmme mynes leuen kyndes byttercheyt, Because of the torment of my dear child,
De in so groter not an deme hilgen crutze steyt! ho hangs on the holy cross in such great misery!
Weren vnse herte ok van steynen, Even if our hearts were of stone,
See mosten doch nu mede weynen. they would still have to weep with us.
Maria cantat Mary sings:
Vrunt Johannes, neue gute, Friend John, dear nephew,
Help my armen godes moter help me, poor mother of God
Klagen mynes kyndes leuent, to lament the life of my child
Dat deme dode ys gegeuen! who has been put to death!
O wat Cristus duldet Oh what Christ suffers,
Vnde an deme crutze sweuet hanging on the cross,
Gar al vnuorschuldt! free of guilt!
Sancta Maria ad filium suum benedictum dicit hoc et ad sanctum Johannem ewangelistam St. Mary says this to her blessed son and to St. John the Evangelist:
O wy vnde we, wo grot herteleyt Oh, alas and alack, what great heartache
Ys my armen bedroueden moder nu bereyt, now afflicts me, a poor wretched mother,
O leue kynt, vmme de bytteren marter dyn! O dear child, because of your bitter torment!
Hijr vmme, Johannes, leue neue myn, Therefore John, my dear nephew,
Help my armen moder beklagen vnde beweynen help this poor mother to lament and bewail
Jhesum Cristum den vyl reynen, Jesus Christ, in his purity
Den de yoden hebben gevanghen whom the Jews took captive
Vnde ok an dat hilge crutze ghehangen! and hanged on that holy cross!
Leue oͤm, lat dy dit to herten gaͤn, Dear nephew, let this enter your heart,
Wente he dy alle gud heft gedaͤn! Tbecause he has only done good things for you!
Sanctus Johannes cantat et vertit se ad populum Saint John sings and turns to the people:
Tristor et cuncti tristantur I am saddened and all are saddened
De tua tristicia; because of your misery;
[Omnes] Tecum lacrimantur, all are crying with you,
Eructant suspiria. they are breaking out in loud sighs.
Hic rubescit oculus, These eyes are becoming red,
Flet fidelis populus the faithful people cry
De Cristi mesticia. over Christ’s torments.
Maria, moder vnde maget reyne, Mary, mother and pure virgin,
Yk byn dyner suster kynt. I am your sister’s child.
Dyn grote scrygent vnde dyn weynent Your great crying and wailing
Klagen alle, de hijr synt. is lamented by all who are present.
Hijr wert vyl mennich oge rot Here many eyes are turning red
Vmme dynes kyndes dot, because of the death of your child
Dat hijr hanget ver vns blot. who hangs here in front of us naked.
Johannes vltra dicit ad Mariam, matrem Cristi John then says to Mary, mother of Christ:
Maria, leue medder, he scholde eyn steynen herte dragen, Mary, dear mother, he would have to have a heart of stone,
De dynes kyndes dot nicht kunde helpen beklagen; who could refrain from helping lament the death of your child.
Wart gy mynsche so steynen, Are you people made of stone
De nu myt vns nicht kunde weynen? that you cannot cry with us?
Maria, leue medder, we nu wyl rechte ouerdencken Mary, dear mother, the one who will now rightly consider
Vnde ok in syn herte sencken and take into his heart your crying,
Dyn weynent, den scrygent, dynes reynen herten not Tyour wailing, the grief of your pure heart
Vnde dynes leuen kyndes bytter dot, and the bitter death of your dead child,
De mot myt dy trurent han can share your sorrow
Vnde aller werlde valsche vrowde laͤn. and relinquish the false joy of all the world.
Sancta Maria Magdalena et mater Johannis ewangeliste simul cantat St. Mary Magdalene and the mother of John the Evangelist sing together:
O quam tristis et afflicta Oh, how sad and afflicted
Fuit illa benedicta was the blessed
Mater vnigeniti! mother of the incarnated!
Quis est homo, qui non fleret, Who is the man who does not cry,
Matrem Cristi si videret when he sees the mother of Christ
In tanto supplicio? in such great anguish?
Mater Johannis dicit ricmum The mother of John says in rhyme:
Ach, ach, wo sere lyde wy grote swere Alas, alas, how greatly we bear an immense burden
Vmme dy, o leue truten here! for your sake, oh dear beloved lord!
Sancta Maria cantat et vertit se ad occidentem St. Mary sings and turns to the west:
We helpet klagen myn grote leyt? Who will help lament my great pain?
Myn yamer de ys worden breyt. My sorrow has become immense.
Wo kan ik arme dat nu dragen, How can I, poor me, now bear that
Went yk in alle mynen dagen when, in all of my days,
Ny vornam sulke swere! I have never experienced such a burden!
Horen noch seen yk enkan; I can neither hear nor see:
So grot leyt ny wyf gewan, such great suffering no woman has ever endured
So yk arme nu dulde, as I - poor me - now do,
Went he steruet ane schulde; since he dies without guilt:
Dat komet van syner lere. that results from his teaching.
Hic Maria virgo inspicit filium et eleuat manus ita cantans: Here the Virgin Mary looks at her son and raises her hands, singing thus:
Trut sone myn, My beloved son,
De moder dyn your mother
An desser stunt at this hour
Vt herten grunt from the bottom of her heart
(Hic subtrahit manus.) (She lowers her hands.)
Dy byddet ynnichliken: prays fervently:
Giff my dynen dot Grant me death
In desser not! in my peril!
(Hic tangit pectus.) (She strikes her chest.)
Myn herte, brich, Break my heart,
Went ik see dich for I see you
Hangen so yamerlyken! hanging so wretchedly!
Hertenkynt, sprych, Child of my heart, speak,
Myn not ys so bytterlich! my sorrow is so bitter!
Hic Johannes capit gladium ambabus manibus, cum eo tangens virginis pectus genebus flexis. Et Maria cantat vlterius Here John grasps the sword with both hands and with it touches the chest of the kneeling Virgin. Mary continues, singing:
Trut sone wert, Beloved worthy son,
My geyt eyn swert a sword of misery
Van yamer dorch myn herte! pierces my heart!
(Hic vertit se ad occidentem et tangit pectus) (Here she raises her eyes to her son.)
Do vp dyne ogen, see my an, Raise your eyes, look at me,
Lose myner sorgen bant! release the binds of my suffering!
Trut sone, kynt, Beloved son, child,
Blodich dyne lede synt, your limbs are bloody,
Dat gift my grote smerte! that causes me great pain.
(Hic vertit se ad occidentum et tangit pectus.) (Here she turns her head and beats her breast.)
Brich, herte myn, brich, Break my heart, break,
Went yk hijr sta so bytterlich! since I stand her so wretchedly!
So enmach nemant trosten mych, Nothing may console me
Men de dot alleyne. but death alone
Ik bydde dy, dot, I beg you, death,
Kum, lose my vth desser not! come, release me from this grief!
My ys worden myn herte dot, My heart has died,
Ik enmach nicht mer weynen. I cannot cry anymore.
Eya valsche yodenkynt, Alas, duplicitous Jew-children,
(Hic vertit se ad aquilonem.) (Here she turns to the north.)
Wo synt gy myt synnen blynt, How could you be so senseless
Dat gy myn trut leue kynt as to destroy my dear beloved,
Aldus ane schult vorderuen! innocent child thus!
Wat han ik arme ju gedan, What have I, so wretched, done to you,
Dat gy myn leuent lan that you let my life continue
In so groter swere stan? in such great misery?
Yk wunsche myt em to steruen. I wish to die with him.
Hic Maria Magdalena et mater Johannis cantant secundo simul sicut prius canticum "O quam tristis et afflicta" s. et mater Johannis dicit ricmum "Ach ach, wo sere" vt prius Here Mary Magdalene and the mother of John sing together for the second time the earlier song “How sad and afflicted”. The mother of John says the rhyme “Alas, alas how greatly” Post hoc statim beata virgo Maria, si potest hoc commodose fieri. Immediately after this, the Blessed Virgin Mary, if it can be done conveniently, incipit secundo cum omni deuocione canticum "We helpet klagen myn grot leyt? Myn yamer de ys worden breyt" vt prius. begins for the second time with great devotion “Who will help to lament my great pain? My sorrow has become so immense" as before Et cantat ex integro cum omnibus gestibus sicut prius. and she sings with all her heart with all the gestures just as before. Sancta Maria quando finiat canticum istud secundo dicit ricmum When Saint Mary finishes this song for the second time, she says this rhyme:
Eya schone bouen alle schone Alas, beauty above all beauty,
Eya herteleue sone, alas, son, dear to my heart,
Wor ys dyne schone hengevaren? where has your beauty disappeared to?
Du werest de allerschoneste gebaren, You were the most beautiful child
De gy van moderlyue gebaren wart, ever born of a mother's womb,
Also wunnychlyck vnde tzart! so delightful and tender!
Dy weren dyne wanghen, Your cheeks were
Oft se myt rosen weren behanghen; as if they were garlanded with roses,
Dyn antlat scheen also de sunne, your face shone like the sun,
Dyn ogenblyk was also eyn vrolyk wunne. your gaze was joyful bliss.
>O leue sone Jhesu Crist, Oh, beloved son Jesus Christ,
Wo sere du nu gewundet byst! how terribly you are wounded now!
Dy synt dyne lede van blode rot, Your limbs are red with blood
Wentu an deme crutze lydest grote not. since you are suffering great anguish on the cross.
Eya, du valsche yoden deyt, Oh you false deed of the Jews,
Du werest dar sere to bereyt which was well built
Dattu myn leue kynt mochtest bevlecken! to stain my beloved child!
Ik wyl dat wedder bedecken: I want to cover him again:
Id schal nicht lengher naket stan, He shall not remain naked any longer,
Mynen doͤk wyl yk em vmme slaͤn, wrap my shawl around around him.
Wente yk arme moder Marie and I, poor mother Mary,
Eynen anderen doek wedder lye. will borrow another shawl later.
Sancta Maria accipit hic pannum de serico album, cum quo tegit lumbos crucifixi, quem iuuenis quidam tenet cum galdio Symeonis et statim subdit. Saint Mary takes a shawl of white silk and with it covers the loins of the Crucified, the young man takes it with the sword of Simeon and immediately pulls it down again.
Leuen kyndere, my ys grot not, day yk weyne. Dear children, my suffering is so great that I cry!
O Maria Magdalene, Oh Mary Magdalene,
O wat lydet nu dat leue kynd myn Oh how my dear child is now suffering,
Vnde ok de werde truten meyster dyn! and also your beloved and worthy master.
Maria Magdalena respondet Mary Magdalene replies:
Maria, aller junckfrowen eyn ere, Mary, glory of all virgins,
Ik bekenne wol, wat myn leue truten here I understand well what my dear beloved Lord suffers
Nu lydet vor vns allen; now before us all;
Ik mot van ruwen nedder vallen I cannot help but fall to the ground in pain
Vnde beweynen syne grot herteleyt. and lament his great and heartfelt sorrow.
O, wo he nu an deme crutze steyt! Oh, how he now hangs on the cross!
(Eleuat oculus) (she raises her eyes)
Eya Maria, neen mynslik herte Oh Mary, no human heart
Kan begrypen syn lydent vnde grote smerte! can understand his suffering and great pain!
O du valsche yodendeyt, Oh, you false deed of the Jews,
Du makest, dat yk mot syngen eyn klagheleyt! it is your fault, that I must sing a lament!
Maria plangit in medio circulo (Maria scilicet Magdalena)cantando vt sequitur Mary, that is to say, Mary Magdalene, mourns with song in the middle of the stage and continues:
Maria, moder, reyne schryn, Mary, mother, shrine of purity,
Dyn klagent wundet sere myn, your lamenting wounds me sorely,
Darto de pyn as does the pain
Des leuen truten heren myn! of my dear beloved Lord!
Here, wo grot ys nu dyn not! Lord, how great your misery is now!
Beweynen mot yk dynen dot. I must mourn your death.
Der gnaden sot The fountain of grace
Lyt den starken, swaren stot. is dealt a strong and heavy blow.
Ik laue dy, leue here, I praise you greatly, dear Lord,
An mynem herten sere in my heart,
Nu vnde jummermere; now and forever more.
Wo gud was dyne lere! How great were your teachings!
Des lyde yk grote swere, For this I endure great anguish,
Wor yk my henne kere, wherever I turn,
O koningk aller eren! o king of honour.
Maria Magdalena dicit Mary Magdalene says:
O du arme yodenkynt, Oh you poor Jew child,
Wo sere bystu nu vorblynt, how blind you are now,
Dattu mynem leuen truten heren that you bound and captured
Myt so groten vneren with such great dishonour
Ghebunden hefst vnde ghevanghen, my dear beloved Lord
Dartho in dat crutze ghehanghen! and hung him on the Cross!
O Maria, syn lydent heft vnse herte doͤrgesteken, Oh Mary, his suffering has pierced our hearts,
Also dat wij alle nicht vele mer konen spreken! so that all of us can hardly speak anymore!
Alle gij leuen vrunde, de gij hijr nu vmme staͤn, All you dear friends, who now are gathered here,
Latet juw vnses heren lydent to herten gaͤn! let the suffering of our Lord enter your hearts.
Wylle gij na dessem leuende myt vrowden syn, If you want to be joyful after this life,
So danket em vor desse grote sware pyn! then be thankful to him for this great and heavy pain!
Sancta Maria planctum istum cantat bis et eleuat brachia et plangit cum manibus et hoc quando pausat et tacet. St. Mary sings the following lament twice and raises her arms and mourns with her hands and then stops speaking and is silent:
Owy, owe, wat lydet nu myn herte? Alas, alas, what is my heart now suffering?
Owy, owe, dat lydet grote smerte! Alas, alas, it suffers great pain!
Owy, owe, myr ys rechte, so en swert Alas, alas, I feel as if a sword,
(Hic expandit manus.) (Here she extends her hands.)
Dorch myne zele vnde ok dorch myn herte vert! were piercing my soul and my heart!
O, owe, dat ys my nu beschert! Oh woe, that this has befallen me!
O, owe, schach my ny so leyde! Oh woe, nothing so painful ever happened to me!
Virgo Maria dicit vlterius ad populum: The Virgin Mary speaks further to the audience:
Nu schowet, gij salygen lude, Now behold, you blessed people,
Desse groten martere hude! the great torment happening today!
Van yamer vnde van smerte My heart has been cut into pieces
Dorchghesneden ys myn herte. by sorrow and by pain.
Hic tangit cor eius cum gladio dicens sic Here she touches his heart with the sword, saying:
Schowet, wo Symeonis grymmige douendige swert Behold how the grim and gruesome sword of Simeon
Dorch myne sele vnde ok dorch myn herte vert! pierces my soul and pierces my heart!
Gy saligen vrowen vnde man, You blessed women and men,
Latet juw dat seer to herten gan let this deeply enter your hearts
Vnde byddet den ryken got, and ask mighty God
Dat he juw behode vor alsodane not, to protect you from this peril
Dat gij an juwen kynden with your own children!
Nummer alsulken yamer vynden! so that you never know such pain
Mater Johannis ewangeliste cantat post hoc The mother of John the Evangelist then sings:
Ach, wo sere Oh, how much
Lydestu, here, you suffer, Lord,
Grote pyne great pain
Vmme de dynen, for your people,
Borne der barmeherticheyt! fountain of charity!
Ik wyl lauen I want to praise
Allen bauen above all,
Dyne gnade your grace
Vro vnde spade morning and night,
Alle tyt myt ynnicheyt. all the time with devotion.
Et dicit vlterius And she continues to speak:
Jhesu Criste, dyn grote herteleyt Jesus Christ, your great and heartfelt suffering,
Vnde Marien, de so drouich hijr vor vns steyt, and Mary, who stands so bereft before us,
Maket mennighem syne oghen rot. make many eyes red with tears.
Help vns, leue here, vth aller not! Deliver us, Lord, from all peril!
Troste myne leuen susteren Marien Comfort my dear sister Mary
Vnde ok, de nu vmme dy weynen vnde scrygen. and also those who are crying and wailing for your sake.
Hic vertit se ad populum beata virgo Maria Now the Blessed Virgin Mary turns to the audience:
Groter klage ys myr not; I must lament greatly:
Owe, leghe yk vor en dot! If only I could die in his place!
Schypper, vader ys he myn, He is my creator and my father,
Vnde yk syn gebarerin. and I gave birth to him.
Syne wunden dot myr we; His wounds cause me pain;
Myner klage ys noch mer, my lament is even greater,
Dattu herteleue trut because you, love of my heart,
Wedder my nicht machst werden lut! cannot speak a word to me!
(Vertit se ad filium.) (She turns to her son.)
Hertenkynt, nu troste mych, Child of my heart, now console me,
See my nu and vnde sprich, look at me and speak
Wente ik in den sweren sta because I am in peril
Vnde ok nicht weyt, wor yk gha! and I also don’t know where to turn!
Hic Maria virgo leuat oculos ad filium et dicit Here the Virgin Mary raises her gaze to her son and says:
Eya, herteleue kynt, mochtestu my doch tospreken! Alas, beloved child, if only you could speak to me!
Myn herte mot anders mydden entwey breken. Otherwise my heart may break in two.
Inspicit filium cantans She looks at her son and sings:
Spryk, leue kynt myn, an desser stund Speak, o dear child, in this hour
Vth dyner gotliken munt: from your divine mouth:
We schall myn trost werden who shall be my consolation
Hijr vppe desser erden? here upon this earth?
Et dicit And she speaks:
Eya moderlyke herte, Alas motherly heart,
Wat lydestu pyne vnde smerte! how you are suffering pain and anguish!
Ik see mynen leuen sone weynen: I see my dear son cry:
Ja were myn herte ok steynen, well, even if I had a heart of stone,
Id moste doch nu tobreken. it would break now.
Eya leue sone, kondestu spreken! Alas dear son, if you could speak!
(Inspicit filium.) (she looks at her son.)
Spryk my doch nu eyn wort to, Speak but one word to me now
Dat my jummer wol do now and that will sustain me
De wyle dat yk na dy leue! however long I live after you’re gone!
Hijr steyt Johannes, myn leue neue, Here stands John, my dear nephew,
De ys gar eyn drouich man; who is in complete despair;
O leue kynt, sprik, wat schole wij beyde angan? O beloved child, speak, what shall the two of us do?
Dominus Jhesus dicit hic ad matrem suam Lord Jesus speaks to his mother:
Vrowes name, do na myner lere: Lady, follow my instruction:
Weyne vnde scryge nicht so sere! Do not weep and wail so much!
Dyn grot weynent vnde scrygent Your great weeping and wailing
Myne bytter marter vornyget. causes my bitter suffering to begin anew.
Allent, dat an my nu wert gewraken, All the punishment that has been brought upon me
Dat hebben de propheten van my gespraken. was predicted by the prophets.
Et cantat sic And he sings thus:
Hely, Father,
Hely, Father
Lamazabathani? why have you forsaken me?
Dominus Jhesus dicit ricmum Lord Jesus says in rhyme:
Myn god, myn hemmelsche vader, see an myr! My God, my heavenly father, look at me!
Wes hestu my vorlaten hijr Why have you forsaken me here
In so bytterlyker swere, in more pain,
Meer den sandes heft dat mere? than the sea has sand?
Seet altomale an myk: All of you look at me once more:
Wart gy martere des ghelyk, were you, o my pain,
De yk vor den sunder nu lyde? the fate that I must now endure for the sinners?
My aller werlde wyde My whole world
Ys nu worden alto enghe. has now become so narrow.
Ach, myn not ys nu alto strenghe! Alas my suffering is now so severe!
Ik byn eyn worm vnde nenem mynschen gelijk, I am a worm and unlike any man,
Eyn spot der werlde bekenne yk myk. I confess that I am an object of derision for all the world.
Hemmelsche vader, my nicht vorlate, Heavenly father, do not forsake me,
Wente alle dynck staͤn an dynem rate! for all things happen according to your will!
Maria virgo respondet The Virgin Mary responds:
Nu hebbe ik volaren allent, dat yk haͤn, Now I have lost everything that I had
Vnde ok allent, dat yk gy gewan. and also everything that I ever gained.
My deyt not, dat yk drouich byn: It hurts me that I am sad:
O leue sone, wor schal dyne arme moder hin? O dear son, where shall your poor mother turn?
We helpet my, vnde we gift my raͤd Who will help me and who will give me counsel
Van alle den luden, de hijr vmme staͤt? of all the people who are gathered here?
O leue kynt, schal ik nicht myt dy steruen, Oh, dear child, if I am not able to die with you,
Men aldus yamerlyken vorderuen, but must fall into bitter ruin,
So bedenke, leue sone, myn arme elende leuent! consider, dear son, my poor, miserable life!
Myn lijf vnde myne zele hebbe yk dy ghegheuen. My body and my soul I have given to you.
Jhesus cantat et post hoc dicit ad matrem Jesus sings and afterwards speaks to his mother:
Mulier, ecce filius tuus! Woman, behold your son!
Werde magetvnde moder myn, Worthy maid and mother of mine,
Johannes schal dyn hoder syn, John shall be your guardian,
Hebbe ene tho eneme kynde accept him as a child
-- Id wyl sik nu anders nicht vynden -- —- there is no other way —-
Vnde lat dyn grote weynent syn: and stop your excessive weeping:
Dyn lydent ys my also grote pyn! your suffering also brings me great pain!
Dar vmme byn yk van dy gebaren, For that reason I am born of you,
Dat myne vrunde nicht werden loren. that my friends will not be lost.
(Sancta Maria plangit semel cum manibus, et Johannes apponit gladium Symeonis) (St. Mary gestures once with her hands in mourning and John picks up the sword of Simeon.)
Owy, owe der wesselingen schicht, Alas, alas, the evil deeds
De huten schut an mych! which are being done to me today by the moneylenders!
Seed, wo dyt scharpe swerd See how this sharp sword
Dorch myne zele verd! pierces my soul!
Et dicit eleuata facie ad filium And she speaks to her son with her face raised to look at him:
Leue kynt, mynem herten ys so banghe, Dear child, there is so much fear in my heart,
Vnde dat mot waren noch so lange, -- and it will endure,
Och mochte yk myt dy lyden den bytteren dot! oh, if only I could suffer bitter death with you!
Myn lydent ys nu mer wen to grot. My suffering has now become too great.
O alder leueste, yk mot nu van dy scheyden, Oh, most beloved, I must now leave you;
Sprek, leue kynt, we trostet nu vns beyden? speak, dear child, who will now console us both?
Johannes, leue oͤm myn, John, my dear nephew,
Ik wyl dy gerne horsam syn. I will gladly obey you.
Johannes, wij vorlesen an desser stund John, I must now leave
Jhesum Cristum, vnser hertenallerleuesten vrund. Jesus Christ, the friend dearest to our hearts.
Nota: Maria Magdalena et mater Johannis cantant vt prius planctum "O quam tristis et afflicta" sq. Note: Mary Magdalene and the mother of John sing the lamentation “Oh, how sad and afflicted”, etc. as they did before. Mater Johannis dicit "Ach, ach wo sere" vt prius -- The mother of John recites “Alas, alas, how greatly” as before.
Dominus Jhesus cantat et dicit ad Johannem Lord Jesus sings and speaks to John:
Ecce mater tua! Behold your mother!
Et dicit ad Johannem ricmum And he says to John in rhymes:
Johannes, junghere ghute, John, good man,
See nu an dyne leuen moter! behold your dear mother!
Ik mot nu van hynnen varen, I must now depart from here,
Dar vmme schaltu see wol vorwaren. therefore, you shall take good care of her.
Ik mot nu wedder keren I must now return
Tho mynem hemmelschen vader vnde heren; to my heavenly father and lord.
See schal nu wesen de moder dyn, She shall now be your mother.
Plech erer alse myn! Care for her as you did for me!
Johannes, do dorch dyne gote: John, for the sake of your god,
Nym se an dyne hode, take her into your care,
Troste se leflyken in erer not, console her lovingly in her misery,
Wan ik hebbe geleden den bytteren dot. because I have suffered bitter death.
Critical note: Jesus is both dead and speaking as if he is alive. This is typical for medieval depictions of the passion where Jesus regularly appears in death but points to his wounds as if he were alive.
Johannes respondet John responds:
Here vnde meyster, dat schal my ghetemen, Lord and master, that is fitting for me;
Ik wyl se gerne to my nemen I’ll happily take her with me
Vnde vor myne leuen moder vntfaͤn; and accept her as my dear mother;
Ik wyl se nummermer vorlaͤn. I will never leave her again.
Gherne wyl yk se nemen an myne hute. Gladly I will take her into my care.
Wat yk er ok kan doͤn to gute, Whatever good I can do for her,
Dat wil ik van herten gerne don de wyle dat ik leue. I will do it with an eager heart as long as I live.
O leue here god, nu gheue O beloved Lord God, now give
Vns beyden den dot, death to both of us
Wente yd ys vns warlyken not! because we are truly in peril!
Ach leyder, de spegel wyl vns entgaͤn, O woe, the mirror is escaping us,
Critical note: i.e. Jesus Christ.
Dar alle de werlt kan by bestaͤn! and through this the whole world may continue.
We kan nu syn trurent laͤn, Who can forget his suffering?
O hemmelsche god, van allen luden, de hijr vmme staͤn? O heavenly God, who of all the people who are gathered here can stop mourning now?
Jhesus cantat post hoc Jesus then sings:
Pater, dimitte eis! Father, forgive them!
Nu schal ok eyn ende syn Now there will be an end
Der groten, bytter marter myn. to my great bitter torment.
O hemmelsche vader, yk bydde dy, O heavenly father, I bid you,
An mynem ende twyde my: grant me this in my final hour:
Vorgiff nu ghanslyk completely forgive
Den, de my so yamerlyk those who so wretchedly
Myn leuent hebben ghenomen! took my life!
Dat ende mynes leuendes ys nu ghekomen. The end of my life has now come.
Jhesus cantat post hoc Jesus then sings:
Consummatum est. It is finished.
Aller proheten sproke synt nu vullenbracht, All the prophesies about the son of man
De van des mynschen sone gy worden bedacht. that were ever conceived by the prophets have now been fulfilled.
Dominus Jhesus clamat valida voce dicens Lord Jesus cries out with a loud voice:
In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum. Into your hands I commend my spirit.
Ik bevele an de hende dyn I commend into your hands
Mynen geyst, o hemmelsche vader myn! my spirit, O my heavenly father!
Sancta Maria audiens hoc cantat valida et lacrimabili voce prosternendo se ad terram, plangendo manibus St. Mary, listening to this, sings with a strong and tearful voice, while prostrating herself on the ground and making gestures of grief with her hands:
Owy, owe, nu ys he dot! Alas, alas, now he is dead.
Maria Magdalena statim leuat eam Mary Magdalene immediately helps her up.
Sta vp, junckfrowe Maria, vnde wende dynen moͤt! Stand up, Virgin Mary and take heart!
Dynes kyndes martere schal mennighen wesen guͤd. The torment of your child will benefit many.
Sancta Maria cantat secundo prosternendo se ad terram, plangendo St. Mary sings, prostrating herself on the ground a second time, lamenting:
Owy, owe, nu ys he dot! Alas, alas, now he is dead!
Mater Johannis statim leuat cam dicens The Mother of John immediately helps her up, saying:
Maria, leue suster myn, Mary, my dear sister,
Sta vp vnde lat dyngrote weynent syn! stand up and stop your excessing crying!
Dyn scrygent vnde ok dyn weynent Your wailing and your lamenting
Vntfarmen mach den harden steynen. could draw pity from the hardest stones.
Sancta Maria cantat tercio prosternendo se et plangendo manibus St. Mary sings and prostrates herself and makes gestures of grief with her hands:
Owy, owe, nu ys he dot! Alas, alas, now he is dead!
Johannes ewangelista dicit leuando eam John the Evangelist says, helping her up:
Maria, nuew moder vnde leue medder myn, Mary, my new mother and dear aunt,
Sta vp vnde lat dyn frote weynent syn! get up and stop your excessive crying!
Yd mach nu nicht anders wesen, -- There is no other path,
Is he dot, he mach wol wedder genesen. — if he is dead, he will surely rise again.
Sancta Maria plangit post hoc et vertit se ad populum Then St. Mary laments and turns to the audience:
Nu vornuwet sik myn not, Now my misery begins again
Den ik yamerlyken drage that I bear so bitterly
Vnde so klegeliken klage. and lament so deplorably.
Owe, wat heft he gedan?
Alas, what has he done?
Hedde gij em dat leuent laͤn If only you had let him live
Vnde genomen myr dat lijff! and taken my life!
Wat schal yk vyl arme wyff? what shall I, a poor woman, do?
Ik byn syner worden anych! I have lost him!
Johannes dicit John speaks:
Maria, nuwe moder vnde leue medder myn, Mary, my new mother and dear aunt,
Och lat dyn grote weynent syn! oh, stop your excessive crying!
Id mochte anders nicht wesen: It could not be any different!
He moste steruen, scholde de werlt ghenesen. He had to die for the world to be redeemed.
Sancta Maria cantat post hoc St. Mary then sings:
Owe, weer Oh, woe, who
Heft syn speer readied his lance,
Dar to bereydet, in order to part
Dat he dich you
Vnde mych and me
So yamerlyken scheydet? so wretchedly?
Johannes dicit ad hoc, tenens gladium in manibus John responds to this, holding the sword in his hands:
O Maria, dyn lydent ys alto grot, Oh, Mary, your suffering is so great
Id maket mennigem mynschen syne oghen rot. that it makes many eyes red with tears.
Johannes cantat post sicut prius "Maria, moder vnde maget reyne." Then John sings as before “Mary, mother and pure virgin”.
Sancta Maria cantat post hoc St. Mary then sings:
Nu ys ok weynent myr beschen, Now I must cry again,
Went yk synen dot moet seͤn, because I must watch the death of him
Den ik ane swere gaͤr whom I, mother and virgin,
Moder vnde maget gebaͤr. bore without any pain.
Jhesu Criste, leue kynt, ware mynsche vnde ware god, Jesus Christ, dear child, true man and true God,
Du bekennest, wo grot nu ys myner zelen not you know how great is the anguish of my soul
Vmme dat grote lydent dyn because of your great suffering
Vnde dat yk dyner moͤt anych syn. and because I had to lose you.
Maria Magdalena deuote plangit post hoc Mary Magdalene then laments piously:
De sune de lyt, The sun suffers, sun
De steyn toryt, the stones crack, stone
Dat laken splyt, -- the curtain tears, —the temple curtain
Wo we ys myk, How sad I am,
God, vmme dyk! God for you!
De yoden bekeren sik. The Jews convert, they change their hearts
De erde beuet, The earth shakes, earth
Myt herten vnde mund the dead live again. graves
An desser stund, With heart and mouth, in this hour,
O werde here, my dear Lord,
Wij dy danken nu so sere! we thank you greatly!
Jhesu Criste, Marien kynt, o ryke god,
Jesus Christ, child of Mary, o abundant God,
Wat lyde wij nu vumme dynen bytteren dot! how much we suffer now because of your bitter death!
O allerleueste, troste de armen kyndere dyn, O most beloved, now console your poor children,
Sunderges Marien, de leuen truten moder dyn! especially Mary, your dear beloved mother!
Sancta Maria plangit vlterius cantans St. Mary continues her lament, singing:
Owe, dot Alas, death
Dessen not you might be able to avert
Mochtestu wol wenden, his suffering
Woldestu van dyr if you would send
Hijr to myr
your messenger
Dynen baden senden! here to me!
Maria dicit [St.] Mary speaks:
Eya, eya moderlyke herte, Alas, alas, motherly heart,
Wat lydestu pyne vnde smerte how you are suffering pain and sorrow
Vmme Jhesum Cristum, den leuen sonen myn, for the sake of Jesus Christ, my dear son,
Wente yk mot nu syner anych syn! because I now much be without him!
Nota. Planctum sequentem beata virgo cantat bis, quia deuotissimus est, si fieri potest commodose. Note: If it is possible, the Blessed Virgin sings the following lament twice because it is most pious. In isto cantico, eciam in ricmo sequenti, sanctus Johannes tenet gladium Symeonis deuotissime flexis genubus in manibus suis directe ante beatam virginem, cum quo tribus vicibus tangit pectus euis deuote. During this song, and also during the following rhymes, St. John holds the sword of Simeon in his hands, kneeling most piously directly before the Blessed Virgin, and piously strikes his chest with it three times.
Symeonis grymmige swert, Grim sword of Simeon,
(Hic tangit primo. (Here he strikes himself for the first time.)
Du byst my vnvorborghen, you are revealed to me;
Du byst my lange vorbescherd, you have long been my destiny;
Des mot ik sere sorgen. I am distressed about that.
Hic tangit cor eius cum gladio dicens sic (Here he takes it [the sword] away.)
De sunne vorlust eren schyn, The sun stops shining
Alder werld gemeyne, all over the world;
De erde beuet, dar se licht, the earth shakes in its place
Ok klouen syk de steyne. and the stones break apart.
Dot, kum, nym vns beyden, Death, come, take both of us,
Dat ik nicht eyne so that I don’t
Van em enscheyde part from him, alone
So yamerliken! and in such misery.
Syn blot my nu rodet, His blood reddens me
(Tangit secundo.) (He strikes himself another time.)
Syn dot my nu dodet, his death deadens me
Syn not my nu nodet his sadness saddens me,
Myt em ghelyke. as is my fate.
Maria dicit vlterius ad populum Mary then speaks further to the audience:
O gij saligen lute, Oh, you blessed people,
Schowet dessen groten yamer hute behold today this great misery
An moder vnde an kynde! of mother and of child!
Seet, wo rechte swynde See, how quickly
(Hic tangit tercio.) (He strikes himself a third time.)
Symeonis scharpe douendyge swert Simeon’s sharp, grim sword
Dorch myne sele henne verd cuts through my soul
Vnde ok dorch myn bedrouede herte! and also through my grieving heart!
Desse bytterlyke smerte The prophecy of this bitter pain
Propheterede my her Symeon, was revealed to me by Simeon,
Do yk Jhesum Cristum mynen leuen soͤn when I brought my dear son
In den tempel godes brachte; Jesus Christ into God’s temple.
He sprak: o maget, nu wachte! He spoke: “Oh, virgin, take heed!
Du byst dynes modes nu so vro -- You are now so joyful —
Id schal noch komen also, it will come to pass
Dat eyn scharp swert schal treden that a sharp sword will cut
Dorch dyne sele vnde dyn kynd dar mede! through your soul and your child with it!
Maria Johannis ewangeliste plangit post hoc et cantat Mary, mother of John the Evangelist, then laments and sings:
O godes kynt, oh, child of God,
Wo blodich synt how bloody are
Alle de hilgen lede dyn! all your holy limbs!
Dat gift myneme herten pyn. That makes my heart ache.
O du aller hogeste gud, Oh, you highest goodness,
Ik nu sere beweynen mod I must now weep for
Dynen groten swaren dot! your cruel and terrible death!
Owy vnde owe ouer vnsen not! Alas and alack for our peril!
Gheleden heft den swaren dot Jesus Christ, our dear Lord,
Jhesus Cristus, vnse leue here. has suffered a cruel death.
Leuen kyndere, helpet vns mede weynen sere! Dear children, help us to weep!
Beter were wij vngeboren, TIt would be better if we had never been born,
Worde syn hilge lydent an vns vorloren. than that his suffering be wasted on us.
Sancta Maria cantat post hoc Then St. Mary sings:
Fflecte ramos, arbor alta, Bend your branches, tall tree
Densa laxa viscera, relax your broad limbs,
Et rigor lentescat ille, and may your native
Quem dedit natiuitas, stiffness relax,
Vt superni membra regis so that you may spread the limbs of the highest king
Miti tendas stipite! with a gentle trunk!
Sancta Maria dicit et inspicit crucem St. Mary speaks and looks at the cross:
O du eddele boͤm van hoger werde, O noble and worthy tree,
Boghe dy eyn kleyne to der erde, bow down to earth a little
Dat yk kussen moge den leuen sone myn! so that I can kiss my beloved son!
O wo drouych mot ik lange syn, Oh, how sad I will be for a long time
Dat ik synes nicht kan aflangen! since I can’t reach him!
O leue kynt, wo hoge bystu nu ghehangen! O dear child, how high you are hung now!
Ny quam creature in so grote not, No creature was ever in such great peril
Alse du, Jhesu Criste, o hemmelsche got! as you, Jesus Christ, o Heavenly God!
We kan dy des danken, o ryke godes kynt? How can I thank you, child of the Almighty God?
Troste my vnde alle, de nu vmme dy bedrouet synt! Console me and everyone who is wailing for you!
Johannes respondet John responds:
O eddele junckfrowe Maria vnde reyne maget, O noble and pure Virgin Mary,
Dyn herteleyt sy gode van hemmelryke geklaget! your heart’s sorrow shall be lamented to God in Heaven!
Vnse metelydent wyl sik nu ersten vornygen; Our communal suffering will now truly reveal itself;
Ik mot myt luder stempnen vth mynem herten scrygen with a loud voice from my heart
Vnde ropen myt dy in den hemmel, o Marie! I will cry with you into Heaven, o Mary!
Leuen vrundes, besuchtet vnde beweynet nu mede vnses heren dot, Dear friends, now consider and bewail with us our Lord’s death
Dat he juw behode vnde beware vor der ewygen helle noͤt! so that he might save and deliver you from the threat of eternal hell!
Johannes cantat et vertit se ad Mariam virginem John sings and turns to the Virgin Mary:
Maria, moder bystu myn, Mary, you are my mother
Jo byn ik de sone dyn. and thus I am your son.
Cristus myn meyster dy my bevalen hat, Christ, my master, has given you into my care
Went dyn heyl nu an myr stat. so that your wellbeing is now responsibility.
So lat, trud moder, dyn weynent! Therefore, dear mother, stop your wailing!
(Hic apprehendit manum beate virginis) (Here he takes the hand of the Virgin Mary)
Wo grot ys myn herteleyt, How great is my heart’s suffering
(Hic subtrahit.) (Here he lets go of it.):
Went ik see des yamers kleyt when I see the the noble virgin
An der werden junckfrowen schynen wearing a veil of sorrow
Myt so bytterlyken pynen! with such bitter pains!
Wultu doden my enen? Do you want to kill me?
God, here, meyster ys he myn, To me he is God, lord and master,
Jo byn ik de junger syn. thus I am his disciple.
He gaf dy to ener moder my, He gave you to me as my mother
Do toch he my to sone dy, and hence chose me to be your son
De wyle he leuede an deme crutze. while he was still alive on the cross.
Vp synen brusten yk vntsleep, I fell asleep on his chest,
Myn herte syne gotheyt grep: my heart yearned for his godhead.
Ik weyt, he ys van wyllen dot, I know that he dies willingly;
Myt wyllen let he de marter grot. willingly he suffered great torment.
Dat nym an dyn herte, sute! Take that to heart, sweet one!
Sulken trost han nu van myr: Take such consolation from me:
Ik wyl wesen eyn hoder dyn, I will be your protector
Wente my bevalen bist, because that is what I was ordered to do,
Vnde dyn heyl vorstoruen ist. and your happiness has died.
De prophecie ys vullenbracht: The prophecy is fulfilled,
He heft vorvullet des dodes macht. he has embraced the power of death.
(Hic apprehendit iterum manus) (Here he takes her hand again.)
Myt truwen yk dy meyne, And faithfully, I have to bid you,
So lat, trut moder, dyn weynent! dear mother, to stop crying.
Maria, medder vnde moder myn, Mary, my aunt and mother,
Och lat dyn grote weynent syn! stop your excessive crying!
Herteleue benedygede maget, Beloved of my heart, Blessed Virgin,
Hebbe eyn herte vnvorsaghet, be courageous in heart
Wente yd mochte nicht anders syn: because it could not have been any other way:
Dyn leue kynt moste lyden pyn your dear child had to suffer pain
Vor alle mynslyken kunne; beyond all human understanding;
Dar na schal yd myt wunne afterward he shall rise blissfully
Vpstan van dode vnde myt vrowden dy schynen from the dead and appear to you
Vnde alle den leuen jungeren synen; and all the disciples in joy.
Dat schuͤt an deme drudden dage. That will happen on the third day.
-- Lat, moder maget, dyne klage! -- Stop your lamentation, mother!
Dar negest schal he ok to hemmel varen After that, he shall ascend to Heaven
Myt synen groten hemmelschen scharen; together with his great heavenly host;
In synes hemmelschen vaders trone on his heavenly father’s throne
Blyuet he ewychliken schone. he blossoms in eternal beauty.
Sancta Maria respondet St. Mary responds:
O Johannes, dat grote vnschuldige lydent syn Oh, John, his great and innocent suffering
Wundet so sere lijff vnde sele myn, deeply wounds my body and soul,
Dat yk mot weynen vnde scrygen so that I must cry and wail
Vnde kan des ok nicht vortygen. and cannot refrain from it.
Planctus vltimus beate Marie, quem facit bina vice The last lamentation of Mary, which she does twice:
Johannes, nuwer sone myn, John, my new son,
Ik medder vnde moder dyn I am both your aunt and your mother,
Bydde: help my weynen, please, help me bewail
Vnde klagen Cristum den reynen, and lament the pure Christ,
Synt weynent ys nu worden tijd! since the time for lamentation has now come!
Dorch aller werlde myssedaet On account of all the world’s misdeeds,
De hemmel an drofnissen stat, Heaven is in a state of sorrow.
Steyne, erde van vruchten stoten syk Stones and earth tremble in misery
Vmme Cristus doͤt so bytterlyk. because of Christ’s bitter death.
Grote swere an mynem herten lyt. Great anguish befalls my heart.
Maria post hoc dicit lacrimabiliter, vt sequitur After that, Mary speaks tearfully as follows:
O wy vnde we, dat ik gy wart gheboren! Alas and alack that I ever was born!
Ik hebbe myn herteleue truten kynt vorloren! I have lost my dear beloved child!
Dat ys my afgemordet gaͤr, He has been taken away from me by murder,
Dat hanget hijr bleek vnde doͤtvaͤr! so that he hangs here bleak and deathly pale.
Leuen kyndere, ik byn van jammer also krank, Dear children, I am so sick from anguish
Dat my benomen ys de ganck! that I cannot move anymore.
Ik mach nu nicht mer gaͤn, I cannot walk
Ok nicht vp mynen voten staͤn. nor stand on my feet anymore.
Myn herte wyl van yammer tobreken, My heart wants to break from misery
Myn munt mach ok nicht mer spreken. and my mouth is no longer able to speak.
Johannes, lose nu af den doͤk doch, John, now loosen the cloth
Den yk em vmme synen hylgen syden sloͤch! that I bound around his hips!
Dar ys ynne dat hilge dure blot, It is stained with the holy blood
Dat vte synen depen wunden vlot. that flowed from his deep wounds.
Dat mochte noch vp desser erden That will become a consolation to
Mennigen mynschen to troste werden. many people in this world.
Hic Maria cadit ad terram præ nimio dolore, et Johannes soluit pannum leuansque matrem domini et dicit amicabiliter et consolatorie Here, Mary falls to the ground in unbearable pain, and John unties the cloth and, helping up the Mother of God, speaks sympathetically and consolingly:
Sta vp, Maria, mynes herten allerleueste trut, Get up, Mary, dearest friend of my heart,
Vnde troste doch dynen gar drouigen mot! and find comfort for your despair!
Dat ys des mynschen salicheyt eyn grot deyl, It is of great importance to mankind’s salvation
Dat gestoruen ys Jhesus Cristus, vnse gantze heyl. that Jesus Christ, our saviour, has died.
De mynsche moste syn vorloren, Mankind would have been lost,
Were vnse leue here van dy nicht geboren; if our beloved Lord had not been born of you.
Vmme vns armen wolde he mynsche werden: For the sake of us poor ones he desired to become human:
Dar to quam he vp erden for this he came to earth,
Nach der propheten sproke allermeyst, in perfect accordance with the prophet’s teachings,
Alse du suluen alderbest weyst. as you know well yourself.
He wolde den mynschen losen Because of his benevolence, he wanted to deliver
Vmme syne gude van der walt der bosen; mankind from the power of evil
Vnde ok vmme syne groten barmherticheyt and because of his great munificence
Heft he vordreuen vnse oͤlde leyt, he ended our old sorrow
Dat van vnsen ersten elderen quam, that was handed down to us by our first ancestors;
Alse vns de scrift secht, van Euen vnde van Adam. as scripture tells us, it came from Eve and Adam.
Dat he den dot ok gy gewan, Because he has died for this
Des scholen en louen sere vrowen vnde man. he shall be praised by women and men.
Reyne junckfrowe Maria, lat dyne klaghe! Pure Virgin Mary, end your lamentation!
He waͤrlik wyl vpstaͤn in deme drudden daghe: He will truly rise on the third day;
So schaltu en myt groten vrowden seen, thus you shall see him with joy greater
Meͤr den mynslik herte kan denken vnde gheen. than a human heart can think of or desire.
Dar an denke, o moder gute Think of this, o good mother,
Vnde ga myt my an myne hute! and go with me, in my care!
Du schalt wesen de leue moter myn, You shall be my dear mother;
Ik wyl dy alle tijd vnderdanich vnde horsam syn; I will be obedient and loyal to you for ever.
De junghere vnses heren scholen dat merken, The disciples of our Lord shall know it:
Dat ik dat bewysen wyl myt wyllen, myt worden vnde ok myt werken. I will prove it with my intention, words, and deeds.
Sancta Maria respondet voce lamcrimabili vltimo dicens St. Mary finally responds, speaking in a tearful voice:
Yohannes, myner leuen suster kynt, John, my dear sister’s child,
Wij altomale sere bedrouet synd, all of us are very sad,
Alse du wol west, vmme vnses leuen heren, mynes leuen kyndes doͤt. as you well know, because of our dear Lord’s and my dear child’s death.
Yk weyt dat wol, dat he desse marter grot I well know that he has suffer.
Gheleden heft vor alle de werld gemeyne. his torment for all the world
Hic vertit se ad filium Here she turns to her son:
O leue here Jhesu Criste, ik bevele my dy alleyne O dear Lord Jesus Christ, I commend myself to you alone
Vnde sunte Johanse, deme leuen junghere dyn; and to St. John, your dear disciple;
He mot nu vor dy myn kynt syn. he will now be my child in your place.
Van weynende vnde van suchtende kan ik nicht mer spreken, From wailing and from suffering I can no longer speak;
Myn arme herte wyl mydden entwey breken. my poor heart wants to break in half.
O Jhesu Criste, mynes herten allerleueste kynt, O Jesus Christ, dearest child of my heart,
Troste vns vnde alle, de nu vmme dy bedrouet synt! comfort us and everyone who is grieving for you!
Dyn hilge lydent mote vns syn to vromen, Your holy suffering might help us
Dat wij altomale moten in dat ewyge leuent komen! so that we, together, can gain eternal life
Johannes, leue truten sone myn, John, dear beloved son,
Ik wyl dy to allen tyden horsam vnde vnderdanich syn. I will be loyal and obedient to you forever.
Sanctus Johannes concludit post hoc planctum beate Marie virginis deuotissimum, dicens St John then concludes this very pious lamentation of the Blessed Virgin, saying:
O leuen vrundes, gij hebben gehort an dessem guden dage O dear friends, on this good day you have heard
Vnses heren lydent vnde vnser leuen vrowen klage! our Lord’s suffering and the lamentation of our dear lady!
Ere hilge lydent mote vns allen syn to vromen, Her holy suffering may help us all,
Dat wij altomale moten in dat ewyge leuent komen so that we may all gain eternal life
Vnde myt Marien mogen in deme hemmelryke and, together with Mary, we may behold in Heaven
Beschowen Jhesum Cristum vnsen leuen heren ewychlyken. our dear and eternal Lord Jesus Christ.
Dat vns dat altomale beschee, In order for that to happen for us all
So stat vp vnde gat sytten vppe juwe beyde knee, stand up and kneel down,
Spreket eyn pater noster myt ynnicheyt say the Lord’s prayer piously
Vnde ok aue Maria to juwer selen zalicheyt. and also an ave Maria for your salvation.
Ik bevele juw gode vnde sunte Marien. I commend you to God and St. Mary.
Dar mede wylle wij vnse klagent vortygen. With this we want to end our lamentations.
Post hoc vnusquisque ponit se ad genua cum omnibus circumstantibus deuote, et sanctus Johannes dicit collectam sequentem alta voce pro omnibus: Oremus! After this, everyone, together with all the bystanders, devoutly kneels, and in a loud voice, St. John recites the following offertory for everyone: Let us pray!
Interueniat pro nobis quesumus, domine Jhesu Criste, nunc et in hora mortis nostre apud tuam immensam clemenciam beatissima virgo Maria, cuius felicissimam animam in hora amare passionis tue gladius doloris pertransiuit! O Lord Jesus Christ, we beseech you that the blessed Virgin Mary, your mother, whose most holy soul was pierced by the sword of sorrow in the hour of your passion, may appeal for us to your clemency, now and at the hour of our death.
Critical note: Prayer taken from the Officium parvum de septem Doloribus B.V.M.
Coniunctim Together:
Beati Johannis apostoli tui et ewangeliste nos quesumus tibi votiua commendat oracio. cui moriens in cruce matrem virginem virgini commendasti. We beseech St. John, your apostle and our evangelist, to whom you, dying on the cross, have entrusted your mother, the virgin of virgins, Qui viuis et regnas cum deo patre in vnitate spiritus sancti, dues per omnia secula seculorum. to commit the offered prayer to you, who lives and reigns with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for all eternity.
Omnes dicunt All say:
Amen. Amen
Johannes ewangelista statim extendit manum suam et benedicens omnem populum cum eadem benedictione quam dicit sacerdos finito sermone. John the Evangelist immediately reaches out his hand and blesses all the people with the same benediction that the priest says at the end of a sermon.
Vltimo rector incipit psalmum "Tenebre face sunt", cum quo vadunt usque ad summum altare ordinate et deuote et simul omnes cantant vsque ad versum. Finally, the rector strikes up the psalm “Darkness fell,” to which all proceed in an orderly and devout manner to the high altar and sing together up until the verse. Quo finito omnes inclinant se ad gloriosissimum sacramentum humiliter. When this has ended, they all bow humbly to the glorious Sacrament. Post hoc vnusquisque vadit vias cum gratiarum actione. After this, everyone exits with displays of gratitude.
Nota: Quando exeunt primo, cantant psalmum sequens Note: When they first enter the stage, they sing the following psalm:
Circumdederunt me viri mendaces, sine causa flagellis ceciderunt me. Lying men surrounded me: without reason they beat me with whips;
Sed tu, domine defensor, vindica me! But you Lord, my defender, avenge me.
Dominus Jhesus solus cantat versum The Lord Jesus Christ alone sings the verse:
Quoniam tribulacio proxima est et non est, qui adiuvet. For tribulation is very near: for there is none to help me.
Quando intrant, cantant responsorium sequens When they exit the stage, they sing the following responsory:
Tenebre facte sunt, dum crucifixissent Jhesum Judei. Darkness fell when the Jews crucified Jesus
Et circa horam nonam exclamauit Jhesus voce magna: Deus meus, Deus meus, vt quid me dereliquisti? And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice:“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
Et inclinato capite tradidit spiritum. And he bowed his head and gave up the ghost.
Et sic est finis huius planctus. And this is the end of this lamentation.
Marienklage The Virgin Mary's Lament
Planctum istum facit beata virgo Maria cum quattor personis deuotis deuotissime bona sexta feria ante prandium in ecclesia ante chorum in loco aliquantaum eleuato vel extra ecclesiam, si bona est aura. Here begins the most devout lamentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in a compassionate and devout exposition.
Critical note: Here, the Latin “nota” is not easy to translate. Alternatively, it could be understood to mean “depiction” or “style”.
This lamentation is performed faithfully and very devoutly by the Blessed Virgin Mary together with four other characters before lunch on Good Friday, in the church in front of the choir or, if the
Critical note: In medieval monastic contexts, the “prandium” was, according to the Benedictine Rule, the principal meal of the day which the whole community gathered for around noon.
light is good, in a moderately raised place outside of the church.
Planctus iste non est ludus nec ludibrium, sed est planctus et fletus et pia compassio Marie virginis gloriose. This lamentation is neither a play nor a funny joke, but is a lamenting and a wailing and devout compassion for the glorious Virgin Mary. Et cuandocunque fit a bonis et deuotis hominibus, in genere siue in specie valde prouocat homines circumstantes ad pium fletum et ad compassionem, sicut facit sermo deuotus bona sexta feria de passione domini nostri Jhesu Cristi. And in general or in particular, whenever it is performed by good and devout people it will
Critical note: The Latin expression “in genere sive in specie” is a formulaic idiom. Here, it expresses that the described qualities and effects of the play do not only apply to this particular Middle Low German version, but to the genre of Marian lamentations in general.
strongly provoke the gathered people to piously cry and feel compassion, just as a devout Good Friday sermon on the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ does.
Si non potest fieri bona sexta feria commodose propter sermonem de passione domini, tunc beata virgo faciat istum planctum antea cum suis, sicut feria secunda post dominicam palmarum ante prandium. If, because of the sermon on the Lord’s passion, it is not possible to perform on Good Friday, at the time when the Blessed Virgin together with her confidantes once broke out into this lamentation, [it shall be performed] on the Monday of the Holy Week before lunch. Iste planctus fit commodose in duabus horis et media. This lamentation can be conveniently performed in two and a half hours. Et omnia, que tunc fiunt ab illis quinque personis, non debent fieri cum festinacione nec nimia mora, sed medio et bono modo. And everything which was once done by these five persons shall not be performed in a hurry or exaggeratedly slow, but medium-fast and in a good way. Ille, qui est Jhesus, est deuotus sacerdos. The actor playing Jesus is a devout priest. Maria iuuenis. Mary is a young man. Johannes ewangelista sacerdos. John the Evangelist is a priest. Maria Magdalena et mater Johannes ewangelista iuuenis. Mary Magdalene and the mother of John are young men. Jhesus debet se preparare cum casula rubra. Jesus must wear a red vestment. Johannes simili modo. John must do the same. Jhesus et Johannes debent habere dyademata de papiro; dyadema Jhesu habeat rubram crucem ante et retro. Jesus and John are wearing crowns made of paper; Jesus’ crown shows a red cross at the front and the back. Maria debet se preparare cum vestibus, sicut Maria Magdalena in nocte pasche. Mary must wear a garment like that of Mary Magdalene for the Easter vigil. Johannes habeat gladium de ligno cum vagina, quem tenet in manu, quum exit cum rigmo suo. John has a wooden sword with a sheath which he holds in his hand and with
Critical note: This reference points to a non-extant Easter play that the Augustinian monks of Bordesholm seem to have performed regularly. It shows how late medieval liturgical drama was far from being a singular event and in fact was deeply embedded into the rhythm of monastic life.
during his rhymed monologue.
Et Johannes debet sepius tangere cor Marie vel pectus eius. And John has to touch Mary’s heart or
Critical note: Latin “rigmus" is a technical term in medieval drama, denoting a rhymed and spoken (not sung) monologue.
chest seven times. And when he has performed his part, he immediately lays down the sword.
Critical note: Gramatically, the Latin „sepius“ makes no sense here. We assume that it is a scribal mistake or an abbreviation for „septimus“, referring to the seven sorrows of the Virgin Mary.
Et quum facit actum suum, statim deponit gladium. And when he has performed his part, he immediately lays down the sword. Iuuenis quidam bene vestitus potest postea lumbos crucifixi. Well-costumed young men may take away the sword together with the cloth of silk with which the Blessed Virgin before had covered the loins of the Crucified. Dominus Jhesus cum primo exit cum alijs quattuor personis, deuote portat crucem in manibus suis. In the beginning, the Lord Jesus enters the stage with the four other characters, devoutly carrying the cross in his hands. Et quum cantauit versum "Quoniam tribulacio proxima est", statim deponit crucem. And when he has sung the verse “For tribulation is near,” he immediately lays down the cross. Et quum faciunt planctum, dominus Jhesus debet habere crucifixum ante se. And when they perform the lamentation, the Lord Jesus must hold the cross in front of him. Et cuandocunque facit actum, tunc crucem deponit et intrudit crucifixum. And as soon as he has performed this act, he puts down the cross and rams the crucifix into the ground. Beata virgo stat a dextris Jhesu Cristi cum Maria Magdalena. Together with Mary Magdalene, the Blessed Virgin stands on the right side of Jesus. Johannes a sinistris cum matre sua. John and his mother stand on the left. Virgo Maria quum facit actum suum, vadit ad medium et aliquando vertit se ad filium ad orientum, aliquando ad occidentem, aliquando ad aquilones, aliquando ad meridiem cum gladio Symeonis, quem tenet beatus Johannes ante pectus eius. When the Virgin Mary performs her part, she steps into the center and at one point turns east towards her son, at one point to the west, at another point to the north, and at one point to the south and towards the sword of Simeon, which St. John holds to her chest. Aliquando beata virgo expandit brachia sua, aliquando leuat manus suas ad filium cum oculis: omnia cum moderamine. At one point, the Blessed Virgin reaches out her arms,
Critical note: Medieval churches are generally oriented to the east: Therefore, the altar, cross and choir are behind Mary (east), the nave with the audience is in front of her (west), John the Evangelist stands to her left (south) and north means right of her.
at another point she raises her hands and eyes to her son: all with moderation.
Quandocunque fecit actum suum, vadit at locum suum et stat a dextris. As soon as she has performed her part, she steps back to her place and stands on the right. Simili modo faciunt alij. The others do the same. Quum exeunt et quum intrant, faciunt tria paria: primo exit dominus Jhesus cum cruce cum Johanne ewangelista, post hos beata virgo cum Maria Magdalena, vltimo mater Johannes cum rectore, et ille incipit psalmum "Circumdederunt me viri mendaces" vsque ad locum preparatum. When they enter and exit the stage, they make up three pairs: first of all, the Lord Jesus
Critical note: Here, the use of Latin words is counterintuitive to English speakers: „exire“ means entering, „intrare“ exiting the stage.
enters with the cross and John the Evangelist, after them the Blessed Virgin and Mary Magdalene, finally the mother of John with the rector, who strikes up the psalm “Lying men surrounded me”
Critical note: The rector is the priest who leads the liturgical singing and recitations that take place during the play.
until [he reaches] a prepared place.
Ffinito psalmo dominus Jhesus cantat solus versum "Quoniam tribulacio proxima est" et vertit faciem ad occidentem semper. After the end of the psalm, Jesus alone sings the verse “For tribulation is near,” turns his face westwards and stays this way. Vnusquisque dicat rigmum suum cum deuocione plangendo in eadem et nota et dono discreto. Everyone recites his rhymed
Critical note: Jesus is facing the audience.
monologue mourning with devotion, in the same character and in a discreet tone of voice.
Critical note: Here, the sonorization typical for Middle Low German is reflected in the Latin spelling of the manuscript: „dono“ does not derive from „donum“ (meaning „gift“), but from „tonus“ (meaning „tone of voice,“ „note,“ „inflection“).
Quum Jhesus finiuit versum "Quoniam tribulacio", Johannes ewangelista statim dicit ad omnem populum plangendo: When Jesus has finished the verse “For tribulation is near,” John the Evangelist immediately turns to all the people and sorrowfully says:
Johannes ewangelista John the Evangelist:
Horet, gij salighen lude, Listen, you blessed people,
Vnde latet juw beduden, and let it be shown to you
Wo vnse leue here Jhesu Crist, how our dear Lord Jesus Christ,
De eyn schepper hemmels vnde eerden ist, Creator of Heaven and Earth,
Huden vmme vnsen wyllen heft geleden de marter grot, today suffered great torture for our sake,
Dar tho ok den bytteren dot! and, in addition to that, bitter death!
Horet ersten, wo vnse leue here an der tijt to completen Hear, first of all, how our dear Lord at the time of Compline
Vmme vnsen wyllen blodich sweet wolde sweten; sweated bloody sweat for our sake,
Dat he alwyllynges ok wolde gaͤn, and how he also went voluntarily
Dar en syne vygende wolden vaͤn; to where his enemies caught him,
Dat he Judam, synen valschen vrund, and how he kissed Judas, his disloyal friend,
Kussen wolde vor syne munt on the mouth,
Vnde valsklyken wolde vorraden werden, when he was about to be betrayed as treacherously
Alse gy eyn mynsche vp dusser erden. as any man who ever walked the earth.
De yoden, de he hadde van herten leeff, The Jews, whom he loved with all his heart,
Venghen ene alse eynen morder vnde deeff. took him captive as if he were a murderer or a thief.
He wart ok in den suluen stunden In the same hour,
Vor Annas ghetoghen vnde gebunden; he was also dragged before Annas and bound;
De beghunde en vmme syne lere tho vragen. he [Annas] began to question him about his teachings
Do wart he in syne hilgen wanghen geslagen. There he was struck on his holy cheeks.
Horet, wo vnse leue here in der nachtstunde Hear how our dear Lord on that night
Vmme vnsen wyllen wart gevangen vnde gebunden was taken captive and bound for our sake
Vnde wort vor byschop Cayphas getoghen! and was dragged before bishop Cayphas!
Dar wart he so rechte ouele beloghen: There he truly was basely slandered:
Syne vygende, de yoden, dar to rade gynghen, his enemies, the Jews, took counsel
Wo se ene mochten to deme dode bryngen. there about how they might put him to death.
Dar horde vnse leue here mennich smelyk word: There our dear Lord heard many scornful words:
Se staffeden syne werden hylgen bord, they insulted his worthy, holy birth,
Se seden, dat he nicht were godes kynd, they said that he wasn’t the son of God;
Also deger weren se vorblynd. that is how very blind they were.
Syne gotlyken ogen see vorbunden; They bound his godly eyes;
Alumme en de grymmighen yoden stunden all around him stood the grim Jews
Vnde hadden en vor enen doren who took him for a fool
Vnde slogen en to synen gotlyken oren. and struck him around his godly ears.
Se spreken smelyken: bystu Crist, They spoke mockingly: if you are Christ
So entrade, van weme du geslagen byst! then tell us who hit you!
Critical note: The literal meaning of “entrade” is “guess correctly”.
Se bespygeden syn gotlyke antlat, They spat on his godly countenance,
Se makeden dat vul vnreyne vnde nat, - they sullied and drenched it completely –
O leuen vrundes, wat groter smaheyt was em dat! O dear friends, what a terrible offence this was to him!
Horet, wo vnse leue here wart vor Pylatum gebracht! Hear, how our dear Lord was brought before Pilot!
Dar wart he so rechte ouele bedacht: There he was truly mistreated:
Se seden, dat vnse here were eyn droghenere they said that our Lord was a deceiver
Vnde lerede deme volke ok valsche lere. and also that he taught the people false teachings.
Pylatus sende vnsen heren hen to herodes; Pilot sent our Lord to Herod
De wart sere gevrowet des: who was very pleased about this:
He meͤnde, dat he were eyn toͤuerer he thought that he [our Lord] was a conjurer
Vnde ok der lude gokeler. and also a misleader of the people.
Herodes hadde gerne wunder van em geseen; Herod would have gladly seen some of his miracles;
Des enmochte em doch nicht bescheen. but that was not to happen for him.
He began vnsen heren vele to vraghen, He began to ask our Lord many questions
Vnde de yoden begunden ouer em sere to klaghen: and the Jews began to complain greatly about him;
Vnse here sweech al stylle vnde wolde em nicht berichten, and our Lord kept completely silent and would not tell him anything;
Do bespottede Herodes Jhesum Cristum myt alle synen knechten, then Herod, with all his men, mocked Jesus Christ.
He toͤch em eyn doͤren kleyt an He dressed him in a fool’s costume
Vnde let en also wedder to Pylatum gan. and sent him back to Pilot like that.
Dat leͤet vnse leue here myt groder dult Our dear Lord endured this with great patience
Vor vnse sundychlyken schult. for our guilty sins.
Horet, wo vnse leue here vmme vnse sunde Hear, how our beloved Lord was pitifully bound
Yamerliken vmme eyne zule wart gebunden! to a column for the sake of our sins!
Also mortlyken sere Thus was our dear,
Wart do geslagen vnse werde truten here, worthy Lord murderously beaten.
Lat an al synem lychamme nicht heles enbleeff No part of his body was left intact
Vnde syn dure bloͤd ouer alle syn leuent dreff. and his precious blood ran all over his living body.
Se vlechteden eyne scharpe doͤrne krone; They wove a sharp crown of thorns
De druckeden se an syn houet schone, and pressed it down upon his fair head
Dat syn hylge dure bloͤt so that his holy, precious blood
Ouer syn hilge antlat vloͤt. flowed down over his blessed countenance.
Dar worpen se vort ere vule spekelen an, They spat foully [upon him]
Critical note: Literally: they threw off their foul spit
Dat he wart gestalt alse eyn spyttels man. so that he looked like he was made of spit.
Se slogen syn hilge houet myt enem rore They beat his blessed head with a rod
Vnde belacheden Marien kynt alse enen doren; and laughed at Mary’s child as if he were a fool.
Se togen em eyn purpuren kleyt an vnde vyllen vp ere knee They dressed him in purple and fell to their knees:
Ghegrutet systu, der yoden koningh! hoͤnlyken spreken see. “Hail to you, King of the Jews!”, they said disdainfully.
Dar negest wart vnse leue here vor gherichte getogen After that our dear Lord was dragged before the court
Vnde menniger hande wijs valschlyken beloghen. and was treacherously slandered in many different ways.
Eyn valsch ordel wart ouer em gedaͤn, A false verdict was passed on him so
Dat me ene scholde an eyn krutze slaͤn. that they crucified an innocent man.
He droch synes sulues crutze vth der stat; He dragged his cross of beams out of the city.
Tho groter smaheyt schach em dat. It was a great disgrace that this happened to him.
Se hangeden en daran lyk enem mysdedegen deue. They hanged him on it like a scurrilous thief.
Do bewysede he vns syne groten leue, There he showed us his great love
In deme dat he vor syne vygende bat, by praying for his enemies;
Dar he af geleden hadde pyne vnde groten hat. there he had cast off pain and great hatred.
Syner drofnysse was noch vele mere: His suffering was yet even greater:
He leyt bynnenwendych alto grot herte swere, inside, he suffered great and unbearable anguish
Do he syne werden moder Marien when he heard his worthy mother Mary
Horde bytterlyken sere wenen vnde scrygen. very bitterly weeping and crying.
Dar weren ok twe moͤordere gevangen; Two murderers had also been caught; disgracefully,
Dar wart he smelyken twyschen gehanghen. he was hung between them.
Deme enen vorgaff he in der latesten stunde He forgave one of them in his final hour
Vmme eyne korte ruwe al syne sunde. after he had done brief penance for all his sins.
Vnse leue here rep ok eynen yamerlyken schrey: Our beloved Lord let out a woeful cry:
Hely, hely, lamazabathani! “Hely, hely, lamazbathani!”
Dat ys: myn got, myn got, worvmme hestu my vorgeten? That is to say: “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Critical note: Matthew 27:46
Do bespotteden en de yoden vnde dar entyegen repen: Then the Jews mocked him and shouted back at him:
Kum hijr nedder van deme crutze, bystu Crist, “Come down here from the cross if you are Christ
So wyl wij louen, dattu godes sone byst! then we will believe that you are God’s son!”
Dar negest eschede vnse leue here drynken; Thereafter our beloved Lord asked for a drink;
Do leten se em etyk vnde gallen schenken. then they had vinegar and gall brought to him.
Dar neghest sprak he: consummatum est! Thereafter he spoke: “it is finished!"
Critical note: “consummatum est”, John 19:30
Vnde ok: in dyne hende bevole ik, vader, mynen geyst! And also: “In your hands father, I command my spirit!”
Also leyt do den bytteren dot vnse leue here. Thus our lord suffered bitter death.
Ok wart syne hilghe syde doresteken myt enem spere; Thus his holy side was pierced with a lance;
Dar vloͤt vth water vnde blot. water and blood flowed out of it.
Dar sach me do an den creaturen yammer grot: Then the creatures were seen to suffer great sorrow:
De harden steyne toreten van synen pynen, The hard stones shattered for his pain,
Der sune let van groter droͤfnisse ere schynent, The sun stopped shining for great distress,
De erde began van grotem yammer to beuen, The earth began to quake for great sorrow,
De doden in den grauen begunden ok wedder to leuen. - The dead in the graves came back to life again.
Leue vrunde, gy hebben hort, wat leden het Jhesus Cristus vnse Dear friends, you have heard what our dear Lord Jesus Christ has suffered.
Nu wyl ik juw lesen noch vuste mere: Now I want to read much more to you:
Dat lydent sunte Marien, dat wyl wij hijr nu anheuen. We now want to start telling what St. Mary suffered.
God late juw so lange leuen, May God let you live so long
Dat dij syne hulde vordenen, - that you earn his grace,
Vnde helpet huden sunte Marien wenen! and, today, help to mourn St. Mary!
Betrachtet huten myt vlyte ere byttercheyt, Consider carefully today her bitterness
De se so swarlyken leyt that she suffered so deeply
Vmme eres leuen kyndes dot, for the death of her beloved child,
Dar he vns mede geloset heft vth aller not! by which he delivered us from all our misery!
Hijr vmme, gij vrowen vnde ok gij man, For that reason, all you women and men,
Latet juw ere lydent to herten gaͤn! let her suffering enter your heart!
Bewenet dat van herten ynnichliken, Lament this profoundly from the heart,
Dat gij mogen myt vrowden ewychlyken so that you can be joyfully and eternally
Myt gode vnde myt Marien wesen with God and with Mary
Vnde vor der ewygen helle genesen! and be saved from eternal Hell!
Dat vns dat allen beschee, For this, which is happening to all of us,
So gat sytten vp juwe knee, go down on your knees,
Spreket eyn Pater noster myt ynnicheyt say a heart-felt pater noster
Vnde ok Aue Maria to juwer selen salycheyt! and an Ave Maria for the salvation of your soul!
Johannes post Pater noster dicit ad omnem populum Following the paternoster, John says to all of the people:
Ghat sytten, gy leuen kynder, an dessen guden daghe, Be seated, dear children on this fine day,
Horet der reynen junckfrowen Marien weynent vnde klaghe! hear the weeping and lament of the pure virgin Mary!
Beata virgo Maria iucipit hic planctum suum dolorosissimum deuotissime. Psalmus: St. Virgin Mary here piously begins her most sorrowful lamentation. Psalm:
*Anxiatus est in me spiritus meus, *My spirit is afraid,
*In me turbatum est cor meum! *My heart is restless!
*Nu bedrouet sik myn geyst an mynem herten sere, *Now the spirit in my heart becomes very sad,
*Noch mer wen gy wyf gewan dorch mynes kyndes ere. *exceeding even what you, women, gained through my child’s honor.
Sancta Maria dicit et vertit se ad populum St. Mary speaks and turns toward the audience.
O aller barmhertigeste god, Oh most merciful God,
Wo grot ys myne klaghe vnde myn not how great is my lament and my suffering
Vmme Jhesus Cristum, den leuen sone myn! because of Jesus Christ, my beloved son!
Ik vruchte, he mot in groten noden syn. I fear he may be in great peril.
Ach woste yk, wor yk mochte Alas, if I only knew where I could
Ghan, dar yk ene sochte! go to search for him!
Dar gynge yk myt wyllen gerne hyn, Gladly and willingly I’d go there
Scholdet ok kosten dat leuent myn. even if it would cost my life.
Beata virgo cautat hoc The blessed virgin sings this:
Conturbata sunt omnia ossa mea, et anima mea turbata est valde. All my bones are disquieted, and my soul is in great turmoil.
Sancta Maria statim dicit ad Johannem: St. Mary immediately says to John:
Johannes, myn leue oͤm, wat mach dat beduden? John, my dear nephew, what may that mean?
Ghynnert synt gesammelt vele lude, Many people have gathered,
Se ropen lude und beren swar. they are grieving loudly and behaving sadly.
Eya nu gha myt my aldaͤr Come on, go there with me,
Laͤt vns beseen, wat see bedryuen! let us have a look at what they are doing!
Sanctus Johannes respondet St. John responds:
Neen, Maria leue medder wij moget leuer blyuen! No, dear mother Mary, we would rather stay here!
De yoden synt eres ouermodes also vil, The Jews are so full of arrogance,
Vor war ik dy dat saghen wyl. in truth I want to tell you this!
Se brochten sunte Peter darto in desser nacht, They made St. Peter this night,
Dat he synes heren vorsoͤk vnde syner macht; forsake his lord and his power;
Schege my armen manne ok also, if the same thing happened to me, a mere man,
Des worde yk nummer vro. I would never be happy again.
Sancta Maria respondit St. Mary responds:
Johannes, myn vil leue vrund, John, my very dear friend,
Twyde my an desser stund, listen to me at this hour
Vnde ga myt my aldar, and go with me there,
Wente yd ys dar mennich var! because there are many dangers!
Lat vns beseen, wat se bedryuen! Let us see what they are doing!
Ik wyl stede by dy blyuen; I will remain ever by your side;
Myt der warheyt schaltu dat beseen: in truth, you shall see this:
Ik wyl vaste staͤn vnde ok nicht van dy vleen I will remain steadfast and not leave your side.
Sume nicht! wij mogen nu nicht lenger stan. Don’t delay! Let’s not stay here any longer.
Sanctus Johannes respondet St. John responds:
Maria, leue medder, yk wyl gerne myt dy gaͤn. Mary, dear mother, I will gladly go with you.
Scholde yk ok darvmme lyn den bytteren dot, Even if I suffer a bitter death,
Ik vorlate dy nicht in desser groten not. I will not abandon you in this great peril.
Valde modicum transeunt, silicet, si est opus, usque ad medium circuli. Et sancta Maria statim incipit cantare Quickly they move over, if necessary; namely, up into middle of the circle. And St. Mary immediately begins to sing:
*Owe des ghandes, des yk gha *Alas that I walk
*Myt yamer vnde myt ruwen! *With pain and sorrow!
*Myn kynt an deme crutze steyt, *My child is standing with the cross,
*Myn leyt wil sik vornuwen. *My suffering begins again.
(Hic imponit gladium) (Here she picks up the sword)
*Owe, owy, owe *Alas, alas, alas
*Des gandes, des yk nu ghe! *That I must walk this path!
*Ik mot scrygen yummermer: *I must wail now and forever:
*Owe, owy, owe! *Alas, alas, alas!
*Bedrouet synt de synne myn, *My senses are defeated,
*Went de heylant ys in pyn, *because the Saviour is in pain
*De myn kynt ys vnde ok myn god *who is my child and also my God,
*Vnde der enghel sabaoth. *and the lord of angels.
Critical note: According to Lexer, “sabaoth” means king of kings.
*Owy, owe! *Alas, alas!
*Owe, leyder wat ik nu vynde *Alas, more painful still is what I see
*An mynem herten truwen kynde! *in the child dear to my heart!
(Hic deponit gladium) (Here she puts down the sword.)
*Wor schal ik arme maget blyuen? *Where shall I, poor maiden remain?
*Dot, kum her vnde my vorswynde! *Death, come here and claim me!
Sancta Maria extendit manum ad filium hic et dicit ad sanctum Johannes Here St. Mary extends her hand to her son and says to St. John:
See, Johannes leue oͤm, See, John, dear nephew,
Wat ys gehanget vor vns an den boͤm, what is hanging before us on the tree,
Ys yd eyn mynsche edder eyn worm? is it a man or a serpent?
Id wyndet sik in den neghelen vnde drift groten storm; It twists itself on the nails and is in the great throes of death;
Id mot in groten bytteren pynen syn. it must be in great and bitter pain.
Sanctus Johannes respondet plangendo St. John responds, mourning:
Owe, Maria, dat ys dat leue kynt dyn! Alas Mary, that is your beloved child!
See, wo yd gevyllet staͤt See, how he hangs there tormented
Vnde ok vp synem hilgen houede haͤt and around his holy head
Van scharpen doͤrne eyne krone! he has a crown of sharp thorns!
Dat hilge blot vlut ouer syn antlat schone, Holy blood flows over his lovely face
Ok ouer syne ogen bet in syne munt. Tand over his eyes and into his mouth.
O Maria, see, wo yd steyt gewund: O Mary, see how he hangs there tortured:
Dat mochte eynem stene entfarmen! that even a stone could be moved by it!
O leuen kyndere, helpet dat altomale bekarmen! O dear children, now all help to lament him!
Sancta Maria respondet: Saint Mary responds:
Owe, ys dat myn leue truten sone? Alas, is that my dear beloved son?
Ik wolde, dat syne scharpen dornekrone I wish that his sharp crown of thorns
Vp mynem houede sete an dessen stunden, sat on my head in this hour,
Vnde syne mennichualdigen depen wunden and his many deep wounds
Vor em weren an mynem lyue, were on my body
Vppe dat he mochte leuendich blyuen. instead of his so that he could stay alive.
Et cantat: And she sings:
*Owe, yamer vnde not! *Alas, pain and misery!
*Owe, mynes leuen kyndes dot, *Alas, the death of my dear child
*Den ik an herten drage *that I carry in my heart
*Vnde so yamerliken klaghe! *and lament so sorrowfully!
*Yo gha ik wedder vnde dort, *Now I go here and there,
*Noch entret hijr nemant vort, *and still no one here steps forward
*De desse martere beweynede! *to mourn this suffering!
*Owe, elende! *Alas, miserable ones!
(Hic plangit cum manibus.) (Now she gestures mournfully with her hands.)
*Owy, owe my huten vnde jummermer Alas, woe is me today and forevermore
*Vmme mynes kyndes doͤt! *because of my child’s death!
*Myn kummer ys so rechte grot. *My sorrow is so very great.
*Owy, owe! *Alas, woe is me!
Et dicit vlterius And continues:
Eya, moderlyke herte, Oh, motherly heart,
Wat lydestu pyne vnde smerte! how you are suffering misery and pain!
Dominus Jhesus dicit habens crucifixum ante se Holding the cross in front of him, Lord Jesus says:
Myn volk, wo seer hestu dy an my gewraken! My people, how much you have tormented me!
Ik hebbe dy doch nicht to leyde gedan edder gespraken? I didn’t do or say anything to harm you.
Myn volk, yk vorede dy ouer dat wylde meer My people, I lead you over the wild sea
Vnde vordruckede Pharaonis heer; and I swallowed Faroah’s army;
Ik reghende dy enghelsch brod I made the angels’ bread rain down
Yn der woͤstenyge to dyner noͤt: in the desert to relieve your hardship:
Darvmme hestu my ghevanghen this is why you captured me
Vnde darto an dat crutze gehanghen! and hung me on the cross!
De vosse hebben ere kulen, Foxes have their dens
Dar se ynne schulen, where they hide,
De vogele hebben ere neste, birds have their nests,
De heren hebben ere gheveste, - lords have their strongholds,
Des mynschen sone leyder nicht enhaͤt, -- the son of man sadly doesn’t have any place
Dar syn kranke houet ane staͤt. where his poor head may rest.
Owy vnde we, wart doch ny mynschen so we! Alas and alas, never did anyone suffer so much!
Sancta Maria cantat post hoc Then St. Mary sings:
*Ik horede enen roͤp: *I heard a cry:
*Dat ys mynt kynt Jhesus, de myr geschop *that is my child Jesus, who created me
*Vnde al de werlt gemeyne; *and all the world together;
*Des mot yk arme schrygen vnde weynen. *because of that I must weep and cry.
*Van Jherusalem gy vrowen, *You women of Jerusalem,
*Nu helpet huden schowen *now join me in watching
*Mynes leuen kyndes dot, *the death of my beloved child,
*Dat hyr hanget naket vnde blot! *who hangs here naked and stripped.
*Owy, owe! *Alas, alas!
Sancta Maria dicit post hoc ricmum After these rhymes, St. Mary says:
Ach wo grote pyne vnde smerte Oh, what great pain and sorrow
Lydet myn arm bedrouede herte my poor afflicted heart suffers
Vmme mynes leuen kyndes byttercheyt, Because of the torment of my dear child,
Dat in so groter not an deme hilgen crutze steyt! who hangs on the holt cross in such great misery!
Weren vnse herte ok van steynen, Even if our hearts were of stone,
Se mosten doch nu mede weynen. They would still have to weep with us.
Sancta Maria vertit se ad filias Jerusalem dicens vel cantans St. Mary turns to the daughters of Jerusalem, saying, or rather singing:
*Weynet gij truwen susteren myn, *Weep you loyal sisters of mine,
*Helpet my armen drouych syn *join me in my sadness
*Vnde klagen mynen not! *and lament my misery!
*Myn kummer ys worden grot *My grief has grown and grown
*Vmme mynes kyndes doͤt. *at the death of my child.
Et dicit vltra ad filias Jherusalem And she says, continuing, to the daughters of Jerusalem:
Gij leuen sustere, latet juw entbarmen You dear sisters,
Huden ouer my vyl armen! have pity today for poor me!
Seet an myne smerte vnde grote byttercheyt, Look at my pain and my great torment,
De yk an mynem herten drage vmme mynes kyndes leyt! that I carry in my heart because of my child’s suffering!
Sancta Maria Magdalena St. Mary Magdalene:
*O quantus luctus *Oh, what great grief
*Nobis est inductus *is laid upon us
*Pre hac tristicia! *by this sadness!
*Owe vns armen! *Alas, poor us!
*Got late sik irbarmen *God have mercy
*Ouer vnse grote leyt! *on our suffering!
Sancta Maria Magdalena vadit ad medium et dicit ricmum St. Mary Magdalene goes to the center and says in rhyme:
Owe, wo grote yamercheyt Alas, how great sorrow
Vns armen vrowen nu besteyt affects us poor women now
Dorch de bytteren martere vnses leuen heren, because of the bitter martyrdom of our dear Lord,
Den huten de yoden myt groten vneren whom today the Jews, with great dishonor,
Vnde myt vnschult hebben to deme dode bracht! put to death, an innocent man!
Eya, dyt ys wol eyn bedrouet dach, Oh, this is indeed a sorrowful day,
Dat wij ene vor vns hanghen seen! on which we see him hanging before us!
Wo mochte vns groter leyt bescheen! How could any greater sorrow befall us!
O leue here Jhesu Criste, wo gherne stoure yk vmme dy, O, beloved lord Jesus Christ, how gladly I would die in your place,
Wente van groten sunden hestu gheloset my. because you have delivered me from great sins.
Et cantat vlterius pro gratiarum actione And she continues in song, as an act of gratitude:
*Ghelauet systu, here Jhesu Crist, *Praise be unto you, lord Jesus Christ
*Went du also barmehertich byst, *because you are so merciful,
*Dattu dy yo wult irbarmen *that you show mercy
*Ouer my vyl armen! *to poor me!
*Du hest geloset my, *you have saved me;
*Des wyl yk jummer lauen dy. *for that I will always praise you.
Maria Magdalena dicit statim ad beatam virginem Mary Magdalene immediately says to the Blessed Virgin:
O Maria, eddele, reyne maghet, Oh Mary, noble and pure maiden,
Dyn grote lydent sij deme leuen gode gheklaghet. your great suffering shall be mourned before God.
Mater Johannis ewangeliste cantat post hoc Then the mother of John the Evangelist sings:
*Jam auctor lucis *Now the creator of light
*Nunc in ligno crucis *hangs constrained
*Stat in angustia. *on the wood of a cross.
*Nu sy wij myt sorgen *Now, today, we are
*Huten gar vorborgen *laden with troubles
*Vnde in der yamercheyt. *and in sorrow.
Mater Johannis dicit The mother of John says:
O wo grote not vnde smerte Oh what great misery and pain
Lyden nu vnse bedroueden herte, our saddened hearts suffer now
Wente wij Jhesum Cristum, der waren sunnen schyn, because we see Jesus Christ, the true light of the sun,
In groter yamercheyt vor vns hangen seen! hanging in front of us in great sorrow!
O leuen kyndere, bewenet nu vnses heren dot, Oh dear children, now weep for our lord’s death
Vppe dat he vns mote losen vth aller noͤt! so that he might deliver us from all hardship!
O leue here Jhesu Criste, mochte yk nu myt dy steruen O dear lord Jesus Christ, if I could die with you now,
Vnde also dyne hulde vorweruen, and with that procure your grace,
Ik sumede nicht bet tho morghen I would not wait until tomorrow
Vnde wolde dar ok nicht vore sorghen. and also would not think twice about it.
Maria, leue suster, dyn grote lydent vnde weynen Mary, dear sister, your great suffering and weeping
Mochte vntfarmen deme harden steyne. would move a hard stone to pity.
Sancta Maria vertit se ad populum et dicit St. Mary turns to the audience and says:
Ach wo grote pyne vnde smerte Oh, what great pain and sorrow
Lydet myn arme bedrouede herte my poor afflicted heart suffers
Vmme mynes leuen kyndes byttercheyt, Because of the torment of my dear child,
De in so groter not an deme hilgen crutze steyt! ho hangs on the holy cross in such great misery!
Weren vnse herte ok van steynen, Even if our hearts were of stone,
See mosten doch nu mede weynen. they would still have to weep with us.
Maria cantat Mary sings:
Vrunt Johannes, neue gute, Friend John, dear nephew,
Help my armen godes moter help me, poor mother of God
Klagen mynes kyndes leuent, to lament the life of my child
Dat deme dode ys gegeuen! who has been put to death!
O wat Cristus duldet Oh what Christ suffers,
Vnde an deme crutze sweuet hanging on the cross,
Gar al vnuorschuldt! free of guilt!
Sancta Maria ad filium suum benedictum dicit hoc et ad sanctum Johannem ewangelistam St. Mary says this to her blessed son and to St. John the Evangelist:
O wy vnde we, wo grot herteleyt Oh, alas and alack, what great heartache
Ys my armen bedroueden moder nu bereyt, now afflicts me, a poor wretched mother,
O leue kynt, vmme de bytteren marter dyn! O dear child, because of your bitter torment!
Hijr vmme, Johannes, leue neue myn, Therefore John, my dear nephew,
Help my armen moder beklagen vnde beweynen help this poor mother to lament and bewail
Jhesum Cristum den vyl reynen, Jesus Christ, in his purity
Den de yoden hebben gevanghen whom the Jews took captive
Vnde ok an dat hilge crutze ghehangen! and hanged on that holy cross!
Leue oͤm, lat dy dit to herten gaͤn, Dear nephew, let this enter your heart,
Wente he dy alle gud heft gedaͤn! Tbecause he has only done good things for you!
Sanctus Johannes cantat et vertit se ad populum Saint John sings and turns to the people:
Tristor et cuncti tristantur I am saddened and all are saddened
De tua tristicia; because of your misery;
[Omnes] Tecum lacrimantur, all are crying with you,
Eructant suspiria. they are breaking out in loud sighs.
Hic rubescit oculus, These eyes are becoming red,
Flet fidelis populus the faithful people cry
De Cristi mesticia. over Christ’s torments.
Maria, moder vnde maget reyne, Mary, mother and pure virgin,
Yk byn dyner suster kynt. I am your sister’s child.
Dyn grote scrygent vnde dyn weynent Your great crying and wailing
Klagen alle, de hijr synt. is lamented by all who are present.
Hijr wert vyl mennich oge rot Here many eyes are turning red
Vmme dynes kyndes dot, because of the death of your child
Dat hijr hanget ver vns blot. who hangs here in front of us naked.
Johannes vltra dicit ad Mariam, matrem Cristi John then says to Mary, mother of Christ:
Maria, leue medder, he scholde eyn steynen herte dragen, Mary, dear mother, he would have to have a heart of stone,
De dynes kyndes dot nicht kunde helpen beklagen; who could refrain from helping lament the death of your child.
Wart gy mynsche so steynen, Are you people made of stone
De nu myt vns nicht kunde weynen? that you cannot cry with us?
Maria, leue medder, we nu wyl rechte ouerdencken Mary, dear mother, the one who will now rightly consider
Vnde ok in syn herte sencken and take into his heart your crying,
Dyn weynent, den scrygent, dynes reynen herten not Tyour wailing, the grief of your pure heart
Vnde dynes leuen kyndes bytter dot, and the bitter death of your dead child,
De mot myt dy trurent han can share your sorrow
Vnde aller werlde valsche vrowde laͤn. and relinquish the false joy of all the world.
Sancta Maria Magdalena et mater Johannis ewangeliste simul cantat St. Mary Magdalene and the mother of John the Evangelist sing together:
O quam tristis et afflicta Oh, how sad and afflicted
Fuit illa benedicta was the blessed
Mater vnigeniti! mother of the incarnated!
Quis est homo, qui non fleret, Who is the man who does not cry,
Matrem Cristi si videret when he sees the mother of Christ
In tanto supplicio? in such great anguish?
Mater Johannis dicit ricmum The mother of John says in rhyme:
Ach, ach, wo sere lyde wy grote swere Alas, alas, how greatly we bear an immense burden
Vmme dy, o leue truten here! for your sake, oh dear beloved lord!
Sancta Maria cantat et vertit se ad occidentem St. Mary sings and turns to the west:
We helpet klagen myn grote leyt? Who will help lament my great pain?
Myn yamer de ys worden breyt. My sorrow has become immense.
Wo kan ik arme dat nu dragen, How can I, poor me, now bear that
Went yk in alle mynen dagen when, in all of my days,
Ny vornam sulke swere! I have never experienced such a burden!
Horen noch seen yk enkan; I can neither hear nor see:
So grot leyt ny wyf gewan, such great suffering no woman has ever endured
So yk arme nu dulde, as I - poor me - now do,
Went he steruet ane schulde; since he dies without guilt:
Dat komet van syner lere. that results from his teaching.
Hic Maria virgo inspicit filium et eleuat manus ita cantans: Here the Virgin Mary looks at her son and raises her hands, singing thus:
Trut sone myn, My beloved son,
De moder dyn your mother
An desser stunt at this hour
Vt herten grunt from the bottom of her heart
(Hic subtrahit manus.) (She lowers her hands.)
Dy byddet ynnichliken: prays fervently:
Giff my dynen dot Grant me death
In desser not! in my peril!
(Hic tangit pectus.) (She strikes her chest.)
Myn herte, brich, Break my heart,
Went ik see dich for I see you
Hangen so yamerlyken! hanging so wretchedly!
Hertenkynt, sprych, Child of my heart, speak,
Myn not ys so bytterlich! my sorrow is so bitter!
Hic Johannes capit gladium ambabus manibus, cum eo tangens virginis pectus genebus flexis. Et Maria cantat vlterius Here John grasps the sword with both hands and with it touches the chest of the kneeling Virgin. Mary continues, singing:
Trut sone wert, Beloved worthy son,
My geyt eyn swert a sword of misery
Van yamer dorch myn herte! pierces my heart!
(Hic vertit se ad occidentem et tangit pectus) (Here she raises her eyes to her son.)
Do vp dyne ogen, see my an, Raise your eyes, look at me,
Lose myner sorgen bant! release the binds of my suffering!
Trut sone, kynt, Beloved son, child,
Blodich dyne lede synt, your limbs are bloody,
Dat gift my grote smerte! that causes me great pain.
(Hic vertit se ad occidentum et tangit pectus.) (Here she turns her head and beats her breast.)
Brich, herte myn, brich, Break my heart, break,
Went yk hijr sta so bytterlich! since I stand her so wretchedly!
So enmach nemant trosten mych, Nothing may console me
Men de dot alleyne. but death alone
Ik bydde dy, dot, I beg you, death,
Kum, lose my vth desser not! come, release me from this grief!
My ys worden myn herte dot, My heart has died,
Ik enmach nicht mer weynen. I cannot cry anymore.
Eya valsche yodenkynt, Alas, duplicitous Jew-children,
(Hic vertit se ad aquilonem.) (Here she turns to the north.)
Wo synt gy myt synnen blynt, How could you be so senseless
Dat gy myn trut leue kynt as to destroy my dear beloved,
Aldus ane schult vorderuen! innocent child thus!
Wat han ik arme ju gedan, What have I, so wretched, done to you,
Dat gy myn leuent lan that you let my life continue
In so groter swere stan? in such great misery?
Yk wunsche myt em to steruen. I wish to die with him.
Hic Maria Magdalena et mater Johannis cantant secundo simul sicut prius canticum "O quam tristis et afflicta" s. et mater Johannis dicit ricmum "Ach ach, wo sere" vt prius Here Mary Magdalene and the mother of John sing together for the second time the earlier song “How sad and afflicted”. The mother of John says the rhyme “Alas, alas how greatly” Post hoc statim beata virgo Maria, si potest hoc commodose fieri. Immediately after this, the Blessed Virgin Mary, if it can be done conveniently, incipit secundo cum omni deuocione canticum "We helpet klagen myn grot leyt? Myn yamer de ys worden breyt" vt prius. begins for the second time with great devotion “Who will help to lament my great pain? My sorrow has become so immense" as before Et cantat ex integro cum omnibus gestibus sicut prius. and she sings with all her heart with all the gestures just as before. Sancta Maria quando finiat canticum istud secundo dicit ricmum When Saint Mary finishes this song for the second time, she says this rhyme:
Eya schone bouen alle schone Alas, beauty above all beauty,
Eya herteleue sone, alas, son, dear to my heart,
Wor ys dyne schone hengevaren? where has your beauty disappeared to?
Du werest de allerschoneste gebaren, You were the most beautiful child
De gy van moderlyue gebaren wart, ever born of a mother's womb,
Also wunnychlyck vnde tzart! so delightful and tender!
Dy weren dyne wanghen, Your cheeks were
Oft se myt rosen weren behanghen; as if they were garlanded with roses,
Dyn antlat scheen also de sunne, your face shone like the sun,
Dyn ogenblyk was also eyn vrolyk wunne. your gaze was joyful bliss.
>O leue sone Jhesu Crist, Oh, beloved son Jesus Christ,
Wo sere du nu gewundet byst! how terribly you are wounded now!
Dy synt dyne lede van blode rot, Your limbs are red with blood
Wentu an deme crutze lydest grote not. since you are suffering great anguish on the cross.
Eya, du valsche yoden deyt, Oh you false deed of the Jews,
Du werest dar sere to bereyt which was well built
Dattu myn leue kynt mochtest bevlecken! to stain my beloved child!
Ik wyl dat wedder bedecken: I want to cover him again:
Id schal nicht lengher naket stan, He shall not remain naked any longer,
Mynen doͤk wyl yk em vmme slaͤn, wrap my shawl around around him.
Wente yk arme moder Marie and I, poor mother Mary,
Eynen anderen doek wedder lye. will borrow another shawl later.
Sancta Maria accipit hic pannum de serico album, cum quo tegit lumbos crucifixi, quem iuuenis quidam tenet cum galdio Symeonis et statim subdit. Saint Mary takes a shawl of white silk and with it covers the loins of the Crucified, the young man takes it with the sword of Simeon and immediately pulls it down again.
Leuen kyndere, my ys grot not, day yk weyne. Dear children, my suffering is so great that I cry!
O Maria Magdalene, Oh Mary Magdalene,
O wat lydet nu dat leue kynd myn Oh how my dear child is now suffering,
Vnde ok de werde truten meyster dyn! and also your beloved and worthy master.
Maria Magdalena respondet Mary Magdalene replies:
Maria, aller junckfrowen eyn ere, Mary, glory of all virgins,
Ik bekenne wol, wat myn leue truten here I understand well what my dear beloved Lord suffers
Nu lydet vor vns allen; now before us all;
Ik mot van ruwen nedder vallen I cannot help but fall to the ground in pain
Vnde beweynen syne grot herteleyt. and lament his great and heartfelt sorrow.
O, wo he nu an deme crutze steyt! Oh, how he now hangs on the cross!
(Eleuat oculus) (she raises her eyes)
Eya Maria, neen mynslik herte Oh Mary, no human heart
Kan begrypen syn lydent vnde grote smerte! can understand his suffering and great pain!
O du valsche yodendeyt, Oh, you false deed of the Jews,
Du makest, dat yk mot syngen eyn klagheleyt! it is your fault, that I must sing a lament!
Maria plangit in medio circulo (Maria scilicet Magdalena)cantando vt sequitur Mary, that is to say, Mary Magdalene, mourns with song in the middle of the stage and continues:
Maria, moder, reyne schryn, Mary, mother, shrine of purity,
Dyn klagent wundet sere myn, your lamenting wounds me sorely,
Darto de pyn as does the pain
Des leuen truten heren myn! of my dear beloved Lord!
Here, wo grot ys nu dyn not! Lord, how great your misery is now!
Beweynen mot yk dynen dot. I must mourn your death.
Der gnaden sot The fountain of grace
Lyt den starken, swaren stot. is dealt a strong and heavy blow.
Ik laue dy, leue here, I praise you greatly, dear Lord,
An mynem herten sere in my heart,
Nu vnde jummermere; now and forever more.
Wo gud was dyne lere! How great were your teachings!
Des lyde yk grote swere, For this I endure great anguish,
Wor yk my henne kere, wherever I turn,
O koningk aller eren! o king of honour.
Maria Magdalena dicit Mary Magdalene says:
O du arme yodenkynt, Oh you poor Jew child,
Wo sere bystu nu vorblynt, how blind you are now,
Dattu mynem leuen truten heren that you bound and captured
Myt so groten vneren with such great dishonour
Ghebunden hefst vnde ghevanghen, my dear beloved Lord
Dartho in dat crutze ghehanghen! and hung him on the Cross!
O Maria, syn lydent heft vnse herte doͤrgesteken, Oh Mary, his suffering has pierced our hearts,
Also dat wij alle nicht vele mer konen spreken! so that all of us can hardly speak anymore!
Alle gij leuen vrunde, de gij hijr nu vmme staͤn, All you dear friends, who now are gathered here,
Latet juw vnses heren lydent to herten gaͤn! let the suffering of our Lord enter your hearts.
Wylle gij na dessem leuende myt vrowden syn, If you want to be joyful after this life,
So danket em vor desse grote sware pyn! then be thankful to him for this great and heavy pain!
Sancta Maria planctum istum cantat bis et eleuat brachia et plangit cum manibus et hoc quando pausat et tacet. St. Mary sings the following lament twice and raises her arms and mourns with her hands and then stops speaking and is silent:
Owy, owe, wat lydet nu myn herte? Alas, alas, what is my heart now suffering?
Owy, owe, dat lydet grote smerte! Alas, alas, it suffers great pain!
Owy, owe, myr ys rechte, so en swert Alas, alas, I feel as if a sword,
(Hic expandit manus.) (Here she extends her hands.)
Dorch myne zele vnde ok dorch myn herte vert! were piercing my soul and my heart!
O, owe, dat ys my nu beschert! Oh woe, that this has befallen me!
O, owe, schach my ny so leyde! Oh woe, nothing so painful ever happened to me!
Virgo Maria dicit vlterius ad populum: The Virgin Mary speaks further to the audience:
Nu schowet, gij salygen lude, Now behold, you blessed people,
Desse groten martere hude! the great torment happening today!
Van yamer vnde van smerte My heart has been cut into pieces
Dorchghesneden ys myn herte. by sorrow and by pain.
Hic tangit cor eius cum gladio dicens sic Here she touches his heart with the sword, saying:
Schowet, wo Symeonis grymmige douendige swert Behold how the grim and gruesome sword of Simeon
Dorch myne sele vnde ok dorch myn herte vert! pierces my soul and pierces my heart!
Gy saligen vrowen vnde man, You blessed women and men,
Latet juw dat seer to herten gan let this deeply enter your hearts
Vnde byddet den ryken got, and ask mighty God
Dat he juw behode vor alsodane not, to protect you from this peril
Dat gij an juwen kynden with your own children!
Nummer alsulken yamer vynden! so that you never know such pain
Mater Johannis ewangeliste cantat post hoc The mother of John the Evangelist then sings:
Ach, wo sere Oh, how much
Lydestu, here, you suffer, Lord,
Grote pyne great pain
Vmme de dynen, for your people,
Borne der barmeherticheyt! fountain of charity!
Ik wyl lauen I want to praise
Allen bauen above all,
Dyne gnade your grace
Vro vnde spade morning and night,
Alle tyt myt ynnicheyt. all the time with devotion.
Et dicit vlterius And she continues to speak:
Jhesu Criste, dyn grote herteleyt Jesus Christ, your great and heartfelt suffering,
Vnde Marien, de so drouich hijr vor vns steyt, and Mary, who stands so bereft before us,
Maket mennighem syne oghen rot. make many eyes red with tears.
Help vns, leue here, vth aller not! Deliver us, Lord, from all peril!
Troste myne leuen susteren Marien Comfort my dear sister Mary
Vnde ok, de nu vmme dy weynen vnde scrygen. and also those who are crying and wailing for your sake.
Hic vertit se ad populum beata virgo Maria Now the Blessed Virgin Mary turns to the audience:
Groter klage ys myr not; I must lament greatly:
Owe, leghe yk vor en dot! If only I could die in his place!
Schypper, vader ys he myn, He is my creator and my father,
Vnde yk syn gebarerin. and I gave birth to him.
Syne wunden dot myr we; His wounds cause me pain;
Myner klage ys noch mer, my lament is even greater,
Dattu herteleue trut because you, love of my heart,
Wedder my nicht machst werden lut! cannot speak a word to me!
(Vertit se ad filium.) (She turns to her son.)
Hertenkynt, nu troste mych, Child of my heart, now console me,
See my nu and vnde sprich, look at me and speak
Wente ik in den sweren sta because I am in peril
Vnde ok nicht weyt, wor yk gha! and I also don’t know where to turn!
Hic Maria virgo leuat oculos ad filium et dicit Here the Virgin Mary raises her gaze to her son and says:
Eya, herteleue kynt, mochtestu my doch tospreken! Alas, beloved child, if only you could speak to me!
Myn herte mot anders mydden entwey breken. Otherwise my heart may break in two.
Inspicit filium cantans She looks at her son and sings:
Spryk, leue kynt myn, an desser stund Speak, o dear child, in this hour
Vth dyner gotliken munt: from your divine mouth:
We schall myn trost werden who shall be my consolation
Hijr vppe desser erden? here upon this earth?
Et dicit And she speaks:
Eya moderlyke herte, Alas motherly heart,
Wat lydestu pyne vnde smerte! how you are suffering pain and anguish!
Ik see mynen leuen sone weynen: I see my dear son cry:
Ja were myn herte ok steynen, well, even if I had a heart of stone,
Id moste doch nu tobreken. it would break now.
Eya leue sone, kondestu spreken! Alas dear son, if you could speak!
(Inspicit filium.) (she looks at her son.)
Spryk my doch nu eyn wort to, Speak but one word to me now
Dat my jummer wol do now and that will sustain me
De wyle dat yk na dy leue! however long I live after you’re gone!
Hijr steyt Johannes, myn leue neue, Here stands John, my dear nephew,
De ys gar eyn drouich man; who is in complete despair;
O leue kynt, sprik, wat schole wij beyde angan? O beloved child, speak, what shall the two of us do?
Dominus Jhesus dicit hic ad matrem suam Lord Jesus speaks to his mother:
Vrowes name, do na myner lere: Lady, follow my instruction:
Weyne vnde scryge nicht so sere! Do not weep and wail so much!
Dyn grot weynent vnde scrygent Your great weeping and wailing
Myne bytter marter vornyget. causes my bitter suffering to begin anew.
Allent, dat an my nu wert gewraken, All the punishment that has been brought upon me
Dat hebben de propheten van my gespraken. was predicted by the prophets.
Et cantat sic And he sings thus:
Hely, Father,
Hely, Father
Lamazabathani? why have you forsaken me?
Dominus Jhesus dicit ricmum Lord Jesus says in rhyme:
Myn god, myn hemmelsche vader, see an myr! My God, my heavenly father, look at me!
Wes hestu my vorlaten hijr Why have you forsaken me here
In so bytterlyker swere, in more pain,
Meer den sandes heft dat mere? than the sea has sand?
Seet altomale an myk: All of you look at me once more:
Wart gy martere des ghelyk, were you, o my pain,
De yk vor den sunder nu lyde? the fate that I must now endure for the sinners?
My aller werlde wyde My whole world
Ys nu worden alto enghe. has now become so narrow.
Ach, myn not ys nu alto strenghe! Alas my suffering is now so severe!
Ik byn eyn worm vnde nenem mynschen gelijk, I am a worm and unlike any man,
Eyn spot der werlde bekenne yk myk. I confess that I am an object of derision for all the world.
Hemmelsche vader, my nicht vorlate, Heavenly father, do not forsake me,
Wente alle dynck staͤn an dynem rate! for all things happen according to your will!
Maria virgo respondet The Virgin Mary responds:
Nu hebbe ik volaren allent, dat yk haͤn, Now I have lost everything that I had
Vnde ok allent, dat yk gy gewan. and also everything that I ever gained.
My deyt not, dat yk drouich byn: It hurts me that I am sad:
O leue sone, wor schal dyne arme moder hin? O dear son, where shall your poor mother turn?
We helpet my, vnde we gift my raͤd Who will help me and who will give me counsel
Van alle den luden, de hijr vmme staͤt? of all the people who are gathered here?
O leue kynt, schal ik nicht myt dy steruen, Oh, dear child, if I am not able to die with you,
Men aldus yamerlyken vorderuen, but must fall into bitter ruin,
So bedenke, leue sone, myn arme elende leuent! consider, dear son, my poor, miserable life!
Myn lijf vnde myne zele hebbe yk dy ghegheuen. My body and my soul I have given to you.
Jhesus cantat et post hoc dicit ad matrem Jesus sings and afterwards speaks to his mother:
Mulier, ecce filius tuus! Woman, behold your son!
Werde magetvnde moder myn, Worthy maid and mother of mine,
Johannes schal dyn hoder syn, John shall be your guardian,
Hebbe ene tho eneme kynde accept him as a child
-- Id wyl sik nu anders nicht vynden -- —- there is no other way —-
Vnde lat dyn grote weynent syn: and stop your excessive weeping:
Dyn lydent ys my also grote pyn! your suffering also brings me great pain!
Dar vmme byn yk van dy gebaren, For that reason I am born of you,
Dat myne vrunde nicht werden loren. that my friends will not be lost.
(Sancta Maria plangit semel cum manibus, et Johannes apponit gladium Symeonis) (St. Mary gestures once with her hands in mourning and John picks up the sword of Simeon.)
Owy, owe der wesselingen schicht, Alas, alas, the evil deeds
De huten schut an mych! which are being done to me today by the moneylenders!
Seed, wo dyt scharpe swerd See how this sharp sword
Dorch myne zele verd! pierces my soul!
Et dicit eleuata facie ad filium And she speaks to her son with her face raised to look at him:
Leue kynt, mynem herten ys so banghe, Dear child, there is so much fear in my heart,
Vnde dat mot waren noch so lange, -- and it will endure,
Och mochte yk myt dy lyden den bytteren dot! oh, if only I could suffer bitter death with you!
Myn lydent ys nu mer wen to grot. My suffering has now become too great.
O alder leueste, yk mot nu van dy scheyden, Oh, most beloved, I must now leave you;
Sprek, leue kynt, we trostet nu vns beyden? speak, dear child, who will now console us both?
Johannes, leue oͤm myn, John, my dear nephew,
Ik wyl dy gerne horsam syn. I will gladly obey you.
Johannes, wij vorlesen an desser stund John, I must now leave
Jhesum Cristum, vnser hertenallerleuesten vrund. Jesus Christ, the friend dearest to our hearts.
Nota: Maria Magdalena et mater Johannis cantant vt prius planctum "O quam tristis et afflicta" sq. Note: Mary Magdalene and the mother of John sing the lamentation “Oh, how sad and afflicted”, etc. as they did before. Mater Johannis dicit "Ach, ach wo sere" vt prius -- The mother of John recites “Alas, alas, how greatly” as before.
Dominus Jhesus cantat et dicit ad Johannem Lord Jesus sings and speaks to John:
Ecce mater tua! Behold your mother!
Et dicit ad Johannem ricmum And he says to John in rhymes:
Johannes, junghere ghute, John, good man,
See nu an dyne leuen moter! behold your dear mother!
Ik mot nu van hynnen varen, I must now depart from here,
Dar vmme schaltu see wol vorwaren. therefore, you shall take good care of her.
Ik mot nu wedder keren I must now return
Tho mynem hemmelschen vader vnde heren; to my heavenly father and lord.
See schal nu wesen de moder dyn, She shall now be your mother.
Plech erer alse myn! Care for her as you did for me!
Johannes, do dorch dyne gote: John, for the sake of your god,
Nym se an dyne hode, take her into your care,
Troste se leflyken in erer not, console her lovingly in her misery,
Wan ik hebbe geleden den bytteren dot. because I have suffered bitter death.
Critical note: Jesus is both dead and speaking as if he is alive. This is typical for medieval depictions of the passion where Jesus regularly appears in death but points to his wounds as if he were alive.
Johannes respondet John responds:
Here vnde meyster, dat schal my ghetemen, Lord and master, that is fitting for me;
Ik wyl se gerne to my nemen I’ll happily take her with me
Vnde vor myne leuen moder vntfaͤn; and accept her as my dear mother;
Ik wyl se nummermer vorlaͤn. I will never leave her again.
Gherne wyl yk se nemen an myne hute. Gladly I will take her into my care.
Wat yk er ok kan doͤn to gute, Whatever good I can do for her,
Dat wil ik van herten gerne don de wyle dat ik leue. I will do it with an eager heart as long as I live.
O leue here god, nu gheue O beloved Lord God, now give
Vns beyden den dot, death to both of us
Wente yd ys vns warlyken not! because we are truly in peril!
Ach leyder, de spegel wyl vns entgaͤn, O woe, the mirror is escaping us,
Critical note: i.e. Jesus Christ.
Dar alle de werlt kan by bestaͤn! and through this the whole world may continue.
We kan nu syn trurent laͤn, Who can forget his suffering?
O hemmelsche god, van allen luden, de hijr vmme staͤn? O heavenly God, who of all the people who are gathered here can stop mourning now?
Jhesus cantat post hoc Jesus then sings:
Pater, dimitte eis! Father, forgive them!
Nu schal ok eyn ende syn Now there will be an end
Der groten, bytter marter myn. to my great bitter torment.
O hemmelsche vader, yk bydde dy, O heavenly father, I bid you,
An mynem ende twyde my: grant me this in my final hour:
Vorgiff nu ghanslyk completely forgive
Den, de my so yamerlyk those who so wretchedly
Myn leuent hebben ghenomen! took my life!
Dat ende mynes leuendes ys nu ghekomen. The end of my life has now come.
Jhesus cantat post hoc Jesus then sings:
Consummatum est. It is finished.
Aller proheten sproke synt nu vullenbracht, All the prophesies about the son of man
De van des mynschen sone gy worden bedacht. that were ever conceived by the prophets have now been fulfilled.
Dominus Jhesus clamat valida voce dicens Lord Jesus cries out with a loud voice:
In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum. Into your hands I commend my spirit.
Ik bevele an de hende dyn I commend into your hands
Mynen geyst, o hemmelsche vader myn! my spirit, O my heavenly father!
Sancta Maria audiens hoc cantat valida et lacrimabili voce prosternendo se ad terram, plangendo manibus St. Mary, listening to this, sings with a strong and tearful voice, while prostrating herself on the ground and making gestures of grief with her hands:
Owy, owe, nu ys he dot! Alas, alas, now he is dead.
Maria Magdalena statim leuat eam Mary Magdalene immediately helps her up.
Sta vp, junckfrowe Maria, vnde wende dynen moͤt! Stand up, Virgin Mary and take heart!
Dynes kyndes martere schal mennighen wesen guͤd. The torment of your child will benefit many.
Sancta Maria cantat secundo prosternendo se ad terram, plangendo St. Mary sings, prostrating herself on the ground a second time, lamenting:
Owy, owe, nu ys he dot! Alas, alas, now he is dead!
Mater Johannis statim leuat cam dicens The Mother of John immediately helps her up, saying:
Maria, leue suster myn, Mary, my dear sister,
Sta vp vnde lat dyngrote weynent syn! stand up and stop your excessing crying!
Dyn scrygent vnde ok dyn weynent Your wailing and your lamenting
Vntfarmen mach den harden steynen. could draw pity from the hardest stones.
Sancta Maria cantat tercio prosternendo se et plangendo manibus St. Mary sings and prostrates herself and makes gestures of grief with her hands:
Owy, owe, nu ys he dot! Alas, alas, now he is dead!
Johannes ewangelista dicit leuando eam John the Evangelist says, helping her up:
Maria, nuew moder vnde leue medder myn, Mary, my new mother and dear aunt,
Sta vp vnde lat dyn frote weynent syn! get up and stop your excessive crying!
Yd mach nu nicht anders wesen, -- There is no other path,
Is he dot, he mach wol wedder genesen. — if he is dead, he will surely rise again.
Sancta Maria plangit post hoc et vertit se ad populum Then St. Mary laments and turns to the audience:
Nu vornuwet sik myn not, Now my misery begins again
Den ik yamerlyken drage that I bear so bitterly
Vnde so klegeliken klage. and lament so deplorably.
Owe, wat heft he gedan?
Alas, what has he done?
Hedde gij em dat leuent laͤn If only you had let him live
Vnde genomen myr dat lijff! and taken my life!
Wat schal yk vyl arme wyff? what shall I, a poor woman, do?
Ik byn syner worden anych! I have lost him!
Johannes dicit John speaks:
Maria, nuwe moder vnde leue medder myn, Mary, my new mother and dear aunt,
Och lat dyn grote weynent syn! oh, stop your excessive crying!
Id mochte anders nicht wesen: It could not be any different!
He moste steruen, scholde de werlt ghenesen. He had to die for the world to be redeemed.
Sancta Maria cantat post hoc St. Mary then sings:
Owe, weer Oh, woe, who
Heft syn speer readied his lance,
Dar to bereydet, in order to part
Dat he dich you
Vnde mych and me
So yamerlyken scheydet? so wretchedly?
Johannes dicit ad hoc, tenens gladium in manibus John responds to this, holding the sword in his hands:
O Maria, dyn lydent ys alto grot, Oh, Mary, your suffering is so great
Id maket mennigem mynschen syne oghen rot. that it makes many eyes red with tears.
Johannes cantat post sicut prius "Maria, moder vnde maget reyne." Then John sings as before “Mary, mother and pure virgin”.
Sancta Maria cantat post hoc St. Mary then sings:
Nu ys ok weynent myr beschen, Now I must cry again,
Went yk synen dot moet seͤn, because I must watch the death of him
Den ik ane swere gaͤr whom I, mother and virgin,
Moder vnde maget gebaͤr. bore without any pain.
Jhesu Criste, leue kynt, ware mynsche vnde ware god, Jesus Christ, dear child, true man and true God,
Du bekennest, wo grot nu ys myner zelen not you know how great is the anguish of my soul
Vmme dat grote lydent dyn because of your great suffering
Vnde dat yk dyner moͤt anych syn. and because I had to lose you.
Maria Magdalena deuote plangit post hoc Mary Magdalene then laments piously:
De sune de lyt, The sun suffers, sun
De steyn toryt, the stones crack, stone
Dat laken splyt, -- the curtain tears, —the temple curtain
Wo we ys myk, How sad I am,
God, vmme dyk! God for you!
De yoden bekeren sik. The Jews convert, they change their hearts
De erde beuet, The earth shakes, earth
Myt herten vnde mund the dead live again. graves
An desser stund, With heart and mouth, in this hour,
O werde here, my dear Lord,
Wij dy danken nu so sere! we thank you greatly!
Jhesu Criste, Marien kynt, o ryke god,
Jesus Christ, child of Mary, o abundant God,
Wat lyde wij nu vumme dynen bytteren dot! how much we suffer now because of your bitter death!
O allerleueste, troste de armen kyndere dyn, O most beloved, now console your poor children,
Sunderges Marien, de leuen truten moder dyn! especially Mary, your dear beloved mother!
Sancta Maria plangit vlterius cantans St. Mary continues her lament, singing:
Owe, dot Alas, death
Dessen not you might be able to avert
Mochtestu wol wenden, his suffering
Woldestu van dyr if you would send
Hijr to myr
your messenger
Dynen baden senden! here to me!
Maria dicit [St.] Mary speaks:
Eya, eya moderlyke herte, Alas, alas, motherly heart,
Wat lydestu pyne vnde smerte how you are suffering pain and sorrow
Vmme Jhesum Cristum, den leuen sonen myn, for the sake of Jesus Christ, my dear son,
Wente yk mot nu syner anych syn! because I now much be without him!
Nota. Planctum sequentem beata virgo cantat bis, quia deuotissimus est, si fieri potest commodose. Note: If it is possible, the Blessed Virgin sings the following lament twice because it is most pious. In isto cantico, eciam in ricmo sequenti, sanctus Johannes tenet gladium Symeonis deuotissime flexis genubus in manibus suis directe ante beatam virginem, cum quo tribus vicibus tangit pectus euis deuote. During this song, and also during the following rhymes, St. John holds the sword of Simeon in his hands, kneeling most piously directly before the Blessed Virgin, and piously strikes his chest with it three times.
Symeonis grymmige swert, Grim sword of Simeon,
(Hic tangit primo. (Here he strikes himself for the first time.)
Du byst my vnvorborghen, you are revealed to me;
Du byst my lange vorbescherd, you have long been my destiny;
Des mot ik sere sorgen. I am distressed about that.
Hic tangit cor eius cum gladio dicens sic (Here he takes it [the sword] away.)
De sunne vorlust eren schyn, The sun stops shining
Alder werld gemeyne, all over the world;
De erde beuet, dar se licht, the earth shakes in its place
Ok klouen syk de steyne. and the stones break apart.
Dot, kum, nym vns beyden, Death, come, take both of us,
Dat ik nicht eyne so that I don’t
Van em enscheyde part from him, alone
So yamerliken! and in such misery.
Syn blot my nu rodet, His blood reddens me
(Tangit secundo.) (He strikes himself another time.)
Syn dot my nu dodet, his death deadens me
Syn not my nu nodet his sadness saddens me,
Myt em ghelyke. as is my fate.
Maria dicit vlterius ad populum Mary then speaks further to the audience:
O gij saligen lute, Oh, you blessed people,
Schowet dessen groten yamer hute behold today this great misery
An moder vnde an kynde! of mother and of child!
Seet, wo rechte swynde See, how quickly
(Hic tangit tercio.) (He strikes himself a third time.)
Symeonis scharpe douendyge swert Simeon’s sharp, grim sword
Dorch myne sele henne verd cuts through my soul
Vnde ok dorch myn bedrouede herte! and also through my grieving heart!
Desse bytterlyke smerte The prophecy of this bitter pain
Propheterede my her Symeon, was revealed to me by Simeon,
Do yk Jhesum Cristum mynen leuen soͤn when I brought my dear son
In den tempel godes brachte; Jesus Christ into God’s temple.
He sprak: o maget, nu wachte! He spoke: “Oh, virgin, take heed!
Du byst dynes modes nu so vro -- You are now so joyful —
Id schal noch komen also, it will come to pass
Dat eyn scharp swert schal treden that a sharp sword will cut
Dorch dyne sele vnde dyn kynd dar mede! through your soul and your child with it!
Maria Johannis ewangeliste plangit post hoc et cantat Mary, mother of John the Evangelist, then laments and sings:
O godes kynt, oh, child of God,
Wo blodich synt how bloody are
Alle de hilgen lede dyn! all your holy limbs!
Dat gift myneme herten pyn. That makes my heart ache.
O du aller hogeste gud, Oh, you highest goodness,
Ik nu sere beweynen mod I must now weep for
Dynen groten swaren dot! your cruel and terrible death!
Owy vnde owe ouer vnsen not! Alas and alack for our peril!
Gheleden heft den swaren dot Jesus Christ, our dear Lord,
Jhesus Cristus, vnse leue here. has suffered a cruel death.
Leuen kyndere, helpet vns mede weynen sere! Dear children, help us to weep!
Beter were wij vngeboren, TIt would be better if we had never been born,
Worde syn hilge lydent an vns vorloren. than that his suffering be wasted on us.
Sancta Maria cantat post hoc Then St. Mary sings:
Fflecte ramos, arbor alta, Bend your branches, tall tree
Densa laxa viscera, relax your broad limbs,
Et rigor lentescat ille, and may your native
Quem dedit natiuitas, stiffness relax,
Vt superni membra regis so that you may spread the limbs of the highest king
Miti tendas stipite! with a gentle trunk!
Sancta Maria dicit et inspicit crucem St. Mary speaks and looks at the cross:
O du eddele boͤm van hoger werde, O noble and worthy tree,
Boghe dy eyn kleyne to der erde, bow down to earth a little
Dat yk kussen moge den leuen sone myn! so that I can kiss my beloved son!
O wo drouych mot ik lange syn, Oh, how sad I will be for a long time
Dat ik synes nicht kan aflangen! since I can’t reach him!
O leue kynt, wo hoge bystu nu ghehangen! O dear child, how high you are hung now!
Ny quam creature in so grote not, No creature was ever in such great peril
Alse du, Jhesu Criste, o hemmelsche got! as you, Jesus Christ, o Heavenly God!
We kan dy des danken, o ryke godes kynt? How can I thank you, child of the Almighty God?
Troste my vnde alle, de nu vmme dy bedrouet synt! Console me and everyone who is wailing for you!
Johannes respondet John responds:
O eddele junckfrowe Maria vnde reyne maget, O noble and pure Virgin Mary,
Dyn herteleyt sy gode van hemmelryke geklaget! your heart’s sorrow shall be lamented to God in Heaven!
Vnse metelydent wyl sik nu ersten vornygen; Our communal suffering will now truly reveal itself;
Ik mot myt luder stempnen vth mynem herten scrygen with a loud voice from my heart
Vnde ropen myt dy in den hemmel, o Marie! I will cry with you into Heaven, o Mary!
Leuen vrundes, besuchtet vnde beweynet nu mede vnses heren dot, Dear friends, now consider and bewail with us our Lord’s death
Dat he juw behode vnde beware vor der ewygen helle noͤt! so that he might save and deliver you from the threat of eternal hell!
Johannes cantat et vertit se ad Mariam virginem John sings and turns to the Virgin Mary:
Maria, moder bystu myn, Mary, you are my mother
Jo byn ik de sone dyn. and thus I am your son.
Cristus myn meyster dy my bevalen hat, Christ, my master, has given you into my care
Went dyn heyl nu an myr stat. so that your wellbeing is now responsibility.
So lat, trud moder, dyn weynent! Therefore, dear mother, stop your wailing!
(Hic apprehendit manum beate virginis) (Here he takes the hand of the Virgin Mary)
Wo grot ys myn herteleyt, How great is my heart’s suffering
(Hic subtrahit.) (Here he lets go of it.):
Went ik see des yamers kleyt when I see the the noble virgin
An der werden junckfrowen schynen wearing a veil of sorrow
Myt so bytterlyken pynen! with such bitter pains!
Wultu doden my enen? Do you want to kill me?
God, here, meyster ys he myn, To me he is God, lord and master,
Jo byn ik de junger syn. thus I am his disciple.
He gaf dy to ener moder my, He gave you to me as my mother
Do toch he my to sone dy, and hence chose me to be your son
De wyle he leuede an deme crutze. while he was still alive on the cross.
Vp synen brusten yk vntsleep, I fell asleep on his chest,
Myn herte syne gotheyt grep: my heart yearned for his godhead.
Ik weyt, he ys van wyllen dot, I know that he dies willingly;
Myt wyllen let he de marter grot. willingly he suffered great torment.
Dat nym an dyn herte, sute! Take that to heart, sweet one!
Sulken trost han nu van myr: Take such consolation from me:
Ik wyl wesen eyn hoder dyn, I will be your protector
Wente my bevalen bist, because that is what I was ordered to do,
Vnde dyn heyl vorstoruen ist. and your happiness has died.
De prophecie ys vullenbracht: The prophecy is fulfilled,
He heft vorvullet des dodes macht. he has embraced the power of death.
(Hic apprehendit iterum manus) (Here he takes her hand again.)
Myt truwen yk dy meyne, And faithfully, I have to bid you,
So lat, trut moder, dyn weynent! dear mother, to stop crying.
Maria, medder vnde moder myn, Mary, my aunt and mother,
Och lat dyn grote weynent syn! stop your excessive crying!
Herteleue benedygede maget, Beloved of my heart, Blessed Virgin,
Hebbe eyn herte vnvorsaghet, be courageous in heart
Wente yd mochte nicht anders syn: because it could not have been any other way:
Dyn leue kynt moste lyden pyn your dear child had to suffer pain
Vor alle mynslyken kunne; beyond all human understanding;
Dar na schal yd myt wunne afterward he shall rise blissfully
Vpstan van dode vnde myt vrowden dy schynen from the dead and appear to you
Vnde alle den leuen jungeren synen; and all the disciples in joy.
Dat schuͤt an deme drudden dage. That will happen on the third day.
-- Lat, moder maget, dyne klage! -- Stop your lamentation, mother!
Dar negest schal he ok to hemmel varen After that, he shall ascend to Heaven
Myt synen groten hemmelschen scharen; together with his great heavenly host;
In synes hemmelschen vaders trone on his heavenly father’s throne
Blyuet he ewychliken schone. he blossoms in eternal beauty.
Sancta Maria respondet St. Mary responds:
O Johannes, dat grote vnschuldige lydent syn Oh, John, his great and innocent suffering
Wundet so sere lijff vnde sele myn, deeply wounds my body and soul,
Dat yk mot weynen vnde scrygen so that I must cry and wail
Vnde kan des ok nicht vortygen. and cannot refrain from it.
Planctus vltimus beate Marie, quem facit bina vice The last lamentation of Mary, which she does twice:
Johannes, nuwer sone myn, John, my new son,
Ik medder vnde moder dyn I am both your aunt and your mother,
Bydde: help my weynen, please, help me bewail
Vnde klagen Cristum den reynen, and lament the pure Christ,
Synt weynent ys nu worden tijd! since the time for lamentation has now come!
Dorch aller werlde myssedaet On account of all the world’s misdeeds,
De hemmel an drofnissen stat, Heaven is in a state of sorrow.
Steyne, erde van vruchten stoten syk Stones and earth tremble in misery
Vmme Cristus doͤt so bytterlyk. because of Christ’s bitter death.
Grote swere an mynem herten lyt. Great anguish befalls my heart.
Maria post hoc dicit lacrimabiliter, vt sequitur After that, Mary speaks tearfully as follows:
O wy vnde we, dat ik gy wart gheboren! Alas and alack that I ever was born!
Ik hebbe myn herteleue truten kynt vorloren! I have lost my dear beloved child!
Dat ys my afgemordet gaͤr, He has been taken away from me by murder,
Dat hanget hijr bleek vnde doͤtvaͤr! so that he hangs here bleak and deathly pale.
Leuen kyndere, ik byn van jammer also krank, Dear children, I am so sick from anguish
Dat my benomen ys de ganck! that I cannot move anymore.
Ik mach nu nicht mer gaͤn, I cannot walk
Ok nicht vp mynen voten staͤn. nor stand on my feet anymore.
Myn herte wyl van yammer tobreken, My heart wants to break from misery
Myn munt mach ok nicht mer spreken. and my mouth is no longer able to speak.
Johannes, lose nu af den doͤk doch, John, now loosen the cloth
Den yk em vmme synen hylgen syden sloͤch! that I bound around his hips!
Dar ys ynne dat hilge dure blot, It is stained with the holy blood
Dat vte synen depen wunden vlot. that flowed from his deep wounds.
Dat mochte noch vp desser erden That will become a consolation to
Mennigen mynschen to troste werden. many people in this world.
Hic Maria cadit ad terram præ nimio dolore, et Johannes soluit pannum leuansque matrem domini et dicit amicabiliter et consolatorie Here, Mary falls to the ground in unbearable pain, and John unties the cloth and, helping up the Mother of God, speaks sympathetically and consolingly:
Sta vp, Maria, mynes herten allerleueste trut, Get up, Mary, dearest friend of my heart,
Vnde troste doch dynen gar drouigen mot! and find comfort for your despair!
Dat ys des mynschen salicheyt eyn grot deyl, It is of great importance to mankind’s salvation
Dat gestoruen ys Jhesus Cristus, vnse gantze heyl. that Jesus Christ, our saviour, has died.
De mynsche moste syn vorloren, Mankind would have been lost,
Were vnse leue here van dy nicht geboren; if our beloved Lord had not been born of you.
Vmme vns armen wolde he mynsche werden: For the sake of us poor ones he desired to become human:
Dar to quam he vp erden for this he came to earth,
Nach der propheten sproke allermeyst, in perfect accordance with the prophet’s teachings,
Alse du suluen alderbest weyst. as you know well yourself.
He wolde den mynschen losen Because of his benevolence, he wanted to deliver
Vmme syne gude van der walt der bosen; mankind from the power of evil
Vnde ok vmme syne groten barmherticheyt and because of his great munificence
Heft he vordreuen vnse oͤlde leyt, he ended our old sorrow
Dat van vnsen ersten elderen quam, that was handed down to us by our first ancestors;
Alse vns de scrift secht, van Euen vnde van Adam. as scripture tells us, it came from Eve and Adam.
Dat he den dot ok gy gewan, Because he has died for this
Des scholen en louen sere vrowen vnde man. he shall be praised by women and men.
Reyne junckfrowe Maria, lat dyne klaghe! Pure Virgin Mary, end your lamentation!
He waͤrlik wyl vpstaͤn in deme drudden daghe: He will truly rise on the third day;
So schaltu en myt groten vrowden seen, thus you shall see him with joy greater
Meͤr den mynslik herte kan denken vnde gheen. than a human heart can think of or desire.
Dar an denke, o moder gute Think of this, o good mother,
Vnde ga myt my an myne hute! and go with me, in my care!
Du schalt wesen de leue moter myn, You shall be my dear mother;
Ik wyl dy alle tijd vnderdanich vnde horsam syn; I will be obedient and loyal to you for ever.
De junghere vnses heren scholen dat merken, The disciples of our Lord shall know it:
Dat ik dat bewysen wyl myt wyllen, myt worden vnde ok myt werken. I will prove it with my intention, words, and deeds.
Sancta Maria respondet voce lamcrimabili vltimo dicens St. Mary finally responds, speaking in a tearful voice:
Yohannes, myner leuen suster kynt, John, my dear sister’s child,
Wij altomale sere bedrouet synd, all of us are very sad,
Alse du wol west, vmme vnses leuen heren, mynes leuen kyndes doͤt. as you well know, because of our dear Lord’s and my dear child’s death.
Yk weyt dat wol, dat he desse marter grot I well know that he has suffer.
Gheleden heft vor alle de werld gemeyne. his torment for all the world
Hic vertit se ad filium Here she turns to her son:
O leue here Jhesu Criste, ik bevele my dy alleyne O dear Lord Jesus Christ, I commend myself to you alone
Vnde sunte Johanse, deme leuen junghere dyn; and to St. John, your dear disciple;
He mot nu vor dy myn kynt syn. he will now be my child in your place.
Van weynende vnde van suchtende kan ik nicht mer spreken, From wailing and from suffering I can no longer speak;
Myn arme herte wyl mydden entwey breken. my poor heart wants to break in half.
O Jhesu Criste, mynes herten allerleueste kynt, O Jesus Christ, dearest child of my heart,
Troste vns vnde alle, de nu vmme dy bedrouet synt! comfort us and everyone who is grieving for you!
Dyn hilge lydent mote vns syn to vromen, Your holy suffering might help us
Dat wij altomale moten in dat ewyge leuent komen! so that we, together, can gain eternal life
Johannes, leue truten sone myn, John, dear beloved son,
Ik wyl dy to allen tyden horsam vnde vnderdanich syn. I will be loyal and obedient to you forever.
Sanctus Johannes concludit post hoc planctum beate Marie virginis deuotissimum, dicens St John then concludes this very pious lamentation of the Blessed Virgin, saying:
O leuen vrundes, gij hebben gehort an dessem guden dage O dear friends, on this good day you have heard
Vnses heren lydent vnde vnser leuen vrowen klage! our Lord’s suffering and the lamentation of our dear lady!
Ere hilge lydent mote vns allen syn to vromen, Her holy suffering may help us all,
Dat wij altomale moten in dat ewyge leuent komen so that we may all gain eternal life
Vnde myt Marien mogen in deme hemmelryke and, together with Mary, we may behold in Heaven
Beschowen Jhesum Cristum vnsen leuen heren ewychlyken. our dear and eternal Lord Jesus Christ.
Dat vns dat altomale beschee, In order for that to happen for us all
So stat vp vnde gat sytten vppe juwe beyde knee, stand up and kneel down,
Spreket eyn pater noster myt ynnicheyt say the Lord’s prayer piously
Vnde ok aue Maria to juwer selen zalicheyt. and also an ave Maria for your salvation.
Ik bevele juw gode vnde sunte Marien. I commend you to God and St. Mary.
Dar mede wylle wij vnse klagent vortygen. With this we want to end our lamentations.
Post hoc vnusquisque ponit se ad genua cum omnibus circumstantibus deuote, et sanctus Johannes dicit collectam sequentem alta voce pro omnibus: Oremus! After this, everyone, together with all the bystanders, devoutly kneels, and in a loud voice, St. John recites the following offertory for everyone: Let us pray!
Interueniat pro nobis quesumus, domine Jhesu Criste, nunc et in hora mortis nostre apud tuam immensam clemenciam beatissima virgo Maria, cuius felicissimam animam in hora amare passionis tue gladius doloris pertransiuit! O Lord Jesus Christ, we beseech you that the blessed Virgin Mary, your mother, whose most holy soul was pierced by the sword of sorrow in the hour of your passion, may appeal for us to your clemency, now and at the hour of our death.
Critical note: Prayer taken from the Officium parvum de septem Doloribus B.V.M.
Coniunctim Together:
Beati Johannis apostoli tui et ewangeliste nos quesumus tibi votiua commendat oracio. cui moriens in cruce matrem virginem virgini commendasti. We beseech St. John, your apostle and our evangelist, to whom you, dying on the cross, have entrusted your mother, the virgin of virgins, Qui viuis et regnas cum deo patre in vnitate spiritus sancti, dues per omnia secula seculorum. to commit the offered prayer to you, who lives and reigns with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for all eternity.
Omnes dicunt All say:
Amen. Amen
Johannes ewangelista statim extendit manum suam et benedicens omnem populum cum eadem benedictione quam dicit sacerdos finito sermone. John the Evangelist immediately reaches out his hand and blesses all the people with the same benediction that the priest says at the end of a sermon.
Vltimo rector incipit psalmum "Tenebre face sunt", cum quo vadunt usque ad summum altare ordinate et deuote et simul omnes cantant vsque ad versum. Finally, the rector strikes up the psalm “Darkness fell,” to which all proceed in an orderly and devout manner to the high altar and sing together up until the verse. Quo finito omnes inclinant se ad gloriosissimum sacramentum humiliter. When this has ended, they all bow humbly to the glorious Sacrament. Post hoc vnusquisque vadit vias cum gratiarum actione. After this, everyone exits with displays of gratitude.
Nota: Quando exeunt primo, cantant psalmum sequens Note: When they first enter the stage, they sing the following psalm:
Circumdederunt me viri mendaces, sine causa flagellis ceciderunt me. Lying men surrounded me: without reason they beat me with whips;
Sed tu, domine defensor, vindica me! But you Lord, my defender, avenge me.
Dominus Jhesus solus cantat versum The Lord Jesus Christ alone sings the verse:
Quoniam tribulacio proxima est et non est, qui adiuvet. For tribulation is very near: for there is none to help me.
Quando intrant, cantant responsorium sequens When they exit the stage, they sing the following responsory:
Tenebre facte sunt, dum crucifixissent Jhesum Judei. Darkness fell when the Jews crucified Jesus
Et circa horam nonam exclamauit Jhesus voce magna: Deus meus, Deus meus, vt quid me dereliquisti? And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice:“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
Et inclinato capite tradidit spiritum. And he bowed his head and gave up the ghost.
Et sic est finis huius planctus. And this is the end of this lamentation.
Critical Notes
Line number 36
Critical note: The literal meaning of “entrade” is “guess correctly”.
Line number 68
Critical note: Literally: they threw off their foul spit
Line number 94
Critical note: Matthew 27:46
Line number 100
Critical note: “consummatum est”, John 19:30
Line number 177
Critical note: According to Lexer, “sabaoth” means king of kings.
Line number 570
Critical note: Jesus is both dead and speaking as if he is alive. This is typical for medieval depictions of the passion where Jesus regularly appears in death but points to his wounds as if he were alive.
Line number 581
Critical note: i.e. Jesus Christ.
Unnumbered line
Critical note: Prayer taken from the Officium parvum de septem Doloribus B.V.M.
Sorry, but there are no notes associated with any currently displayed witness.