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Click to printYan Shu 晏殊. "To the tune “Qingping Music”—"The gold wind"." Global Medieval Sourcebook.

Text based on Tang, Guizhang 唐圭璋 (ed.). Quan Song Ci 全宋詞. Vol 1. Beijing: Zhonghua shu ju, 1965, 92. .

清平樂 | To the tune “Qingping Music”

Source Information

清平樂 | To the tune “Qingping Music”

by Yan Shu 晏殊

Text Source:

Text based on Tang, Guizhang 唐圭璋 (ed.). Quan Song Ci 全宋詞. Vol 1. Beijing: Zhonghua shu ju, 1965, 92.

Responsibility Statement:
  • Text based on Tang, Guizhang 唐圭璋 (ed.). Quan Song Ci 全宋詞. Vol 1. Beijing: Zhonghua shu ju, 1965, 92.
  • Translation by Qian Jia
  • Notes by Nina Du and Runqi Zhang
  • Encoded in TEI P5 XML by Nina Du, Manya Bansal, and Danny Smith
Editorial Principles:

The original text of this ci is based on the edition by Tang Guizhang 唐圭璋 (Quan Song Ci 全宋詞. Vol 1. Beijing: Zhonghua shu ju, 1965). Punctuation follows the edition. Since ci poetry rarely includes personal pronouns, and gender-differentiated pronouns did not exist in Classical Chinese of this period, the gender of the speaker as well as their perspective (e.g. first, second or third person) must often be deduced by the translator from context.

Punctuation follows the edition.
Publication Details:

Published by The Global Medieval Sourcebook.

The Global Medieval Sourcebook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

清平樂 To the Tune “Qingping Music”
金風細細。 The golden wind
Critical note:

The autumn wind

is gentle and tender,
葉葉梧桐墜。 The leaves of the parasol tree fall one by one.
綠酒初嘗人易醉。 The first taste of the green wine
Critical note:

fine wine

easily makes one tipsy.
一枕小窗濃睡。 Lying by the window, I sleep soundly.
紫薇朱槿花殘。 The crepe-myrtle and hibiscus have withered,
斜陽卻照闌干。 But the slanting sun still shines on the railing.
雙燕欲歸時節, It is the time when swallows are about to depart in pairs;
銀屏昨夜微寒。 Last night it was slightly cold behind the silver screen
Critical note:

Refers to a protective screen that separates the girls’ room to the living room, where only men are allowed.

清平樂 To the Tune “Qingping Music”
金風細細。 The golden wind
Critical note:

The autumn wind

is gentle and tender,
葉葉梧桐墜。 The leaves of the parasol tree fall one by one.
綠酒初嘗人易醉。 The first taste of the green wine
Critical note:

fine wine

easily makes one tipsy.
一枕小窗濃睡。 Lying by the window, I sleep soundly.
紫薇朱槿花殘。 The crepe-myrtle and hibiscus have withered,
斜陽卻照闌干。 But the slanting sun still shines on the railing.
雙燕欲歸時節, It is the time when swallows are about to depart in pairs;
銀屏昨夜微寒。 Last night it was slightly cold behind the silver screen
Critical note:

Refers to a protective screen that separates the girls’ room to the living room, where only men are allowed.

Critical Notes
Line number 1
Critical note:

The autumn wind

Line number 3
Critical note:

fine wine

Line number 8
Critical note:

Refers to a protective screen that separates the girls’ room to the living room, where only men are allowed.

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