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Titlesort descending Author Period Language Genre
Noble prayer said when standing before kings, known by experience to be beneficial (God most high willing) | دعاء شريف يقال عند مقابلة الملوك نافع مجرب إن شاء الله تعالى Abū Nuʻaym al-Iṣbahānī [att.] 11th Century Arabic Devotional prose, Vita
Rabbinic Rites of the Suspected Adulteress (Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sotah, 7a-8b) | תלמוד בבלי מסכת סוטה דף ז ע׳׳א–דף ח ע׳׳ב Anonymous 7th Century Hebrew Law commentaries
"As I came from Campagna" | "Veniendo de la Campanna" Carvajal 15th Century Spanish Serranilla
"Between hill and valley deep" | "Zwischen perg und tieffe tal" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Between Sessa and Cintura" | "Entre Sesa et Cintura" Carvajal 15th Century Spanish Serranilla
"Dearest sight of my heart" | "Hertz liebstes pyld" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Everything's destined toward demise" | "كلُّ شيء مصيره للزوال" al-Ḥārith ibn ʿUbād 5th Century, 6th Century Arabic Elegies
"Farewell! It hurts" | "Ade mit layd" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Fortune grants me comfort and hope" | "Gelück mir trost und hoffnug geit" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Grace, honor and praise are her domain" | "Zucht er und lob ir wonet bey" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Help, our lady of Aachen!" | "Hilf fraw von Ach" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Let the days do as they please" | دع الأيام تفعل ما تشاء Muḥammad ibn Idrīs al-Shāfiʿī 8th Century, 9th Century Arabic Poetry
"My heart has made a pact with love" | "Mein hertz hat sich mit lieb verpflicht" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Now the depths of my heart" | "Yetz schaydens wee ist worden kund" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Oh, how it troubles me!" | "Ha, qu'il m'ennuie!" Fesneau/Agricola [att.] 15th Century French
"Our vicar is away" | "Unser pfarrer ist auf der pan" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Outside of Rome, crossing Marino" | "Partiendo de Roma, passando Marino" Carvajal 15th Century Spanish Serranilla
"The trust that I have in you" | "La fiance que j'ay en vous" Anonymous 15th Century French Songs
"Traveling through Tuscany" | "Passando por la Toscana" Carvajal 15th Century Spanish Serranilla
"Two or three days ago" | "Depuis deux ou trois jours enca" Anonymous 15th Century French
"Underneath my forehead I carry your beautiful image" | "Jus lo front port vostra bella semblança" Jordi di Sant Jordi 15th Century Catalan Lyric poetry
"Walking out of an olive grove" | "Saliendo de un oliuar" Carvajal 15th Century Spanish Serranilla
"Wandering lost, it was already night" | "Andando perdido, de noche ya era" Carvajal 15th Century Spanish Serranilla
"Whoever repays loyalty with falsehood" | "Wer trew mit valsch vergelten wil" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Your friend contests whomever you contest" | "صديقك من يعادي من تعادي" Muḥammad ibn Idrīs al-Shāfiʿī 8th Century, 9th Century Arabic Poetry
A Brief Treatise of Doctrine Useful for Every Christian | Breve tratado de doctrina útil para todo cristiano Juan Perez de Piñeda 16th Century Spanish Devotional literature
A Monstrous Courtship | قطعه‌ای از بهمن‌نامه‌ی ایرانشاه بن ابی الخیر Hakim Irānshāh ebn-e Abi-l-Khayr 11th Century, 12th Century Persian Epic poetry
An account of how the Cypriots gained victory over Alexandria | ذكر كيفية ظفر القبرسي بالإسكندرية Muhammad ibn Qāsim ibn Muhammad al-Nuwayrī al-Iskandarāniyy 14th Century Arabic Annals and chronicles
An Explanation of Divination Through the Apostles | Sortes apostolite ad explanandum Anonymous 13th Century Latin Handbooks and manuals
Chen Wangyou’s Daughter-in-Law | 陳王猷子妇 Hong Mai 洪邁 12th Century Chinese Local histories
Chronicle of King Peter I [Prologue] | Chronica del Rey D. Pedro [Prologo] Fernão Lopez 15th Century Portuguese Annals and chronicles
Chronicle [Prologue] | Cronica [vorrede] Jakob Twinger von Königshofen 14th Century German Annals and chronicles, Local histories
Concerning Fire and Water | De igne et aqua Nicolaus Pergamenus [att.] 14th Century Latin Dialogues
Concerning Life and Death | De vita et morte Nicolaus Pergamenus [att.] 14th Century Latin Dialogues
Concerning Man and Woman | De homine et muliere Nicolaus Pergamenus [att.] 14th Century Latin Dialogues
Concerning Precious Topaz | De topasio pretioso Nicolaus Pergamenus [att.] 14th Century Latin Dialogues
Concerning Saturn and the Cloud | De Saturno et nube Nicolaus Pergamenus [att.] 14th Century Latin Dialogues
Concerning the Leopard and the Unicorn Who Fought the Dragon | De leopardo et unicorni Nicolaus Pergamenus [att.] 14th Century Latin Dialogues
Concerning the Sun and the Moon | De sole et luna Nicolaus Pergamenus [att.] 14th Century Latin Dialogues
Concerning the Wicked Woman | De Muliere Mala Petrus Pictor 11th Century, 12th Century Latin Didactic poetry
Conclusion | Conclusio Poggio Bracciolini 15th Century Latin Humor
Copy of the riddle that was said to have been found in the temple of Saturn written on a golden tablet | نسخة اللغز الذي قيل انها وجدت في هيكل زحل مكتوبة في لوح ذهب Anonymous, Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq [att.] 9th Century, 10th Century, 11th Century Arabic Riddles
Filbert's Vision | La visión de Filiberto Anonymous 14th Century Spanish Dialogues
From the 1st Book of Love. Poem 979. | 戀歌一、979 Eifuku Mon'in 永福門院 14th Century Japanese Tanka
From the 2nd Book of Love. Poem 1077. | 戀歌二、1077 Eifuku Mon'in 永福門院 14th Century Japanese Tanka
From the 5th Book of Love. Poem 1384. | 戀歌五、1384 Eifuku Mon'in 永福門院 14th Century Japanese Tanka
From the 5th Book of Love. Poem 1388. | 戀歌五、1388 Eifuku Mon'in 永福門院 14th Century Japanese Tanka
How Sir John of Acre, butler of France, who was on guard, was deceived by some Saracens who requested baptism | Comment mesire Jehan d'Acre, bouteillier de France qui faisait le guet fu deceus d'aucuns Sarrazins qui requéraient le baptesme Guillaume de Nangis 13th Century, 14th Century French Annals and chronicles
In Honor of St. Augustine | Hymnus in honorem Sancti Augustini Adam of St. Victor [att.] 12th Century Latin Devotional literature
In Honor of the Holy Cross | In honorem sanctae crucis Rabanus Maurus 9th Century Latin Devotional poetry
