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Title Author Period Languagesort descending Genre
Joke 81: The debate between a Florentine and a Venetian | Facetia LXXXI: Disceptatio Inter Florentinum Et Venetum Poggio Bracciolini 15th Century Latin Humor
Joke 82: Antonio Loschi’s analogy | Facetia LXXXII: Comparatio Antonii Lusci Poggio Bracciolini 15th Century Latin Humor
Joke 114: About the prostitute who complained about the barber’s evil deed | Facetia CXIV: De Meretrice Conquerente De Tonsoris Maleficio Poggio Bracciolini 15th Century Latin Humor
Joke 121: The Brilliant Dante's Joke | Facetia CXXI: Iocatio Dantis clarissimi Poggio Bracciolini 15th Century Latin Humor
Joke 273: The obscene comparison of the teeth that threatened to fall out | Facetia CCLXXIII: De dentibus casum minantibus similitudo obscena Poggio Bracciolini 15th Century Latin Humor
Regarding blessed Haseka, virgin recluse in Westphalia | De B. Haseka, virgine reclusa in Westphalia Hermann Greven 15th Century Latin Biographies
Marston Childbirth Prayer | "Omnipotens sempiterne Deus" Anonymous 14th Century Latin Devotional literature
Junius Childbirth Charm | "Maria virgo peperit Christum" Anonymous 11th Century Latin Devotional literature
In Honor of St. Augustine | Hymnus in honorem Sancti Augustini Adam of St. Victor [att.] 12th Century Latin Devotional literature
Copy of the riddle that was said to have been found in the temple of Saturn written on a golden tablet | نسخة اللغز الذي قيل انها وجدت في هيكل زحل مكتوبة في لوح ذهب Anonymous, Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq [att.] 9th Century, 10th Century, 11th Century Arabic Riddles
"Let the days do as they please" | دع الأيام تفعل ما تشاء Muḥammad ibn Idrīs al-Shāfiʿī 8th Century, 9th Century Arabic Poetry
Noble prayer said when standing before kings, known by experience to be beneficial (God most high willing) | دعاء شريف يقال عند مقابلة الملوك نافع مجرب إن شاء الله تعالى Abū Nuʻaym al-Iṣbahānī [att.] 11th Century Arabic Devotional prose, Vita
“Were it not that poesy tarnished scholars” | ولو لا الشعر بالعلماء يزري Muḥammad ibn Idrīs al-Shāfiʿī 8th Century, 9th Century Arabic Poetry
"Your friend contests whomever you contest" | "صديقك من يعادي من تعادي" Muḥammad ibn Idrīs al-Shāfiʿī 8th Century, 9th Century Arabic Poetry
An account of how the Cypriots gained victory over Alexandria | ذكر كيفية ظفر القبرسي بالإسكندرية Muhammad ibn Qāsim ibn Muhammad al-Nuwayrī al-Iskandarāniyy 14th Century Arabic Annals and chronicles
"Everything's destined toward demise" | "كلُّ شيء مصيره للزوال" al-Ḥārith ibn ʿUbād 5th Century, 6th Century Arabic Elegies
“Can you make out twilight’s ruins?” | “هل عرفت الغداة من أطلال” al-Muhalhil 5th Century, 6th Century Arabic Elegies
“Just as the elephant” | “Atressi cum l'orifans” Rigaut de Berbezilh 12th Century Occitan Songs
Chronicle of King Peter I [Prologue] | Chronica del Rey D. Pedro [Prologo] Fernão Lopez 15th Century Portuguese Annals and chronicles
The Gosling | Daz Genselin Anonymous 13th Century German Narrative poetry
The Wino | Der Weinschwelg Der Stricker 13th Century German Narrative poetry
Sermon on the Coming of the Lord | sermo de adventu domini Meister Eckhart 13th Century German Devotional prose
The Trojan War | Der Trojanerkrieg Anonymous 15th Century German Narrative poetry
The Lay of Ludwig | Das Ludwigslied Anonymous 9th Century German History, Narrative poetry
The Wessobrunn Prayer | Das Wessobrunner Gebet Anonymous 9th Century German Devotional literature, Devotional poetry
"Between hill and valley deep" | "Zwischen perg und tieffe tal" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
The Song of Heinrich | De Heinrico Anonymous 9th Century German Narrative poetry
"Help, our lady of Aachen!" | "Hilf fraw von Ach" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Fortune grants me comfort and hope" | "Gelück mir trost und hoffnug geit" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Farewell! It hurts" | "Ade mit layd" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"My heart has made a pact with love" | "Mein hertz hat sich mit lieb verpflicht" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
The Song of Peter | Petruslied Anonymous 9th Century German Devotional literature, Devotional poetry, Laudatory poetry, Songs
The Bordesholm Virgin Mary's Lament | Die Bordesholmer Marienklage Anonymous 15th Century German Play
The Song of Gutenberg | Gutenberglied Hans Folz 15th Century German Didactic poetry
Chronicle [Prologue] | Cronica [vorrede] Jakob Twinger von Königshofen 14th Century German Annals and chronicles, Local histories
"Now the depths of my heart" | "Yetz schaydens wee ist worden kund" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Dearest sight of my heart" | "Hertz liebstes pyld" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Grace, honor and praise are her domain" | "Zucht er und lob ir wonet bey" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Our vicar is away" | "Unser pfarrer ist auf der pan" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
"Whoever repays loyalty with falsehood" | "Wer trew mit valsch vergelten wil" Erhard Oeglin 16th Century German Lyric poetry, Songs
The Queen of France | Die Königin von Frankreich von Schondoch 15th Century German Narrative poetry
The Sultan's Daughter in the Flower Garden | Die Sultanstochter im Blumengarten Anonymous 14th Century German Devotional literature, Epic poetry, Exempla
The Two Confessions | Dÿ zwu peicht Anonymous 15th Century German Fabliaux
Of the names of the Prussian false gods | Vonn dem namen der Preuschen abgöttir Simon Grunau 16th Century German Annals and chronicles, History
Vorau Plaint of Sin | Vorauer Sündenklage Anonymous 12th Century German Devotional poetry
Muspilli | Muspilli Anonymous 9th Century German Narrative poetry
Filbert's Vision | La visión de Filiberto Anonymous 14th Century Spanish Dialogues
A Brief Treatise of Doctrine Useful for Every Christian | Breve tratado de doctrina útil para todo cristiano Juan Perez de Piñeda 16th Century Spanish Devotional literature
"Wandering lost, it was already night" | "Andando perdido, de noche ya era" Carvajal 15th Century Spanish Serranilla
"Between Sessa and Cintura" | "Entre Sesa et Cintura" Carvajal 15th Century Spanish Serranilla
